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Dairy goat production systems   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Goat production concentrated in developing countries (tropics, dry areas), contributes largely to the livelihoods of low and medium income farmers. Farming systems in these areas have evolved to cope with the formidable constraints imposed by harsh natural and economic conditions by adapting integrated crop/livestock production strategies. In Asia, Africa and Latin America, due to its almost exclusive extensive nature, goat production relies mainly on grazing on communal lands that hardly provide the minimum nutrient requirements due to overstocking and degradation. While some of these production systems are becoming semi-intensive, appropriate breeding strategies should be designed to promote conservation and improvement of their unique attributes, such as adaptability, water use efficiency and suitability under harsh climatic conditions. In Europe, dairy goat production is more common around the Mediterranean basin, where it is important from an economic, environmental and sociological perspective to the Mediterranean countries: Spain, France, Italy and Greece. Europe owns only 5.1 % of the world’s dairy goat herds, but produces 15.6 % of the world’s goat milk; this is the only continent where goat milk has such an economic importance and organization. In developing countries the dairy goat sector requires a systemic approach, whereby nutrition, animal health, breeding, know-how, inputs and technologies must be assembled. This would allow the optimization of natural and local resources and would promote the transition from a risk reduction strategy towards an increased productivity strategy. Such an increase would privilege production efficiency based on clean, green and ethical practices for responsible innovation.  相似文献   
This study develops a quantitative approach to evaluate the application of design concepts that link landscape ecology theory to landscape planning. Landscape ecology principles were used to develop spatial concepts for creating an armature of open space in areas subject to rapid urbanization. It focuses on the predicted urban expansion of Damascus, Oregon, as a case study. An alternative futures study was used to test three open space spatial concepts for patches, corridors and networks contrasted with compact and dispersed urban development patterns. Eight scenarios of land use and land cover, over 50 years, were defined based on different spatial design concepts to evaluate their effects on habitat quantity and quality and analyze the tradeoffs between urban development and conservation of three focal wildlife species: red-legged frog, western meadowlark, and Douglas squirrel. Open space spatial concepts highly influenced habitat quantity and quality differences among scenarios. Development patterns showed lower influence on those variables. Scenarios with no landscape ecological spatial concept provided the most land for urban development but reduced habitat quantity and quality. Greenway scenarios presented increases of habitats, but failed to provide sufficient habitats for western meadowlark. Park system scenarios also presented an increase on the amount of habitats, but high-quality habitats for western meadowlark and red-legged frog decreased. Network scenarios presented the best overall amount of habitats and increase of high-quality habitats for the three species, but constrained urban development options.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to determine goat milk physicochemical parameters during the feed scarcity season. An evaluation was made for 398 milk samples from 80 multiparous goats belonging to three different production systems: (S1) mechanized milking grazing pasture and harvested residue (alfalfa) and grain supplemented; (S2) system grazing native pasture; and (S3) system grazing native pasture and grain supplemented. The general averages were: fat (FT) 4.0 ± 0.20%, protein (PR) 3.3 ± 0.05%, lactose (LC) 4.9 ± 0.09%, nonfat solids (NFS) 8.9 ± 0.13%, total solids (TS) 14.5 ± 0.20%, temperature (TM) 24.6 ± 1.06°C, and acidity (pH) 6.7 ± 0.049. Most of the physicochemical components of milk were affected (p < 0.0001) by the production system × month interaction and production system × group × month interaction. The FT content was higher (< 0.05) in S2 (4.56 ± 0.18) than in S1 (3.64 ± 0.20) and S3 (3.50 ± 0.20). LC differed (< 0.05) in S2 (5.07 ± 0.08) than in S1 (4.77 ± 0.09) and S3 (4.70 ± 0.09). No differences were observed for the rest of the variables (< 0.05) among the production systems. The study unveiled a higher content of FT, LC, NFS, PR, and TS for S2 than for S1 and S3. This higher content may be explained because S2 only grazed on herbs and shrubs, in contrast to S1 and S3 which were additionally supplemented with grain concentrates.  相似文献   
