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Abstract This prospective study evaluated the cause(s) of dermatitis in a series of cats with signs suggestive of allergic skin disease. Twenty cases completed the díagnostic evaluation, which included intradermal skin testing, a rigorous flea-control programme, and a 4-month stabilization period on a restricted protein source commercial diet, followed by rechallenge with the cat's original diet. The most common final díagnoses included flea allergic dermatitis (seven cases), and flea allergic dermatitis together with atopy (seven cases). Three additional cases which did not complete the study were also considered to be atopic. No cases were considered to be primarily associated with food hypersensitivity, an observation supporting previous data indicating this to be a rare cause of allergic skin disease in the cat. These observations emphasize the value of a rigorous flea-control programme as part of the management of many cases of feline allergic dermatitis. Résumé Une étude étiologique prospective a été réalisée dans une population de chats suspects de dermites allergiques. Des tests cutanés intradermiques ont été réalisés ainsi qu'un contrôle antipuce rigoureux et un régime d'élimination, faisant appel à une alimentation du commerce restreinte en protéines pendant 4 mois, suivi par une réintroduction de l'alimentation initiale du chat. Le díagnostic le plus fréquent est la Dermite par Allergie à la Piqûres de Puce (DAPP) (7 cas), une DAPP associée à une atopie (7 cas). Trois cas supplémentaires sont atopiques. Aucun cas n'est en rapport avec seulement une allergie alimentaire. Cette observation montre que l'allergie alimentaire est une cause rare de dermite allergique chez le chat. Ces observations confirment par ailleurs l'intérêt d'un contrôle antipuce rigoureux dans la gestion thérapeutique des dermites allergiques du chat. [O'Dair, H.A., Markwell, P.J., Maskell, I.E. An open prospective investigation into aetiology in a group of cats with suspected allergic skin disease (Etude étiologique prospective ouverte dans une population de chats suspects de dermite allergiques). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 193–202.] Resumen Este estudio prospective evalúa la(s) causa(s) de dermatitis en un grupo de gatos con sintomas sugestivos de dermatosis alérgica. Se evaluó el díagnóstico de veinte casos, incluyendo pruebas cutáneas intradérmicas, programa riguroso de control de pulgas y un periodo de cuatro meses de estabilización con una dieta comercial con fuente de proteina restringida, seguido de una re-exposición a la dieta original del gato. El díagnóstico final más frecuente fue de dermatitis alérgica a las pulgas (siete casos) y dermatitis alérgica a las pulgas con atopia (siete casos). Tres casos más que no completaron el estudio fueron también considerados atópicos. Ninguno de los casos fue considerado estar principalmente asociado a una hipersensibilidad alimentaria, lo que apoya hallazgos previos indicativos de que este tipo de hipersensibilidad es poco frecuente en el gato. Estos hallazgos resaltan la importancia de un programa rigurosos de control de pulgas en el protocolo de manejo de muchos casos de dermatitis alérgica felina. [O'Dair, H.A., Markwell, P.J., Maskell, I.E. An open prospective investigation into aetiology in a group of cats with suspected allergic skin disease (Investigacion prospectiva abierta de la etiologia en un grupo de gatos sospechosos de dermatosis alérgica). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 193–202.] Zusammenfassung Diese prospektive Untersuchung wertete die Fälle von Dermatitis bei einer Reihe von Katzen aus, die Symptome aufwiesen, welche auf eine allergische Hautkrankheit deuteten. Zwanzig Fälle wiesen eine vollständige díagnostische Untersuchung äuf, die intradermale Hauttests, striktes Flohbekämpfungsprogramm und eine viermonatige Stabilisierungsphase mit einer kommerziellen Diät mit begrenzten Eiweißquellen, gefolgt von einer Provokation mit dem bisher üblichen Katzenfutter, beinhaltete. Die häufigste endgültige Diagnose bestand in Flohbißdermatitis (sieben Fälle) und Flohbißdermatitis zusammen mit Atopie (sieben Fälle). Drei weitere Fälle durchliefen die Studie nicht vollständig, wurden aber als atopisch angesehen. Kein Fall wurde primär in Verbindug mit Futtermittelhypersensibilität gesehen, eine Beobachtung, die frühere Daten unterstützt, die dies als seltene Ursache bei allergischen Hautkrankheiten der Katze nennt. Diese Beobachtungen betonen die Bedeutung des genauen Flohbekämpfungsprogramms als Teil des Management vieler Fälle von allergischen Hautkrankheiten bei der Katze. [O'Dair, H.A., Markwell, P.J., Maskell, I.E. An open prospective investigation into aetiology in a group of cats with suspected allergic skin disease (Offene prospektive Untersuchung über die Ätiologie bei einer Gruppe von Katzen mit Verdacht auf allergische Hautkrankheiten). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 193–202.]  相似文献   
