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Some aspects of the incidence, breed distribution, examination and the macroscopic and microscopic pathology of interdigital cysts are described. The aetiology and pathogenesis of this condition are discussed.
  • (a). Ninety-five dogs (1.6 per cent) of a total of 5923 dogs were presented for examination with interdigital cysts.
  • (b). The Pekingese, West Highland White Terrier and Scotch Terrier are predisposed to interdigital cysts.
  • (c). The incidence of interdigital cysts in the Border Collie is very low.
  • (d). Interdigital cysts occur most regularly in the 3/4, 4/5 interdigital space of one or both fore-feet.
  • (e). Interdigital cysts are essentially granulomatous lesions containing abscesses and sinus tracks.
  • (f). Staphylococcus aureus and β haemolytic streptococci are common secondary bacterial invaders.
  • (g). Interdigital cysts probably originate from a pedal dermatitis and folliculitis.
  • (h). It is suggested that the conformation of the interdigital web plays a part in the susceptibility of a dog to interdigital cyst.
Résumé. Certaines questions concernant la fréquence, la distribution d'après les races des signes cliniques et l'anatomie pathologique macroscopique et microscopique des kystes inter-digitaux sont évoqués. L'étiologie et la pathogénie de cette affection sont discutées.
  • (a). 95 chiens (1,6%) sur un total de 5 923 animaux présentés à l'examen étaient atteints de kystes interdigitaux.
  • (b). Les Pékinois, West Highland White Terrier et Scotch Terrier sont particulièrement prédisposés à cette affection.
  • (c). La fréquence des kystes interdigitaux chez le Border Collie est très basse.
  • (d). Les kystes interdigitaux s'observent avec prédilection dans les espaces interdigitaux 3/4 et 4/5 d'une ou des deux pattes antérieures.
  • (e). Les kystes interdigitaux présentent essentiellement des lésions granulomateuses contenant des abcès et des trajets fistuleux.
  • (f). Le Staphylocoque doré et le streptocoque β-hémolytique sont les germes d'infection secondaire les plus fréquents.
  • (g). Les kystes interdigitaux tirent probablement leur origine d'une dermatite et d'une folli-culite du pied.
  • (h). On estime que la conformation de la membrane interdigitale joue un rôle dans la sensibilité du chien aux kystes interdigitaux.
Zusammenfassung. Einige Aspeckte der Häufigkeit, der Verteilung auf die Hunderassen, der Untersuchung und der makroskopischen und mikroskopischen Pathologie der Interdigital-cysten werden beschrieben. Die Ätiologie und die Pathogenese dieses Zustands werden be-sprochen.
  • (a). 95 Hunde (1,6%) von insgesamt 5923 Hunden wurden mit Interdigitalcysten zur Untersuchung vorgeführt.
  • (b). Der Pekinese, der West-Highland-White-Terrier und der Scotch-Terrier sind für Interdigitalcysten prädisponiert.
  • (c). Die Häufigkeit von Interdigitalcysten beim Border Collie ist sehr gering.
  • (d). Interdigitalcysten treten am regelmässigsten im 3/4– und 4/5-Interdigitalraum einer oder beider Vorderpfoten auf.
  • (e). Interdigitalcysten sind im wesentlichen granulomatöse Läsionen, die Abszesse und Fistelgänge enthalten.
  • (f). Staphylococcus aureus und β-Hämolyse-Streptokokken sind häufig die Ursachen von Sekun-därinfektionen.
  • (g). Interdigitalcysten werden wahrscheinlich durch Fussdermatitis und Folliculitis verursacht.
  • (h). Es wird der Vermutung Amdruck gegeben, dass die Art der Ausbildung des Interdigital-gewebes eine Rolle bei der Empfindlichkeit eines Hundes fur die Entstehung von Interdigitalcysten spielt.
Pharmacokinetics of sulfamethazine in male, female and castrated male swine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The concentration of sulfamethazine in plasma and sulfamethazine and its metabolites in urine were compared in male, female and castrated male swine. A surgical technique for placement of catheters in the urinary bladder was used to facilitate the collection of urine in males and castrated males. The elimination rate of sulfamethazine from plasma and the excretion of parent drug and metabolites into urine did not differ significantly among females, males and castrated male swine.  相似文献   
Summary. An experiment was made to determine the effect of the removal of grasses on the behaviour of populations of Plantago lanceolata , P. media and P. major in three grassland habitats. Treatments included the addition of seed of all three species to the existing vegetation. The grasses were removed by treatment with 2,2-dichloropropionic acid (dalapon), a herbicide selective against the Gramineae. The chemical appears to be slightly toxic to the Plantago species at the dose used (12 Ib/ac a.e.). The removal of the grasses was followed by a marked increase in the plantain populations shown both in counts of the numbers of plants and seedlings and in increased seed output per unit area. Deliberate sowing of seed into the habitats in autumn resulted in increased numbers of seedlings in the following spring, particularly in those plots where the grasses had been removed. Species of Plantago not occurring naturally in the communities were frequently established by sowing seed, if the grasses had been removed, but not otherwise. The overall results of the experiment suggest that in two of the communities the grasses played an important role in determining the presence or absence of particular Plantagn species and also in controlling the size of the existing plantain populations. The experiment is discussed in the wider context of population control in plants.