The present study aimed to analyze the mycoflora and potential mycotoxin contamination of soil and corn samples collected at different plant maturity stages in Cap?o Bonito and Ribeir?o Preto, two regions of the State of S?o Paulo, Brazil. In addition, the data obtained were correlated with the occurrence of wind-dispersed fungi and the predominant climatic conditions of the two regions studied. Corn mycoflora profiles showed that Fusarium verticillioides prevailed in 35% of the samples from Cap?o Bonito and in 49% of the samples from Ribeir?o Preto. Examination of wind-dispersed fungi also revealed a high incidence of F. verticillioides. Soil mycoflora analyses showed that Penicilliumwas the most prevalent genus, although F. verticillioides was present in 55.5% of Cap?o Bonito's samples and in 26.7% of Ribeir?o Preto's samples. With respect to water activity, the corn kernels most contaminated with F. verticillioides had water activity levels of 0.70-0.80. HPLC analysis of fumonisins revealed that 88.5% of Cap?o Bonito's kernels were contaminated with fumonisin B(1) (FB(1)) (0.09-10.87 microg/g) and 53.8% with fumonisin B(2) (FB(2)) (0.05-0.52 microg/g); Ribeir?o Preto's kernels presented contamination levels of 93.5% for FB(1) (0.11-17.69 microg/g) and 61.3% for FB(2) (0.05-5.24 microg/g). No aflatoxins were detected by thin-layer chromatography in corn grains of either region. The concomitant occurrence of F. verticillioides and fumonisins in most of the field corn assayed demonstrates the importance of an effective control of cultivation throughout the plant maturity stages.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of iodine deficiency, its causes and its association with intelligence quotient (IQ) in Mexican schoolchildren. DESIGN: Cross-sectional analytical study, in which determinations of thyroid gland size, urinary iodine excretion, IQ, iron nutritional status, physical anthropometry, family consumption of goitrogenic foods, type/origin and iodine saturation of salt consumed at home and coliform organisms in drinking water were performed, and the association of each variable with IQ scores was evaluated by multiple regression analyses. SETTING: Municipality of Cuauhtémoc, in Colima, Mexico (altitude: 600-2700 m above sea level). Sea salt is extracted manually nearby and often used for human consumption. Goitre remains present in the region despite over half a century of mandatory salt iodination in the country. SUBJECTS: Three hundred and three children, similar proportions of boys and girls, mean age 9.3 years, randomly selected from 19 public elementary schools. RESULTS: Overall goitre rate was 21.4%; low urinary iodine excretion was found in 19.5% of the children, high urinary iodine excretion in 32.0%. IQ scores were transformed into percentile values, with the following categorisation: < or = P5 (low IQ), 48.5%; > P5 to < or = P25 (below average), 24.2%; > P25 to < P75 (average), 18.8%; > or = P75 to < P95 (above average), 3.6%; > or = P95 (high IQ), 4.9%. Ninety-two per cent of the population used iodinated salt, but deficient iodine saturation (<50 ppm) was found in 86.8% of salt samples. The main goitrogenic foods consumed were peanuts (by 31.5% of the sample), cabbage (30.1%), broccoli (27.7%) and cauliflower (25.7%). Median counts of coliform organisms (colony-forming units/100 ml of drinking water) were: 207.5 (well water), 151 (cisterns), 52 (private homes), 25 (elementary schools) and 12 (kindergartens). Moderate iodine deficiency was associated (P < 0.05) with a 4.26 times higher risk of low IQ. CONCLUSIONS: There is a perturbing negative impact of these findings on human capital acquisition for the region and the country. More attention is needed to ensure effective salt iodination processes, particularly in regions where goitrogens may contribute to the negative effects of iodine deficiency on the intellectual development of children.  相似文献   
The uncertainties of transpiration calculations with the Penman–Monteith equation were quantified under different climate conditions of Brazil, Germany and Israel using maize as a common crop type. All experiments were carried out under non-limiting growing conditions. Canopy resistance was determined by scaling to canopy level specific relations between in situ measurements of incident radiation and stomatal conductance using a light penetration model. The model was tested against heat-pulse measured sap flow in plant stems. The root mean square error (RMSE) of daily calculated transpiration minus measured sap flow was 0.4 mm/day. It was dominated by its variance component (variance = 0.2 {mm/day}2; bias = 0.0 mm/day). Calculated transpiration closely matched the measured trends at the three locations. No significant differences were found between seasons and locations. Uncertainties of canopy conductance parameterizations led to errors of up to 2.1 mm/day. The model responded most sensitively to a 30% change of net radiation (absolute bias