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To test a hypothesis that the effects of defoliation on plant ecophysiology and soil organisms depend on the timing of defoliation within a growing season, we established a greenhouse experiment using replicated grassland microcosms. Each microcosms was composed of three plant species, Trifolium repens, Plantago lanceolata and Phleum pratense, growing in grassland soil with a diverse soil community. The experiment consisted of two treatment factors—defoliation and plant growth phase (PGP)—in a fully factorial design. Defoliation had two categories, i.e. no trimming or trimming a total of four times at 2 week intervals. The PGP treatment had four categories, i.e. 1, 3, 7 or 13 weeks growth following planting before the first defoliation (subsequently referred to as PGP1, PGP2, PGP3 and PGP4, respectively). In each PGP treatment category, microcosms were harvested 1 week after the final defoliation. Harvested shoot and root mass and total shoot production (including trimmed and harvested shoot mass) increased with time and were lower in defoliated than in non-defoliated systems. The fraction of root biomass of harvested plant biomass decreased with time but was increased by defoliation at PGP3 and PGP4. The proportion of T. repens in total shoot production increased and those of P. lanceolata and P. pratense decreased with time. Defoliation increased the proportions of P. lanceolata and P. pratense in total shoot production at PGP3 and PGP4. Root N and C concentrations increased and root C-to-N ratio decreased with time in non-defoliated systems. Defoliation increased root N concentration by 38 and 33% at PGP1 and PGP2, respectively, but decreased the concentration by 22% at PGP4. In contrast, defoliation reduced root C concentration on average by 1.5% at each PGP. As with the effects on root N concentration, defoliation decreased the root C-to-N ratio at PGP1 and PGP2 but increased the ratio at PGP4. Among soil animal trophic groups, the abundance of herbivorous nematodes was higher at PGP4 than at PGP1-3 and that of predacious nematodes higher at PGP2-4 than at PGP1, while the abundance of bacterivorous, fungivorous and omnivorous nematodes and that of detritivorous enchytraeids did not differ between the PGP categories. Among bacterivorous nematodes, however, Acrobeloides, Chiloplacus and Protorhabditis species decreased and that of Plectus spp. increased with time. Defoliation did not affect the abundance of soil animal trophic groups, but reduced the abundance of herbivorous Coslenchus spp. at each PGP and raised the abundance of herbivorous Rotylenchus spp. and bacterivorous Eucephalobus spp. at PGP4. Confirming our hypothesis, the results suggest that the effects of defoliation on the attributes of grassland plants, such as biomass allocation between roots and shoots and root quality, may depend on the timing of defoliation within a growing season. However, contradicting our hypothesis, the results suggest that significant changes in plant attributes after defoliation may not always lead to substantial changes in the abundance of belowground organisms.  相似文献   
We tested a hypothesis that the effects of defoliation on plants and soil organisms vary with the number of successive defoliations. We established a 23-week greenhouse experiment using replicated grassland microcosms that were composed of three plant species, Trifolium repens, Plantago lanceolata and Phleum pratense, growing together in grassland soil with a diverse soil community. The experiment consisted of two treatment factors-defoliation and harvest time-in a fully factorial design. The defoliation treatment had two levels, i.e. no trimming and trimming of plants every 2 weeks, and the harvest time five levels, i.e. harvests after 1-3, 5 and 7 trimmings. Shoot production (trimmed plus harvested shoot mass), harvested shoot and root mass and root N and C concentrations increased with time but were reduced by defoliation. Colonization rates of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi decreased with time in T. repens roots but were enhanced by defoliation, whereas AM colonization rates in P. pratense roots were not affected by harvest time or defoliation. The abundance of bacterivorous and fungivorous nematodes decreased and that of herbivorous and predatory nematodes increased with time, while the abundance of omnivorous nematodes and detritivorous enchytraeids varied in time without a linear trend. Defoliation had no effect on fungivores and predators but increased the abundance of bacterivores. Defoliation also increased the abundance of herbivores, omnivores and detritivores after 2 trimmings and that of omnivores and detritivores after 5 trimmings, but had a negative effect on omnivores after 3 trimmings and on herbivores after 7 trimmings. Among nematode genera, some deviation from the trophic group responses existed: for instance, defoliation reduced the abundance of bacterivorous Acrobeloides spp. and did not affect the abundance of herbivorous Filenchus spp. and Paratylenchus spp. Our results show that the effects of defoliation on plants, AM fungi and some soil animal trophic groups may remain constant all the way through several defoliations, whereas other animal trophic groups may have different and even opposite responses to defoliation depending on the length of the defoliation period before monitoring. This shows how separate studies with defoliation periods of different length can produce contradictory results of the effects of defoliation on the abundance of soil animals.  相似文献   
