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Periodic seismic (shaking) stress influenced the growth of sexual and asexual reproductive structures of three cultivated species. It delayed anthesis of Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. 'Patio' but not of Tagetes erecta L. 'Jubilee' or Solanum tuberosum L. 'Kennebec'. Shaken 'Jubilee' marigold plants produced the same number of flowers as undisturbed plants, but flowers of shaken plants were smaller. In contrast, seismic-stressed 'Patio' tomato produced fewer buds and flowers, but fruit set was enhanced relative to that of controls. Seismic stress also reduced tuber weight of 'Kennebec' potato, whereas tuber number was unaffected. The overall effect of seismic stress was to reduce the growth of reproductive structures and, in some cases, the number of reproductive structures that developed.  相似文献   
The objectives of the experiment were (1) to determine whether MAC-T cells would accurately mimic the previously observed proliferative responses of primary mammary epithelial cells (MEC) to mammary tissue extracts from high and low-fed heifers and (2) to determine whether mammary tissue extracts from ovariectomized (OVX) heifers would have lower mitogenic activity than intact controls. Addition of mammary tissue extracts to cell culture media of MAC-T cells plated on plastic or collagen-coated plastic to a range of concentrations between 1 and 8% resulted in dose-dependent increases in cell proliferation. Furthermore, mammary tissue extracts from low-fed prepubertal heifers aged 9 months, stimulated significantly more proliferation of MAC-T cells, as measured by 3H-thymidine incorporation into DNA than mammary tissue extracts from high-fed heifers (40.6 cpm x 10(3) per well versus 21.9+/-1.8 cpm x 10(3) per well). These observations suggested that MAC-T cells would be a suitable alternative to primary MECs for measuring the mitogenic activity of mammary tissue extracts. Conversely, no difference was observed in the mitogenic activity of mammary tissue extracts from OVX or control heifers. Possibly, MAC-T cells provide a good model for nutrition- but not ovarian-induced changes in mammary growth. Alternatively, that reduction of in vivo mammary development following OVX did not result in reduced mitogenic activity of the mammary tissue extracts emphasizes that heifer mammary development is the result of complex interactions between local growth factors and systemic hormones.  相似文献   
Suckling both, or only one contralateral mammary gland during 15 days postpartum was utilized to study lactogenic hormone binding to mammary microsomal membranes and quantitative mammary morphology in ewes. Binding of radiolabeled human growth hormone was specific for lactogenic hormones. Non-radiolabeled human growth hormone, ovine and bovine prolactin and human placental lactogen effectively competed with radiolabeled human growth hormone for binding sites but ovine and bovine growth hormone were completely ineffective. Specific binding of radiolabeled human growth hormone to 600 μg of membrane protein averaged 23 ± 3% in all lactating glands. Neither days postpartum nor treatment of contralateral mammary glands substantially altered hormone binding in lactating glands. Specific human growth hormone binding (6 ± 0.5%) in non-suckled glands (15 days postpartum both udder halves) was significantly lower (P<0.01) than in lactating tissue but only a moderate and variable reduction in specific binding was measured in membranes from glands non-suckled for 15 days but contralateral to a suckled gland (14 ± 4%). Specific binding was approximately doubled in assays with 600 compared with 300 μg of membrane protein and the pattern of binding among variously suckled glands was not changed by treatment of membranes with 4 M MgCl2 prior to assay. Most secretory cells from all lactating glands had rounded, basally displaced nuclei, apical fat globules, secretory vesicles and abundant densely stained basal cytoplasm (ergastoplasm). Alveolar lumenal area was maximal (50% of tissue area) and stromal tissue area was minimal. After 15 days of non-suckling (both udder halves) mammary cells were engorged with lipid, ergastoplasm was reduced and nuclei were irregularly shaped and randomly displaced compared with lactating tissue. In addition, lumenal area was reduced and stromal tissue more evident. Lack of suckling for 5 days had little apparent effect on mammary cytology. Like lactogenic hormone binding, mammary tissue morphology was only moderately altered by 15 days of non-suckling when the remaining gland was suckled. RNA concentration was lowest (2.1 ± 0.3 mg/g) in mammary tissue from ewes in which neither gland was suckled for 15 days postpartum but non-suckling interval had no significant effect when contralateral glands were suckled. DNA concentration was not significantly influenced by suckling treatments. Relative lactogenic hormone binding closely corresponded to changes in cytological and biochemical indices of secretory cell function.  相似文献   
