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为促进凉茶渣在畜牧业中的资源化利用,本研究以黑曲霉为菌种固态发酵凉茶渣,首先在单因素试验条件下考察了时间、温度、含水量、浸泡液pH、氮源和碳源对凉茶渣降解率和产物pH的影响;再根据单因素试验结果和规模化生产实际需要,以4%硫酸铵为氮源,2%葡萄糖为碳源,以降解率为考察指标,通过正交试验优化发酵工艺;并通过检测超氧自由基清除率、羟基自由基清除率和1,1-二苯基-2-三硝基苯肼(DPPH)自由基清除率,评价凉茶渣在最优工艺条件下发酵前后抗氧化活性的变化。结果发现,含水量为60%,浸泡液pH为9.0,31℃发酵168 h是凉茶渣的最佳发酵工艺参数。最佳工艺条件下凉茶渣的降解率为25.23%,发酵产物pH为4.53。当凉茶渣发酵前水提液浓度为24 mg/mL时,超氧自由基清除率为43.56%,羟基自由基清除率为47.06%,DPPH自由基清除率为90.71%;当最优条件下发酵产物水提液浓度24 mg/mL时,超氧自由基清除率为30.77%,羟基自由基清除率为95.63%,DPPH自由基清除率为87.36%。本试验结果表明,黑曲霉是适宜的凉茶渣发酵菌种,且凉茶渣经过黑曲霉发酵后具有良好的抗氧化活性。  相似文献   
试验旨在通过新型莫西菌素(moxidectin,MOX)浇泼剂对羊的驱虫试验,评价MOX浇泼剂对羊蜱蝇和消化道线虫的临床药效。将150只阿勒泰羊经产母羊随机分为6组,每组25只,分别为不用药对照组、螨净药浴组、MOX注射组和MOX低(0.05 mL/(kg·BW))、中(0.1 mL/(kg·BW))和高(0.2 mL/(kg·BW))剂量浇泼组,试验期为1周。试验第1天按前述分组中方法和剂量驱虫1次。观察受试动物临床表现,测定给药前1天和给药后第7天体温、脉搏和呼吸(TPR),血液生理、生化和尿常规指标;测定羊蜱蝇减虫率、治愈率。采取粪样测定消化道线虫每克粪中虫卵个数(EPG)减少率及转阴率。结果显示,与不用药对照组相比,给药后第7天各驱虫组TPR、血液生理、生化及尿常规指标均无显著差异(P>0.05)。螨净药浴组羊蜱蝇减虫率为43.7%,而MOX注射组及MOX低、中、高剂量浇泼组均为100%。螨净药浴组治愈率为13.0%,而MOX注射组及MOX低、中、高剂量浇泼组均为100%;与不用药对照组相比,螨净药浴组消化道线虫卵减少率为0,而MOX注射组及MOX低、中、高剂量浇泼组分别为91.6%、93.1%、94.9%和97.8%。螨净药浴组虫卵转阴率为0,而MOX注射组及MOX低、中、高剂量浇泼组分别为77.0%、69.2%、69.2%和84.6%。本试验结果表明,新型MOX浇泼剂对体外寄生虫和消化道线虫均有显著疗效,且优于螨净药浴,与MOX注射剂等效。实践应用中最适MOX浇泼剂量推荐为0.05 mL/(kg·BW)(即0.25 mg/(kg·BW))。  相似文献   
为确定奶牛垫料中是否含有病原菌并深入了解垫料中优势生长菌的类型、耐药性及致病性等情况,本试验进行了细菌分离培养、革兰染色镜检、生化试验鉴定、16S rDNA序列分析及同源性比对、药敏试验、小鼠致病性试验。结果显示,分离菌在普通营养琼脂平板上形成圆形、表面光滑的白色菌落,血琼脂平板上形成黏稠、较大的白色菌落。革兰染色镜检结果显示,分离菌为革兰阳性,球型,呈葡萄串状排列,或单个散落。生化试验结果显示,分离菌对木糖、葡萄糖、麦芽糖、果糖、乳糖、硝酸盐还原等呈阳性反应,而蜜二糖、木糖醇、山梨醇、尿素、V-P反应等呈阴性反应。16S rDNA序列分析结果显示,扩增的16S rDNA序列长度为1 298 bp,与松鼠葡萄球菌的核苷酸同源性达99.85%~100%;系统进化树结果显示,分离菌与松鼠葡萄球菌处于同一分支。动物试验结果表明,分离菌株对试验小鼠有较强的致病性,以0.2 mL/只(7.9×108 CFU/mL)菌液的剂量接种小鼠,在48 h内死亡率为60%(3/5)。药敏特性分析结果显示,分离菌株对复方新诺明、氨苄西林等7种药物敏感,对克林霉素、头孢噻肟和头孢呋辛中度敏感,对青霉素、红霉素和林可霉素耐药。本研究为奶牛源松鼠葡萄球菌的分离鉴定及防控提供了参考依据。  相似文献   
餐厨废弃物(food waste,FW)的资源利用受到广泛关注。FW焚化、填埋、堆肥、厌氧消化等技术因其面临的环境可持续性问题而受到越来越多的批评。饲料化技术可以将FW转化为高价值的饲料,从而减少固体废物的排放、养殖成本和环境污染,但该技术应符合减少、再利用和回收有机废物的处理原则。作者综述了FW的饲料化技术及其在动物生产中的应用。FW饲料化技术主要包括热处理、酶处理、藻类培养、昆虫过腹、发酵技术。其中热处理可以确保微生物安全性,是其他技术的预处理技术。藻类培养和昆虫过腹技术可以将FW转化为植物和昆虫蛋白,避免同源污染,但尚不清楚藻类和昆虫在FW利用过程中是否会造成污染物积累。酶处理和发酵技术可以将FW中大分子转化为小分子。酶的催化性能和稳定性容易受外界条件的影响,需要考虑特殊的酶制剂。发酵技术的机械化程度和资源利用率高,其核心是微生物,需要筛选有效的、能充分利用FW的微生物。目前FW在畜牧业中的应用较少,在其生产和应用中要特别注意用量和使用时间。为了使FW饲料真正作为动物饲料进入食物链,研究人员必须对不同动物(含不同生长阶段)的生长性能和产品特性进行研究,以确保动物健康及动物产品对人类健康没有负面影响。  相似文献   
本试验旨在筛选绵羊高度多态性四碱基微卫星遗传标记,建立适用于绵羊亲子关系鉴定的实验体系。试验以小尾寒羊为主要研究对象,从已有的绵羊参考基因组序列出发,基于全基因组序列筛选法共筛选出53个(ATAG)n四碱基重复微卫星位点,然后通过基因分型数据共筛选出30个扩增效果好、多态信息含量(PIC)丰富的四碱基重复微卫星位点;30个位点的基因分型结果表明,共扩增出253个等位基因,平均等位基因数为8.433,等位基因数均>5,多态信息含量在0.566~0.898,观测杂合度(Ho)范围在0.548~0.903,期望杂合度(He)范围在0.631~0.921,平均期望杂合度为0.776;哈代-温伯格平衡检验30个位点均处于遗传平衡状态。随后根据PCR的扩增效率从获得的30个多态性位点中筛选出22个微卫星位点用于亲权排除概率的计算,根据多态信息含量的大小由高到低依次增加位点数进行组合。结果表明,在两个亲本的基因型均未知的情况下,标记位点数为15个时,累积排除概率可达到99.99%,其中单个位点的第一非亲排除率(non-exclusion probability of the first parent,NE-1P)介于0.321~0.663之间。利用建立的亲子鉴定体系对16只具有系谱记录的小尾寒羊样本进行检测,结果共鉴定出4个具有高置信度的绵羊家系,鉴定结果与系谱记录完全一致。本试验为绵羊分子系谱的构建、亲子鉴定以及保障绵羊育种工作的正常开展奠定重要基础。  相似文献   
