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Over the years, a series of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) clones differing in O3 sensitivity have been identified from OTC studies. Three clones (216 and 271[(O3 tolerant] and 259 [O3 sensitive]) have been characterized for O3 sensitivity by growth and biomass responses, foliar symptoms, gas exchange, chlorophyll content, epicuticular wax characteristics, and antioxidant production. In this study we compared the responses of these same clones exposed to O3 under field conditions along a natural O3 gradient and in a Free-Air CO2 and O3 Enrichment (FACE) facility. In addition, we examined how elevated CO2 affected O3 symptom development. Visible O3 symptoms were consistently seen (5 out of 6 years) at two of the three sites along the O3 gradient and where daily one-hour maximum concentrations were in the range of 96 to 125 ppb. Clonal differences in O3 sensitivity were consistent with our OTC rankings. Elevated CO2 (200 ppm over ambient and applied during daylight hours during the growing season) reduced visible foliar symptoms for all three clones from 31 to 96% as determined by symptom development in elevated O3 versus elevated O3 + CO2 treatments. Degradation of the epicuticular wax surface of all three clones was found at the two elevated O3 gradient sites. This degradation was quantified by a coefficient of occlusion which was a measure of stomatal occlusion by epicuticular waxes. Statistically significant increases in stomatal occlusion compared to controls were found for all three clones and for all treatments including elevated CO2, elevated O3, and elevated CO2 + O3. Our results provide additional evidence that current ambient O3 levels in the Great Lakes region are causing adverse effects on trembling aspen. Whether or not elevated CO2 in the future will alleviate some of these adverse effects, as occurred with visible symptoms but not with epicuticular wax degradation, is unknown.  相似文献   
The archaeological site of Quebrada Tacahuay, Peru, dates to 12,700 to 12,500 calibrated years before the present (10,770 to 10,530 carbon-14 years before the present). It contains some of the oldest evidence of maritime-based economic activity in the New World. Recovered materials include a hearth, lithic cutting tools and flakes, and abundant processed marine fauna, primarily seabirds and fish. Sediments below and above the occupation layer were probably generated by El Nino events, indicating that El Nino was active during the Pleistocene as well as during the early and middle Holocene.  相似文献   
Paper birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.) and three trembling aspen clones (Populus tremuloides Michx.) were studied to determine if alterations in carbon gain in response to an elevated concentration of CO(2) ([CO(2)]) or O(3) ([O(3)]) or a combination of both affected bud size and carbohydrate composition in autumn, and early leaf development in the following spring. The trees were measured for gas exchange, leaf size, date of leaf abscission, size and biochemical characteristics of the overwintering buds and early leaf development during the 8th-9th year of free-air CO(2) and O(3) exposure at the Aspen FACE site located near Rhinelander, WI. Net photosynthesis was enhanced 49-73% by elevated [CO(2)], and decreased 13-30% by elevated [O(3)]. Elevated [CO(2)] delayed, and elevated [O(3)] tended to accelerate, leaf abscission in autumn. Elevated [CO(2)] increased the ratio of monosaccharides to di- and oligosaccharides in aspen buds, which may indicate a lag in cold acclimation. The total carbon concentration in overwintering buds was unaffected by the treatments, although elevated [O(3)] decreased the amount of starch by 16% in birch buds, and reduced the size of aspen buds, which may be related to the delayed leaf development in aspen during the spring. Elevated [CO(2)] generally ameliorated the effects of elevated [O(3)]. Our results show that both elevated [CO(2)] and elevated [O(3)] have the potential to alter carbon metabolism of overwintering buds. These changes may cause carry-over effects during the next growing season.  相似文献   
Elevated concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide ([CO2]) and tropospheric ozone ([O3]) have the potential to affect tree physiology and structure and hence forest water use, which has implications for climate feedbacks. We investigated how a 40% increase above ambient values in [CO2] and [O3], alone and in combination, affect tree water use of pure aspen and mixed aspen-birch forests in the free air CO2-O3 enrichment experiment near Rhinelander, Wisconsin (Aspen FACE). Measurements of sap flux and canopy leaf area index (L) were made during two growing seasons, when steady-state L had been reached after more than 6 years of exposure to elevated [CO2] and [O3]. Maximum stand-level sap flux was not significantly affected by elevated [O3], but was increased by 18% by elevated [CO2] averaged across years, communities and O(3) regimes. Treatment effects were similar in pure aspen and mixed aspen-birch communities. Increased tree water use in response to elevated [CO2] was related to positive CO2 treatment effects on tree size and L (+40%). Tree water use was not reduced by elevated [O3] despite strong negative O3 treatment effects on tree size and L (-22%). Elevated [O3] predisposed pure aspen stands to drought-induced sap flux reductions, whereas increased tree water use in response to elevated [CO2] did not result in lower soil water content in the upper soil or decreasing sap flux relative to control values during dry periods. Maintenance of soil water content in the upper soil in the elevated [CO2] treatment was at least partly a function of enhanced soil water-holding capacity, probably a result of increased organic matter content from increased litter inputs. Our findings that larger trees growing in elevated [CO2] used more water and that tree size, but not maximal water use, was negatively affected by elevated [O3] suggest that the long-term cumulative effects on stand structure may be more important than the expected primary stomatal closure responses to elevated [CO2] and [O3] in determining stand-level water use under possible future atmospheric conditions.  相似文献   