Mammary gland involution was morphologically evaluated 21 or 42 d after prevention of suckling of one udder half in 10 crossbred beef cows. Parenchymal tissue was taken from lower, middle and upper zones of each quarter from the teat to the ventral body wall. Udder halves, trimmed of extraparenchymal tissue, were weighed and used for DNA determination. DNA content was reduced 50 and 64% after 21 and 42 d of involution. However, the percentage of tissue occupied by epithelium was similar in suckled and nonsuckled glands. Well-differentiated cells, typical of suckled glands, were rarely observed in nonsuckled glands. Alveolar structure was evident in nonsuckled glands, but the number of cells per alveolar cross-section was reduced (30 vs 22). Unlike in suckled glands, there was a marked gradation in classification of epithelial cells across zones in involuting glands. For example, nearly 10% of the epithelium was well-differentiated in the tissue from the upper zone, whereas no well-differentiated cells were found in the lower zones. Regression of the mammary parenchyma does not occur uniformly through the udder, so use of single biopsy to study involution should be avoided. Presence of alveoli after 42 d indicates that redevelopment of the udder with subsequent lactations is less dramatic than suggested from study of other species.  相似文献   
The use of chloramphenicol in the horse is now prohibited as horses are classified as food-producing animals. However, chloramphenicol has until recently been widely available for oral, intramuscular or intravenous administration. A critical appraisal of the published literature on the use of chloramphenicol in the horse clearly demonstrates that there are sound pharmacokinetic and microbiological reasons for concluding that chloramphenicol is not an appropriate antibiotic for systemic use. The short half-life of chloramphenicol in the horse, together with the broad range of minimum inhibitory concentrations of target pathogens, preclude the use of practical dosage regimens. It can be concluded that the withdrawal of chloramphenicol will have no adverse effects on chemotherapy in the horse.  相似文献   
Milk production is a primary factor controlling weaning weight of beef calves. The purpose of this experiment was to develop a practical and reliable on-farm method of estimating milk production and to relate estimates of milk production and milk composition to preweaning weight gain of calves. A second objective was to relate milk production to postpartum ovarian activity. Milk production of spring- and fall-calving grade Angus cows was estimated by machine milking (MM; average of 66, 123 and 189 d postpartum) and weigh-suckle-weigh (WSW; average of 50, 95, 136 and 179 d postpartum) techniques following overnight calf removal. Cows and calves were weighed monthly and the postpartum interval to first ovulation following calving was determined. The repeatability of the estimated milk production by MM (.97) was higher (P less than .01) than by WSW (.35). The correlation of average WSW and average MM estimates of milk production with preweaning calf gain were high and similar (greater than .75). Inclusion of milk composition did not improve the multiple correlation of MM-estimated milk production and calf gain. Neither milk production in early lactation (-.06) nor prebreeding weight change (-.07) was correlated with postpartum interval to ovulation. Machine milking was a repeatable method of estimating milk production of beef cows and can be used to evaluate effects of management variables on lactation of beef cows.  相似文献   
Fifty Holstein cattle, either second to fourth generation daughters of cows randomly bred to non-commercial sires originating in the Virginia Tech dairy herd (estimated mean PDM84 = -455 kg, control animals), or daughters of cows bred to commercially available sires (mean PDM84 = +368 kg, selection animals), were randomly assigned to be milked twice or thrice daily starting at parturition. Serial blood samples were collected via jugular cannulae at 30, 90 and 200 d post-partum (DPP) during both the first and second lactations. Blood samples were collected for 3 h prior to and 4 h following thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) administration, and were analyzed for growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL) concentrations. Dry matter intake, body weight and milk yield and fat content were used to calculate net energy balance (NEB) of animals at each DPP sampling period. Mean plasma GH concentrations were greater (P less than .01) in selection vs control animals both before and after TRH administration, and decreased (P less than .01) with advancing lactation (30 greater than 90 greater than 200 DPP). However, NEB was not influenced by genetic merit, implying that observed differences in GH concentrations were not due to that trait. Plasma PRL concentrations were not affected by genetic merit or DPP, but were greater (P less than .01) in the second vs first lactation. Neither PRL or GH concentrations were affected by frequency of milking. The results support the contention that increased plasma GH concentrations are associated with selection for increased milk yield.  相似文献   
