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<正>茄子作为蔬菜深受人们的喜爱,近年来随着茄子的大面积种植,茄子上的蚜虫为害也日趋严重,由于菜农缺少植保知识,滥用农药,使蚜虫的抗药性不断增强,因此一般防治蚜虫的药剂防效不佳,笔者于2008年5月进行了几种杀虫剂防治桃蚜的药效试验,现将结果报告如下:1.材料与方法  相似文献   
为了解2017—2018年丰县地区苹果生产及绿色防控现状,在丰县梁寨、师寨、大沙河以及宋楼4个镇的13个苹果种植村,调研农户的基本信息、生产经营情况以及果园病虫害防治及管理情况。调查结果表明,丰县地区的苹果种植户主要负责人多为男性,且年龄整体偏大,总体文化水平较低,其中同时具备党员或村干部资质的人数较少;在气候正常年份(2017年),丰县地区苹果平均产量可达到 29178.6 kg/hm2,平均售价2.4元/kg,平均收入73608元/hm2;而在遭遇极端气候影响的年份(2018年),苹果的产量锐减50%以上,平均售价上涨约1.8倍,但农户总体收入减少;农药与肥料的投入是生产资料成本的最重要构成部分,均占到总投入的40%左右,其构成比重受生产资料成本波动的影响较小;现阶段丰县地区苹果园中最高发的病害为斑点落叶病、轮纹病,腐烂病以及炭疽病也有一定程度危害,高发的虫害为梨小食心虫、绣线菊蚜、山楂叶螨以及绿盲蝽;针对病虫害,所有苹果种植户均采用化学防治的方法,而使用农业防治、物理防治以及生物防治措施进行综合防治的农户比例不高;大部分种植户喷药次数集中在9~12次/年,首次喷药时间集中在3月末4月初,末次喷药时间各有不同;农资店为种植户农药的主要购买渠道,且大部分种植户选择由农资店代为配制,其中过半数的种植户选择根据当年各自果园中的情况喷施;丰县地区苹果喷药机械化程度较高,目前小型全自动化机动式喷雾器覆盖率已超过80%。  相似文献   
中国区域畜禽粪便能源潜力及总量控制研究   总被引:57,自引:17,他引:57  
为了评估中国畜禽粪便资源总量及其对环境的影响,以环保部、统计局和农业部发布的区域畜禽产排污系数为基础,利用2010年的统计数据,研究了中国及各省的畜禽粪便资源总量、能源潜力及农地的氮磷负荷,并以欧盟的农地氮磷施用标准对中国畜禽养殖的环境容量和污染风险进行了初步评估。结果表明,2010年,中国畜禽粪便总量达22.35亿t,可产沼气1072.75亿m3,山东等6省市粪便资源超过1.00亿t;全国单位面积农地氮磷平均负荷为43.73kg/hm2(TN)和9.16kg/hm2(TP),北京等6省市农地氮磷负荷超标;全国畜禽养殖环境容量为129.56亿头猪当量(以N为基准),159.74亿头猪当量(以P为基准),实际养殖总量约占环境容量的1/4,考虑化肥施用的影响,约有20个省超过本省50%环境容量。研究结果为区域畜禽养殖总量控制、合理布局和粪污的综合利用提供决策依据。  相似文献   
The larch (Larix) genus is the most important species group in the forest ecosystems in Northeastern China, occupying about 25% of the forest areas. The high tolerance to coldness and relatively fast growth rate make this genus the main species group for forestation. According to the predictions of the global circulation model CGCM3, temperature could rise by 2–4 °C over the next 100 years. Few studies have been conducted on the response of larch species to climate warming in Northeastern China. Such studies are becoming increasingly needed due to the economic and ecological significance of this genus. This paper studies the potential distribution ranges of three larch species under the current and the warming climate conditions. A new classification and regression tree technique, Random Forest, was used to investigate the potential distributions of three larch species, based on 18 environmental variables which reflect the climate, topography and soil conditions of Northeastern China. The results showed that the biological coldness index (BCI) is the most important factor for Dahurian larch, annual precipitation (AP) is the most important factor for Korean larch and elevation (DEM) is the most important factor for Prince Rupprecht larch.  相似文献   

Key message

Near- and mid-infrared spectroscopy allows for the detection of local patterns of forest soil properties. In combination with dendrometric data, it may be used as a prospective tool for determining soil heterogeneity before setting up long-term forest monitoring experiments.