Electromyography and electrophysiological studies of motor and sensory nerve fibres can be performed in the dog and provide clinically useful information. This paper discusses the use of these techniques in the diagnosis and evaluation of diseases and injuries of the lower motor neurone. The electrophysiological and pathological abnormalities are correlated and discussed. Using such techniques it is usually possible to decide if a muscle is totally or partially denervated or reinnervating and to indicate the major pathological process(es) in peripheral nerves.  相似文献   
A field experiment was established in May 1986 in which four white-clover populations originating in Switzerland, and a bred variety, Menna, were grown in binary mixtures with their 'co-existing' perennial ryegrasses and three other bred ryegrasses— Aurora, Talbot and Melle. The productivity of both components of the mixtures was measured by cutting samples in October 1986 (after establishment) and on five occasions during the growing season in 1987, Substantial differences were observed between clover yields in different mixtures, and the yield ranking of clover was found to vary with companion grass. It was concluded that the interaction between grass and clover populations originated at an early stage in sward development, being evident in both the 1986 establishment cut and the spring cut of the following year. The implications of these results for the formulation of breeding objectives and the evaluation of breeding material are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
The temporal pattern of iron loss from a moorland catchment was investigated by intensive stream water sampling. The total loss in 1 year was 2.11 kg ha?1 of Fe, with a pronounced autumn maximum. Iron concentrations in stream water were strongly correlated with dissolved organic matter content, but again with seasonal variation. Free iron content measured on a number of soils in the catchment ranged from 3.1 to 8.7 kg m?2. Assuming soil development over 10 000 years, predicted loss of iron from the catchment is comparable in quantity to the amounts of free iron in the soils.  相似文献   
Abstract The macroscopic and histological effects of intradermal injection of compound 48/80 were investigated in dogs. Dose-dependent increases in skin-fold thickness were induced at injection sites and histopathological examination of skin biopsy specimens revealed evidence of mast cell degranulation and cellular infiltration. Intradermal compound 48/80 may form a useful model for studies of canine hypersensitivity disorders including atopic dermatitis. Résumé— Les effets macroscopiques et histologiques de l'injection intradermique du composé 48/80 ont étéétudiés chez le chien. Une augmentation dose-dépendante de l'épaisseur du pli de peau a été induite au niveau des points d'injection et l'examen histopathologique de biopsies cutanées a démontré une dégranulation mastocytaire et une infiltration cellulaire. L'injection du composé 48/80 peut constituer un modèle utile pour l'étude de réactions d'hypersensibilité chez le chien, comme la dermatite atopique. [Mason, I., Lloyd, D. Evaluation of compound 48/80 as a skin model of immediate hypersensitivity in the skin of dogs (Evaluation du compose 48/80 comme modele d'hypersensibilité cutanee immediate chez le chien). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 81–83.] Resumen Se investigaron los efectos macroscópicos e histológicos de la inyección intradérmica del compuesto 48/80. Estas inyecciones provocaron engrosamiento del grosor cutáneo proporcional a la dosis administrada y el examen histopatológico de biopsias cutáneas reveló degranulación de mastocitos e infiltración celular. El compuesto 48/80 puede constituir un modelo útil para el estudio de las hipersensibilidades caninas, incluyendo la dermatitis atópica. [Mason, I., Lloyd, D. Evaluation of compound 48/80 as a skin model of immediate hypersensitivity in the skin of dogs (Evaluación del compuesto 48/80 como modelo de hipersensibilidad inmediata en la piel del perro). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 81–83.] Zusammenfassung— Die makroskopischen und histologischen Auswirkungen der intradermalen Injektion von Compound 48/80 wurden bei Hunden untersucht. Dosisabhängige Anstiege in der hautfaltendicke wurden an den Injektionsstellen induziert. Die histopathologische Untersuchung von Hautbioptaten zeigte das Auftreten von Mastzelldegranulation und zellulärer Infiltration. Intradermales Compound 48/80 könnte ein nützliches Modell für Untersuchungen kaniner Hypersensibilitätsprobleme einschließlich der atopischen Dermatitis darstellen. [Mason, I., Lloyd, D. Evaluation of com-pound 48/80 as a skin model of immediate hypersensitivity in the skin of dogs (Die Auswertung von compound 48/80 als Modell für die sofortige hypersensibilität in der haut des hundes). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 81–83.]  相似文献   
Two growth experiments were carried out in January-March 1978 in which simulated swards of perennial ryegrass were (1) heated by soil warming cables to give soil surface temperatures of approx. 7·5-9·C above ambient temperature, (2) shaded with netting to reduce light levels by approx. 50%, or (3) both heated and shaded.
