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Agee  James K. 《Landscape Ecology》2003,18(8):725-740
The historical range of variability (HRV) has been suggested as a coarse filter approach to maintain ecosystem sustainability and resiliency. The historical range of variability in forest age structure for the central eastern Cascade Range in Washington State, USA was developed from historical fire return intervals and the manner in which fire acted as both cyclic and stochastic processes. The proportions of seven forest structural stages calculated through these processes were applied to the area of each forest series within the central eastern Cascades landscape. Early successional forest stages were more common in high elevation forest than low elevation forest. The historical proportion of old growth and late successional forest varied from 38 to 63 percent of the forested landscape. These process-based estimates are consistent with those developed from forest structural information. HRV is a valuable planning tool for ecosystem conservation purposes, but must be applied to real landscapes with consideration of both temporal and spatial scale. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
We review current knowledge about the use of management treatments to reduce human-induced threats to old ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) trees. We address the following questions: Are fire-induced damage and mortality greater in old than younger trees? Can management treatments ameliorate the detrimental effects of fire, competition-induced stress, and drought on old trees? Can management increase resistance of old trees to bark beetles? We offer the following recommendations for the use of thinning and burning treatments in old-growth ponderosa pine forests. Treatments should be focused on high-value stands where fire exclusion has increased fuels and competition and where detrimental effects of disturbance during harvesting can be minimized. Fuels should be reduced in the vicinity of old trees prior to prescribed burns to reduce fire intensity, as old trees are often more prone to dying after burning than younger trees. Raking the forest floor beneath old trees prior to burning may not only reduce damage from smoldering combustion under certain conditions but also increase fine-root mortality. Thinning of neighboring trees often increases water and carbon uptake of old trees within 1 year of treatment, and increases radial growth within several years to two decades after treatment. However, stimulation of growth of old trees by thinning can be negated by severe drought. Evidence from young trees suggests that management treatments that cause large increases in carbon allocation to radial xylem growth also increase carbon allocation to constitutive resin defenses against bark beetle attacks, but evidence for old trees is scarce. Prescribed, low-intensity burning may attract bark beetles and increase mortality of old trees from beetle attacks despite a stimulation of bole resin production.  相似文献   
Percolation of core melts at lower mantle conditions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Experiments at high pressure and temperature to determine the dihedral angle of core melts in lower mantle phases yielded a value of approximately 71 degrees for perovskite-dominated matrices. This angle, although greater than the 60 degrees required for completely efficient percolation, is considerably less than the angles observed in mineral matrices at upper mantle pressure-temperature conditions in experiments. In other words, molten iron alloy can flow much more easily in lower mantle mineralogies than in upper mantle mineralogies. Accordingly, although segregation of core material by melt percolation is probably not feasible in the upper mantle, core formation by percolation may be possible in the lower mantle.  相似文献   
Three forest disturbance periods, 1973—present, 1922–1929, and 1827–1946 were determined by aging scars on stems of lodgepole pine trees. All of the scars from the 1970's and 1920's, and most of the scars from the 1820's–40's were determined to be caused by the mountain pine beetle. A few scars from the earliest period may be the result of fire. Diagnostic characteristics of beetle scars are: resemblance to fire scars, pitch tubes, beetle emergence holes, blue stain, beetle galleries, retained bark on the scar face, and an orange or red discoloration around healthy sapwood. Beetle attacks tend to have a northeastern aspect and extend approximately two-thirds around tree boles at breast height.By recognizing beetle scars it is possible to accurately age previous mountain pine beetle attacks. Many scars which had been thought to be of fire origin are actually caused by the mountain pine beetle.  相似文献   
