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Patch modeling can be used to scale-up processes to portray landscape-level dynamics. Via direct extrapolation, a heterogeneous landscape is divided into its constituent patches; dynamics are simulated on each representative patch and are weighted and aggregated to formulate the higher level response. Further extrapolation may be attained by coarsening the resolution of or lumping environmental data (e.g., climatic, edaphic, hydrologic, topographic) used to delimit a patch.Forest patterns at the southern boreal/northern hardwood transition zone are often defined by soil heterogeneity, determined primarily by the extent and duration of soil saturation. To determine how landscape-level dynamics predicted from direct extrapolation compare when coarsening soil parameters, we simulated forest dynamics for soil series representing a range of drainage classes from east- central Maine. Responses were aggregated according to the distribution of soil associations comprising a 600 ha area based on local- (1:12,000), county- (1:120,000) and state- (1:250,000) scale soil maps. At the patch level, simulated aboveground biomass accumulated more slowly in poorer draining soils. Different soil series yielded different communities comprised of species with various tolerances for soil saturation. When aggregated, removal of waterlogging caused a 20–60% increase in biomass accumulation during the first 50 years of simulation. However, this early successional increase and the maximum level of biomass accumulation over a 200 year period varied by as much as 40% depending on the geospatial data. This marked discrepancy suggests caution when extrapolating with forest patch models by coarsening parameters and demonstrates how rules used to rescale environmental data need to be evaluated for consistency.  相似文献   
针对大海子水库放水涵洞闸门前承压段3道伸缩缝止水功能部分失效、伸缩缝漏水防渗处理等问题,采取聚合物砂浆封缝、灌注水溶性聚氨酯堵漏、手工聚脲材料护面防渗等处理,为聚脲防渗材料在水库放水涵洞工程中的应用提供借鉴和经验.  相似文献   
甘肃河西盐碱荒地开发对河流水质的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文详尽分析了甘肃河西地区张掖临泽部分盐碱荒地开发对生态环境产生的主要污染参数、污染因子及污染物排放量,预测了洗盐废水中可溶性盐分对黑河水质的影响。  相似文献   
山羊肺淋巴系的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
24例山羊肺经肺实质和肺胸膜下注射30%普鲁士蓝氯仿溶液,剖查其器官内淋巴管及淋巴流向。结果表明,山羊肺的器官内淋巴管有浅淋巴管和深淋巴管2种。左肺尖叶淋巴管注入左支气管肺淋巴结和气管支气管左淋巴结,左肺心叶淋巴管注入左支气管肺淋巴结、气管支气管左淋巴结和气管支气管中淋巴结,左肺膈叶淋巴管注入气管支气管左淋巴结、气管支气管中淋巴结和纵隔后淋巴结;右肺尖叶淋巴管注入右支气管肺淋巴结和气管支气管前淋巴结,右肺心叶淋巴管注入右支气管肺淋巴结和气管支气管右淋巴结,右肺膈叶淋巴管注入气管支气管右淋巴结、气管支气管中淋巴结和纵隔后淋巴结,右肺副叶淋巴管注入右支气管肺淋巴结、气管支气管中淋巴结和纵隔后淋巴结。  相似文献   
黄土高塬沟壑区道路排水沟侵蚀产沙试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为给黄土高塬沟壑区道路排水沟水土流失测算及其防护提供科学依据,采用野外原位放水冲刷试验方法,在放水流量10~50 L·min-1和坡度4°~10°条件下,对土质道路裸露排水沟和植被排水沟的侵蚀产沙规律进行试验研究。结果表明:放水流量和坡度增大,裸露和植被排水沟的径流含沙量和土壤剥蚀率均成倍数增大,与放水流量呈显著指数函数关系;同一试验条件下,裸露排水沟的径流含沙量和土壤剥蚀率分别是植被排水沟的1.3~1.7倍和1.4~2.2倍。放水流量和坡度对裸露排水沟径流含沙量的影响较为接近,而植被排水沟径流含沙量主要受放水流量影响;不论裸露还是植被排水沟,放水流量对土壤剥蚀率的影响都远大于坡度。  相似文献   
为了提高草业科学本科生创造性和独立性,要求学生完成喷灌系统课程设计。该课程设计特点是公式多、难记忆、抽象和难掌握。在课程设计过程中,学生经常找不到切入点,不知道各环节计算公式和各环节之间的联系。通过对多年教学过程的总结和概括,分析设计灌水定额和灌水周期、喷头布置和选型、轮灌组划分等关键环节,进一步阐明各关键环节之间的联系,以期指导学生更好掌握草坪灌溉与排水课程,达到满足草坪草用水、节约用水、形成水动景观效果、解决我国水资源紧张等目的。  相似文献   


To describe the use of small-bore wire-guided catheters in the management of peritoneal effusion in cats and dogs and to detail any associated adverse events.