在分析时态数据库的研究与应用现状基础上,针对森林资源数据特点,在对象—关系Oracle数据库上,扩展基本数据类型和函数集,实现森林资源时空数据的有效储存,对森林资源数据的现状及变化等基本信息进行空间拓扑、时态拓扑和时空拓扑操作,提供完善的时序分析功能,高效地回答与时间相关的各类问题,准确地描述森林资源信息,完整地反映森林资源演变过程,为森林资源数据管理提供服务,对森林资源数据库的建设提供新的思路和方法。  相似文献   
Objective To compare arterial blood pressure measurements obtained from the femoral and auricular arteries in anaesthetized pigs. Study design Prospective experimental study. Animals Fifteen female Large White pigs were used weighing 21.3 ± 2.3 kg. Methods The pigs were anaesthetized with tiletamine/zolazepam and xylazine administered intramuscularly, and anaesthesia maintained with isoflurane delivered in oxygen/nitrogen. Arterial oxygen partial pressures were maintained between 11.3 and 13.3 kPa and PaCO2 between 4.6 and 6.0 kPa. Monitoring included electrocardiogram, capnography and invasive blood pressure. The auricular and femoral arteries were catheterized for continuous systolic (SAP), diastolic (DAP) and mean arterial pressure (MAP) measurements. Measurements were recorded every 15 minutes. Statistical analysis involved a Bland–Altman plot analysis. Results The mean difference ± confidence intervals between the femoral and the auricular arterial diastolic, systolic and mean blood pressure measurements during hypotension were 2 ± 7, 2 ± 5 and 2 ± 5 mmHg respectively. In conditions of normotension mean difference ± confidence intervals, of femoral and auricular arterial blood pressure measurements of diastolic, systolic and mean blood pressure were 4 ± 5, 3 ± 7 and 4 ± 4 mmHg respectively. In conditions of increased arterial blood pressure, mean difference ± confidence intervals, of femoral and auricular arterial blood pressure measurements of diastolic, systolic and mean blood pressure were 4 ± 5, 3 ± 8 and 4 ± 4 mmHg respectively. Conclusion Auricular artery catheterization is easier and quicker to perform. Pressure measurements from the auricular artery compared well with the femoral artery. Clinical relevance We found that auricular arterial blood pressures were similar to femoral arterial values under the conditions of this experiment. We did not test extremes of blood pressure or significant alterations in body temperature.  相似文献   
Some of the highest genetic merit sires have been shown to harbour recessive mutations affecting fertility, which may spread rapidly in the population through AI. These disorders may result in abortion and decline in pregnancy per insemination in cows. This study was carried out on 240 Holstein‐Friesian cows and 15 mummified foetuses. Blood and tissue samples were collected from the cows and mummified foetuses, respectively, for DNA extraction. Allele‐specific PCR was designed for the detection of the cows and foetuses carrying the nonsense mutation (C/T) in apoptosis peptide activating factor 1 gene (APAF1). The mutant allele frequency of the APAF1 in carrier cows and mummified foetuses was calculated. Milk samples were taken from the carrier and non‐carrier cows for progesterone assay. The allele‐specific PCR reaction efficiently distinguished the C/T mutation in APAF1. Of 240 cows, seven cows (2.9%) were diagnosed to carry one copy of the mutant allele of APAF1. However, the carrier frequency was 33.3% in mummified foetuses (five of 15). The mutant allele frequency was 0.02 and 0.17 in the cows and mummified foetuses, respectively. Concentrations of progesterone did not differ between cows with APAF1 mutation and non‐carrier cows during 45 days post‐insemination. This study provided allele‐specific PCR for the detection of APAF1 mutation in cows. Moreover, it reports the carrier and mutant allele frequencies of APAF1 in dairy cows and mummified foetuses in Japan.  相似文献   
The association of owner-diagnosed calfhood diseases with the length of herd life after calving was evaluated using data collected prospectively over a ten-year period in 25 New York Holstein dairy herds. Herds selected for the study were milking between 35 and 200 Holstein cows, used dairy herd improvement records, bred cows by artificial insemination unless they needed three or more services, and had regularly-scheduled herd health visits by clinicians from the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine. Owners recorded occurrences of dullness, respiratory disease, and scours from birth through 90 days of age for all heifer calves that lived at least 24 h and were to be kept as replacements. Milking herd life was measured as the difference between the age at first calving and the age at death or sale. Data on cows sold when the herd went out of business or still in the herd at the end of the study were censored observations. Cox's proportional hazards model was used for statistical analysis of the data. Controlling for age at first calving, study month of birth, and sire predicted difference for milk, there was no statistically significant association of calfhood morbidity with length of herd life. The estimated hazard rate ratios for leaving the milking herd and 95% confidence intervals for dullness, respiratory disease, and scours within 90 days of birth were 1.3 (0.9, 1.9), 0.9 (0.6, 1.3), and 1.0 (0.8, 1.3), respectively. Dullness was the only disease category with an estimated hazard rate ratio greater than 1, and although it was not statistically significant, may warrant evaluation in future studies of long term effects of calfhood morbidity.  相似文献   
Objective To develop a method for identifying DNA of Aspergillus fumigatus from ostriches, using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). A fumigatus is the principal causative agent of avian aspergillosis.
Design A biochemical trial.
Sample population Twelve Aspergillus fumigatus isolates and three other Aspergillus species.
Procedure PCR primers that were based on the sequence of the alkaline protease gene from human isolates of A fumigatus were used.
Results We successfully tested the method on ostrich isolates from five states and showed that the test is specific for A fumigatus.
Conclusions In most cases the DNA sequence of A fumigatus isolates from ostriches is similar to that of human isolates. DNA sequences vary significantly among A fumigatus isolates, including those from affected ostriches in the same flock. The genetic variation may be used to trace aspergillus infections in ostrich flocks and determine if the disease is transmitted by contact with infected birds.  相似文献   
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