Long-term effects of salvage logging on coarse woody debris were evaluated on four stand-replacing wildfires ages 1, 11, 17, and 35 years on the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest in the eastern Cascades of Washington. Total biomass averaged roughly 60 Mg ha−1 across all sites, although the proportion of logs to snags increased over the chronosequence. Units that had been salvage logged had lower log biomass than unsalvaged units, except for the most recently burned site, where salvaged stands had higher log biomass. Mesic aspects had higher log biomass than dry aspects. Post-fire regeneration increased in density over time. In a complementary experiment, soils heating and surrogate-root mortality caused by burning of logs were measured to assess the potential site damage if fire was reintroduced in these forests. Experimentally burned logs produced lethal surface temperatures (60 °C) extending up to 10 cm laterally beyond the logs. Logs burned in late season produced higher surface temperatures than those burned in early season. Thermocouples buried at depth showed mean maximum temperatures exponentially declined with soil depth. Large logs, decayed logs, and those burned in late season caused higher soil temperatures than small logs, sound logs, and those burned in early season. Small diameter (1.25 cm), live Douglas-fir branch dowels, buried in soil and used as surrogates for small roots, indicated that cambial tissue was damaged to 10 cm depth and to 10 cm distance adjacent to burned logs. When lethal soil temperature zones were projected out to 10 cm from each log, lethal cover ranged up to 24.7% on unsalvaged portions of the oldest fire, almost twice the lethal cover on salvaged portions. Where prescribed fire is introduced to post-wildfire stands aged 20–30 years, effects of root heating from smoldering coarse woody debris will be minimized by burning in spring, at least on mesic sites. There may be some long-term advantages for managers if excessive coarse woody debris loads are reduced early in the post-wildfire period.  相似文献   
Conserving biodiversity in fire-prone forest ecosystems is challenging for several reasons including differing and incomplete conceptual models of fire-related ecological processes, major gaps in ecological and management knowledge, high variability in fire behavior and ecological responses to fires, altered fire regimes as a result of land-use history and climate change, and the increasing encroachment into forest landscapes by humans. We briefly compare two ecologically distinct fire-prone forest regions, the Pacific Northwest, USA and southeastern Australia with the goal of finding ecological conservation generalities that transcend regional differences as well as differences in scientific concepts and management. We identify the major conceptual scientific and conservation challenges and then present a checklist of questions that need to be answered to implement place-based approaches to conserving biodiversity in fire-prone forest ecosystems. The two regions exhibit both similarities and differences in how biodiversity conservation is conceptualized and applied. Important research and management challenges include: understanding fire-prone systems as coupled natural-human systems, using the disturbance regime concept in multiple ways, dealing with large fire events, using language about the effects of fire with more precision, and researching and monitoring fire and biodiversity at multiple spatial scales. Despite the weaknesses of present conceptual models, it is possible to develop a checklist of principles or questions that can be used to guide management and conservation at local scales across systems. Our list includes: establishing the socio-economic context of fire management, identifying disturbance regimes that will meet conservation goals, moving beyond fuel treatments as a goal, basing management goals on vital attributes of species, and planning for large events including post-fire responses.  相似文献   
eryl C.  Jones  DVM  PhD  Donald C.  Sorjonen  DVM  MS  Stephen T.  Simpson  DVM  MS  Joan R.  Coates  DVM  MS  Stephen D.  Lenz  DVM  PhD  John T.  Hathcock  DVM  MS  Michelle W.  Agee  MD  PhD  Jan E.  Bartels  DVM  MS 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》1996,37(4):247-256
In a three-year prospective study, computed tomographic (CT) and surgical findings were compared for nine large breed dogs with lumbosacral stenosis. Surgically-excised tissue was examined histologically in seven dogs and additional necropsy evaluation was performed in one dog. The CT abnormalities observed at sites of confirmed cauda equina compression were: loss of epidural fat, increased soft tissue opacity, bulging of the intervertebral disc margin, spondylosis, thecal sac displacement, narrowed intervertebral foramen, narrowed vertebral canal, thickened articular process, articular process subluxation, articular process osteophyte, and telescoped sacral lamina. The CT characteristics of lumbosacral degenerative disease and discospondylitis were similar to those described in humans. In three dogs, CT findings at the site of cauda equina compression were consistent with congenital or developmental spinal stenosis, but the method of surgical exposure precluded confirmation. Epidural fibrosis (eight dogs) and multi-level CT abnormalities (six dogs) were identified but the cause(s) and significance were unknown.  相似文献   
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