Retrospective study.


University teaching hospital


Forty-five client-owned animals that had peritoneal catheters placed for management of peritoneal effusion between July 2010 and June 2021.



Measurements and Main Results

Forty-five cases were included (25 dogs and 20 cats). Twenty-eight animals had the catheter placed to aid management of a uroabdomen, 8 of which recovered without surgical management, 11 had the catheter placed to allow autotransfusion of hemoabdomen, 3 had peritonitis, and 3 had ascites secondary to cardiac disease. Twenty-seven cases (15 dogs and 12 cats) received sedation (n = 24) or local anesthesia alone (n = 3) to facilitate catheter placement, and 6 cases had the catheter placed while under general anesthesia. Median length of catheter persistence was 24 hours (range: 2–144 h). The most common adverse events reported were impaired drainage (n = 7) and leakage at the insertion site (n = 4).


Peritoneal catheters can be inserted percutaneously for management of peritoneal effusion. Indications include stabilization and conservative management of uroabdomen, and autotransfusion. They can often be placed with minimal or no sedation and adverse events appear infrequent in occurrence.  相似文献   
A study of the water balances of The Fayoum irrigated lands and Lake Qarun was made to investigate the management of the irrigation system and the efficiency of irrigation water use. The two water balances are strongly interrelated. The drainage flow to Lake Qarun and the water level of the Lake are in delicate balance. A rise in Lake level causes the inundation of adjacent land. Management of The Fayoum water balance assumes control over irrigation water flows, but this control has technical and organizational limitations. Also discussed is the influence of irrigation practices in The Fayoum on the water balance (e.g., the autumn flushing of fields and farmers' preference for not irrigating at night in winter). Notwithstanding a high overall efficiency, irrigation efficiency during the winter is low. The reasons for this are given, together with the constraints against improving system management. Improved uniformity of the division and application of irrigation water will enable a better technical control of flows and will result in better water management in The Fayoum. Abbreviations: FID — Fayoum Irrigation Department, 1 feddan (fe) — 0.4 ha, 1 mcm — 1 million cubic metres: an average annual flow of 3.17 m3/s gives 100 mcm, m3/fe.year — supplied volume (m3) per surface area (fe) per year: 1000 m3/fe.year equals 240 mm/year, MSL — Mean Sea Level  相似文献   
南方易渍农田水稻节水增产灌溉方式试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对我国南方易渍稻田土壤粘重、地下水位高、通透性差等特点,提出不同的灌水方法,并通过对大量的试验结果分析,得出了适宜的灌水方法及地下水埋深。  相似文献   
Land retirement is ceasing irrigation withthe goal of reducing load, in general, ofdissolved constituents and, in particular,of trace elements, present in subsurfacedrainage generated from irrigated lands. Retirement is achieved through a process ofgoal setting, strategy development anddetermining effects, developing landselection criteria, implementation, andmonitoring. In this study, effects of landretirement are evaluated using hydrologic,soil and economic models as well as resultsfrom a field demonstration study. From themodeling and field monitoring, a process isdeveloped to meet the goals of a landretirement program in the San JoaquinValley of California.Potential negative effects listed for landretirement included loss of agriculturalproductivity, perhaps permanently, and lossof revenue to surrounding communities. Uncertainties included those associatedwith reuse of retired lands as wildlifehabitat, with retired-land maintenanceincluding dust control, with potentialpreservation of retired lands in reservefor future re-introduction to irrigated ordry-land agriculture, and withinstitutional changes concerning repaymentof federal and state water contracts. Benefits would accrue from economic returnto the landowner from the sale of property,the sale or lease of irrigation watersupply, the reduced cost of handlingdrainage, and allocation of freed-up waterto beneficial uses, and the reduced risk ofselenium exposure to fish and wildlife.A recommended sequential approach to selectand manage retired land is to identifyprimary objectives; formulate and implementarea-specific land retirement scenarios;measure biologic, hydrologic, soils andeconomic consequences in the short term andthe long term and manage and monitorretired lands based on dynamic biologic,hydrologic and soil conditions.  相似文献   
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