四川主要农用土壤中丛枝菌根真菌数量和种类的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用形态学分类法测土壤样品中丛枝菌根真菌的数量和种类分布特点,结果表明,丛枝菌根真菌广泛分布于四川农业土壤中,但其数量和种类较少,种群结构单一。共计分离鉴定出3个属18种丛枝菌根真菌,球囊霉属(Glomus)13种,无梗囊霉属(Acaulospora)2种,盾巨孢囊霉属(Scutellospora)3种,其中只有Gl.mosseae,Gl.cale-donium,Gl.constrictum的出现频率大于10%,是主要四川省农用土壤中的优势种。研究还发现,地域因素、土壤类型和土壤的理化性质以及人为因素对丛枝菌根真菌的数量和种类有显著影响(P<0.05)。  相似文献   
Plants can mediate interactions between aboveground herbivores and belowground decomposers as both groups depend on plant-provided organic carbon. Most vascular plants also form symbiosis with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), which compete for plant carbon too. Our aim was to reveal how defoliation (trimming of plant leaves twice to 6 cm above the soil surface) and mycorrhizal infection (inoculation of the fungus Glomus claroideum BEG31), in nutrient poor and fertilized conditions, affect plant growth and resource allocation. We also tested how these effects can influence the abundance of microbial-feeding animals and nitrogen availability in the soil. We established a 12-wk microcosm study of Plantago lanceolata plants growing in autoclaved soil, into which we constructed a simplified microfood-web including saprotrophic bacteria and fungi and their nematode feeders. We found that fertilization, defoliation and inoculation of the mycorrhizal fungus all decreased P. lanceolata root growth and that fertilization increased leaf production. Plant inflorescence growth was decreased by defoliation and increased by fertilization and AMF inoculation. These results suggest a negative influence of the treatments on P. lanceolata belowground biomass allocation. Of the soil organisms, AMF root colonization decreased with fertilization and increased with defoliation. Fertilization decreased numbers of bacterial-feeding nematodes, probably because fertilized plants produced less root mass. On the other hand, bacterial feeders were more abundant when associated with defoliated than non-defoliated plants despite defoliated plants having less root mass. The AMF inoculation per se increased the abundance of fungal feeders, but the reduced and increased root AM colonization rates of fertilized and defoliated plants, respectively, were not reflected in the numbers of fungal feeders. We found no evidence of plant-mediated effects of the AM fungus on bacterial feeders, and against our prediction, soil inorganic nitrogen concentrations were not positively associated with the concomitant abundances of microbial-feeding animals. Altogether, our results suggest that (1) while defoliation, fertilization and AMF inoculation all affect plant resource allocation, (2) they do not greatly interact with each other. Moreover, it appears that (3) while changes in plant resource allocation due to fertilization and defoliation can influence numbers of bacterial feeders in the soil, (4) these effects may not significantly alter mineral N concentrations in the soil.  相似文献   
Multilocation testing remains the main tool for understanding varietal responses to the environment. Here, Latvian and Norwegian hull-less and hulled barley varieties were tested in field experiments in Latvia and Norway in order to assess the varieties adaptability across environments (sites). Two Latvian (cv Irbe and cv Kornelija) and one Norwegian hull-less barley variety (cv Pihl) were tested along with one Latvian (cv Rubiola) and one Norwegian hulled barley variety (cv Tyra) under conventional and organic management systems. The grain yield, together with physical and chemical grain parameters were compared, and variety yield and protein stability determined. Overall, grain yield of hull-less barley varieties was significantly lower than for hulled barley varieties regardless of climatic conditions and management system. However, in the organic farming systems this difference between barley types was less pronounced. The hull-less barley varieties cv Pihl and cv Irbe, along with both hulled varieties, had good yield stability across environments and were well adapted to both cropping systems. Hull-less barley varieties tended to contain more protein and β -glucans than hulled barley varieties. Despite being bred for local conditions in Norway and Latvia, our study shows that all the varieties used may be successfully transferred across countries.  相似文献   
Pure species and F1 hybrid families ofSalix viminalis andS. dasyclados were tested for resistance to four single uredinium isolates ofMelampsora rust in laboratory experiments using excised leaves. Rust isolates were derived from:S. viminalis, S. dasyclados, aS. viminalis x triandra hybrid, andS. daphnoides. Incidence of infection, number of uredinia per leaf, and numbers of spores per uredinium were measured. As expected, the isolate fromS. daphnoides did not infect any of the willow species or hybrids tested. For the other three rust isolates that were tested, the parent from which the isolate was derived was susceptible, the other parent was resistant, and hybrids were intermediate in resistance for incidence and uredinia per leaf. These patterns indicate additive inheritance of these resistance traits in hybrids. Numbers of spores per uredinium were similar on the hybrids and the susceptible parent for one rust isolate, suggesting dominant inheritance of this trait in the hybrids.  相似文献   
