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Ultrasonography and MRI have become valuable tools for imaging of tendon injuries. The current study examines the histopathologic basis for the imaging abnormalities. Five injured equine forelimbs and two normal contralateral limbs were studied with high resolution real time ultrasound and MRI. Histologic sections were made and correlated with the diagnostic images. All lesions were readily seen by both modalities. Lesions characterized by hemorrhage, edma, and cellular infiltration were sonolucent on ultrasound and bright on MRI images. MRI returned to normal as fibrogenesis ensued. Ultrasound images remained abnormal until fibrillar reallgnment occured with completion of the healing process. High resolution real time ultrasound and MRI both accurately reflect the tissue abnormalities in acute tendon injuries. The injured horse does appear to be an effective model for correlative imaging studies of tendon injuries.  相似文献   
In this report we describe the lesions produced by the protozoal organism, Toxoplasma gondii, in the eyes and brain of the common yellow canary (Serinus canaria). Nine of 15 birds in a flock were affected with blindness, which developed over a 3-mo span, and two birds developed torticollis. Microscopic alterations within the eye consisted of a nonsuppurative chorioretinitis with large numbers of macrophages that contained the tachyzoite form of T. gondii in the subretinal space, and aggregates of tachyzoites were found in the nerve fiber layer of the retina with and without necrosis. Tissue cysts with bradyzoites were scattered throughout the meninges and neuropil of the cerebrum and cerebellum. Both forms were confirmed by transmission electron microscopy in the eye and brain. Frozen brain samples reacted with T. gondii-specific cat sera in indirect fluorescent antibody tests. The source of infection was hypothesized to be from a stray cat the owner kept that had access to some of the bird feed. Treatment (trimethoprim 0.08 g/ml H2O and sulfadiazine 0.04 g/ml in water for 2 wk) was instituted by the referring veterinarian on the remaining birds. A second treatment regime was given for 3 wk. The owner of the canaries did not return for further treatment.  相似文献   
Intraocular melanoma was diagnosed in a 13-year-old horse. Secondary clinical findings included keratitis, cataract, and glaucoma. The eye was enucleated. Follow-up information did not give an indication of metastatic disease.  相似文献   
Caprine beta-mannosidosis is an autosomal recessive defect of glycoprotein catabolism with a deficiency of tissue and plasma beta-mannosidase activity and tissue accumulation of oligosaccharides within lysosomes. This rapidly fatal genetic disorder of Nubian goats is expressed at birth by a variety of clinical signs including deafness. Affected goats had folded pinnas, and the tympanic cavity was decreased due to multiple, polypoid projections of bone covered by middle ear mucosa which obstructed the view of the cochlear promontory. Numerous cells of the cochlear duct including mesothelial and epithelial cells of Reissner's membrane, mesothelial cells lining the scala tympani, cells of the stria vascularis, numerous supportive cells of the organ of Corti, cochlear hair cells, endothelial cells, perithelial cells, fibroblasts, macrophages, and neurons of the spiral ganglion contained numerous nonstaining intracytoplasmic vacuoles which resulted in distention of affected cells and caused thickening of involved structures. Ultrastructurally, the vacuoles were membrane-bound and consistent with lysosomes. Vacuolated cells were desquamated into the scala vestibuli and scala tympani. This is one of few reports describing light and electron microscopic otic alterations of a storage disease. Goats with beta-mannosidosis appear to be good models of hearing loss in patients with storage disease.  相似文献   
A neoplasm involving the ileo-cecal-colic junction, thymus, and tracheobronchial lymph nodes of a 7-year-old domestic cat was composed of dense sheets of round to oval mononuclear cells with oval to indented nuclei, moderate amounts of cytoplasm, and variable numbers of round eosinophilic granules. These granules are brown to black in phosphotungstic acid hematoxylin-stained sections and stain variably with the periodic acid-Schiff stain. They are 0.8 to 1.5 micron in diameter, limited by a single unit membrane, and have variable electron density. Light microscopic cellular morphology and staining characteristics as well as ultrastructural features of these cells are consistent with feline globule leukocytes. Morphologic features of the neoplastic cells in the present case are similar to those of the only other reported neoplasm of globule leukocytes which also involved the intestine of a cat.  相似文献   
