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Impact of aeration on growth of silver barb, Puntius gonionotus during fingerling rearing was studied through a 100‐d rearing experiment conducted in 18 concrete tanks of 50 m2 (10 × 5 × 1.2 m) size. Fry (0.74 ± 0.27 g, 35 ± 6 mm) were stocked in the experimental tanks at three stocking densities (25, 50, and 75 fry/m2) and were evaluated with and without provision of 6 h (2400–0600 h) of night time aeration. Aeration resulted in higher pH and dissolved oxygen regime and increased fingerling length and weight. The results suggest a rearing density of 75/m2 to be ideal for rearing fry to fingerling of this species when aeration is provided, whereas, under non‐aerated condition, rearing the fry to fingerling stage at 50/m2 was found advantageous over those at 25 and 75/m2.  相似文献   
The current knowledge of in vitro adherence of Staphylococcus pseudintermedius to canine corneocytes is limited to comparative analyses between strains, staphylococcal species or corneocytes collected from different breeds, body sites and hosts. However, the role played by colonization status of corneocyte donors remains unknown. The aim of this study was to evaluate the adherence properties of commensal S. pseudintermedius strains to corneocytes collected from dogs with different colonization status. For this purpose, corneocytes were collected from five dogs that were classified as persistently colonized (D1 and D2), intermittently colonized (D3 and D4) or non-colonized (D5) on the basis of the results of a previous longitudinal study. Adherence to corneocytes originating from each of the five dogs was assessed by an in vitro adhesion assay using four genetically unrelated strains isolated from the colonized dogs (S1 to S4). Irrespective of their host of origin, all strains adhered significantly better to corneocytes from D1 and D2 than to corneocytes from D3, D4 and D5 (P < 0.0001). The mean count of cells adhering to corneocytes from persistently colonized dogs was on average three times higher than the mean count using corneocytes from the other dogs. A significant difference between strains was only observed for one strain-corneocyte combination (S2-D4), indicating that S. pseudintermedius adherence to corneocytes is driven by host factors and only marginally influenced by strain factors. This finding has important implications for understanding and preventing S. pseudintermedius skin colonization and infection.  相似文献   
Objectives: To report the repair of tibial diaphyseal fractures in 2 calves using a circular external skeletal fixator (CEF). Study Design: Clinical report. Animals: Crossbred calves (n=2; age: 6 months; weight: 55 and 60 kg). Methods: Mid‐diaphyseal tibial fractures were repaired by the use of a 4‐ring CEF (made of aluminum rings with 2 mm K‐wires) alone in 1 calf and in combination with hemicerclage wiring in 1 calf. Results: Both calves had good weight bearing with moderate lameness postoperatively. Fracture healing occurred by day 60 in 1 calf and by day 30 in calf 2. The CEF was well maintained and tolerated by both calves through fracture healing. Joint mobility and limb usage improved gradually after CEF removal. Conclusions: CEF provided a stable fixation of tibial fractures and healing within 60 days and functional recovery within 90 days. Clinical Relevance: CEF can be safely and successfully used for the management of selected tibial fractures in calves.  相似文献   
Icelandic Cattle is a local dairy cattle breed in Iceland. With about 26,000 breeding females, it is by far the largest among the indigenous Nordic cattle breeds. The objective of this study was to investigate the feasibility of genomic selection in Icelandic Cattle. Pedigree-based best linear unbiased prediction (PBLUP) and single-step genomic best linear unbiased prediction (ssGBLUP) were compared. Accuracy, bias, and dispersion of estimated breeding values (EBV) for milk yield (MY), fat yield (FY), protein yield (PY), and somatic cell score (SCS) were estimated in a cross validation-based design. Accuracy (r^) was estimated by the correlation between EBV and corrected phenotype in a validation set. The accuracy (r^) of predictions using ssGBLUP increased by 13, 23, 19, and 20 percentage points for MY, FY, PY, and SCS for genotyped