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Spatial Variability of Turbulent Mixing in the Abyssal Ocean 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Ocean microstructure data show that turbulent mixing in the deep Brazil Basin of the South Atlantic Ocean is weak at all depths above smooth abyssal plains and the South American Continental Rise. The diapycnal diffusivity there was estimated to be less than or approximately equal to 0.1 x 10(-4) meters squared per second. In contrast, mixing rates are large throughout the water column above the rough Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and the diffusivity deduced for the bottom-most 150 meters exceeds 5 x 10(-4) meters squared per second. Such patterns in vertical mixing imply that abyssal circulations have complex spatial structures that are linked to the underlying bathymetry. 相似文献
Objective: To investigate the relative efficacy and safety of the anthelmintic naphthalophos in sheep, either given alone or in combination with benzimidazole (fenbendazole and albendazole) or levamisole anthelmintics.
Design: A parasitological study using faecal egg count reduction tests, a validating slaughter trial and field safety trials.
Procedure: Faecal egg count reduction tests were carried out on 13 farms. Naphthalophos and combinations of naphthalophos with levamisole and fenbendazole were included in the drench tests. On one property a controlled efficacy study was carried out to validate faecal egg count reduction test findings. In this trial, sheep were slaughtered 10 days after treatment and the remaining parasites recovered from the gastro-intestinal tract. Safety trials were carried out on eight farms where approximately 50 000 sheep were treated with naphthalophos and albendazole that were tank mixed in the backpack.
Results: The efficacy of naphthalophos alone in faecal egg count reduction tests ranged from 59 to 98% with one test showing 95% reduction. The efficacy of naphthalophos and levamisole ranged from 74 to 100%, with 5 farms showing 95% reduction. The efficacy of naphthalophos and fenbendazole ranged between 88 and 100% with 95% reduction achieved on 10 farms. The controlled efficacy study showed a good correlation between the faecal egg count reduction tests and numbers of parasites recovered, except for Nematodirus where the faecal egg count reduction tests overestimated efficacy. The mortality rate in the safety trials was 0.05%, with most fatalities occurring on one farm.
Conclusion: The combination of naphthalophos and fenbendazole was more effective than a combination of naphthalophos and levamisole, and will provide a sufficiently safe drench rotation option. 相似文献
Design: A parasitological study using faecal egg count reduction tests, a validating slaughter trial and field safety trials.
Procedure: Faecal egg count reduction tests were carried out on 13 farms. Naphthalophos and combinations of naphthalophos with levamisole and fenbendazole were included in the drench tests. On one property a controlled efficacy study was carried out to validate faecal egg count reduction test findings. In this trial, sheep were slaughtered 10 days after treatment and the remaining parasites recovered from the gastro-intestinal tract. Safety trials were carried out on eight farms where approximately 50 000 sheep were treated with naphthalophos and albendazole that were tank mixed in the backpack.
Results: The efficacy of naphthalophos alone in faecal egg count reduction tests ranged from 59 to 98% with one test showing 95% reduction. The efficacy of naphthalophos and levamisole ranged from 74 to 100%, with 5 farms showing 95% reduction. The efficacy of naphthalophos and fenbendazole ranged between 88 and 100% with 95% reduction achieved on 10 farms. The controlled efficacy study showed a good correlation between the faecal egg count reduction tests and numbers of parasites recovered, except for Nematodirus where the faecal egg count reduction tests overestimated efficacy. The mortality rate in the safety trials was 0.05%, with most fatalities occurring on one farm.
