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受农户生计方式多元化和城市文化的影响,农村居民点内部用地分工更为明显且呈多功能性,探讨农村居民点用地的多功能性及农户个体利用的差异性特征,既利于客观测算农村居民点用地资产价值,又能为合理设计农民新居内部构型提供理论基础。研究以重庆市江津区燕坝村1 923处农村居民点用地为研究对象,在农村居民点用地的多功能性划分基础上构建多功能评价指标体系,测算农村居民点用地的优势功能,进而辨析不同生计类型农户的农村居民点用地优势功能差异性。其结果为:按照二级分类体系,农村居民点用地可划分为居住用地、农业生产用地、非农生产用地、附属用地4个1级地类,堂屋用地、圈舍养殖用地、院落用地等11个2级地类;不同生计类型农户的农村居民点用地优势功能差异明显,农业专业化发展型农户以农业生产功能为主导(优势度达1.987 8),而兼业发展型农户优势功能不明显,具均衡性;农业多样化发展型农户、非农多样化发展型农户、非农专业化发展型农户分别以服务功能(优势度1.873 0)、居住功能(优势度1.569 2)、非农生产功能(优势度2.387 9)为主导。农户生计方式与农村居民点用地优势功能是相适应的,农民新居建设应根据不同生计类型农户的生计方式设计不同的农村居民点用地组合模式。  相似文献   
木薯收获机土薯抖动分离装置性能仿真及试验   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
为了考察木薯收获机块根拔起时弹簧式土薯抖动分离装置的土薯分离机理和因素对分离性能的影响规律,优化性能影响因素,进行弹簧式土薯抖动分离装置动力学仿真试验.采用光滑粒子流体动力学和有限元的耦合方法及二次回归通用旋转设计方法,构建土壤-木薯-抖动分离装置系统的动力学仿真模型和影响土薯分离性能的回归数学模型,研究了木薯块根拔起时土薯抖动的分离机理及各影响因素对土薯分离性能的影响规律,同时,采用MATLAB优化工具箱中的fmincon函数,对性能影响因素进行了优化.结果表明,因素的优组合为:长孔长度2.68 cm、弹簧刚度20.04 kN/cm、弹簧预紧力335.2 N,相应的干净度为0.778,碰撞力为320 N,试验验证的干净度为0.698,与理论结果的相对误差较小,约为10%,理论结果与验证结果较一致,表明建立的回归数学模型及优化结果合理.研究结果可为土薯分离质量高的挖拔式木薯收获机弹簧式土薯抖动分离装置的设计提供参考.  相似文献   
针对我国南水北调东线过水区南四湖富营养化问题,利用沿湖流域典型种植模式——小麦-玉米轮作体系,选择材料易获取的几种施肥措施,采用田间原位安装淋溶水采集器和地表水径流池收集水样,室内分析不同处理防控氮磷养分流失的效果。结果表明:各施肥措施在作物不同茬口均能降低氮磷养分的随水流失,不同模式防控养分流失效果有差异;氮径流损失中,硝态氮占主要比例,玉米季和小麦季分别为82.7%~86.4%和94.2%~96.5%,而淋溶途径中硝态氮比例略有下降;径流为氮损失的主要途径,玉米茬口氮损失比例占轮作周年的67.0%~71.4%;磷径流损失中可溶性磷和颗粒磷比例相当,而淋溶磷以可溶性磷为主;淋溶途径损失的磷养分比例稍高,仍以玉米茬口总磷损失为主,占54.4%~63.1%;防控氮磷流失结合周年作物产量,玉米上使用减量控释氮肥或优化施肥配合秸秆还田、小麦上优化施肥或使用减量控释氮肥是相对理想的养分运筹搭配模式。  相似文献   
小叶锦鸡儿灌丛化对退化沙质草地土壤孔隙特征的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李宗超  胡霞 《土壤学报》2015,52(1):242-248
以内蒙古太卜寺旗地区退化沙质草地为研究对象,对该地区的小叶锦鸡儿灌丛化草地中的灌丛斑块和草地斑块分别取原状土柱各三个进行CT扫描,利用Fiji软件分析土壤孔隙结构特征的差异。研究结果表明,小叶锦鸡儿灌丛化对土壤的孔隙结构有较大影响,灌丛斑块土壤的总孔隙数、大孔隙数、总孔隙度、大孔隙度和孔隙等效直径均大于草地斑块土壤,灌丛斑块土壤的平均大孔隙度是草地斑块土壤的3倍。草地斑块土壤的大孔隙主要分布在0~50 mm土层深度,而灌丛斑块土壤的大孔隙在0~400 mm深度都有分布,这与土壤中灌丛的丰富根系分布有关。  相似文献   
稻麦联合收获开沟埋草多功能一体机行走及脱粒性能改进   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
针对自行研制的稻麦联合收获开沟埋草多功能一体机所存在的行走直线稳定性差、脱粒质量较低等问题。依据横向轴流式滚筒对稻麦秸秆的传递导流作用和二次复脱的原则,通过增设辅助滚筒的方法既改变出草口位置使开沟总成中移,消除整机偏向力,又延长秸秆在滚筒内的作用时间,提高谷物脱粒质量。其中:辅助滚筒总长为855 mm,导流角为18°,滚筒直径为452 mm,转速为1 350 r/min。性能测试表明:改进后自研一体机在0.27、0.58、0.85 m/s 3种不同工况下行走偏移度分别降低了93.9%、94.4%、93.3%,行走直线稳定性显著提高;小麦和水稻总损失率分别降低20.9%和11.8%,含杂率分别降低45.7%和21.4%。尽管水稻破碎率增加了7.4%,但脱粒的综合质量有较大提高。该研究增进了多功能一体机的适用性,为稻麦秸秆机械化集沟还田提供了参考。  相似文献   
中国农业工程建设标准体系构架研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
农业工程是现代农业的重要内容之一,农业工程建设标准是贯彻落实农业工程建设目标的技术手段,农业工程建设标准体系是农业工程建设和标准制修订以及农业工程建设标准化的纲领性文件。该文在分析中国标准体系和工程建设标准体系研究的基础上,首次提出了中国农业工程建设标准体系构架,认为农业工程建设标准体系的构成应遵循统筹兼顾、逐项突破等原则,涵盖农田基础设施建设工程、农产品生产能力建设工程和农业生产辅助设施建设工程。农业工程建设标准体系构架可用层次结构和三维坐标来表示,从而为指导农业工程标准化建设提供依据。  相似文献   
Most of previous programming methods for air-quality management merely considered single pollutant from point sources. However, air pollution control is characterized by multiple pollutants from various sources. Meanwhile, uncertain information in the decision-making process cannot be neglected in the real-world cases. Thus, an inexact multistage stochastic programming model with joint chance constraints based on the air quality index (air-quality management model with joint chance constraints (AQM-JCC)) is developed for controlling multiple pollutants deriving from point and mobile sources and applied to a regional air-quality management system. In the model, integrated air quality associated with the joint probability existing in terms of environmental constraints is evaluated; uncertainties expressed as probability distributions and interval values are addressed; risks of violating the overall air-quality target under joint chance constraints are examined; and dynamics of system uncertainties and decision processes under a complete set of scenarios within a multistage context are reflected. The results indicate that useful solutions for air quality management practices in sequential stochastic decision environments have been generated, which can help decision makers to identify cost-effective control strategies for overall air quality improvement under uncertainties.  相似文献   
