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Jejunojejunal intussusception occurred after jejunal resection and stapled functional end-to-end anastomosis in two pony mares. In both mares, the lead point of the intussusception was the stapled functional end-to-end (FEE) anastomosis. The stapled free ends of jejunum were oversewn with an inverting suture pattern. A possible explanation for development of the intussusception was the acute angle created in the intestine by the FEE anastomsis. This angulation may have impaired flow of ingesta causing motility changes that predisposed the site to intussusception. Because the oversewn blind intestinal ends acted as the lead point for formation of the intussusception, it may be inadvisable to oversew the stapled anastomotic ends.  相似文献   
Cryosurgical treatment of canine eyelid neoplasms has resulted in destruction of the tumors while maintaining acceptable cosmetic results. Both clinical experience and experimental studies have shown the normal canine palpebra to be quite resistant to excessive permanent deformity secondary to freezing. Significant histologic changes after cryotherapy are loss of adnexal structures, and depigmentation and thinning of the epithelium. Cryosurgery is recommended as an alternative treatment to surgical excision of eyelid tumors in dogs.  相似文献   
Morphologic Effects of Experimental Distention of Equine Small Intestine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The morphologic effects of induced intraluminal hydrostatic pressures (IHPs) of 0, 9, and 18 cm H2O were evaluated in 33 isolated equine jejunal segments. Fifteen segments were distended with Tyrode's solution for 1 hour and nine segments for 4 hours. Tyrode's solution was added as needed to maintain the prescribed pressures. Nine other segments were left undisturbed for 4 hours after the initial distention period. On decompression of the intestinal segments, progressive peristaltic contractions resumed in all segments. Evaluation of intestinal sections by light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy showed edema of the villi and submucosa and separation of the epithelial cells adjacent to the basement membrane in all segments. The epithelial cell necrosis found in ischemic intestine was not seen. This study indicates that the necrosis found at the villous tips in distended sections of small intestine remote from the site of obstruction cannot be reproduced by IHP increases of 4 hours duration.  相似文献   
The recombinant DNA technology or DNA cloning permits the isolation, amplification, and precise manipulation of specific DNA fragments. This is generally accomplished by linking or recombining the desired DNA fragment with a DNA molecule, termed the vector, which is capable of directing the replication of itself in a suitable host cell and any DNA segment covalently attached to it. Using this and associated technologies, it is possible to produce large amounts of specific proteins and to modify cell types by introducing the genes for proteins that are otherwise absent. Moreover, it is now possible to construct variants of naturally-occurring proteins with improved biological or physical properties.  相似文献   
Abstract— Local scarification and infection with orf virus induced an influx into the dermis of a significantly greater number of T cells than scarification alone. These cells accumulated underneath the early lesion caused by the scarification and later within epidermal pustules which formed as a result of infection. Cells of the γδ, T4 and T8 subsets were all implicated in this response. Dermal B cell numbers also rose in response to infection but relatively fewer B cells were found within pustules. Dendritic cells reactive for IgM were prominent under the initial lesion caused by scarification and dense aggregations occurred under the degenerating epidermis about 72 h after infection. Résumé— L'infection par scarification locale de virus de l'ecthyma contagieux du mouton a provoqué un influx de lymphocytes T dans le derme significativement plus important que lors de scarification seule. Ces cellules s'accumulaient sous les lésions précoces provoquées par la scarification et plus tard au niveau des pustules resultant de l'infection. Les lymphocytes T3, T4 et γδ, étaient impliqués dans cette reaction. Le nombre de lymphocytes B dermiques augmentait aussi en réponse à l'infection, mais peu d'entre eux étaient retrouvér dans les pustules. Les cellules répondant à l'lgM étaient majoritaires sous les seules lésions provoquées par scarification et des agrégations denses apparaissaient sous l'épiderme dégénéré 72 heures aprés l'infection. Zusammenfassung— Die lokale Skarifikation und Infektion mit dem Orf-Virus führte zum Einwandern von einer signifikant größeren Anzahl von T-Zellen in die Dermis, als die Skarifikation allein. Die Zellen akkumulierten sich unter der frühen Skarifikationsläsion und später innerhalb der epidermalen Pusteln, die sich durch die Infektion ergaben. Zellen der Gamma-delta-, T4-und T8-SubpopuIationen waren an dieser Reaktion beteiligt. Auch die Anzahl dermaler B-Zellen stieg als Antwort auf die Infektion, aber innerhalb der Pusteln wurden, relativ gesehen, weniger B-Zellen gefunden. Die auf IgM reaktiven Denritenzellen hoben sich unter der initialen Läsion durch die Skarifikation hervor, dichte Aggregationen fanden sich unter der degenerierenden Epidermis ungefähr 72 Stunden nach der Infektion. Resumen Infección e introducción por medio de multiples punturas cutáneas del virus Orf, produjo un mayor aflujo de linfocitos T en la dermis que punturas de manera aislada. Éstas células se acumularon debajo de la lesión primaria causada por las punturas y de forma tardía en las pústulas epidérmicas, las cuales se formaron como resultado de la infección. Las células del tipo yó de los subgrupos T4 y T8, se encontraron todas implicadas en esta respuesta. Los números de linficitos B en la dermis se vieron aumentados como reacción a la infección, pero menos en las pústulas, relativamente. Células dentríticas reactivas a la IgM fueron prevalentes en la lesión inicial por las multiples punturas, y 72 horas despues de la infección, se detectaron agregaciones densas que ocurrieron bajo la epidermis en degeneración.  相似文献   
