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Summary Two hundred genotypes of Coriandrum sativum L. exhibited genetic variation for plant height, primary and effective branches, days to flowering and maturity, umbels and umbellets per plant, grains per umbellet, thousand seed weight, straw yield and grain yield per plant and harvest index. Heritability estimates were high for days to flowering, thousand seed weight and days to maturity; moderate for plant height, straw yield, umbels per plant, umbellets per plant and number of primary branches; and low for harvest index, effective branches, grain yield per plant and grains per umbellet. Phenotypic correlations of grain yield per plant were highly significant and positive with umbellets per plant, umbels per plant, number of effective branches, straw yield per plant, number of primary branches, plant height, number of grains per umbellet and harvest index. Maximum direct contribution to grain yield per plant was made by umbellets per plant, followed by straw yield per plant, umbels per plant and grains per umbellet. Umbellets per plant made sizeable indirect effect via straw yield per plant. Straw yield per plant made sizeable indirect contribution via umbellets per plant.  相似文献   
Pluchea lanceolata (DC.) Oliv. & Hiern, (Family: Asteraceae) is a rapidly spreading perennial herb, considered valuable for the management of anti-inflammatory disease. Scientific reports dealing with phytochemical and pharmacological research and its traditional have been reviewed. Reports have also suggested that its prominent constituents viz. triterpenoids, sterols, flavonoids and lactones originate from this plant arbitrate their effects by modulating several therapeutic targets.Out of about 80 species of Pluchea, some of them are on extinct and only 16 have traditional uses in several countries of Asian, Middle East and North American region. The present review covers the period 1935–2011.  相似文献   


The present study was carried out in Roro region, Chaibasa, Jharkhand, India, to assess the impact of chromite–asbestos mine waste (CMW) on a nearby agroecosystem. The role of metal-accumulating grass–legume association in facilitating phytoremediation was investigated.

Materials and methods

Soil and plant samples were collected from (i) chromite–asbestos mine waste (CMW) with Cynodon dactylon, Sorghastrum nutans, and Acacia concinna; (ii) contaminated agricultural soil-1 (CAS1) from a foothill with Cajanus cajan; (iii) contaminated agricultural soil-2 (CAS2) distantly located from the hill, cultivated with Oryza sativa and Zea mays; and (iv) unpolluted control soil (CS). Total metal concentrations were quantified in both soils and plants by digesting the samples using HNO3, HF, HClO4 (5:1:1; v/v/v), and HNO3 and HClO4 (5:1; v/v), respectively, and analyzed under flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Metal grouping and site grouping cluster analysis was executed to group the metals and sampling sites. Translocation factor (TF) and bioconcentration factor (BCF) were calculated to determine the phytoremediation efficiency of grasses and legumes.

Results and discussion

Results indicate that total metal concentrations in the CMW were in the order of Cr?>?Ni?>?Mn?>?Cu?>?Pb?>?Co?>?Zn?>?Cd. High concentrations of Cr (1983 mg kg?1) and Ni (1293 mg kg?1) with a very strong contamination factor were found in the CAS, which exceeds the soil threshold limits. Further, metal and site grouping cluster analysis also revealed that Cr and Ni were closely linked with each other and the CMW was the main source of contamination. Among all the metals, Cr and Ni were mainly accumulated in grasses (C. dactylon and S. nutans) and legumes (A. concinna and C. cajan) as compared to cereals (Z. mays and O. sativa). The TF of Cr was >1 for grasses. Except for Zn, the BCF for all the metals were <1 in roots and shoots of all the plants and cereals.


The present study revealed that abandoned CMW is the source of contamination for agriculture lands. Phytoremediation relies on suitable plants with metal-scavenging properties. Grass–legume cover (C. dactylon, S. nutans, A. concinna, and C. cajan) has the ability to accumulate metals and act as a potential barrier for metal transport, which facilitate the phytoremediation of the CMW. Possibilities for enhancing the barrier function of the grass–legume cover need to be explored with other low-cost agronomic amendments and the role of rhizospheric organisms.

Characterization of tannery sludge (TS) for its plausible use in amelioration and phytoremediation of heavy metal rich TS treated soil by growing economically important plants (Ricinus communis, Brassica juncea and Nerium oleander).

