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A spreadsheet model was developed and used to estimate the total cost of immunising cattle against East Coast fever (ECF) based on the infection-and-treatment method. Using data from an immunisation trial carried out on 102 calves and yearlings on 64 farms in the Githunguri division, Kiambu district, Kenya, a reference base scenario of a mean herd of five animals, a 10% rate of reaction to immunisation and a 2-day interval monitoring regimen (a total of 10 farm visits) was simulated. Under these conditions, the mean cost of immunisation per animal was US$16.48 (Ksh 955.78); this was equivalent to US$82.39 (Ksh 4778.90) per five-animal farm. A commonly reported reactor rate of 3% would decrease the cost to US$14.63 (Ksh 848.29) per animal. Reducing the number of farm monitoring visits from 10 to 7 would reduce the total cost by 10%, justified if farmers are trained to undertake some of the monitoring work. The fixed costs were 53% of the total cost of immunisation per farm. The cost of immunisation decreased with increasing number of animals per farm, showing economies of scale.  相似文献   
Over 70% of Kenya’s wildlife resources occur outside protected areas, in areas where land use practices do not necessarily conform to wildlife conservation standards. Ensuring that land use practices in these areas accommodate wildlife conservation is vital in effectively conserving wildlife in this country. Tindress Farm in Rift Valley offers a good example of a place where economic activities and wildlife conservation can work harmoniously. The farm has set up a 320-ha wildlife sanctuary in the hilly parts of the property to provide a haven for wildlife displaced by human settlements in the surrounding environs. The Tindress Farm management needed to know the diversity and optimum number of wildlife species that the sanctuary could accommodate. This study set out to 1) outline a set of models for objectively calculating wildlife stocking levels and 2) demonstrate the practical use of these models in estimating optimum stocking levels for a specific wildlife sanctuary. After comparing models using forage inventory methods models and utilization-based methods (UM), we opted to use UM models because of their focus on ecological energetics. This study established that the range condition in Tindress Wildlife Sanctuary varied from poor to good (29–69%) and recommended a total stocking density of 158.9 grazer units and 201.4 browser units shared out by the various herbivore species. These estimates remain a best-case scenario. The effects of rainfall, range condition, and condition of the animals should be monitored continuously to allow for adjustments through active adaptive management.  相似文献   
Meloidogyne species pose a significant threat to crop production in Africa due to the losses they cause in a wide range of agricultural crops. The direct and indirect damage caused by various Meloidogyne species results in delayed maturity, toppling, reduced yields and quality of crop produce, high costs of production and therefore loss of income. In addition, emergence of resistance‐breaking Meloidogyne species has partly rendered various pest management programmes already in place ineffective, therefore putting food security of the continent at risk. It is likely that more losses may be experienced in the future due to the on‐going withdrawal of nematicides. To adequately address the threat of Meloidogyne species in Africa, an accurate assessment and understanding of the species present, genetic diversity, population structure, parasitism mechanisms and how each of these factors contribute to the overall threat posed by Meloidogyne species is important. Thus, the ability to accurately characterize and identify Meloidogyne species is crucial if the threat of Meloidogyne species to crop production in Africa is to be effectively tackled. This review discusses the use of traditional versus molecular‐based identification methods of Meloidogyne species and how accurate identification using a polyphasic approach can negate the eminent threat of root knot nematodes in crop production. The potential threat to Africa posed by highly damaging and resistance‐breaking populations of ‘emerging’ Meloidogyne species is also examined.  相似文献   