Forest soils and stands generally exhibit higher spatial heterogeneity than other terrestrial ecosystems. This variability needs be taken into account before setting up long-term forest monitoring experiments to avoid multiple interactions between local heterogeneity and the factors tested in the experiment.


We hypothesized that raw near- and mid-infrared spectra can be used as an integrated proxy of a large set of soil properties. The use of this method, in combination with dendrometric data, should provide a quick and cost-effective tool for optimizing the design of experimental forest sites.


We assessed the local soil heterogeneity at 11 experimental sites in oak and beech stands, which belong to a new forest long-term ecological research (LTER) network. We used near- and mid-infrared spectroscopy in soil and litter samples. The spectra were subjected to principal components analyses (PCA) to determine the intra-site variability of the soil and litter layers.


Based on mapped PCA coordinates and basic dendrometric data, it was possible to design the experiment and minimize the interactions between the treatment layout and the tested variables. The method was validated with chemical analyses of the soil. No interaction was detected at the set-up of the experiment between the treatment layout and chemical soil properties (C, N, C/N ratio, pH, CEC, Al, Mg, P2O5, Fe, Mn, Na, and K).


Near-infrared (NIR) and mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy is a useful tool for characterizing the overall heterogeneity of soil chemical properties. It can be used without any preliminary calibration. In combination with dendrometric data, it provides a reliable method for optimizing LTER plots in different types of ecosystems.
以湖北省公安县公路养建情况为例,对农村公路的基本概况与管养体制进行了分析,提出了公安县农村公路建设的发展建设和未来10年的发展规划。  相似文献   
为研究鹅源鸭疫里默氏杆菌的生化特性、药敏情况、血清型和致病性,从扬州郊区发病鹅场分离到1株细菌,经分离培养、染色镜检、生化特性鉴定、玻片凝集试验,确定为Ⅱ型鸭疫里默氏杆菌。对病料进行病毒分离试验,经过血凝试验和琼脂扩散试验,没有发现鹅新城疫病毒、禽流感病毒和小鹅瘟病毒。动物致病性试验结果表明,鸭疫里默氏杆菌分离菌株可以通过静脉注射、皮下注射和滴鼻3种途径感染鹅,出现100%的死亡率,说明分离株对扬州鹅具有很强的致病性,同时提示在鹅的免疫计划中也应该充分考虑到鸭疫里默氏杆菌的致病和传播。  相似文献   
超声波技术抑藻效果的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为探明超声波的抑藻效果,本研究利用超声波技术对富营养化水体中藻类进行抑制研究。结果表明,超声波能够有效地抑制水中藻类数量的增加,对水中藻类的组成和优势物种不产生明显作用;尤其对蓝藻和硅藻数量具有显著的抑制效果,其抑藻效果在使用超声波1个月后表现最良好,但对绿藻生长的抑制作用表现不明显。说明超声波虽然能在一定程度上抑制藻类的增加,但对改善水质的效果不明显。  相似文献   
十种土壤有效磷测定方法的比较   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29       下载免费PDF全文
卜玉山  MagdoffFR 《土壤学报》2003,40(1):140-146
Olsen[1 ] 、Bray Kurtz1 [2 ] 、Mehlich3[3] 、Morgan[4] 、Vermont1 [5] 和Vermont2 [5] 等法是用于确定土壤有效磷含量的主要常规方法。根据土壤有效磷测定结果可为农户提供施肥建议以及预测施用磷肥或家畜粪肥后的经济效益等[6]  相似文献   
JEV、PPV、PRRSV、PRV多联PCR的应用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用 JEV、PRRSV二联 PCR,PPV、PRV二联 PCR以及这 4种病毒 4联 PCR对来自内蒙、广州、广西、天津、北京、吉林病料进行检测 ,共检了 1 4 6份病料。其中 PRRSV阳性 7份 ,PPV阳性 1 2份 ,PRV阳性 2 1份 ,PRV和 PPV混合感染 4份。并对 5份人工接种 JEV小鼠病料检测 ,其中 4份为阳性。随后对部分阳性 PCR扩增产物进行点杂交和核苷酸测序鉴定 ,证实了 PCR扩增准确性。对内蒙 PRRSV阳性扩增带测序结果显示 ,我国流行 PRRSV为美洲型 ,在扩增片段的核苷酸序列上有 3个碱基差异  相似文献   
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