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从现代牧业集团塞北牧场的规模化沼气工程沼液中分离得到10株芽孢杆菌,其中3株可以促进沼气产生,通过实验室模拟沼气发酵试验,发现其中LAM-CQ-3菌株可以明显促进沼气的产生,沼气产量比对照提高126.72%.通过形态特征、生理生化特征、(G+C) mol%含量及16S rRNA序列分析等鉴定该菌为弯曲芽孢杆菌(Bacillus flexus).LAM-CQ-3的特征为菌体杆状,革兰氏染色阳性,最适生长温度为35℃,最适生长pH为7.5,最适生长盐浓度为5%,与Bacillus flexus IFO15715T的相似性为99.58%,(G+ C) mol%含量为46.6 mol%,主要脂肪酸组成为anteisoC 15∶0 (30.35%),isoC15∶0 (22.59%),anteisoC 17∶0 (16.74%),isoC 17∶0(10.24%),C 16∶0(5.20%).以16S rDNA序列为基础构建了包括16株邻近种属细菌在内的系统发育树,其中与模式弯曲芽孢杆菌的同源性最近.  相似文献   
厌氧悬浮颗粒污泥床同时反硝化产甲烷研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用厌氧悬浮颗粒污泥床反应器,以自配水为基质,通过微生物的反硝化作用和产甲烷作用成功实现了在单级反应器中去除硝酸盐和水中有机质的目的。反应器开始接种的污泥是产甲烷颗粒污泥,通过不断提高进水中硝酸盐的浓度,使厌氧颗粒污泥逐渐适应水中的硝酸盐,反硝化剩余的有机碳源转化为甲烷气体。在硝酸盐负荷为0.75kgN03^- -N·m^-3d^-1和COD负荷为14.1kgCOD·m^-3d^-1的稳态下,硝酸盐和有机碳的去除率分别为99.5%和90.1%以上。对反应器产生的气体所进行的气体组成测试表明,加入的硝酸盐全部转化为氮气,这一结果表明发生了真正的反硝化反应。  相似文献   
通过体外产气法研究了生石膏对瘤胃发酵、甲烷生成及微生态的影响。按单因子试验设计,在底物中分别按其干物质的0(对照组)、1.25%(低水平组)、2.5%(高水平组)添加生石膏,每个组设4个重复,进行24h体外发酵培养。结果显示,随生石膏添加水平升高,乙酸与总挥发性脂肪酸浓度、乙酸与丙酸的浓度比、12和24h产气量、氢的生成量及甲烷菌数量显著(P0.05)或极显著(P0.01)降低,而丙酸占总挥发性脂肪酸的比例与原虫数量极显著(P0.01)升高;生石膏添加会显著(P0.05)或显著(P0.01)降低12和24h甲烷产量,而高水平添加会显著(P0.05)降低丙酸浓度与乙酸占总挥发性脂肪酸的比例。结果表明,生石膏可通过减少氢的供应量和抑制甲烷菌生长而降低体外甲烷产量,同时会促进原虫增殖,致使2种添加水平的相对甲烷抑制潜势没有显著(P0.05)差异。  相似文献   
本试验旨在研究水热处理对黄豆秸秆体外发酵、甲烷生成及微生物的影响。黄豆秸秆经水热处理后,利用全自动体外模拟瘤胃发酵系统发酵72 h,评估化学成分变化、降解特性、发酵参数、产气参数及微生物区系。结果表明:水热处理降低黄豆秸秆中性洗涤纤维(P<0.001)、酸性洗涤纤维(P<0.001)及半纤维素(P<0.001)含量,提高中性洗涤可溶物(P<0.001)、水溶性碳水化合物(P<0.001)、阿拉伯糖(P<0.001)及半乳糖(P<0.001)含量;水热处理提高黄豆秸秆干物质消失率(P<0.001)和发酵液挥发性脂肪酸浓度(P<0.05),降低乙酸/丙酸(P<0.001)、甲烷(P<0.001)与氢气产量(P<0.001)及真菌(P<0.01)、产琥珀酸丝状杆菌(P<0.05)和产甲烷菌(P<0.05)数量。结果显示:水热处理可破坏黄豆秸秆纤维素-半纤维素-木质素结构,增加中性洗涤可溶物含量,促进瘤胃降解,并减少真菌和产甲烷菌的数量,降低甲烷产量。  相似文献   
北方泥炭地甲烷排放研究: 综述   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
D. Y. F. LAI 《土壤圈》2009,19(4):409-421
Northern peatlands store a large amount of carbon and play a significant role in the global carbon cycle. Owing to the presence of waterlogged and anaerobic conditions, peatlands are typically a source of methane (CH4), a very potent greenhouse gas. This paper reviews the key mechanisms of peatland CH4 production, consumption and transport and the major environmental and biotic controls on peatland CH4 emissions. The advantages and disadvantages of micrometeorological and chamber methods in measuring CH4 fluxes from northern peatlands are also discussed. The magnitude of CH4 flux varies considerably among peatland types (bogs and fens) and microtopographic locations (hummocks and hollows). Some anthropogenic activities including forestry, peat harvesting and industrial emission of sulphur dioxide can cause a reduction in CH4 release from northern peatlands. Further research should be conducted to investigate the in fluence of plant growth forms on CH4 flux from northern peatlands, determine the water table threshold at which plant production in peatlands enhances CH4 release, and quantify peatland CH4 exchange at plant community level with a higher temporal resolution using automatic chambers.  相似文献   
This study was designed to obtain information on the residual influence of dietary monensin on ruminant fermentation, methanogenesis and bacterial population. Three ruminally cannulated crossbreed heifers (14 months old, 363 ± 11 kg) were fed Italian ryegrass straw and concentrate supplemented with monensin for 21 days before sampling. Rumen fluid samples were collected for analysis of short chain fatty acid (SCFA) profiles, monensin concentration, methanogens and rumen bacterial density. Post‐feeding rumen fluid was also collected to determine in vitro gas production. Monensin was eliminated from the rumen fluid within 3 days. The composition of SCFA varied after elimination of monensin, while total production of SCFA was 1.78 times higher than on the first day. Methane production increased 7 days after monensin administration ceased, whereas hydrogen production decreased. The methanogens and rumen bacterial copy numbers were unaffected by the withdrawal of monensin.  相似文献   
