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渔业资源可持续利用是实现渔业可持续发展的基础,如何评价其可持续利用是重要的科学问题。本文基于生态足迹理论构建了渔业可持续指数的评价框架,并利用该评价指数对江苏省1949~2007年的渔业资源利用状况进行了定量评价。结果显示:1949~1978年的近30年间,江苏省渔业资源基本处于可持续利用状态,但改革开放以后,尤其是1980、1990年代总体处在较强的不可持续利用状态,过度捕捞是导致渔业资源不可持续利用的重要原因;2000年以后不可持续性程度有所减缓,说明伏季休渔、增殖放流等生态保护措施已初见成效。最后就如何提高渔业资源可持续性水平,降低经济社会发展对渔业资源的负面影响提出了一些建议。  相似文献   
渔业资源管理目标定量确定的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文主要探讨渔业资源管理目标定量确定(包括渔业种类及其可捕规格和产量的确定)过程中常用的数学方法,并指出各种方法的应用范围。  相似文献   
I summarize the total allowable catch (TAC) fishery management system, which forms part of the European Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) as complicated, inaccurate and ineffective. Total allowable effort (TAE), i.e. limits on fishing capacity and days‐at‐sea, provides a simpler, readily enforceable control to protect all species affected by a fishery. Fishing capacity of vessels in each region‐gear fleet could be capped through limits on engine power, gear, crew, and fittings, and/or reducing allowances of days‐at‐sea for large, powerful vessels. Two basic, fishery‐dependent indicators are put forward to assess sustainability of a fishery dependably even in the absence of fishery‐independent data. One is socio‐economic, the other is ecological. Fishery working groups within each marine region would recommend a TAE to sustain their fishery while also protecting the most critically affected species or processes. Regional working groups would supervise a consistent approach across the different fisheries in their region. A pan‐European group would set policy, implement external agreements, set rules for trading TAE if necessary and harmonize fishing opportunities across regions. To ease negotiations on TAEs with the fishing industry when an ecosystem needs to recover, I propose compensation payments funded by re‐direction of existing CFP subsidies that promote fishing.  相似文献   
2018年重启的WTO渔业补贴协定谈判尚在进行中,其中禁止对IUU捕捞的补贴得到WTO成员的广泛认同,但在IUU捕捞的认定、补贴禁令的执行以及如何处理领土和海洋管辖权争议问题、发展中国家的特殊和差别待遇等方面尚存在分歧。本文对IUU捕捞补贴禁令的有关重要事项进行了分析,建议在未来的协定中明确引用FAO《打击IUU捕捞国际行动计划》的定义;沿海国、船旗国、RFMO/A、港口国、补贴国按国际法可对IUU捕捞进行认定,但在认定方与补贴国不一致时应设定一个由补贴国的确认或核实的程序;补贴禁令的实施应按照“补贴谁、取消谁”的原则实施,并在程度上考虑IUU捕捞的严重性,且应规定IUU捕捞认定不当触发的补贴禁令对船舶造成损害的救济问题;领土和海洋管辖权争议应当完全排除在WTO渔业补贴协定之外;对未报告、无管制渔业的补贴禁令应当对发展中国家领海以内水域非大型工业渔业予以免除。此外,建议我国应坚定维护自身发展中国家地位,进一步加强取消从事IUU捕捞活动的补贴,尽快修改《渔业法》完善打击IUU捕捞条款,并尽早加入《港口国措施协定》。  相似文献   
东海区海洋渔业资源近况浅析   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
根据渔获产量统计和鱼类生物学资料对东海区海洋渔业资源动态作了分析。结果表明:近几年东海区海洋渔业捕捞产量虽连年增长,但主要是靠大幅度提高捕捞强度等措施获得。渔获物中增加的主要是经济鱼类的幼鱼和低值小杂鱼类,渔获物小型化、低龄化等过度捕捞现象仍然十分严重。渔业资源结构日趋恶化,渔业资源状况并没有明显改善。  相似文献   
休闲渔业是实现现代渔业转型发展的重要途径,然而我国雨后春笋般出现的休闲渔业产业如出一辙的模式使休闲渔业发展陷入瓶颈期,本文试图从“文化学”角度探讨,重新整合运用现有资源,尝试为休闲渔业的发展寻找新的突破口.  相似文献   
Discards are the portion of animal and plant material in the catch that is dumped back at sea. The Common Fisheries Policy plan proposed by the European Commission for 2014–2020 presents a controversial goal: to enforce the landing of fishing discards as a measure to encourage their reduction. This historical and political decision will shape the future of the fishing exploitation in European Seas. Discards generated by European fleets are not negligible, and its reduction is an ecological, socioeconomical and moral imperative. However, it must be achieved through the reduction in discards at source and the promotion of selective and non‐destructive gears. We argue it is doubtful that this discard ban will result in an effective reduction of discards. The proposed measure may, in fact, negatively affect ecosystems at all levels of biological hierarchy by disregarding the Ecosystem‐Based Approach to Fisheries and the Precautionary Principle. It could negatively impact several species by increasing fishing mortality, also commercial species if discards are not accounted in the total allowable catch. Communities preying on discards will likely be affected. The role discards currently play in the energy turnover of current ecosystems will be modified and should be fully evaluated. The landing of discards will likely generate new markets of fishmeal due to the growing demands for marine living resources. The ban will require substantial public investment to deal with technical problems on board and to control and enforce. Therefore, this measure should be only implemented after rigorous scientific and technical studies have been developed.  相似文献   
水产种质资源地理信息系统是为了实现水产种质资源数据共享而开发的一个C/S模式共享平台。采用VB+MapX的二次开发方式,实现了空间数据与属性数据互相查询、数据管理以及报表输出等功能,另外还绘制了水产物种地理的分布图和水系分布图。  相似文献   
以科学引文索引数据库(Science Citation Index,SCI)收录中国水产科学研究院长江水产研究所的论文数据为基础,参照文献计量学方法,对该所2002-2011年被SCI收录的论文按论文数量、被引用次数、论文涉及的学科、资助项目、作者分布和合作单位情况进行统计分析,揭示了该所外文论文产出的实际状况,可作为科研机构评价的参考依据。  相似文献   
闽东北外海底层流刺网作业渔获的银头鱼群体由1~6龄11个世代构成,以2、3和4龄占优势;体长优势组为210~270mm,体重优势组为200~400g,体长与体重的关系W=2.1120×10~(-5)×L~(2.9964)r=0.9970。初次性成熟年龄为2~3龄,最小性成熟个体体长为190mm,在4~8月均有产卵活动;按von Bertalanffy方程拟合生长参数:L_(∝)=436.21mm,W_(∝)=1715.05g,k=0.2357,t_0=-0.9542,体重生长拐点年龄为3.702龄。  相似文献   
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