Conclusion: The combination of naphthalophos and fenbendazole was more effective than a combination of naphthalophos and levamisole, and will provide a sufficiently safe drench rotation option. 相似文献
BM Buddle FE Aldwell DL Keen NA Parlane KL Hamel GW de Lisle 《New Zealand veterinary journal》2013,61(5):224-230
AIMS: To determine factors that may influence the efficacy of an oral pelleted vaccine containing Mycobacterium bovis bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) to induce protection of brushtail possums against tuberculosis. To determine the duration of protective immunity following oral administration of BCG. METHODS: In Study 1, a group of possums (n=7) was immunised by feeding 10 pellets containing dead Pasteur BCG, followed 15 weeks later with a single pellet of live Pasteur BCG. At that time, four other groups of possums (n=7 per group) were given a single pellet of live Pasteur BCG orally, a single pellet of live Danish BCG orally, 10 pellets of live Pasteur BCG orally, or a subcutaneous injection of live Pasteur BCG. For the oral pelleted vaccines, BCG was formulated into a lipid matrix, and each pellet contained approximately 107 colony forming units (cfu) of BCG, while the vaccine injected subcutaneously contained 106 cfu of BCG. A sixth, non-vaccinated, group (n=7) served as a control. All possums were challenged by the aerosol route with a low dose of virulent M. bovis 7 weeks after vaccination, and killed 7–8 weeks after challenge. Protection against challenge with M. bovis was assessed from pathological and bacteriological findings. In Study 2, lipid-formulated live Danish BCG was administered orally to three groups of possums (10–11 per group), and these possums were challenged with virulent M. bovis 8, 29 or 54 weeks later. The possums were killed 7 weeks after challenge, to assess protection in comparison to a non-vaccinated group. RESULTS: The results from Study 1 showed that vaccine efficacy was not adversely affected by feeding dead BCG prior to live BCG. Feeding 10 vaccine pellets induced a level of protection similar to feeding a single pellet. Protection was similar when feeding possums a single pellet containing the Pasteur or Danish strains of BCG. All vaccinated groups had significantly reduced pathological changes or bacterial counts when compared to the non-vaccinated group. In Study 2, oral administration of Danish BCG induced protection against challenge with M. bovis, which persisted for at least 54 weeks after vaccination. Some protection was observed in possums challenged 54 weeks after vaccination, but this protection was significantly less than that observed in groups vaccinated 29 or 8 weeks prior to challenge. There was a strong relationship between the proportion of animals producing positive lymphocyte proliferation responses to M. bovis antigens and protection against challenge with M. bovis. CONCLUSIONS: Factors considered potentially capable of interfering with vaccination, including feeding dead BCG to possums prior to feeding live BCG, feeding multiple doses of BCG at one time, and changing strains of BCG, were shown not to interfere with the acquisition of protective immune responses in possums. Protection against tuberculosis was undiminished up to 29 weeks after vaccination with BCG administered orally. It is concluded that vaccination of possums by feeding pellets containing BCG is a robust and efficient approach to enhance the resistance of these animals to tuberculosis. 相似文献
M Boller K Kelers MA Stevenson KD Winkel S Hardjo J Heller PR Judge HM Ong AM Padula C Reddrop LCP Santos CR Sharp L Smart KL Swindells D Tabrett JR Wierenga 《Australian veterinary journal》2020,98(9):442-448
SnakeMap is a national cloud-based, veterinary snakebite registry. It was designed to prospectively collect data of the clinical circumstances and temporospatial information on cases of snake envenomation in dogs and cats. We herein introduce the project and summarise the data from the first 4 years of SnakeMap. The registry is a veterinary community-based online database allowing case entry from veterinary hospitals across Australia. Registry data comprise hospital characteristics, patient characteristics, envenoming snake type, treatment and outcome variables, including time and geolocation of the snake bite. We present summative information on select key variables from the SnakeMap registry (1 July 2015 to 30 June 2019). Twenty-eight hospitals from 6 states/territories entered 624 cases into the registry, including 419 dogs (67%) and 205 cats (33%). Bite time was available in 216 animals of which 90 (42%) were reported to be bitten in the 3 hours between 03:00 pm and 05:59 pm; median bite to presentation interval was 60 (interquartile range [IQR] 30, 211) minutes in dogs and 95 (IQR 41, 238) minutes in cats. Bites occurred in the owner's yard in 356 dogs (85%) and 53 cats (26%). A snake venom detection kit was used in 172 cases (28%) and antivenom was administered in 523 cases (85%). Most animals (n = 534, 88%) survived to discharge (median hospitalisation of 25 [IQR 16, 62] hours). SnakeMap effectively collects relevant clinical data from dogs and cats with presumed snake bite and provides locally specific information on the epidemiology of snake envenomation in small animals. 相似文献
Objective To examine the incidence of positive results in a complement fixation test (CFT) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for Chlamydophila abortus in Australian sheep and how this incidence differs with state of origin, age, sex, breed and property. To examine the consequences in relation to rejection of breeder sheep for export.
