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Summary One hundred repeat breeder dairy cows have been studied in detail. Although clinically 60 per cent of them were normal bacteria were isolated from the uteri of the majority (90 per cent). Thirty per cent of these isolates were mixed.Intra-uterine infusion of the uteri with diluted Lugol's Iodine solution, supplemented in a few cases by antibiotic therapy, resulted in a 62 per cent conception rate compared with 26 per cent in the control group. It is concluded that dilute Lugol's Iodine is a useful treatment for repeat breeder cows under conditions similar to those described.
Tratamiento Del Sindrome De Vacas Repetidoras En Kenya
Resumen Se estudíaron en detalle 100 vacas repetidoras destinadas a la producción de leche, en Kenya. Aunque el 60 por ciento de ellas parecía normal clinicamente, se aislaron bacterias del útero de la mayoría (90 por ciento). El 30 por ciento de los aislamientos fue mixto.La infusión intrauterina de una solución diluída de Lugol, combinada en algunos casos con antibióticos, resultó en una proporción del 62 por ciento de concepciones, comparada con el 26 por ciento del grupo control. Se concluye, que la solución de Lugol diluída es útil para el tratamiento del síndrome de vacas repetidoras, bajo condiciones similares a las aquí descritas.

Traitement Du Syndrome De L'Accouplement Repete Chez La Vache Au Kenya
Résumé Cent vaches laitières ont été examinées avec soin. Bien que 60 p. 100 d'entre elles aient été considérées comme normales, des germes ont été isolés de l'utérus de la majorité d'entre elles (90 p. 100). Dans 30 p. 100 des cas, la population microbienne était mixte.Des injections intra-utérines d'une solution diluée de Lugol accompagnée dans quelques cas par de l'antibiothérapie ont fait que le groupe traité à un taux de fécondité de 62 p. 100 contre 26 p. 100 dans le groupe témoin. Les auteurs concluent que la solution iodée de Lugol constitute un traitement utile chez les vaches contre ce syndrome, dans les conditions semblables à celles décrites.
为研究硒浸种对春小麦种子活力和幼苗生长特性的影响,分别设置0,0.5,1.0,2.5,3.5,5.0,10.0,50.0 mg/L共8个亚硒酸钠溶液浓度,通过发芽试验,比较研究了不同浓度的亚硒酸钠浸种对春小麦种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响.结果表明:随着亚硒酸钠溶液浓度升高,春小麦种子的发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数、活力指数、幼苗和根长以及干鲜重等指标均呈先升高后下降的趋势;1.0 mg/L的亚硒酸钠溶液对小麦种子萌发和幼苗生长有促进作用;随着亚硒酸钠浓度的升高(≥2.5 mg/L),其各项指标显著下降,并对根和苗的生长表现出抑制作用;因此在实际生产中,掌握合适的硒浸种浓度非常关键.  相似文献   
目的】研究新疆南疆机采棉地区在适宜的水氮供应下,棉花干物质动态积累、产量及水肥利用状况。【方法】在南疆阿克苏地区机采棉田,设置不同灌溉量(2 250 、3 450、4 650 m3/hm2)和施氮量(0、300、600 kg/hm2)2个因子,分析不同处理的棉花生长状况、干物质积累及水肥生产效率。【结果】增加施氮量有利于棉花开花结铃,在干物质积累及花后贡献率上,灌溉量和施氮量二者其中一个因素过高或者过低均会影响棉花干物质快速积累及花后干物质的贡献率,灌溉量3 450 m3/hm2和施氮量为300 kg/hm2时干物质积累速率的加快,花后干物质的贡献率较大,有利于干物质的快速积累;在棉花产量和水肥利用效率上,随着灌溉量增加籽棉产量也随着增加,当灌溉量由3 450增加到4 650 m3/hm2时,籽棉产量的增加幅度减小,在灌溉量3 450 m3/hm2下,随着施氮量的增加棉花产量呈现先升后降的趋势,当施氮量为N2时,棉花产量最大为7 153.08 kg/hm2。【结论】在不同灌溉量下,随着施氮量增加有利于棉花干物质积累、产量及水肥利用效率提高。但随着灌溉量增加施氮量的正效应将会减少。南疆机采棉田在3 450 m3/hm2灌溉量下,施肥量(纯N)为300 kg/hm2时,能够有效的提高棉花产量及水肥利用效率。  相似文献   
A kernel screening assay (KSA) was used to assess the genetic and environmental effects on the vulnerability of maize to aflatoxin accumulation. Kernels of 26 inbred lines that had been grown in seven environments, and 190 lines of the Intermated B73xMo17 (IBM) population grown in one location in the United States, were inoculated with a toxigenic strain of A. flavus and incubated in the dark at 30°C for 6 days. Percent kernel colonization (PKC), sporulation and aflatoxin were influenced by the maize genotypes (G), the location (“ear environment” or E) and the GxE interactions. Overall, low broad‐sense heritabilities were observed for PKC, sporulation and aflatoxin. PKC was significantly correlated with sporulation in all environments. Aflatoxin was positively correlated with colonization for two and with sporulation for all ear environments. Higher grain sulphur or magnesium in IBM was associated with less colonization or aflatoxin. Postharvest susceptibility of maize to aflatoxin is thus influenced by factors that are modulated by the ear environment. In a KSA, sporulation could be a proxy test for aflatoxin accumulation.  相似文献   
立地条件的不同(海拔、气温、土壤),决定了种植花椒的品种,规模、经营管理技术的不同。喜德县红花椒(大红袍和正路椒)为主,海拔、土层厚度的变化,对花椒的产量影响较大。随着海拔的升高,会逐渐降低。海拔2 600 m以上,虽然花椒生长极端气候的影响较大,但土层厚度越大,更有利于花椒的生长。  相似文献   