Sloths are renowned for their low metabolic rate, low food intake and low defecation frequency. We investigated factors of digestive physiology and energy metabolism in four captive individuals (mean body mass 10.0 ± SD 3.7 kg) of a hitherto mostly unstudied sloth species, Linné's two‐toed sloth (Choloepus didactylus), in a 2‐week digestion recording and 23‐h respiration experiment on animals fed a standard zoo diet of vegetables and starchy components. Dry matter intake, defecation frequency and particle mean retention time (MRT) in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) were 12 ± 3 g/(kg0.75 day), once every 5 days and >140 h in three individuals, but 53 g/(kg0.75 day), daily and 82 h in one individual that was apparently compensating for a period of weight loss prior to the experiment. In all animals, solute marker was eliminated at a faster rate than the particle marker, indicating ‘digesta washing’ in the sloths’ GIT. The overall metabolic rate calculated from oxygen consumption matched the metabolisable energy intake in three individuals [173 ± 22 vs. 168 ± 44 kJ/(kg0.75 day)] but not in the fourth one [225 vs. 698 kJ/(kg0.75 day)], supporting the interpretation that this animal was replenishing body stores. In spite of the low food intake and the low‐fibre diet (209 ± 26 g neutral detergent fibre/kg dry matter), methane production was rather high accounting for 9.4 ± 0.8% of gross energy intake (2.7% in the fourth individual), which exceeded literature data for ruminants on forage‐only diets. These results corroborate literature reports on low intake, low defecation frequency, low metabolic rate and long MRT in other sloth species. The long MRT is probably responsible for the comparatively high methane production, providing more opportunity for methanogenic archaea than in other non‐ruminant mammals to produce significant amounts of methane.  相似文献   
甲烷的减排问题已成为各国政府和科研人员关注的焦点。稻田是温室气体甲烷的重要排放源,甲烷产生是排放的前提条件,主要有乙酸发酵和CO2/H2还原两条途径。常年淹水稻田甲烷排放量高,减排潜力大,但关于这类稻田甲烷产生途径的季节变化规律尚少见报道。于四川省资阳市的常年淹水稻田,采集水稻4个重要生育期(分蘖期、孕穗期、抽穗期、成熟期)的新鲜土样,通过室内厌氧培养试验观测了甲烷产生潜力,并采用稳定性碳同位素方法和氟甲烷(CH3F,2%)抑制法,量化CO2/H2产甲烷的碳同位素分馏系数(α(CO2/CH4)),从而定量评估乙酸产甲烷途径的相对贡献率(?乙酸)。结果表明:添加CH3F显著降低甲烷产生,甲烷产生潜力在成熟期最大,变化范围为3.22~12.71μg·g–1·d–1;产生CH4的δ13C值(δ13CH...  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the inhibitory effect of chemicals on methane emissions in paddy soil. We found that (4-hydroxyphenyl) chloromethanesulfonate (C-1) has a methanogenic inhibition activity, and we studied its inhibition mechanism using laboratory tests. The study found that C-1 treatment of flooded soil did not significantly affect the bacterial community but rather the archaeal community; particularly, Methanosarcina spp. C-1 strongly inhibited the aceticlastic methanogenesis route. It was suggested that the inhibitory target of C-1 was different from the well-known methanogenic inhibitor 2-bromoethanesulfonate, which targets methyl-coenzyme M reductase of methanogen. In addition, C-1 had a secondary effect of inhibiting the dechlorination of chlorophenols. Although field trials are required as the next development step, C-1 can be used to reduce methane emissions from paddy fields, one of the largest sources in the agricultural sector.  相似文献   
A 2 × 2 factorial experiment was conducted to assess the effects of presence or absence of rumen protozoa and of dietary coconut oil distillate (COD) supplementation on rumen fermentation characteristics, digesta kinetics and methane production in Brahman heifers. Twelve Brahman heifers were selected to defaunate, with 6 being subsequently refaunated. After defaunation and refaunation, heifers were randomly allocated to COD supplement or no supplement treatments while fed an oaten chaff‐based diet. Methane production (MP; 94.17 v 104.72 g CH4/d) and methane yield [MY; 19.45 v 21.64 g CH4/kg dry matter intake (DMI)] were reduced in defaunated heifers compared with refaunated heifers when measured at 5 weeks after refaunation treatment (p < 0.01). Supplement of COD similarly reduced MP and MY (89.36 v 109.53 g/d and 18.46 v 22.63 g/kg DMI, respectively; p < 0.01), and there were no significant interactions of defaunation and COD effects on rumen fermentation or methane emissions. Concentration of total volatile fatty acid (VFA) and molar proportions of acetate, propionate and butyrate was not affected by defaunation or by COD. Microbial crude protein (MCP; g/d) outflow was increased by defaunation (p < 0.01) in the absence of COD but was unaffected by defaunation in COD‐supplemented heifers. There was a tendency towards a greater average daily gain (ADG) in defaunated heifers (p = 0.09), but COD did not increase ADG (p > 0.05). The results confirmed that defaunation and COD independently reduced enteric MP even though the reduced emissions were achieved without altering rumen fermentation VFA levels or gut digesta kinetics.  相似文献   
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