Genetic and phenotypic parameters were estimated for lamb growth traits for the Dorper sheep in semi-arid Kenya using an animal model. Data on lamb growth performance were extracted from available performance records at the Sheep and Goats Station in Naivasha, Kenya. Growth traits considered were body weights at birth (BW0, kg), at 1 month (BW1, kg), at 2 months (BW2, kg), at weaning (WW, kg), at 6 months (BW6, kg), at 9 months (BW9, kg) and at yearling (YW, kg), average daily gain from birth to 6 months (ADG0–6, gm) and from 6 months to 1 year (ADG6–12, gm). Direct heritability estimates were, correspondingly, 0.18, 0.36, 0.32, 0.28, 0.21, 0.14, 0.29, 0.12 and 0.30 for BW0, BW1, BW2, WW, BW6, BW9, YW, ADG0–6 and ADG6–12. The corresponding maternal genetic heritability estimates for body weights up to 9 months were 0.16, 0.10, 0.10, 0.19, 0.21 and 0.18. Direct-maternal genetic correlations were negative and high ranging between −0.47 to −0.94. Negative genetic correlations were observed for ADG0–6–ADG6–12, BW2–ADG6–12, WW–ADG6–12 and BW6–ADG6–12. Phenotypic correlations ranged from 0.15 to 0.96. Maternal effects are important in the growth performance of the Dorper sheep though a negative correlation exists between direct and maternal genetic effects. The current study has provided important information on the extent of additive genetic variation in the existing flocks that could now be used in determining the merit of breeding rams and ewes for sale to the commercial flocks. The estimates provided would form the basis of designing breeding schemes for the Dorper sheep in Kenya. Implications of the study to future Dorper sheep breeding programmes are also discussed.  相似文献   
Vervet monkeys (Cercopithicus aethiops) were shown to give a positive delayed-type hypersensitivity (DHT) reaction to gp63, a major surface glycoprotein of Leishmania parasites, and also produce antibodies to the molecule following a triple vaccination with a total dose of 150 μg of recombinant gp63 mixed with Bacille Calmette Guerin (BCG). However, peripheral blood leucocytes (PBL) from these animals neither proliferated nor produced any interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) following in vitro stimulation with the antigen. Analysis of lymphocyte subsets following vaccination did not reveal any striking phenotypic alteration of cellular sub-populations in PBL. When vaccinated animals were rechallenged, via the needle, with virulent Leishmania major promastigotes containing salivary gland extracts from vector sandflies, only partial protection was achieved. We conclude from these studies that gp63 produced in Escherichia coli is a safe vaccine molecule which gives only partial protection following vaccination in the vervet monkey host. The molecule requires further improvement for vaccine and/or immunodiagnosis application.  相似文献   
Rinderpest was brought under control in Kenya in 1976 but in April 1986 an outbreak of the disease occurred in cattle in Western Kenya, five kilometres from the Kenya-Uganda border. This was the first confirmed field outbreak of the disease in Kenya after a lull of over 10 years. Clinical disease was confined to unvaccinated zebu calves aged six to eight months from which rinderpest virus was isolated. High titres of antibodies to rinderpest virus were demonstrated in sera collected from sheep and goats that were grazing together with the affected cattle herds; there was, however, no evidence of clinical disease in these small ruminants and wildlife species in the affected area. The disease outbreak was rapidly stamped out by quarantine and vaccination.  相似文献   
One hundred and one cross European-Boran cattle (50 cows and 51 calves), on a farm in Nakuru District, Kenya, were immunised against theileriosis using Theileria parva lawrencei and Theileria parva parva stocks from another district of Kenya. The stabilates used were T.p.lawrencei (Mara III) used at 10(-1.7) dilution and T.p.parva (Kilae) used at 10(-1.0) dilution. The stabilates were combined and inoculated simultaneously with a short-acting formulation of oxytetracycline hydrochloride given intramuscularly at 10 mg kg-1 body weight and was repeated on Day 4 after inoculation of the stabilate. Most of the theileriosis challenge on the farm was thought to be derived directly from the African buffalo (Syncerus caffer). Nine percent of the cattle had significant indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) titres before the immunisation and 99% after immunisation. The immunised cattle were exposed to tick-borne disease challenge on the farm by withdrawal of acaricide cover. The immunised cattle were divided into five groups plus two susceptible control cows and two calves for each group. Cattle in four of the groups had acaricidal ear tags, each group having a different type, applied to both ears and the fifth group remained untagged. The animals remained without conventional acaricide application for 134 days. Ten out of 20 (50%) non-immunised control cattle became