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A 7-year-old male German Shepherd dog in poor body condition had a 3-month history of intermittent hematuria. Nonregenerative anemia, mild leukocytosis, marked hypoalbuminemia, and hematuria were observed. Subsequently, marked neutrophilia and moderate monocytosis were noted; anemia, hypoalbuminemia, and hematuria persisted; and the dog developed disseminated intravascular coagulation. Ultrasonographic examination of the abdomen revealed the presence of an enlarged and irregularly shaped right kidney with a large area of cavitation, and a nephrectomy was performed 30 days after initial examination. Cytologic examination of fine-needle aspirates and imprints of the right kidney revealed a neoplastic cell population suggestive of renal carcinoma. The histopathologic diagnosis was chromophobic cystic-papillary renal carcinoma. The tumor cells expressed granulocytic/macrophage-colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), detected by immunohistochemical staining, and elaboration of GM-CSF by the tumor may have mediated the leukocytosis in this dog. Following excision of the tumor, neutrophil and monocyte counts were only mildly increased. The dog died 135 days after initial presentation, and a necropsy was not permitted. Paraneoplastic neutrophilic leukocytosis is an uncommon finding and may be caused by elaboration of CSF by neoplastic cells.  相似文献   
The coalescence of a neutron star and a black hole in a binary system is believed to form a torus around a Kerr black hole. A similarly shaped magnetosphere then results from the remnant magnetic field of the neutron star. In the strong-field case, it contains a cavity for plasma waves located between the barrier of the gravitational potential and the surrounding torus. This cavity may be unstable to superradiance of electromagnetic waves. Superradiant amplification of such waves, initially excited by turbulence in the torus, should inflate into a bubble in a time as short as approximately 0.75 (1 percent/&cjs3539;epsilon&cjs3539;2)(M/7M middle dot in circle) seconds approximately 0.15 to 1.5 seconds, assuming an efficiency &cjs3539;epsilon&cjs3539;2 = 0.5 to 5 percent and a mass M = 7M middle dot in circle. These bubbles may burst and repeat, of possible relevance to intermittency in cosmological gamma-ray bursts. The model predicts gamma-ray bursts to be anticorrelated with their gravitational wave emissions.  相似文献   
A soybean lecithin‐based extender supplemented with hyaluronic acid (HA) was assayed for effectiveness to improve the quality of frozen–thawed ram semen. HA has not been tested yet in an extender containing soybean lecithin for freezing ram semen. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyse the effects of soybean lecithin at 1% or 1.5% along with HA at 0, 0.5 and 1 mg ml‐1 in a Tris‐based extender on the motion characteristics, membrane integrity (HOST), viability, GSH peroxidase (GSH‐PX) activity, lipid peroxidation and acrosomal status after freezing–thawing. Semen was collected from four Mehraban rams during the breeding season and frozen in the six lecithin×HA extenders. The extender containing 1.5% lecithin supplemented with no HA yielded higher total motility (52.5%±1.6), viability (55.8%±1.6) and membrane integrity (44.5%±1.7), but the effects of the lecithin concentration did not reach signification. Linearity‐related parameters, ALH, BCF, lipid peroxidation, GSH‐PX activity, morphology and acrosomal status were not affected by the extender composition. In general, adding HA significantly decreased sperm velocity (1 mg ml‐1 HA), total motility (only with 1.5% lecithin), viability (1 mg ml‐1 HA for 1% lecithin; both concentrations for 1.5% lecithin) and membrane integrity. In conclusion, adding HA to the freezing extender supplemented with soybean lecithin failed to improve quality‐related variables in ram semen. Increasing the lecithin content could have a positive effect, but further studies are needed.  相似文献   
A 6-year-old intact female corn snake (Elaphe guttata guttata) was presented with a 3-week history of anorexia. Coelomic radiographs revealed a 9 x 4 cm soft tissue opacity suggestive of a right ovarian enlargement. The mass (9 x 5 x 4 cm) was surgically removed, and multiple smears from tissue sections were stained with Diff-Quik. Multiple tissue samples from the mass were collected and fixed in formalin. Cytologic specimens were moderately cellular and contained light pink amorphous background material. The cells were primarily spindle-shaped with moderate to marked anisocytosis and anisokaryosis. Cells sometimes were round to polygonal, and rarely were arranged in small clusters. Macrophages occasionally were observed. Histologic specimens consisted of a highly cellular mass composed of pleomorphic, spindle-shaped cells and, occasionally, round to polygonal cells arranged in irregular fascicles. The neoplastic cells were immunoreactive for cytokeratin (AE1/AE3), smooth muscle actin, and skeletal muscle actin, but did not stain for vimentin or desmin. On the basis of the morphologic and immunohistochemical results, a diagnosis of ovarian undifferentiated carcinoma was made. In this report, we describe the challenges of using immunohistochemistry to diagnose this uncommon type of tumor in reptiles.  相似文献   

