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羔羊全营养代乳粉对羔羊增重影响的试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究羔羊出生后采取人工饲喂代乳粉溶液的效果,对10日龄羔羊称重,以平均日增重与母乳组比较,用t检验方法检验差异显著性。研究结果显示羔羊平均日增重试验组为0.097-0.126kg,母乳组为0.071-0.113kg,二者没有显著差异。在生产中,代乳粉能替代绵羊母乳饲喂羔羊,对多胎品系羊的推广应用以及解决绵羊缺乳、少乳或无乳问题具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Results are given on the occurrence of sexual compatibility types of seven isolates ofBremia lactucae originating fromLactuca serriola (prickly lettuce). It is concluded that the isolates studied are heterothallic. Both compatibility types (B1 en B2) were determined, but type B2 was prevalent. Sexual recombination ofB. lactucae isolates originating from wild and cultivated lettuce may occur.Samenvatting Zeven isolaten vanBremia lactucae, afkomstig vanLactuca serriola in Tsjechoslowakije, zijn onderzocht op hun sexuele compatibiliteitstype door ze te combineren met Nederlandse fysio's vanB. lactucae, afkomstig van cultuursla (L. sativa), waarvan het compatibiliteitstype (B1 of B2) bekend is. Alle isolaten vanL. serriola bleken heterothallisch te zijn, waarbij type B2 meer werd aangetroffen dan type B1. Sexuele recombinatie vanBremia-isolaten van wildeLactuca-soorten en cultuursla blijkt goed mogelijk te zijn.  相似文献   
季节性干旱是限制菠萝增产提质增效的重要原因,发展“以水促肥,以肥促产,水肥高效耦合”的现代灌溉施肥技术,是应对季节性干旱,促进菠萝增产提质增效的重要途径。本文从华南地区季节性干旱时空分布特征、干旱胁迫对菠萝生长发育的影响、我国菠萝水肥管理现状、灌溉施肥技术对菠萝生长发育的影响等4个方面简要阐述了我国菠萝灌溉施肥技术发展的必要性,重点从现代灌溉施肥方式、耗水规律和养分吸收规律等3方面总结了菠萝灌溉施肥技术研究进展,并结合研究进展提出我国菠萝灌溉施肥技术目前存在的问题,探讨未来可能的研究重点和发展方向,为菠萝灌溉施肥技术的研究与应用提供参考。  相似文献   
湘红菜薹一号的选育   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
湘红菜薹一号是以自交不亲和系9415-2和孤雌生殖系J-7-2配制的紫菜薹一代杂种,极早熟,从播种到始收45天左右,早期产量高,菜薹亮紫色,无蜡粉,味甜,品质好,耐热,抗软腐病能力强,适应性广,适用于长江流域夏秋栽培和早熟秋冬栽培。  相似文献   
Resistance to plant disease is often specific and metabolites and receptors contributing to this specificity may have specific structures. However, simple, structurally-unrelated compounds induce systemic resistance in unrelated plants to diverse pathogens including fungi, bacteria and viruses. Both resistance and induced systemic resistance (ISR) are associated with the rapid accumulation of the same structurally unrelated putative defense compounds that have diverse functions. It has been suggested that cultivar (race)-specific resistance is initiated by the specific interaction of a pathogen product (or pathogen induced product) and a plant receptor. However, restricted infection by pathogens can result in ISR and many different compounds can cause ISR. It is thus evident that there are both specific and non-specific routes to the master switch for ISR and there may be more than one master switch. Are reactive oxygen species and free radicals regulating the master switch(es) via both routes? It is also evident there are many switches, other than the master switch. Adding to the complexity of resistance and ISR are the observations that different compounds and pathways may mediate different biochemical resistances. Activation of one of the pathways may antagonize or enhance the activation or effectiveness of another. The review will address these complexities and questions and propose directions of research which require high priority. Factors which encourage and suppress the application of ISR in agriculture will also be addressed.  相似文献   