T.p.lawrencei reactors which only one out of 97 (1%) of the immunised cattle reacted. A frequent complication noted was mild infections due to unidentified Theileria sp. which required expert differentiation from T.parva infections. An additional group of ten steers whose tick load was removed by hand at weekly intervals was introduced 79 days after exposure; these had no tick control and four became T.p.lawrencei reactors. Of 12 calves born during the exposure period and without tick control, four became theilerial reactors and one died. The application of acaricidal tags however, reduced tick infestation levels considerably compared with untagged controls but did not prevent transmission of theileriosis with the possible exception of tags on Group 4. A number of transient low grade fevers were noted and attributed to Theileria sp., Ehrlichia bovis, Ehrlichia (Cytoecetes) ondiri and Borrelia theileri infections, none of which were fatal. One immunised animal died of acute dual infection of Babesia bigemina and Borrelia theileri after acaricide control by spraying was re-introduced but no Anaplasma infections were detected. An analysis of the economic effects of immunisation was made.  相似文献   
Summary Skin infections in cattle caused by Corynebacterium ovis, either as the main pathogen or in association with other organisms, was investigated on a Kenya ranch. The morbidity rate was approximately 25% involving more than 3,000 cattle and the condition appeared to be highly infectious. Three treatment regimes were instituted and the most effective proved to be lancing and irrigating the large abscesses with iodine solution.
Infeccion Corinebacterica Del Ganado En Kenia
Resumen Se investigaron en un rancho de Kenia, infecciones de la piel causadas porCorynebacterium ovis como principal patógeo o en asociación con otros organismos. La tasa de morbilidad fué de aproximadamente 25% siendo la condición altamente contagiosa. Se instituyeron tres tratamientos siendo el más efectivo la ruptura de los abscesos y su irrigación con una solución yódica.

Infection Corynebacterienne Du Betail, Au Kenya
Résumé Des infections cutanées du bétail causées parCorynebacterium ovis, soit en tant que germe pathogène dominant soit en association avec d'autres organismes ont eté constatées dans un ranch du Kenya. Le taux de morbidité a été de 25 p.100 environ pour plus de 3 000 animaux, et cette maladie est apparue extrêmement infectieuse. Trois traitements ont été institués, le plus satisfaisant consistant dans la ponction des abcès les plus importants et leur lavage par irrigation avec une solution iodée.
Maize Lethal Necrosis Disease (MLND) has emerged as a great threat to maize production in East Africa. It is caused by a synergistic infection of maize by sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV) and maize chlorotic mottle virus (MCMV). This study was carried out in Bomet County, Kenya, to determine the potential of various cropping systems to manage vectors of MLND–causing viruses. Plots measuring 7.5 m × 5.25 m were planted with maize (Zea mays L.) intercropped or bordered by elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach.), coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.), pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) and Gadam sorghum (Sorghum bicolour (L.) Moench). Maize monoculture was used as a control treatment; the nine treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design and replicated four times for two seasons (December 2014 to April 2015 and April 2015 to September 2015). Data on corn thrips and corn leaf aphid infestation, MLND severity and incidence, MCMV and SCMV viral load, and yield were recorded. The sorghum border was the only companion crop that tested positive for MCMV and none tested positive for SCMV. Maize intercropped with elephant grass had significantly (P?<?0.01) the least incidence of disease. However, this treatment produced significantly lower yields (P?<?0.01). Coriander was the only companion plant most preferred by both corn thrips and corn leaf aphids (P?<?0.001). Maize from all cropping systems tested positive for MCMV (P?<?0.001) while maize grown with coriander tested negative for SCMV (P?<?0.001). Yields from plots surrounded by sorghum and coriander were significantly similar to those from maize monoculture plots. These findings suggest that maize should be intercropped with coriander due to its potential to trap corn leaf aphids and protect maize from SCMV. In addition maize should be grown surrounded by a sorghum border to maximize yield in areas where MLND is prevalent.  相似文献   
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