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Elucidating the response of marine predators to oceanographic features helps in understanding their foraging strategies and the cause of their spatial overlap and interference with fishery activities. Northern fur seal is a highly pelagic species during the wintering period. In recent years, fur seals have consistently been found distributed near the coast of southwest Hokkaido, Japan. Because interference by fur seals with coastal fishery activities has become a serious concern, an understanding is sought as to why fur seals come ashore in this area. We conducted ship‐based observations and estimated fur seal density. To elucidate the spatial and seasonal association of fur seal distribution and ocean environments, we constructed statistical models to describe how potential prey distribution and oceanographic features influenced the fur seal spatial distribution during the wintering period. Fur seal distribution corresponded markedly to potential prey distribution, and they tended to aggregate along the narrow continental shelf that is the main geographic feature of this area, which is 2000 m deep and approximately 10 km from the coast. Walleye pollock [Gadus chαlcogrαmmα (Theragra chαlcogrαmmα)] and arabesque greenling (Pleurogrammus azonus), which are one of the main prey for fur seals, move to the shallow area to spawn on the continental shelf seasonally, so potential prey abundance could be higher in coastal areas than offshore. Moreover, the absence of a mesopelagic biotic community may be one of the main factors in the coastal distribution of the fur seal.  相似文献   
大麦植株干物质分配模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为给建立大麦产量品质形成预测模型奠定基础,通过定量分析不同品种和氮肥处理大麦干物质分配和转移的变化过程,建立大麦植株干物质分配动态模型.模型采用Richards方程描述大麦干物质分配指数的动态变化,引入叶片潜在分配指数、茎鞘潜在分配指数、籽粒潜在分配指数3个品种遗传参数反映不同品种在器官间的干物质分配差异;采用两段Richards方程来描述大麦茎鞘在灌浆期前后的干物质分配动态,较好地解决了两段方程的衔接问题;运用氮素影响因子来校正不同氮素水平对大麦干物质分配的影响,引入潜在临界含氮量和潜在最小含氮量2个品种遗传参数来表达氮素对不同品种干物质分配影响的差异.利用不同品种、氮肥、播期和种植地域试验数据检验模型.结果表明,大麦干物质在叶片、茎鞘、穗和籽粒间分配模拟值与观测值的绝对预测误差为0.001~0.252 kg·m-4,RMSE为0.007~0.186 kg·m-2,精度良好.模型体现出较好的可靠性.  相似文献   
为了解小麦Glu-A1位点1亚基和Null亚基间的品质效应差异,用郑麦9405/郑麦98//周麦16配制杂交组合,利用系谱法辅助生化标记连续多代选择后得到纯合的1亚基和Null亚基的近等基因系,并对近等基因系1亚基和Null亚基间的面筋特性和粉质特性进行了测定和分析.结果表明,对于面筋指数、形成时间、稳定时间和粉质质量指数,1亚基的贡献明显大于Null亚基,1亚基比Null亚基的面筋指数、形成时间、稳定时间和粉质质量指数分别提高9.79%、68.73%、25.89%和13.99%,成组数据的t测验显示差异达到极显著水平(P值分别为0.007、0.000、0.002和0.006),亚基效应为1亚基>Null亚基;对于湿面筋含量、干面筋含量和吸水率,1亚基和Null亚基的贡献无明显差别,成组数据t检验显示差异不显著(0.978、0.654和0.206).  相似文献   
沙田柚黄龙病病原16S rDNA片段的克隆与序列分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采集田间表现斑驳症状的沙田柚叶脉,用CTAB法提取总DNA。根据柑橘黄龙病病原16S rDNA的核苷酸序列设计引物P1/P2,进行PCR扩增,获得1条大小为1 167 bp的片段。酶切分析显示,该片段可被切成大小分别约为640 bp和520 bp的2个片段。扩增产物经纯化,与pM D 18-T V ector连接,转化大肠杆菌(E scherich ia coli)DH 5α,筛选克隆重组子。对PCR产物进行测序及序列分析,结果表明,与柑橘黄龙病病原亚洲种16S rDNA的同源性为99%,与非洲种的同源性为97%,与美洲种的同源性为96%。认为,沙田柚的斑驳症状是由黄龙病病原引致的,称之为沙田柚黄龙病。该沙田柚黄龙病病原属于柑橘黄龙病病原亚洲种(L iberobacter as iaticus)中的一个成员。系统进化树分析显示,沙田柚黄龙病病原与中国柑橘黄龙病病原亲缘关系最近,推测是直接来自中国柑橘黄龙病病原。  相似文献   
研究了不同浓度APM(4~6 μmol/L)和不同处理时间(4~6 h)对洋葱根尖细胞有丝分裂的影响.结果表明,当用5.6 μmol/L APM处理洋葱分生组织16 h后,中期细胞有丝分裂指数(Met.Ⅰ)从0.8(对照)分别提高至5.0、5.2.结果也同时表明,当APM浓度超过4 μmol/L时,严重影响细胞有丝分裂.在根尖细胞中,多极分裂细胞(尤其是3~4级),中期染色  相似文献   
白花败酱的家化栽培技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用不同栽植密度、不同施肥方式及不同的管理措施,对白花败酱的栽培技术进行研究.结果表明冬春时节搭建大棚有利于白花败酱的生长,提高产量.栽植密度以25株@m-2较适宜.施用复合肥能较大幅度地提高白花败酱产量.白花败酱生态适应性较强,适于人工栽培,露地栽种年产量达39.2t@hm-3.表4参8  相似文献   
临安山核桃林地土壤磷素状况及其淋失风险分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以天目山地区临安市岛石镇下塔村和湍口镇湍口村发育于石灰岩的山核桃林地土壤为研究对象,采集林地表层(0~20 cm)土壤样品,用于评估长期施肥对山核桃林地土壤磷素状况的影响及其潜在的淋失风险。土壤分析表明:土壤Olsen\|P存在较大的空间变异,含量低的近于0 mg·kg-1,而最高的含量达 893 mg·kg-1。土壤CaCl2\|P与Olsen\|P相关分析显示,岛石镇和湍口镇土壤Olsen\|P的临界值分别为193和293 mg·kg-1。据此,岛石和湍口两地土壤发生磷淋失的林地分别占调查林地的30%和45%。表明研究区已经有相当数量的山核桃林地因土壤磷素积累而存在淋失风险,需要引起重视。  相似文献   
The expression of Kit, the receptor for stem cell factor (SCF), on bovine peripheral blood cells (PBCs) was examined by using monoclonal antibodies against the bovine Kit protein. Flow cytometric analysis showed that approximately 1.5% of PBCs expressed Kit. In cytospin preparations, the morphology of most Kit+ PBCs was similar to that of large lymphocytes. Subsets of Kit+ PBCs coexpressed CD3, IgM, and/or CD11b but not CD14 or G1. SCF did not induce the proliferation of Kit+ PBCs in vitro. These results indicate that Kit is expressed on subsets of lymphocytes in bovine peripheral blood, but the ligand of Kit, SCF, does not directly induce the proliferation of this cell population.  相似文献   
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