Common agricultural practices, e.g. soil tillage and organic amendment, may affect field earthworm communities considerably. However, there is little data to show how long the changes persist after a certain action. The effect of peat, commonly used in Finland to improve the horticultural soil structure, on key soil organisms is also largely unknown. Earthworm abundance and microbial biomass were studied in a strawberry field experiment (soil type silty clay) with a history of different crops (strawberry, timothy, caraway, rye, turnip rape, fiddleneck, onion and buckwheat) and peat treatments. Sampling was carried out after three years of perennial cropping of strawberry. Half of the area was peat-amended twice three years apart. The earthworm community consisted mainly of Aporrectodea caliginosa and Lumbricus terrestris. Soil peat amendment almost doubled the number of endogeic A. caliginosa, but had no effect on the anecic L. terrestris. The effect of cropping history on earthworms diminished after three years of strawberry cropping. Only the positive effect of caraway on juvenile Lumbricus spp. was detectable three years after its cropping had been finished. However, some crops had secondary effects on the earthworm distribution without significant influence on their numbers while they were grown, e.g. high numbers of A. caliginosa were recorded from soil with a history of timothy ley. The effect of strawberry cropping was contradictory: six years of continuous strawberry cropping decreased the number of the anecic L. terrestris, but during the last three years on strawberry, the proportion of L. terrestris increased from 6% to 40% in the experimental area with a concomitant great drop in the number of A. caliginosa. The role of different agricultural practices (no tillage, mulching, inter-row grass cover and pesticides) is discussed. The crop-induced changes persisted in the microbial biomass for three years (onion cropping reduced microbial biomass C), but soil amendment had no effect on microbes. The abundance of A. caliginosa was associated with soil organic C, but not with soil microbial biomass.  相似文献   
Different groups of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria were enumerated in decomposing alder litter (Alnus glutinosa) and the underlying soil. Unspecific media with soil extract were used for total counts and media with single carbon compounds or different nitrogen compounds for specific functional groups.The numbers of aerobic, amylolytic and proteolytic bacteria were high after litter fall and decreased towards the end of decomposition. The fluctuations in the anaerobic groups of organisms were mainly influenced by moisture. The numbers of denitrifiers in the soil were highest during decomposition of litter in the winter, while the numbers of ammonifiers in litter were always high.  相似文献   
Defoliation of plants is known to have effects on soil organisms and nutrient availability in grassland communities, but few studies have examined whether changes in soil attributes can further feed back to plant growth and plant nutrient content. To examine defoliation-induced soil feedbacks, we established replicated miniecosystems with a grass Phleum pratense, defoliated half of the systems, collected soil from both defoliated and non-defoliated systems and planted new seedlings into each soil. The two soils did not differ in promoting shoot and root growth. However, seedlings that grew in the soil collected from defoliated systems had higher shoot N content, allocated relatively more N to shoots and had lower root N concentration than those growing in the soil collected from non-defoliated systems. Our study provides novel evidence that defoliation can generate long-lasting changes in grassland soil that in turn can affect plant N allocation.  相似文献   
A field experiment was conducted to study the effects of peat amendment and crop production system on earthworms. The experiment was established on a field previously cultivated with oats and with silt as the main soil type. Perennial crops strawberry, timothy and caraway, and annual crops rye, turnip rape, buckwheat, onion and fiddleneck were cultivated with conventional methods. All the crops were grown with and without soil amendment with peat. Earthworms were sampled twice: 4 and 28 months after establishment of the experiment. In the former case part of the experimental plots were soil sampled and hand sorted for estimation of earthworms. In the latter case all experimental plots were sampled and both soil sampling and mustard extraction was carried out. Soil organic carbon and microbial biomass was measured at 14 and 28 months. Peat increased the abundance of juvenile Aporrectodea caliginosa by 74% in three growing seasons, but had no effect on adult numbers. Lumbricus terrestris numbers were not increased by peat treatment. Three season cultivation of caraway favoured both A. caliginosa and L. terrestris. An equal abundance of A. caliginosa was also found in plots cultivated with turnip rape and fiddleneck. Total earthworm and especially A. caliginosa numbers were very small in plastic-mulched strawberry beds. This was mainly attributed to repeated use of the insecticide endosulfan. With the strawberry plots omitted there was a significant correlation between soil microbial N measured at 14 months and juvenile Aporrectodea spp. and Lumbricus spp. numbers measured at 28 months. Adult earthworm numbers were not associated with either soil organic C or microbial biomass.  相似文献   
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