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Nicarbazin is an anticoccidial drug, used mainly in birds, which can also be used in rabbits. It has been shown to produce several effects, such as inhibition of growth and feed efficiency in poultry. The aim of the present work was to determine whether nicarbazin alters intestinal absorption of sugar. Results obtained show that nicarbazin decreases D-galactose accumulation in the jejunal tissue and increases mucosal to serosal transepithelial fluxes of this sugar, in both cases in a dose-dependent way. Furthermore, nicarbazin seems not to modify the sugar diffusion across the intestinal epithelium. The drug also stimulates the sugar uptake in brush border and basolateral membrane vesicles. The results suggest that in rabbits nicarbazin increases sugar intestinal absorption mediated by carriers.  相似文献   
By means of two aerosol apparatures radioactive labelled Pasteurella-multocida-germs were given to calves via a respiratory mask. Labelling of Pasteurellae was done internal by using special nutritive media with Fe-59 or P-32. In a period of 10-25 minutes 5 X 10(9)-10(10) labelled bacteria were given to the animals for inhalation. Another animal group was injected intratrachealy with the same quantity of labelled germs. Immediately after termination of germ application the animals were killed and dissected. After solution or homogenization, respectively of the total lung tissue radioactivity was determined by liquid-scintillation-counting (Fe-59) or Cerenkov-measurement (P-32), respectively. The activities recovered from lung homogenates rendered is possible to calculate the received amount of bacteria. 40-80% of germs would be recovered in the lung after application by intratracheal injection while only 1-7% could be recovered after individual aerosol application lasting for 15-25 minutes.  相似文献   
Chronic pain is a widely recognised problem in humans and is being increasingly recognised as a significant problem in dogs. Whilst a large number of therapies are described and utilised to treat chronic pain in dogs, there is a severe shortage of evidence to guide practitioners in selection of treatments. Until more evidence becomes available, practitioners should adopt a cautious approach, utilising licensed treatments first when possible. Non‐pharmacological therapies should be incorporated into the chronic pain management plan whenever possible. Given the probable prevalence of chronic pain in dogs there is an urgent need for research to identify effective treatments.  相似文献   
Steers from research crossbreeding projects (n = 406) were serially scanned using real-time ultrasound at 35-d intervals from reimplant time until slaughter. Cattle were evaluated for rump fat depth, longissimus muscle area (ULMA), 12th-rib fat thickness (UFAT), and percentage of intramuscular fat (IMF) to determine the ability of ultrasound to predict carcass composition at extended periods before slaughter. Additional background information on the cattle, such as live weight, ADG, breed of sire, breed of dam, implant, and frame score was also used. Carcass data were collected by trained personnel at "chain speed," and samples of the 12th-rib LM were taken for ether extract analysis. Simple correlation coefficients showed positive relationships (P < 0.01) between ultrasound measures taken less than 7 d before slaughter and carcass measures: ULMA and carcass LM area (CLMA, r = 0.66); UFAT and carcass 12th-rib fat thickness (CFAT, r = 0.74); and IMF and carcass numeric marbling score (r = 0.61). The same correlation coefficients for ultrasound measures taken 96 to 105 d before slaughter and carcass values (P < 0.01) were 0.52, 0.58, and 0.63, respectively. Steers were divided into source-verified and nonsource-verified groups based on the level of background information for each individual. Regression equations were developed for the carcass measurements; 46% of the variation could be explained for CLMA and 44% of CFAT at reimplant time, 46% of the variation in quality grade and 42% of the variation in yield grade could be explained. Significant predictors of quality grade were IMF (P < 0.001), natural log of 12th-rib fat thickness (LUFAT, P < 0.001), and ADG (P < 0.01), whereas LUFAT (P < 0.001), ULMA (P < 0.01), live weight (P < 0.001), hip height (P < 0.001), and frame score (P < 0.001) were significant predictors of yield grade. Regressions using ultrasound data taken 61 to 69 d before slaughter showed increasing R2. Live ultrasound measures at reimplant time are a viable tool for making decisions regarding future carcass composition.  相似文献   
Crisp  P.  Lewthwaite  Jennifer J. 《Euphytica》1974,23(1):114-120
Euphytica - Genetic improvements of autumn cauliflower have been impeded by difficulties in seedling plants selected from the field. A technique for grafting cauliflower curd portions on to young...  相似文献   
Eight maize complexes and varieties representing high and low yield levels were tested for their suitability as top cross testers by comparing the performance of the crosses in relation to the combining ability of the parents estimated by diallel analysis. The discriminating ability of the testers was compared by Schumann and Bradley test. In both cases the results clearly showed that the low performing testers were better and more reliable than the high performing complexes. The utility of per se performance as an indication of general combining ability of the complexes has been discussed.  相似文献   
Cheyletiellosis and scabies can cause pruritus in dogs and cats. Cheyletiellosis is variably pruritic, whereas scabies is usually intensely pruritic. Hypersensitivity reactions are described in both of these parasitic dermatoses and probably contribute to the development of lesions and pruritus. Both parasites are readily eradicated with insecticides.  相似文献   
Mycobacterium fortuitum was isolated in a sample of bronchial fluid collected by transtracheal aspiration from a 1-year-old Corgi dog with a productive cough of 10 days' duration and with radiographic and cytological features of acute suppurative bronchopneumonia. The dog responded favourably to intravenous gentamicin and cephalexin for three days and a six week course of oral ciprofloxacin. Saprophytic mycobacterial pneumonia should be considered in cases of severe pulmonary consolidation in young dogs.  相似文献   
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