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Summary One of the essential aims of land planning is to satisfy the people's need for recreation. For this purpose it seems to be efficient to differentiate between “local” recreation and “long-distance” recreation areas and to consider them separatly in regional planning. To determine the location of recreational forests we need appropriate aids for decision making. Therefore activities that bring about deterioration of natural conditions, e.g. water pollution, soil erosion etc., as well as injuries to the optical value of the landscape, are not allowed in natural recreational areas. On the other hand it is possible to delimit forests after an analysis of stand composition and also by interpretation of maps giving the physiological effects of the climate. Above all the habits of the people are of importance, especially when they are based on irrational motives. These factores are of great importance in addition to the sociological conditions of an area and therefore do not allow the organization of long-distance recreation areas from simply a regional point of view. In the case of areas designed for local recreation, however, it might be sufficient to appraise the demands of the people through a regional analysis.

Herrn Professor Dr. Dr. h. c.Julius Speer zum 65. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   
Ohne Zusammenfassung  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In der Forstwissenschaft gewinnen neben der herk?mmlichen elektronischen Datenverarbeitung die zahlreichen Formen fortentwickelter automatisierter Datenverarbeitung zunehmende Bedeutung. Wichtigste Voraussetzung für ihre Anwendung ist, da? Rechenanlagen mit ausreichender Maschinenkonfiguration und leistungsf?higem Betriebssystem zur Verfügung stehen und eine angemessene Programmversorgung gew?hrleistet ist, was heute i. d. R. vorausgesetzt werden kann. Daneben mu? eine Reihe personeller und finanzieller Mindestvoraussetzungen geschaffen sein. Die Programmversorgung für die Datenverarbeitung in der Forstwissenschaft der Bundesrepublik stützt sich im wesentlichen auf Programm-Bibliotheken der internationalen EDV-Benutzungsorganisationen und auf Programmquellen aus dem engeren Bereich der mathematischen Statistik, in jüngster Zeit auch zunehmend auf Programmbest?nde forstlicher Fachinstitute des Auslandes und auf eigene Programmentwicklungen. Die vielf?ltigen Einsatzm?glichkeiten der elektronischen Datenverarbeitung in der Forstwissenschaft werden an Beispielen aus der Holzvorratsinventur und Stichprobensimulation, der Ertragstafelforschung, Planungs- und Optimierungstechnik sowie am Beispiel eines neuen ?kologischen Forschungsprojektes dargestellt. Abschlie?end wird auf einige Aussagegrenzen hingewiesen, die bei Auswertung und Interpretation von Datenverarbeitungsergebnissen zu beachten sind. Herrn Professor Dr.E. Assmann zu seinem 65. Geburtstag in Verehrung gewidmet.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Angesichts fehlender Information über die kommerzielle Verfügbarkeit in Europa von Biopräparaten (auf der Basis von Mikroorganismen einschl. der Viren) und von nützlichen Metazoen für biologische Maßnahmen zur Unterdrückung von Schadorganismen wurde an die amtlichen Stellen, ausnahmsweise an Einzelexperten in folgenden Ländern eine Umfrage gerichtet: Frankreich, Großbritannien, Italien, Österreich, Rumänien, Jugoslawien, Schweden, die Schweiz, die Niederlande, Finnland und Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Die Ergebnisse werden in 2 Teilen als ein Momentbild des Zustandes Anfang 1984 vorgelegt. Im Begleittext wird für die Annahme einer Europäischen Zulassungsordnung für Biopräparate plädiert (die als Entwurf bereits vorliegt), um Zeit und Geld zu sparen. Zwischen den einzelnen Ländern bestehen sehr große Unterschiede bezüglich der Verfügbarkeit biotischer Agentien für biologische Verfahren. Einige vielversprechende neue Entwicklungen werden kurz in der Hoffnung vorgestellt, daß sie stimulierend wirken. Allen Kollegen, die bei der Umfrage geholfen haben, sei besonders gedankt.