Tentative de modification de populations naturelles de Plantago lanceolata, P. major et P. media.  相似文献   
The technique of indirect blood pressure measurement described by Wilson and Clark (1964) has been found to be applicable to anaesthetised animals and the technique has been easily modified for use in sheep, cattle and horses. Experimental work in dogs has shown that the width of the cuff has an important bearing on the accuracy of the indirect readings obtained. It would appear at present that for dogs at least two cuff widths should be used. A cuff 2.5 cm wide should be used for dogs under 12 kg and one 3.75 cm wide for heavier dogs. The length of the cuff appears to be unimportant providing the inflatable portion encircles the limb and the cuff is not applied too loosely or too tightly. A cuff length of 25 cm should be suitable for most animals. The occluding cuff used by Wilson and Clark (1964) measured 25 times 3.2 cm and these authors found good correlation with directly measured systolic pressure in a 12 kg dog. The technique can be readily applied to horses and sheep but careful placement of the occluding cuff in cattle is required to provide adequate transmission of the cuff pressure to the coccygeal vessels. Cuff widths of 3.75 cm are recommended for use on the tail in horses and cattle and a cuff 2.5cm wide on the hind limb for sheep. In dogs good correlation has been found between indirect and direct systolic pressure even with cuffs of different widths. This is adequate for routine anaesthetic work where changes in pressure are of more importance than absolute values. For comparative work between different animals it would be important to use cuffs of the correct width for the different sizes of animal.  相似文献   
A surgical approach to the lateral trochlear ridge of the distal femur of the horse was developed to facilitate evaluation and curettage of osteochondral defects of the lateral trochlear ridge. Surgical exploration of the lateral trochlear ridge was achieved in 11 patients with osteochondral defects of the lateral trochlear ridge using a craniolateral arthrotomy between the middle and lateral patellar ligaments. The technique described allowed adequate exposure for evaluation, removal of loose osteochondral fragments, and curettage of cartilage abnormalities on the lateral trochlear ridge.  相似文献   
Abstract— Epidermotropic cutaneous T-cell lymphoma was diagnosed in six Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) with a generalised dermatosis characterised by pruritus, alopecia and exfoliative erythroderma. Plaques and nodules were evident in one animal. Clinical and histopathological findings were suggestive of mycosis fungoides and electron microscopical investigations in one case were supportive. Immuno-histochemical stains for CD3 antigen were strongly positive in all cases. Résumé— Un lyphome T cutané a été diagnostiqué chez six hamsters de Sibérie (Mesocricetus auratus) avec une dermatose généralisée, caractérisée par un prurit, une alopécle et une érythrodermie exfoliative. Des plaques et des nodules ont été observées sur un animal. Les données cliniques et histopathologiques étaient évocatrices d'un mycosis fungoïdes et les examens en microscopie électronique étaient compatibles dans un cas. Les marquages immuno-histochimiques de l'antigène CD3 étaient très positifs dans tous les cas. Zusammenfassung— Bei sechs Syrischen Goldhamstern (Mesocricetus auratus) wurde ein epidermotropes kutanes T-Zell-Lymphom mit einer generalisierten Dermatose diagnostiziert, die durch Pruritus, Alopezie und eine exfoliative Erythrodermie gekennzeichnet war. Bei einem Tier traten auch Plagues und Knoten auf. Die klinischen und histopathologischen Befunde deuteten auf Mycosis fungoides hin. Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen unterstützten diesen Verdacht in einem Fall. Immunhistochemische Färbungen auf CD3-Antigen waren bei alien Fallen stark positiv. Resumen En un grupo de seis hamsters de siria, (Mesocricetus auratus), se diagnosticó limfoma epidermotrópico cutáneo de linfocitos T, presentando una dermatosis generalizada de tipo pruriginoso, acompañada de alopecia y eritroderma exfoliativo. Las placas y nódulos fueron evidentes en uno de los animales. Los estudios clinicos e histopatológicos indicaron una micosis fungoide, y las investigaciones de microscopía, en uno de los caseos, pareció indicar lo mismo. La tintura inmuno-histoquimica para el antígeno CD3 resultó claramente positiva en todod los casos.  相似文献   
In an attempt to reduce postoperative incontinence associated with excisional prostatectomy and the recurrence of prostatic disease after less radical surgeries, a new technique for subtotal prostatectomy was developed using an ultrasonic surgical aspirator. During laparotomy, a longitudinal incision was made in the ventral surface of each lobe of the prostate gland. Biopsies for histology and culture were taken. Through the ventral incisions, the ultrasonic surgical aspirator  相似文献   
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