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Nuclear DNA of three accessions of Parkia biglobosa collected from three locations in northern Cross River State was investigated using a Patec PA II flow cytometer equipped with an argon ion laser (488 nm), and pictures of mitotic chromosomes were taken using a digital micro-camera (Canon) placed on the eye piece of a binocular microscope at 100X oil immersion. Metaphase chromosome counts of 2n = 22 for accessions A and C and 2n = 24 for accession B, were obtained and through flow cytometry, the three accessions were confirmed to be diploids. The nuclear DNA content and genome size for the accessions were 1.5085, 1.489, and 1.5266 pg (737.7054, 728.121, and 746.5074 Mbp) for accessions A, B, and C, respectively. In another experiment, leaf samples from greenhouse-germinated seeds were analyzed for variation in the banding pattern of the protein by SDS-PAGE in the three accessions. Protein was resolved into three banding groups according to their electrophoretic mobility: slow, medium, and fast, clustering between 100–200, 40–70, and 10–25 kDa, respectively. There was 76% similarity in the banding pattern between the accessions.  相似文献   
Canopy cover (CC) is a good predictor variable for plant growth parameters such as leaf area index and aboveground biomass. A nondestructive, low-cost, and convenient method is presented for estimating CC using digital camera image analysis. CC was estimated by the ratio of plant pixels to total pixels of digital camera image of rice field. To determine the criteria for segmenting the rice plant from variable soil background, three mosaic images for rice plant, flooded/bare soil, and algae-infested background were prepared from digital camera images that were taken in various field conditions. An image analysis program was developed in Visual Basic to extract red, green, and blue (RGB) features from the mosaic images, calculate RGB-based color indices, and compute the minimum segmentation error for separating rice plant from background. When judged by the segmentation error, modified excessive green index (MEGI) showed the highest potential for segmenting rice plant from flooded/bare soil background, followed by normalized green (g) and excessive green index (EGI). At the threshold MEGI value of 0.03, the segmentation error was the lowest as 0.13%. Any single index considered was not satisfactory in segmenting rice plant from algae-infested background. However, a discriminant function of 1.2553EGI + 0.01735G − 0.01474B was successful in segmenting rice plant from flooded/bare soil and algaeinfested background with segmentation errors of 0.34 and 1.17%, respectively. CC for four rice varieties from tillering to booting stage was estimated based on the threshold value of MEGI and discriminant function and also manually using commercial software. Both estimates of CC showed good relationship of r2 = 0.94, suggesting that a digital camera could be used efficiently for measuring the CC of rice field.  相似文献   
选择 12窝仔猪 ,随机分为 6组 ,每组 2窝 ,从 7日龄开始进行为期 8周的饲养试验 ,在4周末断奶 ,研究了基础日粮中添加寡聚糖、益生素、金霉素以及寡聚糖取代部分抗生素对仔猪生长性能和肠道菌群的影响。结果表明 ,与对照组相比 ,寡聚糖或其与金霉素配伍 ( 2 5mg及 12 .50mg· kg-1饲粮 )使用 ,使仔猪在 0~ 4周日增重分别提高 16.81% ( P>0 .0 5)、 15.91 ( P>0 .0 5)、 15.32 ( P>0 .0 5) ;腹泻率分别降低 7.83 ( P<0 .0 1)、 8.68 ( P<0 .0 1)、 8.35( P<0 .0 1)。在 5~ 8周 ,使仔猪日增重分别提高 9.55 ( P>0 .0 5)、 4 8.84 ( P<0 .0 5)、 38.74( P<0 .0 5) ;料肉比分别降低 0 .2 1( P<0 .0 5)、 0 .4 1( P<0 .0 1)、 0 .4 6( P<0 .0 1) ;腹泻率分别降低 12 .78 ( P<0 .0 1)、 2 2 .2 3 ( P<0 .0 1)、 2 0 .88 ( P<0 .0 1)。 0 .15益生素使 0~ 4周的仔猪腹泻率降低 4 .82 ( P<0 .0 5) ,在 5~ 8周使料肉比降低 0 .17( P<0 .0 5) ,腹泻率降低 4 .90( P<0 .0 5)。金霉素 ( 50 mg· kg-1饲粮 )组在 5~ 8周腹泻率降低 5.16% ( P<0 .0 5)。抗生素、益生素在 0~ 4及 5~ 8周对日增重的影响不大 ( P>0 .0 5)。 2 1日龄和 4 9日龄取新鲜粪样测定结果表明 :寡聚糖或寡聚糖与  相似文献   
