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The orchard of the Institute of Fruit Breeding of the German Federal Centre of Breeding Research on Cultivated Plants in Dresden-Pillnitz was highly affected by fire blight in 2003. Infected pomefruit trees were observed over a period of nearly 3 months. The first symptoms on pear trees were found on May 19th. The pathogen Erwinia amylovora was confirmed officially on May 26, and the last infected apple trees were detected the 11th of August. The infected trees had to be grubbed at the decision of the Phytopathological Authority. In total, 1164 apple and 478 pear trees were grubbed, including the entire pear collection of the gene bank. Of 35 wild species of pear, 49 accessions, eight accessions of six species each, showed infections. The apple collection of the gene bank included 33 wild species, with 365 accessions, and 845 cultivars and clones. Ten accessions of nine wild apple species and 81 cultivars/clones of these collections showed fire blight infection. The source of infection was the pear collection, and the distance from that source was important for the occurrence of infection. Field plots close to the pear collection had tree losses of 10–34%, while more distant plots had losses of 0–6%. Around 80% of the lost apple trees were detected and grubbed from 27th May to 11th June. Some of the cultivars bred in Dresden-Pillnitz, e.g. ‘Pilot’ and ‘Rekarda’, were affected by fire blight in most field plots, whereas most others were affected mainly only in plots adjacent to the infection source. A correlation of r=?0.72 could be calculated for rating in artificial shoot inoculations and percentage of trees of resistant cultivars lost. The cultivars ‘Pirol’, ‘Reanda’, ‘Remo’, ‘Rene’, ‘Renora’, ‘Resi’, and ‘Retina’ showed only a very low numbers of infected trees. No tree of ‘Rewena’ showed symptoms of fire blight. Despite a tendency to postblooming, only 8.9% of ‘Pinova’ trees had to be grubbed.  相似文献   
One of the most important processes determining the proper course of gestation and its physiological termination in cows is the adhesion of epithelial cells allowing for direct contact of maternal and foetal parts of the placenta. Throughout pregnancy, placental cells are under strict hormonal control, which among others regulates the concentration and activity of specific proteins participating in the extracellular matrix remodelling of foetal membranes. The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of progesterone and prostaglandin F on the adhesion of epithelial cells at early-mid pregnancy in cows. Additionally, the impact of selected hormones on anti-adhesive properties of decorin was evaluated. Caruncular epithelial cells were isolated from healthy cows during pregnancy, immediately after slaughter. Primary cell cultures derived from the 2nd and 4th month of gestation were used in the experiments. The viability of cells was assessed by MTT assay. The adhesion of cells to fibronectin was measured spectrophotometrically. The activity of metalloproteinases was confirmed by the metalloproteinase assay. Progesterone (10–5 and 10–7 mol/L) and prostaglandin F (10–4, 10–5 and 10–7 mol/L) increased the viability of bovine caruncular epithelial cells in the 2nd month of pregnancy. The treatment with prostaglandin F significantly reduced the number of adherent cells from the 2nd month of gestation at the doses of 10–4 and 10–5 mol/L. Both progesterone and prostaglandin F were shown to have an effect of decorin resulting in both a decrease in metalloproteinase activity and an increase in adhesion of cells to fibronectin.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of crossbreeding on collagen content and solubility, shear force (WBSF) and the eating quality of Infraspinatus (INF) and Semimembranosus (SM) muscles of young bulls and the relationships between collagen content and solubility, shear force and the eating quality of beef. The experimental material comprised muscles of crossbred young bulls (about 600 days old) of Polish Holstein‐Friesian (PHF) × Limousine (LM) (n = 10), PHF × Charolaise (CH) (n = 9), PHF × Hereford (HER) (n = 9) breeds. The crossbreeding influenced WBSF, aroma and taste, total, water‐soluble, acid‐soluble, total soluble and insoluble collagen content, as well as the acid‐soluble, total soluble and insoluble collagen proportions. WBSF was significantly negatively correlated with sensorial tenderness and water‐soluble collagen content. The eating quality of beef obtained from different crossbreds was similar; however, the meat from PHF × LM and PHF × HER bulls had lower WBSF values than PHF × CH bulls. © 2016 Japanese Society of Animal Science  相似文献   