Five configurations of pins or screws interconnected with polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) were applied to isolated canine lumbar spines (L2 to L5) in which a complete fracture-luxation had been produced at L3 to L4. Twenty-five repaired spines and five intact control spines were subjected to four-point bending and tested once to failure in ventral flexion. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of pin number, pin angle, and use of 3.5-mm cortical bone screws instead of smooth 3.2-mm diameter pins on rigidity and ultimate strength of spinal fractures repaired by the implant-PMMA fixation technique. Bending moment versus the angular deformation curves were recorded. Rigidity, bending moment at 10° angular deformation, moment at failure, and deformation at failure of each type of fixation were compared using analysis of variance. Spinal segments stabilized with eight pin-PMMA fixation had significantly greater rigidity and strength at failure than four pin-PMMA fixations ( P < .05). Furthermore, spinal segments stabilized with eight pins angled away from the fracture failed at significantly greater bending moment than those with eight pins angled toward the fracture ( P < .05). However, for four-pin fixation, greater strength was achieved by angling pins in the bone toward the fracture site ( P < .05). Screw-PMMA fixations failed by screw bending and were less rigid and weaker at failure than the corresponding configuration of pin-PMMA fixation ( P < .05).  相似文献   
Arthroscopic examination of structures within the plantar pouch of the tarsocrural joint was accomplished via portals in both the plantaromedial and plantarolateral aspects of the joint. Flexion and extension of the tarsus while examining the joint through either portal allowed observation of the proximal and plantar aspects of the lateral and medial trochlear ridges, the trochlear groove, the caudal aspect of the distal tibia, and the deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT) in its sheath. From a plantarolateral portal, the plantar talocalcaneal ligament and the plantar aspect of the lateral malleolus could be observed. The caudal aspect of the medial malleolus could not be observed with flexion or extension of the joint from a plantaromedial portal, but in some horses, the caudal aspect of the lateral malleolus could be observed. The dorsolateral and dorsomedial aspects of the plantar pouch were best examined from a portal on the ipsilateral side of the joint. An instrument portal opposite either arthroscope portal allowed access to most regions of the joint except the abaxial surface of the trochlear ridge opposite the instrument.  相似文献   
Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. is a persistent and troublesome weed which reproduces vegetatively. Establishment from seeds (achenes) is considered negligible under natural conditions in the United Kingdom (Bates, 1946), although germination under normal farm conditions was found to be good in America (Hansen, 1918). Korsmo (1930) in Norway and Hayden (1934) in Iowa found that the seeds had no dormancy period, but Niethammer (1934) and Zilke (1967) recorded seed dormancy in Germany and South Dakota respectively. An examination was therefore made of some of the factors which may regulate the germination of seeds of C. arvense in this country.  相似文献   
The survival of two Atlantic salmon stocks that inhabit rivers confluent with the North Sea was examined in respect to historical distributions of sea surface water temperatures. The rivers Figgjo and North Esk are relatively small salmon rivers in southern Norway and eastern Scotland, respectively. Wild salmon smolts have been tagged in these rivers since 1965. Tag returns were used to evaluate the survival of salmon in the North Sea. Survival rates of one-sea-winter (1SW) and 2SW fish were correlated within stocks, as well as between stocks. Survival rates were compared with the areal extent of thermal habitat in the north-eastern Atlantic Ocean. A positive correlation was found between the area of 8–10°C water in May and the survival of salmon. A reciprocal negative correlation was also found between survival and 5–7°C water in the same month. An analysis of sea surface temperature distributions for periods of good vs. poor salmon survival showed that when cool surface waters dominate the Norwegian coast and North Sea during May, salmon survival has been poor. Conversely, when the 8°C isotherm has extended northward along the Norwegian coast during May, survival has been good. The effect of water temperature distributions on the growth of postsmolts and other survival factors are discussed.  相似文献   
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