error = 1.6 mm/day), followed by corresponding alterations of canopy resistances (0.8 mm/day), vapour pressure deficits (0.5 mm/day) and aerodynamic resistances (0.34 mm/day). Measured and calculated 30-min or hourly averaged transpiration rates are highly correlated (r2 = 0.95; n = 10634), and the slope of the regression line is close to unity. The overall RMSE of calculated transpiration minus measured sap flow was 0.08 mm/h and was dominated by its variance component (0.005 {mm/h}2). Measured sap flow consistently lagged behind calculated transpiration, because plant hydraulic capacitance delays the change of leaf water potential that drives water uptake. Calculated transpiration significantly overestimated sap flow during morning hours (mean = 0.068 mm/h, n = 321) and underestimated it during afternoon hours (mean = ?0.065 mm/h; n = 316). The Penman–Monteith approach as implemented in the present study is sufficiently sensitive to detect small differences between transpiration and water uptake and provides a robust tool to manage plant water supply under unstressed conditions.  相似文献   
In order to evaluate vermicompost:sand mixtures on the development of muskmelon under greenhouse conditions, four periods of watering were applied. Four types of vermicompost (VC) mixed with sand (S): 25:75, 30:70, 35:65 and 40:60 (VC:S;%:% by volume) were used. Each mixture, due to the water-holding capacity of VC, was watered at 24, 48, 72, or 96 h respectively. The watering each 96 h and the mixture VC:S, independent of the manure type used to prepare the VC, had favorable effect on yield, fruit weight, equatorial and polar diameters, pulp thickness, placenta cavity, fruits per plant, and days to harvest (74.39 t·ha?1, 1,334.00 g·fruit?1, 13.27, 14.79, 3.42, and 5.11 cm, 15 fruits, 94.6 days average, respectively). Since synthetic fertilizers were not used during the crop growth and the vegetative and reproductive cycle were completed it is possible to conclude that the VC: S mixtures satisfied the muskmelon nutrimental requirements.  相似文献   
The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of high temperatures in the pre-blooming and blooming periods on the growth of sexual gametes and yield of ‘Granada’ peach. The experiment was carried out in the commercial orchard of Charqueadas, under the subtropical conditions of the Central Depression at Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil (28°57′S; 51°37′W; 30 m alt.). Two treatments were tested: (1) trees in the greenhouse with partial ventilation and (2) trees in the orchard. The phenology, morphologic constitutions of the pollen grains, ovule growth, yield and germination (%) of pollen grains and fruit set were evaluated. High temperatures in the pre-blooming and blooming periods anticipated the break of dormancy and blooming. These conditions also delayed the female gametophytes (embryo sac) and promoted anomalies in the formation of male gametophytes. Those factors promoted low pollen viability and a lack of synchrony in fertilization, thereby generating low fruit set percentages and yield.  相似文献   
This study evaluated the probiotic potential of the biofilm formed by the strain Pseudomonas sp. RGM2144 on rainbow trout survival. When challenged with the fish pathogen Flavobacterium psychrophilum, Pseudomonas sp. RGM2144 increased rainbow trout survival to 92.7 ± 1.2% (control: 35.3 ± 9.5%, p < .0001). The draft genome of Pseudomonas sp. RGM2144 is 6.8 Mbp long, with a completeness 100% and a contamination of 0.4%. The genome contains 6122 protein-coding genes of which 3564 (~60%) have known functions. The genome and phylogeny indicate that Pseudomonas sp. RGM2144 is a new species in the Pseudomonas genus, with few virulence factors, plasmids, and genes associated with antimicrobial resistance, suggesting a non-pathogenic bacterium with protective potential. In addition, the genome encodes for 11 secondary metabolite biosynthetic gene clusters that could be involved in the inhibition of F. psychrophilum. We suggest that Pseudomonas sp. RGM2144 may be applied as a probiotic in salmonid fish farming.  相似文献   
One-day-old broiler chicks received cecal microflora (CM) cultured under aerobic, anaerobic conditions, or both (mixed) and were then infected with Salmonella Enteritidis, in order to compare the efficacy of these different types of culture in terms of the number of chicks infected, cecal colonization and faecal excretion of the challenging bacteria. Regardless of culture type, CM always led to a smaller number of S. Enteritidis for any of the parameters studied compared to untreated chicks. Aerobic CM demonstrated better efficacy in reducing the number of infected chicks and cecal colonization by S. Enteritidis, followed by mixed CM. No difference was observed in faecal excretion of S. Enteritidis between the chicks that received different types of CM culture.  相似文献   
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