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Hunting behavior of a marine mammal beneath the antarctic fast Ice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The hunting behavior of a marine mammal was studied beneath the Antarctic fast ice with an animal-borne video system and data recorder. Weddell seals stalked large Antarctic cod and the smaller subice fish Pagothenia borchgrevinki, often with the under-ice surface for backlighting, which implies that vision is important for hunting. They approached to within centimeters of cod without startling the fish. Seals flushed P. borchgrevinki by blowing air into subice crevices or pursued them into the platelet ice. These observations highlight the broad range of insights that are possible with simultaneous recordings of video, audio, three-dimensional dive paths, and locomotor effort.  相似文献   
Paratuberculosis or Johne’s disease is a chronic gastric disease of ruminants. For this disease there is no effective treatment or preventive measure available. 16.8 kDa protein is an immunogenic protein of Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis and can be an ideal candidate for developing a DNA vaccine construct. In present study a bicistronic DNA vaccine construct pIR16.8/IFN was developed using eukaryotic vector pIRES 6.1. Two genes MPT (expressing 16.8 kDa protein) and murine IFNγ were cloned, expressed and immunoreactivity was studied in murine model. Immunoreactivity was also compared with monocistronic construct pIR16.8 expressing 16.8 kDa protein. Both pIR16.8 and pIR16.8/IFN showed eukaryotic expression of respective proteins in BHK21 cells. The expressed proteins also showed immunoreactivity when reacted with hyperimmune sera raised against recombinant 16.8 kDa protein in western blot assay and immunofluorence assay. Both constructs were used as DNA vaccine in murine model and immunogenecity was studied by DTH, lymphocyte proliferation assay and NO determination. DTH reaction was significantly high in pIR16.8/IFN than pIR16.8 group, similarly lymphocyte proliferation and NO release was higher in pIR16.8/IFN group than pIR16.8 group. This indicated T cell epitopic nature of 16.8 kDa protein. The study also showed that co-expression of IFNγ with mycobacterial gene can enhance immunogenecity of DNA vaccine and can be used as immunoadjuvant.  相似文献   
A 12-week-old, clinically normal Chihuahua was referred for investigation for a continuous heart murmur. Cardiac evaluation revealed an anatomically and haemodynamically typical left-to-right shunting patent ductus arteriosus. The continuous wave Doppler measurement of peak ductal jet velocity of 5.6 m/s was suggestive of a normal pulmonary to systemic arterial pressure ratio. The dog returned 16 days later with right heart failure and severe pulmonary hypertension. Marked reduction in left-to-right shunting was demonstrated and the ductal jet velocity had decreased to 2.5 m/s. Immediate ductus ligation, oxygen therapy before and after the operation, and administration of hydralazine failed to reduce pulmonary hypertension, and the dog was euthanased. Histopathological examination of the lung showed pulmonary necrotising arteritis with acute and chronic arterial lesions. Chronic pulmonary vascular changes related to high flow have been associated with altered nitric oxide and endothelin responses. These changes may be responsible for the acute onset of pulmonary hypertension due to relatively minor vascular insults in some human and veterinary patients with left-to-right shunts. The potential for acute progression supports the recommendations for early ductus ligation and the prognostic importance of detecting pulmonary hypertension presurgically in patent ductus arteriosus patients.  相似文献   
Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Roots, collars and rhizosphere soils from diseased boxwood saplings (Buxus sempervirens) from German and Romanian nurseries were shown to be colonized by...  相似文献   
A new cytoplasmic male-sterility system was developed in an oilseed Brassica, viz. B. juncea var. ‘Pusa Bold’ with the cytoplasmic background of a wild species, Diplotaxis siifolia, obtained through wide hybridization. The synthetic alloploid (D. siifolia×B. juncea: 2n = 56, D3D3AABB) was repeatedly backcrossed to B. juncea to achieve cytoplasmic substitution. The CMS plants resembled the cultivar in growth and morphology. The flowers had narrow sepals and petals and short, shrivelled anthers which failed to dehisce. The meiotic process appeared to be normal. The microspores degenerated at an early stage after tetrad formation. Female fertility in the CMS plants was as good as in the cultivar. Female transmission of sterility confirmed it to be cytoplasmically encoded.  相似文献   
近年来,围绕核心期刊存与废的争论,一直是图书情报界、学术界和出版界的热门话题,引起业内人士的极大关注。核心期刊的推出缘何会造成如此大的影响?究其原因,主要是由于核心期刊功能的延伸和强化,特别是在成果认定、期刊评价方面的广泛应用,直接影响到期刊编者、作者等诸多方面的利益,因此人们会从各自不同的角度对它持有不同看法。本文分析和探讨了核心期刊概念引发的问题。  相似文献   
In this study, we explored the potential utility of the human‐focused FilmArray® Respiratory Panel for the diagnosis of a broad range of influenza viruses of veterinary concern as compared with the standard portfolio of recommended TaqMan®‐based diagnostic tests. In addition, we discuss some potential operational advantages associated with the use of such integrated sample extraction, amplification and analysis devices in the context of a future long‐term, dual‐role strategy for the detection of emergency diseases of both human and veterinary concern.  相似文献   
Under the present investigation phytoremediation of mercury and arsenic from a tropical open cast coalmine effluent was performed. Three aquatic macrophytes Eichhornia crassipes, Lemna minor and Spirodela polyrrhiza removed appreciable amount of mercury and arsenic during 21 days experiment. Removal capacities of these macrophytes were found in the order of E. crassipes > L. minor > S. polyrrhiza. Translocation factor (shot to root ratio of heavy metals) revealed low transportation of metals from root to leaves leading higher accumulation of metals in root as compared to leaves of the plant. It was evident from plant tissue analysis that mercury and arsenic up take by macrophytes had deteriorated the N, P, K, chlorophyll and protein content in these macrophytes. Correlations between removal of arsenic and mercury from mining effluent and its increase in plant parts were highly significant. Results favoured selected species to use as promising accumulator of metals.  相似文献   
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