This report characterizes squamous cell proliferation in young farm mink (Mustela vison) fed a diet supplemented with 0.024 ppm 3,3',4,4',5-pentachlorobiphenyl (polychlorinated biphenyl [PCB] congener 126). One to 2 months of dietary exposure to PCB 126 resulted in gross lesions of the upper and lower jaws consisting of mandibular and maxillary nodular proliferation of the gingiva and loose teeth. The maxilla and mandible of the PCB-treated mink were markedly porous because of loss of alveolar bone. Histologically, this osteoporosis was caused by proliferation of squamous cells that formed infiltrating cords. This report clearly documents the fact that the environmental contaminant PCB 126 can cause osteoinvasive squamous proliferation in young mink, although the dose used in the present study was 7 and 36 times higher than what is typically encountered in contaminated bird eggs and fish, respectively.  相似文献   
Unilateral degeneration of the retina and optic nerve was observed among Fischer-344 (F-344) rats fed a semi-purified synthetic feed. Further studies were conducted using standard cereal-based and synthetic diets. Beginning at 4 weeks of age, all experimental rats (169 F-344 rats) were fed various diets and were examined for morphologic and functional changes in the retina and optic nerve. No ocular lesions were observed in any F-344 rats prior to 21 weeks of age, whether fed a synthetic diet or a standard diet; however, approximately 16% (13/86) of the F-344 rats examined between 57 and 64 weeks of age developed unilateral degeneration of the retina and optic nerve. On the other hand, the F-344 rats fed the synthetic diet developed the degenerative lesions by 30 weeks of age, while the F-344 rats fed the standard diet did not develop lesions over this shorter time period. Degenerative changes of the affected retinas and optic nerves were closely related with functional abnormalities evaluated by electroretinogram and visual evoked potentials. In contrast with the F-344 rats, Long-Evans rats that were fed either the synthetic or standard diet up to the age of 68 weeks (77 rats) did not develop the ocular lesions. There was no apparent relationship of the development of the lesions with dietary modification, toxicity or trauma; thus, these observations appear to indicate that spontaneous unilateral degeneration of the retina and optic nerve occurs in F-344 rats and that these ocular lesions may be accelerated by the feeding of certain semi-purified synthetic diets.  相似文献   
Objective To describe the clinical and histological appearance of persistent fetal intraocular vasculature in a colony of ferrets.
Design Prospective study.
Animals studied Eighty-six European ferrets ( Mustela putorius ).
Procedure Both eyes of 76 genetically related progeny and 10 breeding, adult, colony-raised ferrets were studied using a slit lamp biomicroscope and an indirect ophthalmoscope. Ferret progeny were examined after eyelid opening at 5–6 weeks of age, and at 12 months of age. After euthanasia, globes were enucleated and examined histologically.
Results Persistent fetal intraocular vasculature was evident in 21 progeny ferrets at 5–6 weeks of age and in three mature progenitor ferrets. Clinical appearance of diminutive vasculature was characterized by focal remnants of the posterior tunica vasculosa lentis, muscae volitantes, and an occluded hyaloid artery extending from the optic papilla and terminating in the anterior vitreous body. Extensive persistent vasculature was characterized by a perfused hyaloid artery, vasa hyaloidea propria and posterior tunica vasculosa lentis, posterior cortical and capsular cataract, and proliferation of fibrovascular tissue along the posterior lens capsule. Fetal vasculature persisted in 7 of 21 progeny ferrets at one year of age and in three progenitor ferrets. Results of histologic examination showed persistence of the hyaloid vasculature, proliferation of retrolental fibrovascular tissue with osseous metaplasia, posterior capsular and cortical cataract, and occasional retinal detachment.
Conclusions Persistent fetal intraocular vasculature in ferrets appears similar clinically and histologically to persistent fetal intraocular vasculature reported in humans and dogs. The ferret may be a suitable animal model for vasculogenic mechanisms of persistent fetal intraocular vasculature and for evaluating vasoinhibitory growth factors and angiostatic test compounds.  相似文献   
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