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Orf virus (ORFV), a member of parapoxvirus, is an enveloped virus with genome of double-stranded DNA. ORFV causes contagious pustular dermatitis or contagious ecthyma in sheep and goats worldwide. In general, detection of viral DNA and observing ORFV virion in tissues of afflicted animals are two methods commonly used for diagnosis of orf infection; however, isolation of the ORFV in cell culture using virus-containing tissue as inoculum is known to be difficult. In this work, the ORFV (Hoping strain) isolated in central Taiwan was successfully grown in cell culture. We further examined the biochemical characteristic of our isolate, including viral genotyping, viral mRNA and protein expression. By electron microscopy, one unique form of viral particle from ORFV infected cellular lysate was demonstrated in the negative-stained field. Moreover, immunomodulating and anti-influenza virus properties of this ORFV were investigated. ORFV stimulated human monocytes (THP-1) secreting proinflammatory cytokines IL-8 and TNF-α. And, pre-treatment of ORFV-infected cell medium prevents A549 cells from subsequent type A influenza virus (IAV) infection. Similarly, mice infected with ORFV via both intramuscular and subcutaneous routes at two days prior to IAV infection significantly decreased the replication of IAV. In summary, the results of a current study indicated our Hoping strain harbors the immune modulator property; with such a bio-adjuvanticity, we further proved that pre-exposure of ORFV protects animals from subsequent IAV infection.  相似文献   
The coevolutionary interaction between cuckoos and their hosts has been studied for a long time, but to date some puzzles still remain unsolved. Whether cuckoos parasitize their hosts by laying eggs randomly or matching the egg morphs of their hosts is one of the mysteries of the cuckoo problem. Scientists tend to believe that cuckoos lay eggs matching the appearance of host eggs due to selection caused by the ability of the hosts to recognize their own eggs.In this paper, we first review previous empirical studies to test this mystery and found no studies have provided direct evidence of cuckoos choosing to parasitize host nests where egg color and pattern match. We then present examples of unmatched cuckoo eggs in host nests and key life history traits of cuckoos, e.g. secretive behavior and rapid egg-laying and link them to cuckoo egg laying behavior. Finally we develop a conceptual model to demonstrate the egg laying behaviour of cuckoos and propose an empirical test that can provide direct evidence of the egg-laying properties of female cuckoos. We speculate that the degree of egg matching between cuckoo eggs and those of the host as detected by humans is caused by the ability of the hosts to recognize their own eggs, rather than the selection of matching host eggs by cuckoos. The case of Common Cuckoos(Cuculus canorus) and their parrotbill hosts(Paradoxornis alphonsianus), where it has been shown that both have evolved polymorphic eggs(mainly blue and white), was used to develop a conceptual model to demonstrate why cuckoos should utilize parrotbill hosts by laying eggs randomly rather than laying eggs matching the appearance of host eggs.In conclusion, we found no evidence for the hypothesis that cuckoos lay eggs based on own egg color matching that of the parrotbill-cuckoo system. We argue theoretically that laying eggs matching those of the hosts in this system violates a key trait of the life history of cuckoos and therefore should be maladaptive.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to clarify the current status of endangered Kiso horse, population statistics and biological traits, in order to take a step for the conservation by scientific approach. We surveyed 125 Kiso horses (86.2% of the whole breed), analyzed the construction of the population, and calculated the coefficient of inbreeding and effective population size. Moreover, we confirmed coat color variations and the traditional traits of the Kiso horse, and measured their height at the withers and chest circumference to clarify their physical characteristics. The population pyramid of the horses was stationary or contractive, suggesting a reduction of the population in the near future. The effective population size of the horse (47.9) suggested that the diversity was much less than their census size, and the high coefficient of inbreeding, 0.11 ± 0.07 on average, suggested that the horses were surely inbred. The horses had only 4 coat colors; bay, dark bay, buckskin dun, and chestnut, and 116 horses (92.8%) were bayish color, suggesting the fixation in their coat color. Moreover, the majority of them had dorsal stripe (83 horses; 66.4%), and the average heights at withers(131.9 ± 4.4 cm) and chest circumference (167.1 ± 10.1 cm) were not significantly different between males and females.  相似文献   
大杜鹃(Cuculus canorus)通常寄生小型雀形目鸟类。由于杜鹃雏鸟的排他性拱卵或拱雏,导致宿主繁殖失败,因此宿主进化出如卵识别能力的反寄生策略。反过来,杜鹃也同时进化出如模拟宿主卵的寄生策略。于是两者之间的相互作用可形成类似军备竞赛的协同进化关系。在匈牙利,大苇莺(Acrocephalus arundinaceus)是大杜鹃的主要宿主,寄生率可高达约 40-65%。以往被认为是大苇莺一个亚种的东方大苇莺(A. orientalis)在日本的种群也被大杜鹃寄生(25-40%)。通过采用光纤光谱仪量化大杜鹃及其宿主的卵色特征,我们比较了东、西半球大杜鹃对两种苇莺的寄生模拟程度。鸟类视觉模型显示,对于可见光颜色,杜鹃与宿主之间卵色的模拟程度在匈牙利高于日本,但匈牙利杜鹃和宿主均较大的卵色变异程度可导致卵色模拟困难。杜鹃与苇莺卵色的量度差异在日本较低,这被证明是宿主拒卵行为的一个重要影响因素。苇莺对大杜鹃卵的拒绝率在日本(35%)和匈牙利(37%)相似。与匈牙利不同,在日本,宿主对杜鹃寄生的应对策略如拒卵行为,先于杜鹃的反适应对策。我们认为,两种近缘物种大苇莺对杜鹃寄生的不同反寄生行为,代表了协同进化军备竞赛的不同演化阶段。  相似文献   
To establish blood and biochemical references for the endangered Kiso horse, blood samples were collected from 111 adult Kiso horses, 74.5% of the existing breed. The samples were analyzed for 23 hematological and biochemical parameters to determine their means and standard deviations (SD). We compared the mean ± 2SD with the reference values cited in one of the most commonly used veterinary textbooks in Japan. The hematology of Kiso horses is characterized by lower erythrocyte count and hematocrit and hemoglobin levels. In addition, their serum biochemistry showed lower levels of aspartate transaminase, alkaline phosphatase, and γ-glutamyl transferase. Whether these propensities are attributed to breed-specific factors or are acquired factors remains unclear. Nevertheless, this study provides useful diagnostic indices for the endangered Kiso horse.  相似文献   
(pp. 1–7)
Application of phosphogypsum PG and limestone to Andisol were compared in terms of their effects on the growth and uptake of Ca in Komatsuna Brassica rapa L. cv. Natsurakuten. The studies were carried out in soil pot cultures, and both PG and limestone were applied to the Andisol at the rates of 0, 0.30, 0.75, 1.50 g kg−1 in the form of CaO.
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    Limestone application resulted in an increase in the soil pH. On the other hand, no change was observed in the case of PG application at pH 6.1 ± 0.1 regardless of the application rate. Both soil EC and water-soluble Ca increased in proportion to the PG application rate, and this increase was approximately 5 times greater than that observed when limestone was applied at 1.50 g kg−1. The w-Ca/ex-Ca ratio (water-soluble Ca: 1 M acetic acid-extractable Ca) was clearly increased from 0.12 up to 0.26 in PG, while the value was slightly decreased from 0.12 to 0.05 in limestone.

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