河北省棉花灌溉需水量与灌溉需求指数分析   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:6  
对不同水文年份作物需水量和灌溉需水量的分析能够为作物灌溉用水定额的制定、作物生育期的水分管理和农业水资源规划提供基础数据。该文基于河北省棉区的气象资料,采用FAO推荐的Penman-Monteith 公式和作物系数法计算参照作物需水量和棉花需水量;利用水文计算应用最广的皮尔逊III型分布曲线,通过频率计算和配线法确定不同水文年份棉花生育期的有效降水量和需水量;据此分析不同水文年份棉花的灌溉需水量和灌溉需求指数。分析结果表明,河北省棉花多年平均需水量648.9 mm,多年平均灌溉需水量190.6 mm,多年平均灌溉需求指数0.29。枯水年(P=75%)、平水年(P=50%)和丰水年(P=25%)河北省棉花灌溉需水量分别为299.1、182.8和84.7 mm,灌溉需求指数分别为0.45、0.28和0.13。  相似文献   
一维马尔可夫链模拟黑河中游流域土壤质地垂向变异   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
黑河中游地区土壤剖面砂、黏层次相间排列的特点及部分区域剖面中出现的不透水层对土壤中的水分运动和溶质迁移具有重要影响。该研究调查了黑河中游100 km2区域内土壤剖面的质地分层情况,运用一维嵌入马尔可夫链模型模拟该地区的土壤质地剖面。研究表明,研究区土壤剖面共出现砂土、壤质砂土、砂质壤土、壤土、黏质壤土、粉黏壤土和粉黏土7种质地类型,层次厚度呈对数正态分布。粉黏土未在表层土壤出现,而砂土在表层出现的概率明显高于其余质地类型,剖面某一质地层之下多出现细粒含量比其高的下一质地类型。剖面上相邻两质地层之间的转移具有明显的马尔可夫链特征(简称马氏性),且马氏链是平稳的。一维嵌入马尔可夫链模型能够较好地描述研究区土壤质地层次的垂向变化,剖面主要的质地层次组合为:砂—壤、壤—砂、壤—黏、黏—壤。对土壤质地剖面的定量模拟,可以为开展该区域土壤水循环、转化和溶质迁移等相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   
[目的]探究核桃雄花散粉规律,为提高核桃产量及品质奠定基础。[方法]通过重力载玻片法收集花粉,对新疆两个主栽核桃品种:‘新新2’和‘温185’的散粉规律进行了研究。[结果]结果表明:核桃雄花序开花散粉持续10 d左右,日平均温度在20-24℃条件下,集中散粉时间为4 d左右,一般树冠东、南及中部位置的散粉量较大;温度在19-27℃范围均可散粉,散粉的适宜温度为20-23℃。[结论]核桃散粉规律与温度密切相关,适宜的温度条件下,散粉呈现爆发性。  相似文献   
旨在解决传统农产品营销模式中的种植计划粗放、营销市场针对性不足、无法充分挖掘市场等问题,实现猕猴桃电商精准营销.通过互联网等途径采集历年猕猴桃电商营销情况相关数据并建立猕猴桃地理信息数据库,结合GIS的地理数据空间分析与可视化技术,对猕猴桃营销大数据进行智能分析与深度挖掘.可以实现详细的数据统计、分析与总览等,对各地区...  相似文献   
Rising temperatures and decreasing water transparency of lakes have strong wide ranging effects on fish. Fish responses to various changes in the environment are usually species‐dependent, but responses may also vary within species. In general, large individuals are considered to be more sensitive to environmental variation due to higher energy demand, than smaller individuals. Similarly, large individuals require more food to maintain bodily functions and are thus more sensitive to resource and food scarcity. These size‐specific responses to environmental gradients are also sex‐dependent in species that exhibit sexual size dimorphism (SSD). We studied in enclosures with short‐term experiments how rising temperatures and decreasing water transparency regulate the feeding rates of female and male European perch (Perca fluviatilis L.). To explore experimental results, we calculated perch SSD in nine lakes with varying environmental conditions using previously collected field data. The results of the experiments revealed that the combined effect of water transparency and temperature on the feeding rate of fish is gender‐dependent: feeding rate of females decreased more than that of males. The experimental results were also supported by field data that revealed a negative relation between water transparency and the magnitude of SSD in perch. Our results suggest that rising temperatures and decreasing water transparency may potentially decrease fish size in a sex‐dependent manner. As female size is one of the main demographic traits determining the reproductive success of a fish population, changing environments may have unexpected and far‐reaching consequences on fish population dynamics.  相似文献   
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