Which beneficial organisms are available in Europe for biological plant and health protection
In view of the lack of information concerning the commercial availability in Europe of biopreparations (based on microorganisms including viruses) as well as of beneficial metazoa for biological control of pest organisms, an inquiry was started for the following countries: France, Great Britain, Italy, Austria, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Sweden, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Finland and Germany Fed. Rep. Results are presented as a momentary picture of the situation in early 1984. A plead is made for the acceptance of an European protocol for registration of biopreparations (which has already been drafted) in order to save money and time. There are great differences between countries in the availability of biotic agents for biological control. Some very promising new developments are briefly reviewed and considered to act in a stimulating way. Thanks are due to those colleagues who helped to obtain the information here presented.

Mit 2 Tabellen  相似文献   
European Journal of Forest Research - Anhand yon Wuchsmodellen wird die Bestandesentwicktung der Kiefer bei unterschied-licher Begrüindungsdichte und Bestandesbehandlung dargestellt. Neben...  相似文献   
Afforestation and ecological restoration have often been carried out with fast-growing exotic tree species because of their high apparent growth and yield. Moreover, fast-growing forest plantations have become an important component of mitigation measures to offset greenhouse gas emissions. However, information on the long-term performance of exotic and fast-growing species is often lacking especially with respect to their vulnerability to disturbance compared to native species. We compared carbon (C) storage and C accumulation rates in vegetation (above- and belowground) and soil in 21-year-old exotic slash pine (Pinus elliottii Engelm.) and native Masson pine (Pinus massoniana Lamb.) plantations, as well as their responses to a severe ice storm in 2008. Our results showed that mean C storage was 116.77 ± 7.49 t C ha?1 in slash pine plantation and 117.89 ± 8.27 t C ha?1 in Masson pine plantation. The aboveground C increased at a rate of 2.18 t C ha?1 year?1 in Masson pine and 2.23 t C ha?1 year?1 in slash pine plantation, and there was no significant difference in C storage accumulation between the two plantation types. However, we observed significant differences in ice storm damage with nearly 7.5 % of aboveground biomass loss in slash pine plantation compared with only 0.3 % loss in Masson pine plantation. Our findings indicated that the native pine species was more resistant to ice storm because of their adaptive biological traits (tree shape, crown structure, and leaf surface area). Overall, the native pine species might be a safer choice for both afforestation and ecological restoration in our study region.  相似文献   
Tropical regions are currently undergoing remarkable rates of land use change accompanied by altered litter inputs to soil. In vast areas of Southern Ecuador forests are clear cut and converted for use as cattle pastures. Frequently these pasture sites are invaded by bracken fern, when bracken becomes dominant pasture productivity decreases and the sites are abandoned. In the present study implications of invasive bracken on soil biogeochemical properties were investigated. Soil samples (0-5 cm) were taken from an active pasture with Setaria sphacelata as predominant grass and from an abandoned pasture overgrown by bracken. Grass (C4 plant) and bracken (C3 plant) litter, differing in C:N ratio (33 and 77, respectively) and lignin content (Klason-lignin: 18% and 45%, respectively), were incubated in soils of their corresponding sites and vice versa for 28 days at 22 °C. Unamended microcosms containing only the respective soil or litter were taken as controls. During incubation the amount of CO2 and its δ13C-signature were determined at different time intervals. Additionally, the soil microbial community structure (PLFA-analysis) as well as the concentrations of KCl-extractable C and N were monitored. The comparison between the control soils of active and abandoned pasture sites showed that the massive displacement of Setaria-grass by bracken after pasture abandonment was characterized by decreased pH values accompanied by decreased amounts of readily available organic carbon and nitrogen, a lower microbial biomass and decreased activity as well as a higher relative abundance of actinomycetes. The δ13C-signature of CO2 indicated a preferential mineralization of grass-derived organic carbon in pasture control soils. In soils amended with grass litter the mineralization of soil organic matter was retarded (negative priming effect) and also a preferential utilization of easily available organic substances derived from the grass litter was evident. Compared to the other treatments, the pasture soil amended with grass litter showed an opposite shift in the microbial community structure towards a lower relative abundance of fungi. After addition of bracken litter to the abandoned pasture soil a positive priming effect seemed to be supported by an N limitation at the end of incubation. This was accompanied by an increase in the ratio of Gram-positive to Gram-negative bacterial PLFA marker. The differences in litter quality between grass and bracken are important triggers of changes in soil biogeochemical and soil microbial properties after land use conversion.  相似文献   
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