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The development characteristics variation of the vegetative structure in the different morphotypes trees crowns are regarded
as a result of the genetic differentiation and environment interaction. The morphohysiological characteristics and the evaluation
of their function in meaning the morphogeny of different sex and position of crown shoots are used to reveal means of morphotype
forming inPinus sibirica. It has been found that the differences of activity and direction was changed of shoots growth characteristics in ontogeny
of trees with different growth and reproductive activity, and that the size of the individual meristematic layer in the vegetative
and generative apex differ and increase with its age. Transmission from vegetative to the reproductive stage in contrast of
age modification is correlated with the sudden increased of the medullar parenchyma size. Thus the intensification of mitotic
activity in the medullar zone of the apex and the increase in apical size precedes the shoot feminization. The large activity
of stem unit which correlated slightly with its unit stem change is inherent in the male and asexual tree morphotypes.
(Responsible Editor: Zhu Hong) 相似文献
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