Necrotic enteritis (NE) is an important enteric disease in poultry and has become a major concern in poultry production in the post-antibiotic era. The infection with NE can damage the intestinal mucosa of the birds leading to impaired health and, thus, productivity. To gain a better understanding of how NE impacts the gut function of infected broilers, global mRNA sequencing (RNA-seq) was performed in the jejunum tissue of NE challenged and non-challenged broilers to identify the pathways and genes affected by this disease. Briefly, to induce NE, birds in the challenge group were inoculated with 1 mL of Eimeria species on day 9 followed by 1 mL of approximately 108 CFU/mL of a NetB producing Clostridium perfringens on days 14 and 15. On day 16, 2 birds in each treatment were randomly selected and euthanized and the whole intestinal tract was evaluated for lesion scores. Duodenum tissue samples from one of the euthanized birds of each replicate (n = 4) was used for histology, and the jejunum tissue for RNA extraction. RNA-seq analysis was performed with an Illumina RNA HiSeq 2000 sequencer. The differentially expressed genes (DEG) were identified and functional analysis was performed in DAVID to find protein–protein interactions (PPI). At a false discovery rate threshold <0.05, a total of 377 DEG (207 upregulated and 170 downregulated) DEG were identified. Pathway enrichment analysis revealed that DEG were considerably enriched in peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR) signaling (P < 0.01) and β-oxidation pathways (P < 0.05). The DEG were mostly related to fatty acid metabolism and degradation (cluster of differentiation 36 [CD36], acyl-CoA synthetase bubblegum family member-1 [ACSBG1], fatty acid-binding protein-1 and -2 [FABP1] and [FABP2]; and acyl-coenzyme A synthetase-1 [ACSL1]), bile acid production and transportation (acyl-CoA oxidase-2 [ACOX2], apical sodium–bile acid transporter [ASBT]) and essential genes in the immune system (interferon-, [IFN-γ], LCK proto-oncogene, Src family tyrosine kinase [LCK], zeta chain of T cell receptor associated protein kinase 70 kDa [ZAP70], and aconitate decarboxylase 1 [ACOD1]). Our data revealed that pathways related to fatty acid digestion were significantly compromised which thereby could have affected metabolic and immune responses in NE infected birds.  相似文献   
The continuous use of plowing for grain production has been the principal cause of soil degradation. This project was formulated on the hypothesis that the intensification of cropping systems by increasing biomass‐C input and its biodiversity under no‐till (NT) drives soil restoration of degraded agro‐ecosystem. The present study conducted at subtropical [Ponta Grossa (PG) site] and tropical regions [Lucas do Rio Verde, MT (LRV) site] in Brazil aimed to (i) assess the impact of the continuous plow‐based conventional tillage (CT) on soil organic carbon (SOC) stock vis‐à‐vis native vegetation (NV) as baseline; (ii) compare SOC balance among CT, NT cropping systems, and NV; and (iii) evaluate the redistribution of SOC stock in soil profile in relation to soil resilience. The continuous CT decreased the SOC stock by 0·58 and 0·67 Mg C ha−1 y−1 in the 0‐ to 20‐cm depth at the PG and LRV sites, respectively, and the rate of SOC sequestration was 0·59 for the PG site and ranged from 0·48 to 1·30 Mg C ha−1 y−1 for the LRV site. The fraction of C input by crop residues converted into SOC stock was ~14·2% at the PG site and ~20·5% at the LRV site. The SOC resilience index ranged from 0·29 to 0·79, and it increased with the increase in the C input among the NT systems and the SOC sequestration rates at the LRV site. These data support the hypothesis that NT cropping systems with high C input have a large potential to reverse the process of soil degradation and SOC decline. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
