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Computed tomography after contrast medium injection was performed in three mesaticephalic canine cadavers to image the auditory tube. Cadavers were positioned in lateral recumbency for imaging. A myringotomy incision was made in the left tympanic membrane of each dog, and contrast medium was infused into the ear canal and middle ear through a balloon-tip catheter. With this method, contrast medium filled the left bulla and auditory tube in all three cadavers. Computed tomography following contrast medium injection was effective for evaluation of the canine auditory tube. Future studies are required to determine the usefulness, as well as the safety, of this procedure in the evaluation of the auditory tube in other breeds of dogs as well as dogs with otitis  相似文献   
A 20-month-old healthy male Maine Coon cat was referred for a cardiovascular evaluation. Physical examination and electrocardiogram were normal. The end-diastolic subaortic interventricular septal thickness (6 mm; reference range: < or = 6mm) and the mitral flow late diastolic velocity (0.89 m/s; reference range: 0.2-0.8m/s) were within the upper ranges. However, M-mode echocardiography did not reveal any sign of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). Tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) identified a marked left ventricular free wall dysfunction characterized by decreased myocardial velocities in early diastole, increased myocardial velocities in late diastole and the presence of postsystolic contractions both at the base and the apex for the longitudinal motion. One year later, the diagnosis of HCM was confirmed by conventional echocardiography and the cat died suddenly 2 months later. This report demonstrates for the first time in spontaneous HCM the sensitivity of TDI for early diagnosis of myocardial dysfunction and suggests that TDI should form part of the screening techniques for early diagnosis of feline HCM.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to assess the perfusion pattern and perfusion dynamics in the normal canine spleen using contrast harmonic imaging. Twenty-five dogs without clinical or ultrasonographic evidence of splenic disease were studied. Twenty-three dogs were scanned with only manual restraint; two dogs were sedated with buprenorphin. All dogs received an intravenous bolus of a microbubble contrast medium (SonoVue). The perfusion pattern during the blood pool phase represented a skewed bell-shaped curve. A tissue-specific late phase, similar to humans, was not observed. Time/intensity curves were generated for a selected region. Mean average-derived peak intensity (PI) was 6.6dB, mean time to peak intensity calculated from the initial rise (TTP) was 25.6 s and mean area under the curve (AUC) was 523.6 dBs. If dogs were divided into two body weight groups (< or =15 and >15 kg body weight), average derived peak intensity area, time to peak intensity, and area under the curve were lower for the smaller dogs than for the larger animals. However, differences were not statistically significant (P = 0.2, 0.05, and 0.08, respectively). No significant association was found between hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration, red blood cell count, blood pressure, heart rate, age, gender, and the perfusion variables. In conclusion, these baseline data may prove useful in the evaluation of dogs with diffuse or focal splenic disease.  相似文献   
Radiographic diagnosis of equine bone disease using digital radiography is prevalent in veterinary practice. However, the diagnostic quality of digital vs. conventional radiography has not been compared systematically. We hypothesized that digital radiography would be superior to film-screen radiography for detection of subtle lesions of the equine third metacarpal bone. Twenty-four third metacarpal bones were collected from horses euthanized for reasons other than orthopedic disease. Bones were dissected free of soft tissue and computed tomography was performed to ensure that no osseous abnormalities were present. Subtle osseous lesions were produced in the dorsal cortex of the third metacarpal bones, and the bones were radiographed in a soft tissue phantom using indirect digital and conventional radiography at standard exposures. Digital radiographs were printed onto film. Three Diplomates of the American College of Veterinary Radiology evaluated the radiographs for the presence or absence of a lesion. Receiver operator characteristic curves were constructed, and the area under these curves were compared to assess the ability of the digital and film-screen radiographic systems to detect lesions. The area under the ROC curves for film-screen and digital radiography were 0.87 and 0.90, respectively ( P =0.59). We concluded that the digital radiographic system was comparable to the film-screen system for detection of subtle lesions of the equine third metacarpal bone.  相似文献   
Abstract— Urticarial eruptions, with or without pruritus, are common lesions in horses. The pathogenesis of these lesions can include immunological and other mechanisms. Research in the human field suggests that the mast cell co-ordinates the urticarial response by releasing a complex array of inflammatory mediators. Other cells, including the neutrophil, the eosinophil and the macrophage, may also play a role in the development of wheals. Elucidation of the role of many of these cells and mediators in the evolution of urticaria is only just beginning. Successful treatment of this dermatological disorder requires a careful search for the underlying cause; however, this can be difficult to identify in many cases. The purpose of this review is to discuss the potential factors leading to urticaria in horses and to describe a standard diagnostic approach for determination of the underlying cause. Résumé— Des eruptions urticariennes avec ou sans prurit sont des lésions communes chez le cheval. La pathogénie de ces lésions peut être en rapport avec des mécanismes immunologiques et autres. Les recherches dans le domaine humain suggèrent que les mastocytes coordonnent la réponse urticarienne en libérant un ensemble complexe de médiateurs de l'inflammation. D'autres cellules, comprenant les neutrophiles, les éosinophiles et les macrophages sont aussi