Emissions of methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2), and nitrous oxide (N2O) from a forested watershed (160 ha) in South Carolina, USA, were estimated with a spatially explicit watershed-scale modeling framework that utilizes the spatial variations in physical and biogeochemical characteristics across watersheds. The target watershed (WS80) consisting of wetland (23%) and upland (77%) was divided into 675 grid cells, and each of the cells had unique combination of vegetation, hydrology, soil properties, and topography. Driven by local climate, topography, soil, and vegetation conditions, MIKE SHE was used to generate daily flows as well as water table depth for each grid cell across the watershed. Forest-DNDC was then run for each cell to calculate its biogeochemistry including daily fluxes of the three greenhouse gases (GHGs). The simulated daily average CH4, CO2 and N2O flux from the watershed were 17.9 mg C, 1.3 g C and 0.7 mg N m−2, respectively, during the period from 2003–2007. The average contributions of the wetlands to the CH4, CO2 and N2O emissions were about 95%, 20% and 18%, respectively. The spatial and temporal variation in the modeled CH4, CO2 and N2O fluxes were large, and closely related to hydrological conditions. To understand the impact of spatial heterogeneity in physical and biogeochemical characteristics of the target watershed on GHG emissions, we used Forest-DNDC in a coarse mode (field scale), in which the entire watershed was set as a single simulated unit, where all hydrological, biogeochemical, and biophysical conditions were considered uniform. The results from the field-scale model differed from those modeled with the watershed-scale model which considered the spatial differences in physical and biogeochemical characteristics of the catchment. This contrast demonstrates that the spatially averaged topographic or biophysical conditions which are inherent with field-scale simulations could mask “hot spots” or small source areas with inherently high GHGs flux rates. The spatial resolution in conjunction with coupled hydrological and biogeochemical models could play a crucial role in reducing uncertainty of modeled GHG emissions from wetland-involved watersheds.  相似文献   


Soil contamination by multiple organic and inorganic contaminants is common but its remediation by hyperaccumulator plants is rarely reported. The growth of a cadmium (Cd) hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii and removal of contaminants from Cd and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) co-contaminated soil were reported in this study.  相似文献   
Using fish serum albumin (FSA) as the model protein, molecular fluorescence spectrometry and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) were applied to study the effect of protein on the extraction of fluoroquinolone (FQ) residues in fish meat. There was a strong interaction between FQs and protein through hydrogen bonds, which could be broken as protein degenerated with 60-100% (v/v) acetonitrile acid solution, and FQs bound with protein were released in various degrees. On the basis of the results, a novel sample preparation procedure loosely based on QuEChERS (Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged, and Safe) methodology was developed for the determination of FQ residues in fish muscle samples, using 90% (v/v) acetonitrile acid solution as the extractant, combined with a dispersive solid-phase extraction (DSPE) cleanup step. Mean recoveries of four FQs from spiked samples at a concentration range of 50-200 ng g(-1) were 73.3-95.9% with relative standard deviations (RSD) lower than 10.7%.  相似文献   
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