Background: Nitrogen losses is an economic problem for wheat production and a high risk to the environment. Therefore, improved N fertilizer management is a key to increasing the N efficiency and minimizing N losses. To increase N efficiency, enhanced fertilizers such as urea combined with urease inhibitor can be used. Aims: The aim of present study was to evaluate the effects of different N forms on grain storage protein subunits in winter wheat and to examine whether the observed changes correlate with parameters of baking quality. Methods: The investigation was performed over two consecutive years at two locations in Germany. Protein subunits were analyzed by SDS‐PAGE. Results: Protein concentrations were similarly increased after fertilization with ammonium nitrate and urea + urease inhibitor. Analysis of the individual storage protein fractions indicated that both fertilizers specifically enhanced ω‐gliadins and HMW glutenins, but the effect was more pronounced in the ammonium nitrate treatment. Application of urea + urease inhibitor had greater influence on the protein composition and resulted in higher specific baking volume as well as the best fresh keeping ability, in comparison with urea treatment. Conclusion: Considering that the urea + urease inhibitor treatment resulted in almost comparable improvements of NUE and baking quality, with the additional benefit of reduced N losses in combination with easy handling, urea + urease inhibitor can be recommended as a viable alternative to both urea alone and ammonium nitrate treatments. This opens up an opportunity for the reduction of N loss in wheat production when use of urea is preferred.  相似文献   
Maduramicin is a coccidiostat authorized as feed additive in the European Union for chickens and turkeys for fattening but not for laying hens, considering the risk of residues in eggs. The unavoidable cross-contamination of non-target feed with coccidiostats is regulated by Commission Directive 2009/8/EC and resulting carry-over in food by Commission Regulation (EC) No. 124/2009. To verify the compliance of the maximum levels for maduramicin in feed (50 μg/kg) and eggs (2 μg/kg), the carry-over from feed into eggs was investigated. Diets containing 10, 30, and 50 μg of maduramicin/kg of feed were fed to laying hens. Feed, egg white, and yolk were analyzed by LC-MS/MS. Maduramicin residues were only detected in in egg yolk. Feeding the 10 μg/kg maduramicin diet resulted in maduramicin concentrations up to 2.5 μg/kg in whole eggs, already exceeding the maximum level. A carry-over rate of 8% maduramicin from feed into eggs was calculated.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Erstmalig wurden mit den vorliegenden Untersuchungen Spargelstangen zur Haupterntezeit auf endophytischen Pilzbefall untersucht. Sie zeigen, dass im Ernteprodukt zwar Fusarium proliferatum als potenzieller Mykotoxinbildner zu finden ist. Eine mögliche natürliche Kontamination mit Fumonisinen bestätigte sich nicht. Von den mit F. proliferatum infizierten Stangen wies nur eine Stange mit grau-rosa-orange farbenen Gewebeveränderungen an der Basis sichtbare Symptome auf. Allgemeine Rückschlüsse auf eine mögliche Gefährdung oder Nichtgefährdung des Verbrauchers beim Verzehr von mit F. proliferatum kontaminierten, symptomlosen Stangen können aus der Analyse nicht gezogen werden. Hierzu müssen weitergehende Untersuchungen zur Wirt-Pathogen-Interaktion erfolgen und die phänotypischen und genotypischen Einflussfaktoren in diesem Prozess noch näher untersucht werden.  相似文献   
Interleukin-8 plays a critical role in inflammatory processes. Hence generation of molecules with anti-IL-8 activity is likely to be important for successful feeding and for survival of the ticks. Anti-IL-8 activity was studied in saliva of three ixodid tick species--Dermacentor reticulatus (Fabricius, 1794), Rhipicephalus appendiculatus Neumann, 1901, and Amblyomma variegatum (Fabricius, 1794). The greatest activity was shown in saliva prepared from D. reticulatus. The activity was attributed to tick salivary gland molecules that bind to IL-8, preventing binding of the chemokine to its specific receptor, rather than to occupation of the IL-8 cell receptor by the tick molecules. The distribution of anti-IL-8 activity in fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) fractions of salivary gland extracts (SGE) derived from adult female D. reticulatus, R. appendiculatus and A. variegatum was compared directly by both ELISA and receptor-binding inhibition assays. The correspondence in results with fractions of SGE from ELISA is consistent with detection of tick molecules that inhibit IL-8 binding to its receptor. As IL-8 is an important chemoattractant and activator of neutrophils, the presence of an anti-IL-8 activity in tick saliva indicates that neutrophils play an important role in the host response to parasitism by ticks.  相似文献   
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