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为解决IHSS (国际腐植酸协会)推荐法提取剩余污泥腐植酸参数不明确和剩余污泥腐植酸提取研究中缺乏其毒性效应评价等问题,利用响应曲面法得到剩余污泥腐植酸提取的最佳条件,并分析了腐植酸理化特性及其对作物幼苗建成的影响。结果表明,腐植酸提取的最佳条件:碱浓度为0.19 mol·L-1,碱泥比(mL∶g)为11.6,振荡时间为3.8 h,提取量为96.1 mg·g-1。相较于推荐法的腐植酸提取量增加了118%。提取所得腐植酸的元素分析显示,O/C为0.84,H/C为0.14,C/N为4.43;傅里叶变换红外光谱和凝胶渗透色谱分析显示,剩余污泥腐植酸存在羧基、醇羟基和酚羟基等含氧官能团,重均分子量为8 856 Da。此外,在500 mg·L-1施用条件下,该腐植酸对大白菜和萝卜种子发芽率和子叶光合色素含量均无显著影响,而对大白菜种子胚根伸长具有显著促进作用。综上,通过优化提取条件可显著提高腐植酸提取量,剩余污泥腐植酸腐殖化程度与芳香化程度均较高,分子量较小,生物活性较强,且低浓度下对作物早期生长无不良影响。  相似文献   
为验证腐殖酸复合生物肥在日光温室番茄上的施用增产效果,选用液体冲施型腐殖酸复合生物肥,采用多处理随机区组试验,结果表明:常用肥+腐殖酸生物肥配施追肥与常用肥单施追肥比较,番茄的植物学性状、产量及经济效益均存在显著差异,常用肥+腐殖酸生物肥配合追施产量高达8697.62kg·(667 m2)-1,较常用肥单施追肥增产671.01kg·(667 m2)-1,增产率8.36%,收益达20544.28元/667m2,增收1580.4元/667m2,增加8.33%,增产增收效果明显,适宜在温室番茄生产上推广应用。  相似文献   
为探究腐殖酸水溶肥、枯草芽孢杆菌对基质青菜生长的影响 本研究以抗热605青菜为试验材料,共设计6组施肥试验,分别为CK1(有机肥2.5g/盆)、CK2(有机肥2.5g/盆+枯草芽孢杆菌0.5g/盆)、T1(有机肥2.5g/盆+枯草芽孢杆菌0.5g/盆+腐殖酸水溶肥100倍液)、T2(有机肥2.5g/盆+枯草芽孢杆菌0.5g/盆+腐殖酸水溶肥200倍液)、T3(有机肥2.5g/盆+枯草芽孢杆菌0.5g/盆+腐殖酸水溶肥400倍液)、T4(有机肥2.5g/盆+枯草芽孢杆菌0.5g/盆+腐殖酸水溶肥800倍液),研究结过表明:腐殖酸水溶肥配施枯草芽孢杆菌可在一定程度上增加基质青菜的株高、叶宽、叶长、冠幅及地上鲜重,其中腐殖酸水溶肥起主导作用,枯草芽孢杆菌作用较为微弱,综合各生长指标考量以T2处理效果最佳。  相似文献   
在农业生产中,腐植酸具有促进生长、提高肥效、增强抗逆性、改善品质及改良土壤的作用。本文综述了腐植酸对水稻生长发育、产量形成、稻米品质以及土壤特性的影响,展望了腐植酸今后的应用研究,如与化肥适宜的配施比例、施用浓度等,以期为水稻优质、高产、稳产及高效栽培提供依据。  相似文献   
为探究灌浆初期喷施新型腐植酸对谷子产量和品质的影响,以清水喷施为对照(NC),设置腐植酸低(0.75 L/hm2, 600×,LC),中 (3.75 L/hm2, 120× ,MC),高(7.50 L/hm2, 60× ,HC)3个浓度梯度,在谷子灌浆初期喷施于叶面,测定产量、穗部性状以及籽粒蛋白质、氨基酸、脂肪、碳水化合物、直链淀粉、黄色素、总黄酮、多酚等多个指标,分析谷子产量及营养品质的变化。结果表明:1) 灌浆初期叶面喷施新型腐植酸可以通过增加千粒重来增加产量,各处理的谷子产量增加幅度由高到低为HC>MC>LC>NC,MC和 HC处理分别比NC增产18.5%和19.4%,谷子增产的最适新型腐植酸浓度介于60~120 ×。2) 灌浆期喷施新型腐植酸可改善谷子籽粒品质,显著提高蛋白质、氨基酸、黄色素、多酚含量(P<0.05)。3)通过主成分分析对不同处理的多个品质指标进行综合分析,总得分由高到低为MC>LC>HC>NC,中浓度(3.75 L/hm2, 120×,MC)处理对品质提升效果最好。综上,叶面喷施新型腐植酸可以提升谷子产量,改善籽粒品质,中浓度处理综合表现最好。  相似文献   
还原容量(RC)是衡量胡敏酸(HA)还原特性的重要指标。采用饱和H2振荡法和土壤溶液法对HA分别进行化学和微生物预处理,分别以硝酸铁(Fe(NO3)3)、柠檬酸铁(FeCit)作电子受体,测定了三种HA(上海巨枫SH,天津光复TJ,缙云山JY)的本底还原容量(NRC),化学还原容量(CRC),微生物还原容量(MRC)。对不同电子受体条件下、不同初始状态和不同种类的胡敏酸的RC进行比较。结果表明:三种HA中,以缙云山土壤提取的胡敏酸RC值最高,还原容量最大,分别为20.21?0.26mmolc mol-1C (NRC)、26.02?1.12mmolc mol-1C (CRC)和29.29?1.56mmolc mol-1C (MRC)。两种电子受体中,采用Fe(NO3)3得到的RC明显高于在FeCit条件下。另外,溶液态HA的RC明显高于固态。由此证明胡敏酸还原容量是一个相对量;其容量大小不仅和自身结构、性质有关,也受到HA初始形态和不同电子受体的影响。对比三个还原容量指标发现CRC和MRC显著大于NRC,而CRC和MRC之间无明确大小关系,因此用CRC来表征HA被微生物还原后的还原容量(MRC)还需作进一步验证。  相似文献   
For the purpose of explaining the forming process of soil humic acids, the author determined the absorption spectra of various humic acids. From soils and peats which were pretreated with 5% HCl at 70°C for 30 minutes or from those which were not, humic acids were extracted by treating with 0.5% NaOH at boiling temperature for 30 minutes. In these humic acids, the one which is extracted after acid pretreatment is provisionally designated as SrL humic acid and the other as L humic acid. The supernatant alkaline solutions obtained by centrifuging the above mentioned extracts were acidified with hydrochloric acid, and precipitated humic acids were filtered and washed with water until Cl' free. Humic acids were dissolved in 0.1% NaOH and ultrafiltered using collodion membrane. The filtrates were acidified with hydrochloric acid and humic acids were collected by centrifuging, transferred on the filter paper, washed with dilute hydrochloric acid and water successively, then air-dried and pulverized.  相似文献   
To investigate the relationship between the change of humus property and time factor, the humus composition in the buried humic horizons with the age from 28,000 years B.P. to the present was studied, according to the method presented by Kumada et al. (7).

