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Use of nutrient efficient crop species or cultivars within species in combination with improved crop production practices offer the best option for meeting the future food requirements of growing world populations. Efficiency improvement has a key role for nutrient use and it improves both productivity of yield and minimizes risks of losses that potentially harm the environment. To improve nutrient use efficiency (NUE), one strategy is to select cultivars of crops with high NUE. Both nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are among essential macronutrients commonly applied to agricultural crops to optimize yields. Evaluation of potato cultivars with high N and P efficiency is essential for sustainable production of the crop. In Ethiopia, however, little research has been done to elucidate better NUE of potato crop until recently. This study was, thus, designed to evaluate selected potato cultivars (Belete, Gudene, Jalene, Marachere and one local check) for NP use efficiency under low levels of the nutrients in Wolaita Sodo University, Ethiopia during 2014 and 2015. Factorial combination of 3 levels of each N (0, 55.5 and 111 kg N ha?1 ) and P (0, 19.5 and 39 kg P ha?1 ) were assigned to the main plots and the 5 cultivars to subplots of split-plot design in three replications. Efficiency indices such as agronomic efficiency, physiological efficiency and recovery efficiency were computed for combined NP nutrients. Results showed that agronomic nitrogen use efficiency, apparent phosphorus use efficiency and phosphorus use efficiencies were significantly influenced by the interaction effect of rates of NP nutrition and variety. Application of NP more than 55.5:19.5 kg ha?1 will not beneficial due to their less or equal use and recovery efficiencies to 55.5:19.5 kg NP ha?1. Belete was the most NP efficient variety followed by Jalene and Gudene in all efficiency indices. Therefore, Belete, Jalene and Gudene return better for NP at 55.5:19.5 kg ha?1 for economical use of fertilizes while obtaining satisfactory yield. It can be concluded that yield response variation of the varieties was related to their differences in NP uptake and use efficiencies; and the improved potato varieties were superior to local check in using NP nutrients efficiently.  相似文献   
A 2-year-old bay Thoroughbred colt was found dead overnight in its stall without a known history of any illness, existing disease, or toxicant exposure. No information on the clinical signs before this animal's death was reported. A full necropsy was performed the next morning and revealed a mild to moderate degree of endocardial hemorrhages in both ventricles. Microscopic examination of the heart showed an acute mild multifocal necrosis of papillary muscles and ventricles. The stomach content contained approximately 2% Taxus alkaloids as determined by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. In the past, diagnosis of Taxus poisoning has been mainly based on history of exposure and the presence of plant parts in the gastrointestinal tract. Pathological lesions associated with Taxus poisoning have not been published for horses. Therefore, this is the first report of cardiac lesions in a horse after lethal exposure to Taxus. On the basis of these findings, it is suggested that Taxus exposure needs to be considered in the differential diagnosis of horses that die suddenly or have cardiac lesions suggestive of Taxus exposure, even if intact plant parts are not identified in the stomach by the naked eye.  相似文献   
The use of sentinel chickens in establishing the negative status of commercial poultry flocks depopulated due to exotic Newcastle disease (END) is considered to be an economically beneficial process. However, the costs and benefits of using sentinel chickens in noncommercial operations are in question. The objective of this study was to use sentinel chickens to evaluate whether adequate cleaning and disinfection coupled with an appropriate time period without susceptible poultry species on the premises would eliminate END virus from a noncommercial poultry operation and preclude the need for placement of sentinels in previously infected operations before declaring them free of virus. Noncommercial poultry operations were selected from the 2002 to 2003 END outbreak database. Operations included in the study had one or more isolations of END virus (ENDV) from cloacal or oropharyngeal swabs of birds on the premises. A total of 546 birds were placed on 53 premises. All sentinel birds sampled after placements were negative by virus detection methods and serologic tests. Results of this study indicate that time and the application of appropriate cleaning and disinfection procedures will adequately mitigate the risk of viable virus persisting in noncommercial poultry operations. In the future, this information may eliminate the need for sentinel bird placement to ensure virus free status of premises before repopulation, thereby decreasing the costs of END eradication.  相似文献   