animals, compared with PBLUP. The accuracy of nongenotyped animals was not improved for MY and PY, but increased by 0.9 and 3.5 percentage points for FY and SCS. We used the linear regression (LR) method to quantify relative improvements in accuracy, bias (Δ^), and dispersion (b^) of EBV. Using the LR method, the relative improvements in accuracy of validation from PBLUP to ssGBLUP were 43%, 60%, 50%, and 48% for genotyped animals for MY, FY, PY, and SCS. Single-step GBLUP EBV were less underestimated (Δ^), and less overdispersed (b^) than PBLUP EBV for FY and PY. Pedigree-based BLUP EBV were close to unbiased for MY and SCS. Single-step GBLUP underestimated MY EBV but overestimated SCS EBV. Based on the average accuracy of 0.45 for ssGBLUP EBV obtained in this study, selection intensities according to the breeding scheme of Icelandic Cattle, and assuming a generation interval of 2.0 yr for sires of bulls, sires of dams and dams of bulls, genetic gain in Icelandic Cattle could be increased by about 50% relative to the current breeding scheme.  相似文献   

Icelandic cattle is believed to have been brought from Norway during the settlement of Iceland around AD 870-930. Previous research on genetic relationships has indicated that Icelandic cattle is most related to northern Nordic indigenous breeds. Using single nucleotide polymorphism genotype data from Icelandic cattle and 29 Northern and Western European cattle breeds, we studied relationships and admixture among these breeds, and assessed population structure in Icelandic cattle. Population structure analysis through principal component analysis, estimation of ancestry, and analysis of patterns of population splitting and mixing revealed that Icelandic cattle are most related to three Finncattle breeds (Eastern, Northern and Western Finncattle), and Swedish Mountain cattle. Icelandic cattle has very low levels of admixture. We observed very limited population structure in Icelandic cattle. The observed structure was due to variable sire contributions. Over 1000 years of almost complete isolation has made Icelandic cattle highly genetically distinct from other cattle breeds.  相似文献   
A study was conducted to compare the nutrient utilization, growth, and rumen enzyme profile of mithun (Bos frontalis) and Tho-tho cattle (Bos indicus) reared in the same feeding and managemental conditions. For the purpose, male mithun (n = 8) and male Tho-tho cattle (n = 8) of 1.5 years age, selected from the farm of National Research Centre on Mithun, Nagaland, India, were fed on mixed-tree-leaves-based ration as per the requirement of NRC (2001) for cattle for 12 months. Average daily gain (ADG), average dry matter intake (DMI), and feed conversion ratio (FCR) for all animals were recorded. A metabolic trial was conducted at 6 months of the experiment to assess the digestibility coefficient of different nutrients and nutritive value of ration. At 12 months of the experiment, rumen liquor was collected from all animals and analyzed for rumen enzyme profiles, viz., carboxymethylcellulase, xylanase, α-amylase, β-glucosidase, α-glucosidase, urease, and protease. It was found that ADG (507.8 g vs 392.8 g), DM intake (6.59 vs 5.85 kg/day) and DMI/W0.75 (98.75 g vs 91.00 g/day), crude protein intake (780 vs 700 g/day), and total digestible nutrient intake (3.65 vs 3.32 kg/day) were higher (p < 0.05) in mithun than cattle. The nitrogen balance was higher and FCR was better (p < 0.05) in mithun compared with cattle. The digestibility coefficient of different nutrients was similar (p > 0.05) between the species. The microbial enzyme profiles of mithun and cattle were not different (p > 0.05). The better growth performance of mithun than cattle as found in the present study clearly indicates that the mithun has higher genetic potential for growth than Tho-tho cattle of north-eastern hilly region of India.  相似文献   
