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薯蓣内生真菌的分离及其抑制植物病原真菌的活性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
从盾叶薯蓣(Dioscorea zingiberensis C.H.Wright)各部位共分离到50株内生真菌,初步鉴定有19株分属于曲霉属(Aspergillus Micheli ex Fr.)、须壳霉属(Pyrenochaetade Not)、刺孢壳属(Chaetomella Fuckel)、侧孢霉属(Sporotrichum Lk.ex Fr.)、棒束梗霉属(Isaria Pers.ex Fr.)、假黑粉霉属(Coniosporium Lk.ex Fr.)和简梗孢霉属(Chromosporium Corda),其余菌株因不产孢而暂未鉴定。利用生长速率法和孢子萌发法检测到分离于根茎的EDT3、EDT4、EDT5和分离于种子的EDS1、EDS3、EDS4等6株菌株的发酵液对棉花黄萎病菌(Verticillium dahliaeKleb.)等6种植物病原真菌的菌丝生长有抑制作用,其中EDS3和EDS4发酵液的混合液E-y对这6种植物病原真菌的菌丝生长和孢子萌发均有较强的抑制作用。  相似文献   
This research aims to improve erosion control practice in the Loess Plateau, by studying the surface erosion processes, including splash, sheet/interrill and rill erosion in four contrasting soils under high rainfall intensity (120 mm h−1) with three-scale indoor artificial experiments. Four contrasting soils as sandy loam, sandy clay loam, clay loam and loamy clay were collected from different parts of the Loess Plateau. The results showed that sediment load was significantly impacted by soil properties in all three sub-processes. Splash rate (4.0–21.6 g m−2∙min−1) was highest in sandy loam from the north part of the Loess Plateau and showed a negative power relation with the mean weight diameter of aggregates after 20 min of rainfall duration. The average sediment load by sheet/interrill erosion (6.94–42.86 g m−2∙min−1) was highest in clay loam from middle part of the Loess Plateau, and the stable sediment load after 20 min showed a positive power relation with the silt content in soil. The average sediment load increased dramatically by rill and interrill erosion (21.03–432.16 g m−2∙min−1), which was highest in loamy clay from south part of the Loess Plateau. The average sediment load after the occurrence of rill showed a positive power relation with clay content and a negative power relation with soil organic matter content. The impacts of slope gradient on the runoff rate and sediment load also changed with soil properties. The critical factors varied for different processes, which were the aggregate size for splash erosion, the content of silt particles and slope gradient for sheet/interrill erosion, and the content of clay particles, soil organic matter and slope gradient for rill erosion. Based on the results of the experiments, specific erosion control practices were proposed by targeting certain erosion processes in areas with different soil texture and different distribution of slope gradient. The findings from this study should support the improvement of erosion prediction and cropland management in different regions of the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   
猪伪狂犬病油乳剂灭活疫苗的制备及安全性与免疫性试验   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
用本室分离鉴定的猪伪狂犬病毒鄂A经毒株接种仓鼠肾细胞(BHK-21),制备病毒抗原液,毒价不低于10^-6TCID50/0.1ml。经一定浓度的甲醛溶液灭活后与油相佐剂乳化研制成油乳剂灭活油疫苗4批。本研究对该制品的安全性、免疫性进行了测定。对18g左右小白鼠接种0.3ml,初生仔猪、断奶仔猪及妊娠母猪加倍剂量注射,均未出现不良反应,安全性良好。对母猪的繁殖性能不产生影响。后备母猪及妊娠母清中和抗体指数于免疫后21d达到316以上,间隔35d加强免疫一次后,中和抗体指数可达1000以上。断奶仔猪及初生仔猪免疫后对强毒的攻击,保护率分别为100%及90.62%。  相似文献   
家蚕微孢子虫N.bombycis分离纯化方法的优化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对家蚕微孢子虫的分离纯化条件进行了探索。微孢子虫的分离,采用差速离心法或自然沉降法的效果均可。蔗糖平衡密度离心法的较优条件为50%-60%的蔗糖连续梯度、23000rpm离心30min,而Percoll法的最佳条件为25%、50%、75%和100%的Percoll不连续梯度、17500rpm离心20min;两种纯化方法相比较,Percoll法的效果为好。  相似文献   
阅读提示:"6.26"国际禁毒日前后,媒体有关缉毒犬的报道让读者领略了这一神秘武器的风采。不少读者向本刊反映,很想进一步了解中国缉毒犬训练使用的幕后故事,为飨读者,本刊专门采写了下文。  相似文献   
根据副溶血性弧菌的耐热溶血素基因(tdh)设计了2对引物,经聚合酶链式反应(PCR)检测,所有18株神奈川试验阳性副溶血性弧菌均呈阳性反应,而6株神奈川试验阴性副溶血性弧菌呈阴性反应,其他9种(34株)弧菌和8株其他革兰氏阴性菌也呈阴性反应。检测敏感性可达2CFU的副溶血性弧菌。  相似文献   
犬皮肤病是犬临床诊治中常见病之一。犬因品种、年龄、个体、营养、生活环境等不同而引起的皮肤病有很大的差异。本文就几种常见的犬皮肤病的不同的临床症状进行了简要综述,旨在给饲养者提供一些早期的、简单的鉴别及诊断,能尽快做出相应的预防和护理措施,并及时就诊。  相似文献   
安徽省蓝舌病流行病学调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1987~1991年,安徽省的三个县发生了绵羊的蓝舌病,并经病毒分离、鉴定证实。绵羊的发病率为33.0%,病死率11.3%。对反刍家畜的血清学调直显示,疫区中的阳性率高于非疫区。黄牛、水牛、绵羊的阳性率无统计学差异,均明显高于山羊及乳牛;美利奴绵羊的阳性率高于考力代及罗姆尼;放牧羊群的阳性率高于舍饲;无明显的年龄差异。调查得本省库蠓12种,尖喙库蠓、原野库蠓及日本库蠓为本省嗜畜的优势种。分析认为:原野库蠓是最可疑的媒介昆虫,水牛、黄牛是本省蓝舌病病毒越冬的保毒宿主。  相似文献   
臭氧是一种高效环保的空气消毒剂,为了探讨臭氧消毒应用于畜牧业空气消毒的可行性,进行臭氧对空气消毒效果试验。结果表明,在相对湿度60%~70%,消毒60 min,臭氧消毒的杀菌率可达到99.84%,说明臭氧是畜舍空气消毒较为理想的新型空气消毒剂,值得推广应用。  相似文献   
动物检疫证明的手写出证方式已不能适应新形势下动物疫病防控和动物源性食品安全监管的需要,成为制约动物追溯体系建设的瓶颈。山东省将动物检疫与信息技术相结合,经过积极研发、试点过渡、完善制度和加强培训指导等4步稳步推进动物检疫电子出证系统建设,建成了省级动物检疫数据中心,搭建了省级出证平台,开发了7个功能模块,制定了电子出证数据地方标准,最终实现了规范出具检疫证明、便捷统计分析和快速追踪溯源等管理目标,有力提升了动物疫病防控能力和畜产品质量安全保障能力。  相似文献   
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