本研究对来自不同地理来源的167份谷子种质资源主要农艺性状进行调查和分析,包括株高、穗长、穗粗、单穗重、单穗粒重、千粒重、穗松紧等,比较了不同种质资源间农艺性状的差异。结果表明,千粒重的变异系数最小,为10.96%,单穗重的变异系数最大,为33.76%。参试资源中中矮杆材料较多,占59.88%。长穗材料占总数的28.74%,单穗粒重大于28g的材料占8.5%,千粒重高于3.6g的大粒型资源占到总数的6.3%。鉴定筛选出的优质资源可为本地区育种和推广研究工作提供理论依据。  相似文献   
The California Egg Quality Assurance Program uses the delayed secondary enrichment culture method for detecting Salmonella Enteritidis in environmental drag swabs obtained from commercial layer complexes. The turnaround time for this method is variable and is dependent on the prevalence of Salmonella, level of the Salmonella identification, and capabilities of the performing laboratory. On a sample basis, a range of 4 to 8 days is required to identify a Salmonella sp. to the serogroup level. Additional time is required to serotype group D Salmonella isolates. A Salmonella Enteritidis-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay was developed for use on drag swabs and chick box papers, and had a turnaround time of 3-4 days. The delayed secondary enrichment culture method and the Salmonella Enteritidis-specific PCR assay were compared on 942 drag swab and 85 chick box paper samples submitted from 217 and 22 premises, respectively, as part of the California Egg Quality Assurance Program. The PCR assay identified 43 positive Salmonella Enteritidis samples from 22 premises, whereas the culture method identified 24 group D Salmonella-positive samples from 16 premises. There was a significant difference (P = 0.001) in the proportion of positive samples as determined by the two assays. Complete serotyping of the group D Salmonella-positive cultures confirmed Salmonella Enteritidis in all but one sample that was identified as Salmonella Jamaica and was negative by the PCR assay.  相似文献   
Between the summer of 1998 and the winter of 2000, Salmonella analysis was performed on 2128 single and 532 pooled manure drag swabs obtained from 133 California commercial egg laying farms. The isolation of Salmonella from all rows and from all flocks using single or pooled swabs was 80% and 92%, respectively. Hence, there was no statistical difference between single vs. pooled swabs in terms of identifying Salmonella on a row or flock basis. A total of 14 serogroups comprising 44 serotypes were isolated from 123 of 133 farms. When the top 10 serotypes were considered, there was no significant difference in the range of serotypes isolated by the two culturing methods. The overall S. enteritidis prevalence for California flocks was 10.5% (14/133). The overall row prevalence for S. enteritidis for all the farms was 1.1% (24/2128), and the overall pool prevalence was 2.4% (13/532). Sixty percent (12/20) of the S. enteritidis isolates from the positive farms were phage type 4, and 40% (8/20) represented five other phage types (1, 6B, 7, 8, and 28).  相似文献   
Histofarcin, a skin test antigen for the diagnosis of epizootic lymphangitis, was locally produced from the mycelial form of Histoplasma capsulatum var. farciminosum (HCF) in disease-endemic districts of Ethiopia and tested for its application in the field between April 2002 and May 2003. The test was evaluated using 108 mules, 84 in endemic and 24 in disease-free districts. Microscopic and mycological examinations of clinical lesions were used as the "gold standard" for the validation of the test. The concentration of histofarcin that caused an optimum reaction was 0.2-0.4 mg/mL in a 0.1 mL dose and this was attained 24-48 h post-injection. The sensitivity and specificity of the histofarcin test were 90.3% (CI = 73.1, 97.5) and 69% (95%, CI = 48.1, 84.9%) in disease-endemic districts. On the other hand, specificity was 100% (CI=94.8, 100) in disease-free districts. Positive and negative predictive values of the histofarcin test were 77.78% (95% CI = 60.4, 89.3) and 85.71% (95% CI = 62.6, 96.2), respectively. A marginal substantial agreement (kappa = 0.61, P = 0.0000) was observed between the clinical status and the result of the histofarcin test. A large proportion (31%) of 'false positives' was recorded in endemic districts, which could be due to the pre-clinical stage of the disease. The latter ended in lower specificity and positive predictive value of the test since the true infection status of a 'false positive' could not be known on the basis of clinical features. Therefore, standard test validation procedures including slaughtering and isolation of HCF is required. After proper validation, we conclude that the histofarcin test could play a significant role in detecting early infection, and differentiating of EL from glanders, ulcerative lymphangitis, and sporotrichosis.  相似文献   