Heating alone increased leaf appearance, death, extension, lamina size, leaf area index (LAI), tillering (month 1)and whole plant weight (month 2) and reduced stubble water-soluble carbohydrates and specific leaf weight (SLW).
Shading alone increased leaf extension, lamina size and LAI but to a lesser extent than did heating. Shading decreased SLW, leaf death rate, tillering (month 2), stubble carbohydrates and whole plant weight, but not herbage weight.
The effects of heating plus shading were similar to those of heating alone, except that the increases in leaf size, extension and LAI were even greater, and shoot bases and roots had low or negative growth rates.
In general the heating treatments caused a rapid turnover of leaf material, but net herbage growth was relatively insensitive. It is concluded that (1) temperature rather than light was limiting whole plant growth, especially from mid-February to mid-March and (2) mild, dull weather in winter is likely to induce tiller death associated with reduced investment in carbohydrate reserves.  相似文献   
Cloxacillin and flucloxacillin were administered to horses by single intravenous dose (25, 33 or 44 mg/kg). Levels of these compounds were assayed biologically from serum and synovia of the carpal and tibio-tarsal joints at intervals up to 360 min. Serum levels of cloxacillin at 30 min were all in excess of 48 μg/ml and were equal to, or higher than, those given by the equivalent doses of flucloxacillin. Highly significant differences ( P <0.001) between doses and between sampling times (30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240, 360 min) were detected for both compounds. Although the rates of elimination of cloxacillin and flucloxacillin from blood did not differ significantly, the early establishment of higher levels of cloxacillin in blood meant that it regularly persisted longer than flucloxacillin in both serum and synovia. The rate of elimination from serum was significantly steeper ( P <0.001) than that computed for synovia. The slower rate of loss of cloxacillin or flucloxacillin from the synovia than the blood appears to fit the model of transfer between serum and synovium proposed by Howell, Sutherland & Rolinson (1972). The persistence of cloxacillin and flucloxacillin in synovia beyond the time when effective minimum inhibitory concentrations (4 μg/ml) were present in the blood, indicates a practical advantage in equine therapeutics where septic arthritis is the major indication for use of these compounds. In these situations, cloxacillin has a further clinical advantage in persisting in synovia for a longer time than flucloxacillin.  相似文献   
2‐Deoxy‐2‐[18F]fluoro‐d ‐glucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (FDG PET/CT) is becoming increasingly available as an imaging modality in veterinary medicine. The purpose of this study was to report semiquantitative standard uptake values (SUV) of malignant and nonmalignant tissues and organs in canine cancer patients. FDG PET/CT was performed in 14 dogs including, nine mesenchymal tumors, four carcinomas, and one incompletely excised mast cell tumor. A generally higher FDG uptake was observed in carcinomas relative to sarcomas. Maximum SUV of carcinomas ranged from 7.6 to 27.0, and for sarcomas from 2.0 to 10.6. The FDG SUV of several organs and tissues, including regional brain uptake is reported, to serve as a reference for future FDG PET studies in canine cancer patients. Several potential pitfalls have been recognized in interpretation of FDG PET images of human patients, a number of these were also observed in this study.  相似文献   
Thoracic duct computed tomography (CT) lymphangiograms were performed on seven clinically normal dogs. The appearance of the thoracic duct system was compared following administration of contrast medium through a mesenteric lymphatic vessel vs. ultrasound guided percutaneous injection into a popliteal lymph node using helical and sequential CT acquisition modes. The number of visible thoracic duct branches and the largest thoracic duct branch cross‐sectional area and mean Hounsfield units (HU) were determined from thoracic vertebra 9 to lumbar vertebra 1. Procedural time and patient discomfort were also assessed. Popliteal administration produced a successful thoracic duct lymphangiogram in eight of 11 dogs (73%) after two attempts, while mesenteric administration was successful in eight of 10 dogs (80%) after a single attempt. Popliteal lymphography required 46% of the time and was associated with less patient discomfort than mesenteric lymphangiography. The number of thoracic duct branches seen was not significantly different for either administration technique (P=0.256) or CT acquisition mode (P=0.417). However, the cross‐sectional area and mean HU of the largest thoracic duct branch were greater with mesenteric administration (P<0.001), and helical image acquisition (P<0.001). The thoracic duct branch number, size, and location were highly variable between dogs. Percutaneous popliteal lymphography appears to be an acceptable alternative to mesenteric lymphangiography for the detection of thoracic duct branches in the dog when using either helical or sequential CT acquisition modes.  相似文献   
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