During the last few decades, land use changes have largely affected the global warming process through emissions of CO2. However, C sequestration in terrestrial ecosystems could contribute to the decrease of atmospheric CO2 rates. Although Mediterranean areas show a high potential for C sequestration, only a few studies have been carried out in these systems. In this study, we propose a methodology to assess the impact of land use and land cover change dynamics on soil organic C stocks at different depths. Soil C sequestration rates are provided for different land cover changes and soil types in Andalusia (southern Spain). Our research is based on the analysis of detailed soil databases containing data from 1357 soil profiles, the Soil Map of Andalusia and the Land Use and Land Cover Map of Andalusia. Land use and land cover changes between 1956 and 2007 implied soil organic C losses in all soil groups, resulting in a total loss of 16·8 Tg (approximately 0·33 Tg y−1). Afforestation increased soil organic C mostly in the topsoil, and forest contributed to sequestration of 8·62 Mg ha−1 of soil organic C (25·4 per cent). Deforestation processes implied important C losses, particularly in Cambisols, Luvisols and Vertisols. The information generated in this study will be a useful basis for designing management strategies for stabilizing the increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations by preservation of C stocks and C sequestration. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
通过对区域水资源和土地资源概况进行研究,利用大系统递阶优化思想,以供水对象相对缺水率最小和农业经济效益最大为目标,建立了区域水土资源联合优化配置模型,并以句容市为例,对平原丘陵地区的水资源在时间和区域上进行了合理安排、设计、组合和布局,对农业种植结构进行了调整。研究结果表明:水资源是土地资源发挥最大优势的基本条件,水资源利用合理与否,直接影响到土地资源的生产效率;而土地资源的利用程度也影响着水资源的变化,土地资源利用效率高,则为水资源的合理开发利用创造条件。  相似文献   
This study evaluated the influence of calcium and magnesium ions on the empirical rheological properties of wheat flour to verify possible effects of these ions on processing because, in addition to their nutritional importance, they are also responsible for water hardness. Calcium (0–1.30 g/100 g) and magnesium (0–0.34 g/100 g) ions from sulfate salts were added to wheat flour, according to a central composite rotatable design. The farinograph and extensigraph properties of wheat flour and its mixtures were evaluated. The results were analyzed by response surface methodology. Calcium ions stood out for increasing water absorption, decreasing mixing stability, and producing a delayed effect on dough extensibility (reduced at 135 min). Magnesium ions influenced most flour rheological properties in a similar manner to oxidizing agents (increased dough stability, increased resistance to extension, and reduced extensibility), thus proving to be a possible replacement agent for these additives. An interaction effect of the combined calcium and magnesium ions was observed on dough development time. The results showed that effects on processing can occur when wheat flour fortification is made, and adaptations on wheat flour specifications, product formulation, and processing parameters may be required.  相似文献   
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