Terminalia laxiflora Engl.&Diels.is an important indigenous and multi-purpose species in Ethiopia.However threatened due to low germination and its storage behavior is unknown.In this study,we aimed to(1)test pretreatments for breaking the dormancy of T.laxiflora seed and(2)determine its storage behavior.Seeds were subjected to four pretreatments such as soaking,scarification,high-temperature,and control.Experiments were done before storage and after 2 years of dry storage at cold temperature(-10℃)based on randomized design with four replicates.The first round of experimental results showed that T.laxiflora seeds with high temperature treatments at 78℃for 10 min showed significantly higher germination percentage(80%).In the second round experiment,high-temperature treatment at 78℃for15 min,cold water soaking,high-temperature treatment at78℃for 10 min,hot water soaking,and high-temperature treatment at 78℃for 5 min showed significantly higher germination percentage from the remaining treatments(75,64,58,56,and 53%,respectively).To break the dormancy of T.laxiflora seed and attain good germination result,seeds should be pretreated with high-temperature at 78℃for 10 min to test the initial germination before storage and should be pretreated with high-temperature(at 78℃for15,10,or 5 min),soaked in cold,or hot water for 24 h to monitor the germination after storage.The two experiments show that T.laxiflora produces orthodox seed.  相似文献   
Three hundred twenty germplasm lines of the major Ethiopian cereal, tef, [ Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter], were evaluated for 20 morphological, phenological and agronomic characters in two-replicated randomized complete blocks at Debre Zeit and Melkassa Agricultural Research Centers in Ethiopia during the 1995 main season. The objectives were to assess the diversity of the lines, and to estimate the broad sense heritability (H) and genetic advance (GA) of the various characters. The mean squares of genotypes were highly significant (p ≤ 0.001) for all the traits. The phenotypic and genotypic coefficients of variation ranged in that order from about 6–40% and 3–23% for days to maturity and grain yield/plant, and days to maturity and number of spikelets/main shoot panicle, respectively. The cluster analysis grouped the genotypes into 14 major complexes consisting of one to 183 lines. Of the 19 principal components involved in explaining the entire variation among the genotypes the first five which had eigenvalues of more than one explained about 73.8%. The first principal component which accounted for about 34% of the total variance was due chiefly to plant height, culm and panicle length, diameters of the two basal culm internodes, main shoot panicle mass and grain yield, number of main shoot panicle branches and spikelets, and days to panicle emergence and maturity. Estimates of H varied from about 22% for length of the lowest main shoot stem internode to 74% for number of main shoot panicle branches. Values of GA (expected from selection of the superior 5% of the lines and expressed relative to the means) ranged from about 3% for days to maturity to 36% for number of spikelets/main shoot panicle. Overall, the study indicated the existence of trait diversity in tef germplasm and this can be exploited in the genetic improvement of the crop through hybridization and selection. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
“稻鸭共生”生态系统重金属镉的转化、迁移及循环特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
重金属镉(Cd)通过污染的饲料和化肥而影响农产品进而危害人体健康已经成为食品安全和生态环境关注的焦点。为完善"稻鸭共生"系统的肥料和饲料管理,建立合理的物质产投结构及降低重金属Cd的生态毒理风险,在湖南省长沙市望城区桐林坳社区开展了2年田间试验,以常规稻作为对照,采用投入产出法,研究分析"稻鸭共生"生态系统重金属Cd的转化、迁移及循环特征。结果表明,"稻鸭共生"生态系统Cd输入量为:肥料饲料秧苗雏鸭,其中肥料Cd输入主要是磷肥输入。"稻鸭共生"生态系统Cd输出主要是水稻籽粒Cd和成鸭Cd。"稻鸭共生"生态系统内循环的Cd主要是鸭粪Cd、杂草Cd、害虫Cd及归还给系统的水稻秸秆Cd和根系Cd。鸭所摄食的Cd主要来自鸭饲料,大鸭饲料Cd输入大于小鸭饲料Cd输入。在"稻鸭共生"生态系统中重金属Cd沿食物链的转化、迁移过程以鸭粪Cd形式放大,且鸭粪Cd高于鸭饲料Cd输入。稻田土壤Cd输出来看,"稻鸭共生"和常规稻作相比无显著差异(P0.05)。无论是常规稻作还是"稻鸭共生",水稻植株Cd含量次序为根秸秆籽粒。与常规稻作相比,"稻鸭共生"没有增加水稻植株Cd含量和Cd积累。糙米和鸭肉镉含量分别为0.033 mg·kg-1和0.008 mg·kg-1,短期来看,"稻鸭共生"能够提供安全无Cd污染的农产品(鸭和稻米)。  相似文献   
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