A single epithelium-free mammary fat pad was surgically prepared in each of twenty-five one-month-old, Friesian heifers. At 18 mo of age, heifers were randomly assigned to one of four treatment groups. Treatments were: control (C), growth hormone (GH), estrogen (E) or growth hormone + estrogen (GE). Hormones were administered for 40 hr before the animals were sacrificed to provide mammary samples of parenchyma (PAR), intact fat pad (MFP), and epithelium-free or "cleared" fat pad (CFP). IGF-1 and IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) mRNA was highest in CFP and MFP whereas the protein products were highest in PAR. IGFBP-2, a 28-kDa IGFBP and a 24-kDa IGFBP were more abundant in CFP and MFP. E and GH increased incorporation of [(3)H]thymidine into DNA of PAR. Incorporation of [(3)H]thymidine into the DNA of MFP or CFP was minimal. Coincident with the changes observed in mammary epithelial proliferation, E increased IGF-1 protein in MFP and PAR, and to a lesser extent in CFP. E tended to increase IGF-1 mRNA levels in MFP, but not CFP implying that the regulation of IGF-1 expression is modulated by adjacent epithelium. GH and E reduced IGFBP-3 protein in PAR and increased the 24-kDa IGFBP in CFP and MFP. Increased proliferation of mammary parenchymal cells was associated with increased IGF-1 and reduced IGFBP-3 protein in mammary tissue. An increase in the ratio of mammary IGF-1: IGFBP-3 likely increases the proportion of the mammary IGF-1 available to stimulate proliferation. These data also indicate that stromal: epithelial interactions regulate the IGF-1 axis in mammary tissue.  相似文献   
To investigate possible circadian and ultradian periodicities for peripheral insulin and urea in lactating dairy cows, integrated 15-min blood samples were taken sequentially over 48 hr from six cows. In addition, radiotelemetry measurements of body temperature were averaged over the same 15-min periods. Cows were housed in an environmental chamber at 19 degrees C with lights on 0700 to 2300 hr; fed daily at 0900 hr; and milked at 0800 and 2000 hr. For five of the six cows, body temperature showed a circadian rhythm peaking at 2323 hr with an amplitude of 0.34 degree C. For the sixth cow, body temperature was 180 degrees out-of-phase, peaking at 1230 hr with an amplitude of 0.12 degree C. Circadian rhythms for insulin and urea were consistent for all six cows peaking at 1743 hr with an amplitude of 0.74 ng/ml for insulin and at 1034 hr with an amplitude of 3.83 mM for urea. Body temperature and insulin also displayed episodic increases that often exceeded the amplitudes of circadian rhythms. For body temperature, a broad increase in spectral power was seen for periods between 100 and 175 min; time intervals between peaks averaged around 100 min. For insulin, power spectra for individual cows universally indicated rhythms with periods of approximately 45 and 80 min; time intervals between peaks averaged approximately 65 min. For urea, almost all spectral energy was confined to the 24-hr rhythm, although there was evidence of a low-amplitude, 60-min rhythm. In conclusion, when animals are acclimated to a rigidly controlled environment and frequent blood sampling is accomplished with minimal intervention, it is possible to detect rhythms inherent in the regulation of metabolic variables.  相似文献   
What are veterinary medical and public-health professionals doing to remedy the immediate and impending shortages of veterinarians in population health and public practice? This question was addressed at the joint symposium of the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges and the Association of Schools of Public Health, held in April 2007. Thinking locally, faculty and students at Kansas State University (KSU) asked similar questions after attending the symposium: What are we doing within the College of Veterinary Medicine to tackle this problem? What can we do better with new collaborators? Both the professional veterinary curriculum and the Master of Public Health (MPH) at KSU provide exceptional opportunities to address these questions. Students are exposed to public health as a possible career choice early in veterinary school, and this exposure is repeated several times in different venues throughout their professional education. Students also have opportunities to pursue interests in population medicine and public health through certificate programs, summer research programs, study abroad, and collaborations with contributing organizations unique to KSU, such as its Food Science Institute, National Agricultural Biosecurity Center, and Biosecurity Research Institute. Moreover, students may take advantage of the interdisciplinary nature of public-health education at KSU, where collaborations with several different colleges and departments within the university have been established. We are pleased to be able to offer these opportunities to our students and hope that our experience may be instructive for the development of similar programs at other institutions, to the eventual benefit of the profession at large.  相似文献   
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