Materials and methods

Treatments were prepared by amalgamation of TS (0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 75, 100 %) with garden soil (GS). All treatments were analysed for chemical properties, total and DTPA (Diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid) extractable heavy metals (Cr, Pb, Cu, and Mn). Seed germination experiment was conducted; unvarying saplings were selected and planted in concerned pots and allowed to grow for 90 days in green house. At harvest, plant samples were washed with distilled water and used for determination of growth parameters (biomass of root, shoot and total biomass on dry weight basis) and metal accumulation in different parts of the plant. Translocation factor (TF) and bioconcentration factor (BCF) have been calculated to check the phytostabilization capability of studied plants.

Results and discussion

Application of TS in fixed quantity as an amendment resulted in significant improvements of GS characteristics (alkaline pH with high electrical conductivity, organic carbon, available NPK and heavy metals) and in treatments. DTPA extractable heavy metal concentrations were found very low and total heavy metal concentrations were also found under allowable range in control and treated soil (T-I to T-VI). The maximum seed germination percentage, plant growth, biomass production for all plant species were observed in T-III treatment (20 % TS + 80 % GS) with majority of the metal accumulation in underground part (BCF >1) and meagre translocation in aerial part (TF <1). From T-IV to T-VII treatment, accumulation of heavy metals in plant parts has generally increased; however, biomass has been tremendously decreased.


TS was found rich in NPK content with significant concentration of heavy metals. Pot growth experiment suggested amelioration of GS with specific quantity of 20 % TS can tremendously enhance the plant growth, help in the utilization of TS and can act as a substitute of synthetic fertilizer. Majority of the metals was accumulated in root part (BCF >1) and meagre translocation (TF <1) in aerial part, concludes R. communis and B. juncea could be suitable plant species to be grown in heavy metal rich TS treated soil, vis-à-vis for phytostabilization of heavy metals. In addition, these oil yielding and medicinal plants can also be used for phytoremediation of moderately contaminated tannery soils.

An attempt was made to detect freemartins among seven pairs of heterosexual twins by studying their sex chromatin patterns at birth. Examination of blood smears revealed the presence of sex chromatin (drumstick) bodies specific for females in both male and female calves. In three female calves the sex chromatin appendages, however, were absent.A common blood circulation, the basic factor responsible for freemartinism in females, was suggested due to the chimerism of neutrophils indicated by the presence of drumsticks in all the male cotwins examined.A follow-up study of seven female cotwins revealed six developed into freemartins and the seventh was culled due to its abnormal growth.The diagnostic role of sex chromatin studies in the investigation of freemartinism is briefly reviewed and possible cytological explanations for the absence/low frequency of sex chromatin bodies in freemartins discussed.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to compare ecophysiological and morphological parameters of a regionally endangered orchid species,Epipactis atrorubens (Hoffm.e...  相似文献   
A combined immunomagnetic separation (IMS) and flow cytometry (FC) technique was developed for the sensitive detection of Cryptosporidium in faecal samples. The IMS/FC technique was found to be approximately 50-fold more sensitive than formol-ether concentration, which is commonly used for Cryptosporidium epidemiological investigations. Of 31 faecal samples from captive animals 16 were found to contain Cryptosporidium oocysts when analysed using the IMS/FC compared to four when using formol-ether concentration (FEC). In a wild population of eastern grey kangaroos Macropus giganteus 66.3% of infected animals were shedding <500oocysts/gfaeces when analysed using IMS/FC. This is below the detection limit for the FEC method. The dispersal of Cryptosporidium in host populations is aggregated, with many individuals shedding low numbers of oocysts and few individuals shedding numbers of oocysts sufficiently high to be detected by FEC. This research demonstrates that the prevalence and oocyst shedding intensity of Cryptosporidium in animal populations will be significantly underestimated using standard detection methods.  相似文献   
Olive ridley mass nesting events or ‘arribadas’ have been documented in Orissa, India since 1974. However, since standardised techniques have not been used to census turtles, actual population trends remain unknown. Herein, we summarise information on nesting populations in Orissa, using data from multiple sources to arrive at consensus estimates and to derive trends. We conducted a quantitative estimate of an arribada in March 1999, where nesting was estimated as ∼180,000 turtles by the strip transect method. Non-linear (quadratic) fits for arribada data from 1976-1999 and a recent decrease in the size of adults suggest a potential or imminent decline, consistent with fishery-related mortality of at least 90,000 turtles since 1994. Though statistical support for the recent decline is equivocal, efforts to reduce mortality and close monitoring of the population would be prudent. The absence of reliable data on which to base conservation action highlights an urgent need to train management personnel in data collection and estimation techniques for effective monitoring of status, threats and trends.  相似文献   
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