The fH decreased with the elapse of time and in case of most of humus in the buried humic horizons with the age over 10,000 years, the fH became lower than 40 and were in the form of so-called ‘combined’ humus.

When 3,000-4,000 years have passed since the surface soil buried, the humic acid first moved . to ‘combined form.’ Second, after over 10,000 years, the fulvic acid moved to ‘combined form.’

The humification of ‘free’ humic acid proceeded with the elapse of time till around 5,000 years but of 'combined' humic acid till around 7,000 years. Both the humification-degree of ‘free’ humic acid after around 5,000 years and of ‘combined’ humic acid after around 7,000 years decreased. The humification-degree of ‘free’ and ‘combined’ humic acid from the samples with the age about 15,000 years B.P. to 28,000 years B.P. may be the same.  相似文献   
The relationships between surface active properties and humic acid (HA) particle sizes were investigated. Two HAs from an Ando soil and a Brown forest soil were separated into 6 particle size fractions by gel permeation chromatography. Surface-active properties characterized by surface excess value (\gT mol cm-2), cross-sectional surface area per molecule (A nm2), critical micelle concentration (CMC g L-1), efficiency and effectiveness of water surface tension reduction were obtained by the measurement of the surface tension of HA solutions from different particle size fractions. For the HA from the Ando soil, except for the smallest particle size fraction, increasing particle size enhanced the efficiency of reduction of the water surface tension and decreased the CMC, while the effectiveness of reduction of the water surface tension was about the same. The surface activity of the HA from the Ando soil increased with increasing particle size. This phenomenon was similar to the surface activity of a homologous series of surfactants, which increased with increasing alkyl chain length. For the HA from the Brown forest soil, the smallest particle size fraction and three large fractions showed a high efficiency, namely a high surface activity. The smallest fraction from the Brown forest soil showed the highest efficiency and the lowest CMC value. In both HAs, the smallest particle size fraction showed exceptional surface-active properties compared with the other fractions and three fractions with large particle size showed a higher surface activity than other smaller fractions.  相似文献   
腐植酸对甘薯吸收利用矿质元素的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨腐植酸对甘薯吸收利用矿质元素的影响,并为研究甘薯植株及土壤中矿质元素含量的变化情况,在大田生产条件下施用腐植酸。结果表明:施用腐植酸以后,甘薯对各矿质营养元素的吸收积累量均显著增加,增幅为12.87%~29.84%;矿质元素吸收积累量增加与腐植酸提高了不同生长时期甘薯对矿质元素的吸收速率有关,生长后期的吸收速率增幅最大。同时,施用腐植酸提高了收获期土壤中有效P、Ca、Mg和K元素的含量;使N、K、Ca、S、B和Cu的块根生产效率显著提高。施用腐植酸可以改善甘薯的矿质营养条件、提高部分矿质元素的块根生产效率。  相似文献   
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