Trypanosoma evansi is the cause of surra, a camel disease which is the most important single cause of economic losses in camel rearing areas. Sheep and goats herded with camels are the most likely hosts for T evansi. Upon intravenous infections goats developed erratic parasitaemia, lost weight and their packed cell volume dropped significantly (P<0–001). Trypanosomes were demonstrated by direct microscopy in extravascular locations such as synovial, peritoneal and cerebrospinal fluids and also in lymph by subinoculations into mice. The carcases were emaciated and pale. Histologically there was lymphatic tissue hyperplasia, muscular atrophy and nephrotic changes. Two animals had necrotic foci in the liver, kidneys, lymph nodes, spleen and lungs and also bronchopneumonia. Histologically there was depopulation of lymphocytes in lymphatic tissues, destruction of hepatocytes in the liver with infiltration by inflammatory cells in the liver, lymph nodes, spleen and the kidneys.  相似文献   
Early pregnancy diagnosis and monitoring play an important role following embryo transfer in sheep. The aims of the current study were to investigate (i) the pattern of serum progesterone profiles in sheep carrying somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT)‐derived (clone) pregnancies, and (ii) the frequency of pregnancy loss during development following SCNT embryo transfer. Sheep SCNT embryos were made using standard nuclear transfer techniques. Day 7 embryos were surgically transferred to oestrus‐synchronized recipients (n = 27). As a control, normal fertile ewes (n = 12) were bred by natural breeding. Serum was collected from all the ewes on the day of estrus (day 0 sample), 7 days post‐estrus (day 7 sample) and 19 days post‐estrus (day 19 sample) and every 10 days thereafter until lambing or pregnancy loss occurred. Serum progesterone (P4) was assessed using enzyme immunoassay. Pregnancy was confirmed by ultrasound scanning on day 35 of pregnancy followed by subsequent scanning every 10 days. In control ewes, pregnancy rate on day 35 was 83.3% (10/12), whereas in the ewes that received SCNT embryos, it was 22.2% (6/27; p < 0.05). The day 45 pregnancy rate in the control ewes was 83.3%, whereas in the SCNT embryo recipients it was 11.0% (p < 0.05). Hormone analysis revealed that SCNT embryo recipients exhibited a significantly lower P4 profiles at different time points in pregnancy compared to controls (p < 0.05). This study highlights the use of serum progesterone in combination with ultrasound for the investigation of embryo loss and crucial times during development of normal and SCNT embryos in sheep. Further, the serum P4 levels directly reflect the degree of placental development in these two groups.  相似文献   
Abstract Diel changes in littoral fish assemblage were studied in four reservoirs in the Czech Republic (Central Europe). The sampling was performed by beach seining in an unstructured littoral zone. Perch, Perca fluviatilis L., roach, Rutilus rutilus (L.), bream, Abramis brama (L.), carp, Cyprinus carpio L., ruffe, Gymnocephalus cernua (L.), pikeperch, Sander lucioperca (L.), eel, Anguilla anguilla (L.) and A. brama × R. rutilus hybrids exhibited higher densities at night. Only bleak, Alburnus alburnus (L.) exhibited higher densities during the day. The number of species was higher in night hauls, and mean body size of roach and bleak was also higher at night. Diel changes in fish densities resulted in the change in species composition between day and night. The study has implication for the sampling design to assess littoral fish assemblages using beach seine netting and recommends night sampling for a representative assessment or sampling during both diel periods for a robust assessment.  相似文献   
试验旨在探讨心脏脂肪酸结合蛋白(heart fatty acid-binding protein,H-FABP)基因在绵羊中的遗传多态性,并寻找可用于辅助选择的分子标记。本研究以滩羊(250只)及滩羊×湖羊杂交F1代(174只)为试验动物,利用SNaPshot分型技术对H-FABP基因(GenBank登录号:AY157617)的多态位点进行单核苷酸多态性(SNP)分析,统计基因频率和基因型频率,进行Hardy-Weinberg平衡性检测,计算期望杂合度(He)、多态信息含量(PIC)和有效等位基因数(Ne)等遗传多态指标,分析候选基因不同基因型与体重、体长、体高、胸围、胸深、胸宽和管围等生长性状的关联性。结果显示:①检测到9个多态位点:939[A/G]、980[G/A]、1018[T/C]、2878[C/T]、2956[C/T]、3017[G/A]、3341[G/C]、3394[T/A]、1056[-/G],其中有6处转换、2处颠换、1处单碱基插入。②939[A/G]、980[G/A]、2956[C/T]、3341[G/C]、3394[T/A]和1018[T/C]的He为0.3200~0.4666,PIC为0.2688~0.3577;2878[C/T]、3017[G/A]位点的He为0.0283~0.1272,PIC为0.0279~0.1191,为低度多态;1056[-/G]位点的He在滩羊、滩羊×湖羊杂交F1代群体中分别为0.0120和0,PIC在滩羊、滩羊×湖羊杂交F1代群体中分别为0.0119和0;9个多态位点在滩羊、滩羊×湖羊杂交F1代群体中均符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡定律。③5个多态位点:939[A/G]、980[G/A]、2956[C/T]、3341[G/C]、3394[T/A]处于紧密连锁(D'>0.99),将H-FABP基因分为3个单倍型:AA、AB和BB。④在41只滩羊×湖羊杂交F1代羊中,BB单倍型在各生产性状上具有最大值,但各单倍型间差异不显著(P>0.05)。结果表明,绵羊H-FABP基因具有丰富的遗传多态性,939[A/G]、980[G/A]、2956[C/T]、3341[G/C]、3394[T/A]5个位点紧密连锁,BB单倍型可能是与绵羊生产性状相关的优势单倍型。  相似文献   
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