蒙古绵羊胚胎的原肠、消化及呼吸器官,内分泌腺的原基,发生在交配后的8~30d。胚胎发育到20~21d,胚长4~6mm;到22~23d,胚长7~9mm;到24~30d,胚长10~15mm。交配后8d12h,胚胎原肠呈球形,16d14h,原肠发育成管状,分前肠、中肠及后肠。胚长4~14mm,头侧5对鳃弓逐渐退化,口膜破裂与前肠相通,上下颌及舌已形成。感官及主要内分泌腺的原基也已发生。食道呈管状,胃芽由棱形变成椭圆形。分化出三室,背系膜中有脾芽发生。胚长4~5mm 时,前中后肠呈直管状,到6~9mm,肠襻似“V”字形;胚长10~15mm 时,“V”形肠襻以背系膜为中轴,顺时针旋转180°。胚胎发育到20d,前肠腹面的内胚层发生出1个肝憩室,到22d,肝芽内细胞索交织成网,其中形成静脉导管。到交配后30d,总胆管通向降肠起端。背胰芽发生于前肠背面的内胚层,腹胰芽发生于胆囊管后方的前肠腹面,腹胰芽从前肠右侧伸向背胰芽,合并为胰腺原基。从4mm 长胚胎开始,咽底面发生喉气管沟,进而形成喉气管芽,到胚长15mm,气管芽依次分支形成肺芽原基。  相似文献   
通过传统形态学测定和框架测定相结合,用方差、判别和主成分等分析方法,分析了青岛和舟山褐牙鲆两地理群体的形态差异.5个可数性状的分析结果表明,青岛牙鲆背鳍和臀鳍鳍条数目分别比舟山牙鲆的多10.75根和8.4根,二者差异极显著(P<0.01).69个可量和框架数据的分析结果表明,其中有43个差异极显著,比例为62.32%;通过主成分分析表明,主成分1总方差贡献率为34.397%,包括了37个性状,其中的23个性状集中在吻端至臀鳍末端之间,对两群体的综合判别准确率为100%.青岛和舟山褐牙鲆两地理群体外部形态上存在显著性的差异,且可以用可数、可量和框架数据相结合来判别归属.  相似文献   
多效抗旱驱鼠剂的苗木处理方法与效果   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:8  
研究结果显示,利用多效抗旱驱鼠剂150倍水溶液兑成泥浆,对裸根苗进行蘸根处理,或用多效抗旱驱鼠剂400~800倍水溶液,在容器苗出圃前进行浇灌,可有效地预防甘肃鼢鼠、草兔和牛羊的危害,同时,能显著地提高苗木定植后的抗旱能力.2 a生油松和侧柏定植3 a后,苗木保存率比对照分别提高80.8和73.2,综合预防效果分别为83.7和90.7.苗木保存率及综合预防效果与造林方式、林型和试验地所处的立地有直接的关系,苗木保存率林缘、路旁低于林中,但其综合预防效果差异不明显.施用多效抗旱驱鼠剂的苗木,促长增益指数为0  相似文献   
选择母岩、土壤类型、土地利用和降雨量 4个生态因子 ,应用半定量化方法对其进行类目划分和权重 ,综合评价了福建省土壤对酸沉降的相对敏感性 ,并应用地理信息系统进行了区划 .由于福建省风化缓慢的硅质岩所占的比例较大 ,土壤大多呈酸性至微酸性反应 ,降水丰富 ,加之针叶林面积大 ,所以全省有 60 %以上面积的土壤显示出较大的敏感性等级 (5~ 7级 )  相似文献   
在蜜蜂人工育王过程中,用保幼激素类似物ZR512滴注于王台内蜂王浆中的方法,研究ZR512对蜂王发育的调控作用.每只蜂王幼虫ZR512的滴注量分别为0.01、0.10、1.00μg.三种处理蜂王的未封盖幼虫期,中华蜜蜂分别为123.3、126.7、123.5h,分别比对照组(114.4h)延长9.0、12.3、9.1h,差异显著或极显著(P<0.05或P<0.01);意大利蜜蜂分别为116.0、115.0、115.0h,分别比对照组(111.3h)延长4.7、3.7、3.7h,差异极显著(P<0.01).蜂王幼虫封盖后的发育期,中华蜜蜂和意大利蜜蜂分别为162.6—164.9h和177.2—180.4h,各处理组与对照组的差异均不显著(P>0.05).由此可见,ZR512能够显著延长蜜蜂蜂王的幼虫取食期,促使蜂王在胚后发育阶段的超常发育.这是ZR512促进蜂王初生重增加的主要原因.在幼虫期施加保幼激素类似物ZR512,对蜂王封盖期的发育无影响.  相似文献   
Sericulture is an agro-based industry, which heavily depends on mulberry (Morus spp.) for its sustainability, as mulberry leaf is the only available feed for the silkworm Bombyx mori L. Sericulture, in West Bengal and other subtropical regions in India, suffers from lack of adequate quantity of quality mulberry leaf during the colder months, the best season for rearing the high yielding bivoltine silkworm hybrids. In order to develop mulberry varieties, which can sustain normal growth during these colder months to yield better, efforts have been made in different research institutes in India. The present report is part of such an effort in which accessions in germplasm bank were screened for better growth, leaf retention and leaf yield contributing associated traits. Twenty three selected parents were crossed, 3,500 seeds were sown, 2,700 seedlings were transplanted to progeny row trail, selected 210 hybrids were evaluated under primary yield trial and finally nine hybrids along with a control variety were studied in detail for all leaf yield contributing traits under final yield trial. Stability analysis was adopted to identify hybrids, which can yield stably across seasons. The hybrids CT-44 and CT-11 out yielding the control by 17.17 and 7.11% were selected as these hybrids yield 7.93 and 8.15 mt/ha leaf respectively during the colder months (February) for their direct use as cultivars in West Bengal and other subtropical areas of India to sustain bivoltine sericulture to produce quality and gradable silk fibers.  相似文献   
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