In the next two decades, the world population will increase significantly; the majority in the developing countries located in the tropics of Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean. To feed such a population, it is necessary to increase the availability of food, particularly high-value animal protein foods produced locally, namely meat and dairy products. Dairy production in tropical regions has a lot of growth potential, but also poses a series of problems, particularly as dairy production systems were developed in temperate countries and in most cases are difficult to implement in the tropics. Drawbacks include hot weather and heat stress, the lack of availability of adequate feeds, poor infrastructure, and cold chain and the competition with cheap imports from temperate countries. This position paper reviews the major drawbacks in dairy production for the five major dairy species: cattle, water buffalo, sheep, goat, and camel, as well as the future trends in research and development. It also concerns the major trends in reproduction and production systems and health issues as well as environmental concerns, particularly those related to greenhouse gas emissions. Tropical Animal Health and Production now launches a topical collection on Tropical Dairy Science. We aim to publish interesting and significant papers in tropical dairy science. On behalf of the editorial board of the Tropical Animal Health and Production, we would like to invite all authors working in this field to submit their works on this topic to this topical collection in our journal.

Recently, isolation and in vitro culture of putative spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) in the domestic cat have been conducted. However, the cellular niche conditions that facilitate the establishment and long‐term maintenance of feline SSCs (FSSCs) have not been described. Therefore, we investigated the type of feeder cells used to stimulate colony formation and growth of FSSCs among the various factors in the FSSC niche. Spermatogonial stem cells isolated from feline testes were cultured on mitotically inactivated testicular stromal cells (TSCs) derived from cats, dogs and mice, and mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs). The formation and growth of colonies derived from SSCs cultured on each type of feeder cell were identified at passage 0, and the morphology, alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity and expression of SSC‐specific genes in surviving colonies were investigated at passage 4. Among these diverse feeder cells, TSCs from cat showed the greatest colony formation, growth and maintenance of FSSCs, and SSC colonies cultured by passage 4 showed a typical dome‐shaped morphology, AP activity and expression of SSC‐specific genes (NANOG, OCT4, SOX2 and CD9). Accordingly, these results demonstrate that feline TSCs could be used as feeder cells to support the establishment and maintenance of SSCs from domestic cats.  相似文献   
The concentrations of the hydrogen radicals OH and HO2 in the middle and upper troposphere were measured simultaneously with those of NO, O3, CO, H2O, CH4, non-methane hydrocarbons, and with the ultraviolet and visible radiation field. The data allow a direct examination of the processes that produce O3 in this region of the atmosphere. Comparison of the measured concentrations of OH and HO2 with calculations based on their production from water vapor, ozone, and methane demonstrate that these sources are insufficient to explain the observed radical concentrations in the upper troposphere. The photolysis of carbonyl and peroxide compounds transported to this region from the lower troposphere may provide the source of HOx required to sustain the measured abundances of these radical species. The mechanism by which NO affects the production of O3 is also illustrated by the measurements. In the upper tropospheric air masses sampled, the production rate for ozone (determined from the measured concentrations of HO2 and NO) is calculated to be about 1 part per billion by volume each day. This production rate is faster than previously thought and implies that anthropogenic activities that add NO to the upper troposphere, such as biomass burning and aviation, will lead to production of more O3 than expected.  相似文献   
Sulfur isotopic composition of cenozoic seawater sulfate   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A continuous seawater sulfate sulfur isotope curve for the Cenozoic with a resolution of approximately 1 million years was generated using marine barite. The sulfur isotopic composition decreased from 19 to 17 per mil between 65 and 55 million years ago, increased abruptly from 17 to 22 per mil between 55 and 45 million years ago, remained nearly constant from 35 to approximately 2 million years ago, and has decreased by 0.8 per mil during the past 2 million years. A comparison between seawater sulfate and marine carbonate carbon isotope records reveals no clear systematic coupling between the sulfur and carbon cycles over one to several millions of years, indicating that changes in the burial rate of pyrite sulfur and organic carbon did not singularly control the atmospheric oxygen content over short time intervals in the Cenozoic. This finding has implications for the modeling of controls on atmospheric oxygen concentration.  相似文献   