Design Collection of blood samples from 891 sheep on 109 properties in southern Australia. All samples had a unique, coded property identification.
Procedure The samples were tested using the Institut Pourquier Chlamydophila abortus antibody ELISA (rELISA) and a CFT. Residual maximum likelihood analyses of the sample to positive ratio of the corrected optical density for the rELISA and generalised linear mixed model analyses of the CFT outcomes were carried out.
Results The sample to positive ratio of the corrected optical density values of the rELISA did not differ between sex, age, breed or state of origin, but differed greatly between properties. The CFT outcome did not differ between age, breed or state of origin, but differed greatly between properties and was more often positive with rams than with ewes.
Conclusion Positive outcomes to C. abortus antibody tests are very common in Australia. Rams have a particularly high incidence of positive results with the CFT. Rejection of sheep and property consignments is likely to be very common with all tests and situations examined except for the CFT (at 1:32 dilution) in ewes. 相似文献
Design Collection of blood samples from 891 sheep on 109 properties in southern Australia. All samples had a unique, coded property identification.
Procedure The samples were tested using the Institut Pourquier Chlamydophila abortus antibody ELISA (rELISA) and a CFT. Residual maximum likelihood analyses of the sample to positive ratio of the corrected optical density for the rELISA and generalised linear mixed model analyses of the CFT outcomes were carried out.
Results The sample to positive ratio of the corrected optical density values of the rELISA did not differ between sex, age, breed or state of origin, but differed greatly between properties. The CFT outcome did not differ between age, breed or state of origin, but differed greatly between properties and was more often positive with rams than with ewes.
Conclusion Positive outcomes to C. abortus antibody tests are very common in Australia. Rams have a particularly high incidence of positive results with the CFT. Rejection of sheep and property consignments is likely to be very common with all tests and situations examined except for the CFT (at 1:32 dilution) in ewes. 相似文献
AR RABIEE KL MACMILLAN F SCHWARZENBERGER D THALLER MJ RATHBONE TE TRIGG 《Australian veterinary journal》2001,79(10):690-694
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the potential of an implant of a GnRH-agonist (deslorelin) to create a progesterone free animal suitable for studying progesterone (P4) metabolism in intact cows by measuring blood P4 and faecal P4 metabolites. METHODS: Experiment 1: Eighteen non-lactating cycling Holstein-Friesian cows, 4 to 7 years old, were allocated to one of three groups to study plasma P4 concentrations preceding an intravaginal insert. These groups comprised: i) a deslorelin group (GnRH-agonist implanted); ii) a PGF group receiving two injections of prostaglandin (PGF2alpha) 12 days apart; and, iii) an ovariectomised (OVX) group. An intravaginal device (CIDR) was inserted into the vagina of each animal and left in place for 11 days. Plasma P4 concentrations were measured during the study period. Experiment 2: Twelve non-lactating cycling Holstein-Friesian cows, 4 to 7 years old, were allocated to two groups: i) a deslorelin group (GnRH-agonist implanted); and ii) an ovariectomised group. Plasma P4 and faecal P4 metabolites (20-oxo-pregnanes, 20alpha-OH and 20beta-OH) were monitored for a period of 5 weeks. RESULTS: Experiment 1: Average plasma P4 concentration did not differ between the three groups (1.28, 1.43 and 1.55 ng/mL for deslorelin, OVX and PGF cows, respectively, P = 0.8) during the period of supplementation. Experiment 2: There was no difference in plasma P4 (mean plasma P4 < 0.02 ng/mL, P = 0.9) and faecal P4 metabolites between deslorelin and OVX cows 2 weeks after the implantation (P = 0.7). CONCLUSIONS: These data showed that a GnRH-agonist (deslorelin) implant may be used as an alternative to ovariectomy to create a progesterone free animal suitable for studying the metabolism of administered P4. 相似文献