susceptibles de jouer un rôle dans le développment des plaques ortiées. La compréhension du rôle de plusieurs de ces cellules et de ces médiateurs dans l'evolution de l'urticaire ne fait que commencer. La réussite du traitement de ce trouble cutané demande une recherche minutieuse de la cause sous-jacente; toutefois, elle peut être difficile à identifier dans de nombreux cas. Le propos de cette revue est de discuter des facteurs potentiels conduisant à l'urticaire chez le cheval et de décrire une approche diagnostique standard afin de déterminer la cause sous-jacente. Zusammenfassung— Häufig treten bei Pferden bei Urticaria Eruptionen auf, die mit oder ohne Pruritus verlaufen können. Die Pathogenese dieser Veränderungen umfasst immunologische und andere Mechanismen. Untersuchungen in der Humanmedizin weisen darauf hin, dass Mastzellen die Reaktionen bei Urticaria koordinieren, indem sie einen ganzen Komplex von Entzündungsmediatoren ausschütten. Andere Zellen, auch Neutrophile, Eosinophile und Makrophagen, sind vermutlich ebenfalls an dieser Entwicklung beteiligt. Die Rolle von zahlreichen Zellen und Entzündungsmediatoren bei der Entstehung einer Urticaria ist erst in Ansätzen bekannt. Voraussetzung für die erfolgreiche Behandlung dieser Hauterkrenkung ist eine sorgfältige Suche nach der eigentlichen Ursache, die sich aber oft schwierig gestaltet. Dieser Artikel soll die möglichen Ursachen für eine Utricaria beim Pferd und die Standarddiagnostik bei der Bestimmung der eigentlichen Ursache aufzeigen. Resumen Las erupciones urticariformes, con o sin prurito, son lesiones frecuentes en el caballo. La patogenia de estas lesiones incluyen tanto mecanismos inmunológicos como mecanismos no inmunológicos. Diferentes investigaciones realizadas en el campo de la patología humana sugieren que la célula cebada coordina la respuesta urticariforme liberando gran cantidad de mediadores inflamatorios. Otras células, entre ellas el neutrófilo el eosinófilo y el macrófago, también juegan un papel importante en el desarrollo de los habones. En la actualidad se empieza a conocer el papel que estas células juegan en la evolución de la urticaria. Un tratamiento efectivo de esta enfermedad depende de la detección de la causa desencadenante, aunque en muchos casos esto no es posible. El objetivo de esta revisión es discutir los factores que pueden conducir a la urticaria en el caballo y describir el protocolo diagnóstico adecuado para la detección del agente desencadenante.  相似文献   
Abstract. The transmission of Yersinia ruckeri has been investigated in steelhead trout using asymptomatic carriers of the causative bacterium of enteric redmouth disease. It was found that unstressed carrier fish did not transmit the bacterium to recipient fish to cause either an epizootic or produce new carrier fish. However, when the carriers were stressed with heat, the bacterium was transmitted from the carrier to recipient fish producing a lower intestinal carrier state but no deaths. Examination of experimentally infected fish to determine the number of carriers among the survivors indicated that the frequency varied as a function of time following infection. When immunized fish, were challenged with Y. ruckeri they became temporary carriers of the bacterium for up to 3 days; but were not able to transmit the infection to healthy recipient fish.  相似文献   
Summary. The effects were determined of paraquat dichloride and Lissapol NX, consutuents of the commercial formulation Gramoxone W, on the rate of oxygen uptake by cultures of Fusarium cutmanmt and Trkkoderma viride. When applied separately, paraquat dichode was less inhibitory than the wetting agent; when applied together, the inhibitory effect was greater than the sum of those obtained separately. Synergism was also observed between paraquat dichloride of commercial purity and a solution containing the additives used m Gramoxone W but without the paraquat dichloride. This effect is thought to be due to increased permeation of paraquat dichioride into fungal mycelia in the presence of a wetting agent. Older cultures were less affected than younger ones by the coniponents of Gramoxone W. The results suggest that the additives used in formulating herbicides may be critical in determining fungitoxicity.
Effets des constituants du Gramoxone W sur les taux de respiration de champignons du sol  相似文献   
Contrast medium-urine layering is routinely identified on transverse computed tomography (CT) images in the urinary bladder following intravesicular or intravenous administration of iodinated contrast medium. The contrast opacified urine typically occupies the dependent portion of the urinary bladder whereas the nonopacified urine layers above it. In this retrospective study, three patients with inverted contrast medium layering following intravenous contrast medium administration are described. A review of this phenomenon in humans is presented and an explanation for similar imaging findings in the dog proposed.  相似文献   
T2-weighted fast spin echo and conventional spin echo are two magnetic resonance (MR) pulse sequences used to image the brain. Given the same scan parameters the resolution of fast spin-echo images will be inferior to that of conventional spin-echo images. However, fast spin-echo images can be acquired in a shorter time allowing scan parameters to be optimized for increased resolution without increasing the time to an unacceptable level. MR imaging of the brain of 54 dogs, suspected of having parenchymal brain abnormalities was performed using a 1.5 T scanner. Acquisition time ranged from 4 min 24 s to 7 min 16 s (average = 5 min 15 s) for fast spin-echo scans and from 6 min 32 s to 11 min 26s (average = 7 min 55s) for conventional spin-echo scans. All reviewers consistently rated the resolution of fast spin-echo images higher than the conventional spin-echo images (P = 0.000). The potential disadvantages of fast spin-echo acquisitions (motion artifacts, blurring, and increased hyperintensity of fat) did not affect the resolution of the images. Fast spin echo offers increased resolution in a comparable time to conventional spin echo by increased number of excitations and finer matrix size, thus improving the signal-to-noise ratio and spatial resolution, respectively.  相似文献   
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