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鸡传染性鼻炎流行病学调查(Ⅱ)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用鸡传染性鼻炎PCR试剂盒和阻断ELISA试剂盒,对29份菌株、136份临床样品和1019份血清进行了检验和分析,结果PCR阳性率为36.4%,A型阳性率为10.3%,C型阳性率为6.4%。  相似文献   
Measurements describing pelvic conformation of pedigree Belgian Blue cows were obtained from a sample of nine herds in Flanders, Belgium, comprising 111 adult breeding cows, and from 11 herds in the United Kingdom comprising 108 similar cows. All herds in the Belgian sample (111 cows) managed parturition by elective caesarian section as did seven herds (56 cows) in the UK sample; the remainder of UK herds (52 cows) allowed cows the opportunity to calve naturally per vagina before resorting to caesarian section. The data described the external and internal measurements, and pelvic area characteristic of this breed, irrespective of the different selection pressures applied over a number of years to this breed through variation in farm management and market forces present in either country. From these data, generalized linear models were constructed to predict pelvic area; they correctly identified cows with either small or large pelvic areas. There were no significant differences in pelvic conformation between cattle bred either in Belgium or the UK, although those cows bred in herds where natural calving was allowed to take place had significantly larger internal pelvic height (p < 0.05) and area (p < 0.05) than other Belgian Blue cows. The correlation coefficients between internal pelvic height and width and external pelvic measurements were significant (p < 0.001). These results might facilitate the selection of breeding cows with larger pelvic area so that a higher proportion of cows can calve naturally than currently occurs. However, selection for other traits such as relatively low birth weight combined with higher weaning weight should be carried out at the same time.  相似文献   
Bacterial wilt is a serious disease of Iucerne. Although there are several ways to transmit the pathogen, seed transmission is practically the only way to introduce the bacteria to previously free areas. In this work, naturally infected seed material and commercial seed lots have been screened by a combination of immunofluorescence (IF) staining and dilution plating. Isolates were confirmed by biochemical characterization and finally by artificial infection of lucerne seedlings. For seed lots free from the pathogen, a diagnosis can mostly be achieved within 2 days. The culture step is necessary only if IF staining is not unequivocally negative, and the full procedure has to be run only for a small portion of the samples. The proposed seed assay provides a reliable alternative to the visual inspection of lucerne fields to fulfil the phytosanitary requirements for Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. insidiosus.  相似文献   
动物疫苗及其合理使用(一)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
疫苗接种是预防动物传染病发生的重要举措。依据免疫学理论,疫苗作为抗原,通过激发动物机体免疫系统,产生特异的体液免疫和细胞免疫,从而获得针对某种疾病的特异性免疫。疫苗一般分为细菌疫苗、病毒疫苗和类毒素疫苗等。用于防病治病的各种疫苗、菌苗又是特殊的生物药品,与普通化学药品具有完全不同的成分、功能和特性,疫苗中含有多种蛋白质(除细菌或病毒外,有的还含有保护剂、鸡胚尿囊液或细胞培养液),它们均适合许多病原体的生长,有些制品还是活的微生物,一旦污染后果不堪设想。疫苗在保存、运输和使用时有其特别要求。如果方法不当,不但会使活性物质失活,起不到免疫防病作用;而且还可能适得其反,引发动物新的疾病,造成重大损失。  相似文献   
Costimulatory ligands, B7.1 and B7.2, have been incorporated into viral and DNA vectors as potential nonchemical adjuvants to enhance CTL and humoral immune responses against viral pathogens. In addition, soluble B7 proteins, minus their transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains, have been shown to block the down regulation of T-cell activation through blockade of B7/CTLA-4 interactions in mouse tumor models. Recently, we developed swinepox virus (SPV) vectors for delivery of feline leukemia antigens for vaccine use in cats [Winslow, B.J., Cochran, M.D., Holzenburg, A., Sun, J., Junker, D.E., Collisson, E.W., 2003. Replication and expression of a swinepox virus vector delivering feline leukemia virus Gag and Env to cell lines of swine and feline origin. Virus Res. 98, 1-15]. To explore the use of feline B7.1 and B7.2 ligands as nonchemical adjuvants, SPV vectors containing full-length feline B7.1 and B7.2 ligands were constructed and analyzed. Full-length feline B7.1 and B7.2 produced from SPV vectors were natively processed and costimulated Jurkat cells to produce IL-2, in vitro. In addition, we explored the feasibility of utilizing SPV as a novel expression vector to produce soluble forms of feline B7.1 (sB7.1) and B7.2 (sB7.2) in tissue culture. The transmembrane and cytoplasmic regions of the B7.1 and B7.2 genes were replaced with a poly-histidine tag and purified via a two-step chromatography procedure. Receptor binding and costimulation activity was measured. Although feline sB7.1-his and sB7.2-his proteins bound to the human homolog receptors, CTLA-4 and CD28, both soluble ligands possessed greater affinity for CTLA-4, compared to CD28. However, both retained the ability to partially block CD28-mediated costimulation in vitro. Results from these studies establish the use of SPV as a mammalian expression vector and suggest that full-length-vectored and purified soluble feline B7 ligands may be valuable, nonchemical immune-modulators.  相似文献   
乙型脑炎的发病机理及毒力致病机理的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要介绍了乙型脑炎的病毒基因组成、发病机理和毒力致病机理的研究,从乙脑病毒的基因组结构及其所编码的蛋白质的功能上分析乙脑病毒的毒力致病机理与基因结构的关系及其研究进展,为进一步掌握乙脑病毒强弱毒株基因结构的差异及研究其基因工程疫苗提供了理论基础。  相似文献   
Patterns of body size variation along geographical gradients have long been searched for and generalized into eco‐geographical rules. However, no rodent species has yet been analyzed in relation to the 3 dimensions of latitude, longitude and altitude. We analyzed geographical clines and dimorphism of body and skull size in the herb field mouse (Apodemus uralensis) across the species range, based on field data and on data from the literature. Sexual dimorphism in adult A. uralensis was not expressed at a large scale, while local patterns were inconsistent. Age‐dependent size changes were most expressed in adult individuals: most characters of adults exceeded in size those of subadults, while subadult–juvenile size differences were only significant in body weight and length, zygomatic skull width, length of cranial diastema and breadth of braincase. Despite central morphological niches along the clines being separated, A. uralensis populations showed a high degree of size overlap in morphological space. We found the species to be characterized by high size variability, with the largest individuals inhabiting the eastern and southern edges of the distribution range. Tail, hind foot and ear lengths were largest in the southern part of the range, in agreement with Allen's rule. The main measurements that we analyzed, namely body mass, zygomatic skull width and condylobasal skull length, show the presence of 3 clines in the size of adult A. uralensis: (i) a decreasing south–north cline, opposing Bergmann's rule; (ii) an increasing west–east cline, in accordance with Murphy's rule; and (iii) an increasing altitudinal cline.  相似文献   
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