Background, Aim and Scope  Sediments act as a sink for toxic substances (heavy metals, organic pollutants) and, consequently, dredged materials often contain pollutants which are above safe limits. In polluted anaerobic sediments, the presence of sulphides and redox potential changes creates a favorable condition for sulphide oxidation to sulphate, resulting in potential toxic metal release. The oxidation reaction is catalyzed by several microorganisms. Some clean up measures, such as dredging, can initiate the process. The aim of the present work is to assess the acidification and metal release risk in the event of sediment dredging and also to compare two different acid base account techniques with the resuspension results. The oxidation mechanism by means of inoculation with an Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans strain was also evaluated. Methodology  The sediments were chemically characterized (pH; organic oxidizable carbon; acid volatile sulphides; total sulphur; moisture; Cr, Cu and Zn aqua regia contents). A metal sequential extraction procedure (Community Bureau of Reference, BCR technique) was applied to calculate the Acid Producing Potential (APP) and Acid Consuming Capacity (ACC) of the sediment samples through Fe, Ca2+ and SO4 2− measurements. The acid base account was also performed by the Sobek methodology (Acid producing potential — AP — calculated with total sulphur and neutralization potential — NP — by titration of the remaining acid after a reaction period with the sample). Fresh sediments were placed in agitated shake flasks and samples were taken at different times to evaluate pH, SO4 2− and Cr, Cu, Zn and Fe2+ concentration. Some of the systems were inoculated with an Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans strain to assess the biological catalysis on sulphide oxidation. Results  Sediment chemical characterization showed high organic matter content (5.4–10.6%), total sulphur (0.36–0.86%) and equivalent CaCO3 percentages (4.5–8%). pH was neutral-alkaline for all of the samples. AVS content was high except for sample 5. The acid base account obtained with the two methods gave different results for the acid generating risk of the samples. A decrease of 0.4 to 3.1 pH units was measured in the agitated shake flasks. In all of the systems, sulphate concentration increased (2,100–2,200 mg L−1 to 2,500–3,000 mg L−1), and positively correlated with the initial total sulphur content of the samples in the inoculated flasks. Cu and Cr in solution were not detected in most of the sampling occasions (<0.5 mg Cu L−1 and <0.5 mg Cr L−1). Zn reached high concentrations (up to 11.8 mg L−1). For every system — except sediment 1 — the lowest pH registered was similar in comparison to inoculated and control systems. The inoculation effect was mostly evidenced in the systems by a higher sulphate release rate compared to the control systems. Discussion  The BCR method categorized all of the samples as potentially acid generating material. The Sobek method using NPR (NP/AP) criteria classified sample 3 as a possible acid generator and samples 1, 2 and 5 with a low acid generation potential. Despite this, all the samples acidified the media in the kinetic tests in at least one of the conditions employed in this work. It would seem that NPR and NNP (NP-AP) risk classification criteria should not be directly used with anaerobic sediments. Appropriate classification levels for sediments should be developed considering the different sulphide reactivity between rock and sediments. Sediment oxidation can cause acidification, which is partially explained by sulphide oxidation. In the samples studied, we found a positive correlation between sulphate increase in solution after oxidation and total sulphur content in the inoculated systems. Significant amounts of Zn could be released to solution while Cr and Cu remained insoluble despite the pH decrease observed. The low Cu and Cr mobility could be explained by the very low solubility of their hydroxides and high affinity for organic matter and iron oxides/hydroxides that might form during sediment oxidation. Dredged sediment management and disposal should be carefully planned. Conclusions  All of the sediment samples lowered the pH media in the laboratory batch resuspension experiments. However, both risk classification criteria (NNP, NPR) from Sobek acid base account were not able to predict the samples’ behavior as accurately as the BCR derived base account. The inoculation effect was mostly associated with a higher sulphate release and not to a lower pH due to acid base equilibrium. Recommendations and Perspectives  Appropriate risk classification levels for sediments should be developed considering the different sulphide reactivity between rock and sediments. ESS-Submission Editor: Dr. Sabine Ulrike Gerbersdorf (sug@st-andrews.ac.uk)  相似文献   
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