We screened serum samples of 1024 goats slaughtered for chevon in Bareilly in Northern India for Salmonella antibodies with indirect ELISA, MAT-H (microagglutination test using flagellar antigens e, n, x and 1, 5) and MAT-O (microagglutination test using somatic antigens 4, 12 and 3, 10, 15). Salmonella antibodies were detected in 48, 8 and 40%, goats using Salmonella-cytotoxi-I ELISA, MAT 'H' and MAT 'O', respectively. After adjusting for test accuracy, the seroprevalence were highest for Salmonella-cytotoxi-I ELISA (46%) followed by agglutinins against 'O' 3, 10, 15 (15%) and negligible for other agglutinins. With all 5 tests, prevalence of Salmonella antibodies was significantly higher in females than in males. No significant difference was evident in prevalence of Salmonella antibodies to different antigens in different age groups of male goats except for e, n, x agglutinins that were significantly more prevalent in young adult (<6-18 months) males than in adult (>18 months of age) or young (< or =6 months of age) goats. On the other hand, in females, prevalence of Salmonella-cytotoxin-I antibodies and e, n, x agglutinins differed significantly among three age groups, being the most prevalent in adult goats. As expected, the results of different tests had little or no correlation because the different tests targeted antibodies to different antigens.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The present study investigated the effect of seven Bacillus‐species plant‐growth‐promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) seed treatments on the induction of disease resistance in cowpea against mosaic disease caused by the blackeye cowpea mosaic strain of bean common mosaic virus (BCMV). RESULTS: Initially, although all PGPR strains recorded significant enhancement of seed germination and seedling vigour, GBO3 and T4 strains were very promising. In general, all strains gave reduced BCMV incidence compared with the non‐bacterised control, both under screen‐house and under field conditions. Cowpea seeds treated with Bacillus pumilus (T4) and Bacillus subtilis (GBO3) strains offered protection of 42 and 41% against BCMV under screen‐house conditions. Under field conditions, strain GBO3 offered 34% protection against BCMV. The protection offered by PGPR strains against BCMV was evaluated by indirect enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), with lowest immunoreactive values recorded in cowpea seeds treated with strains GBO3 and T4 in comparison with the non‐bacterised control. In addition, it was observed that strain combination worked better in inducing resistance than individual strains. Cowpea seeds treated with a combination of strains GBO3 + T4 registered the highest protection against BCMV. CONCLUSION: PGPR strains were effective in protecting cowpea plants against BCMV under both screen‐house and field conditions by inducing resistance against the virus. Thus, it is proposed that PGPR strains, particularly GBO3, could be potential inducers against BCMV and growth enhancers in cowpea. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
The objectives of the present study were to investigate phytochemical screening and to assay cytotoxicity and antibacterial activities of ethanolic extracts of leaves of two medicinal plants, Aglaonema hookerianum Schott (Family: Araceae) and Lannea grandis Engl. (Family: Anacardiaceae) available in Bangladesh. The brine shrimp lethality bioassay showed that the ethanolic extracts of Aglaonema hookerianum and Lannea grandis possessed cytotoxic activities with LC50 5.25 (microg mL(-1)) and 5.75 (microg mL(-1)) and LC90 10.47 (microg mL(-1)) and 9.55 (microg mL(-1)), respectively. Two extracts obtained from leaves were examined for their antibacterial activities against some gram positive bacteria such as Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus megaterium and Staphylococcus aureus, also gram negative strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Shigella dysenteriae, Salmonella typhi, Salmonella paratyphi and Vibrio cholerae. Agar disc diffusion method was applied to observe the antibacterial efficacy of the extracts. Results indicated that both plant extracts (500 microg disc(-1)) displayed antibacterial activity against all of the tested microorganisms. These results were also compared with the zones of inhibition produced by commercially available standard antibiotic, Amoxicillin at concentration of 10 microg disc(-1). Observed antibacterial properties of the ethanolic extract of Aglaonema hookerianum Schott and Lannea grandis Engl. showed that both plants might be useful sources for the development of new potent antibacterial agents.  相似文献   
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