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目的 :观察抗抑郁治疗对不稳定型心绞痛伴抑郁患者近期预后的影响。方法 :将 68例不稳定型心绞痛伴抑郁的患者随机分为抗抑郁治疗组和对照组各 34例 ,治疗组在常规药物治疗基础上予心理治疗及加服抗抑郁药氟西汀 (百忧解 ) 2 0 mg/d,顿服 ,疗程为 1 2周。结果 :治疗组与对照组比较 ,心肌缺血明显改善 (P<0 .0 1 ) ,心绞痛复发率及发生急性心肌梗死比例低 (P<0 .0 5)。结论 :抗抑郁治疗能明显改善不稳定型心绞痛伴抑郁患者的近期预后。  相似文献   
AIMS: To determine immune responses, and the localisation and persistence of Mycobacterium bovis bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) in gut-associated lymphoid tissues (GALT) and other organs in possums vaccinated orally with lipid-formulated BCG vaccine. To determine the duration of excretion and longevity of survival of BCG in the faeces of vaccinated animals.

METHODS: Possums (n=28) were vaccinated with lipid-formulated BCG (1 x 10 8 colony forming units (cfu) of formulated BCG) by the oral route. Control possums (n=17) were fed oral bait pellets containing formulation medium only. Possums were sacrificed at 3 days and at 1, 3, 6 and 8 weeks after vaccination or ingestion of bait. Proliferation responses to bovine purified protein derivative (PPD) were measured in lymphocytes from blood and mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) and samples of lung, spleen, liver, MLN and Peyer's patches (PP) were cultured for the presence of BCG. The number of BCG organisms excreted in faeces and the duration of excretion were determined in eight vaccinated possums and eight control possums over a 3-week period. In a separate experiment, a further six possums were vaccinated with oral BCG vaccine (5–10 x 10 8 cfu BCG/possum) and their faeces collected over 48–72 h, for culture of BCG. The longevity of survival of BCG in these faeces was determined by storing faecal samples (n=12) under three different conditions: in an incubator (22.5°C), and conditions which simulated the forest floor and open pasture. A proportion (1–2 g) of these faecal samples was collected after storage for 1, 3, 5, 8 or 20 weeks, and cultured for BCG.

RESULTS: Possums vaccinated orally with BCG vaccine showed strong proliferation responses to bovine PPD in peripheral blood lymphocytes at 6–8 weeks post-vaccination (p.v.). Positive lymphocyte proliferation assay (LPA) responses to bovine PPD were first evident in MLN at 3 weeks p.v. BCG was cultured from MLN and PP in a proportion of animals at 3–8 weeks p.v. BCG was not cultured from sections of spleen, lung or liver at any time p.v. BCG was recovered in low to moderate numbers from the faeces of vaccinated possums for up to 7 days, and maximal numbers were cultured in faeces collected 48–72 h p.v. After storage for 1 week, BCG was cultured from all faecal samples placed in the incubator and from a proportion of faeces exposed to conditions similar to those on the forest floor and pasture. With the exception of one faecal sample stored under forest floor conditions which was culture-positive for BCG at 3 and 5 weeks, BCG was not cultured from any other faecal sample stored for more than 1 week.

CONCLUSIONS: Ingestion of oral BCG vaccine by possums was associated with the development of strong cell-mediated immunity in both blood and MLN. Following oral vaccination with BCG, the organisms were localised and persisted in GALT but did not spread to the spleen, liver or lungs. BCG was shed in low to moderate numbers in the faeces for up to 7 days p.v. The viability of BCG excreted in faeces decreased rapidly, particularly when faeces were exposed to an open pasture environment. Oral vaccination of possums with formulated BCG is unlikely to result in undue contamination of the environment with BCG.  相似文献   
AIMS: To determine factors that may influence the efficacy of an oral pelleted vaccine containing Mycobacterium bovis bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) to induce protection of brushtail possums against tuberculosis. To determine the duration of protective immunity following oral administration of BCG.

METHODS: In Study 1, a group of possums (n=7) was immunised by feeding 10 pellets containing dead Pasteur BCG, followed 15 weeks later with a single pellet of live Pasteur BCG. At that time, four other groups of possums (n=7 per group) were given a single pellet of live Pasteur BCG orally, a single pellet of live Danish BCG orally, 10 pellets of live Pasteur BCG orally, or a subcutaneous injection of live Pasteur BCG. For the oral pelleted vaccines, BCG was formulated into a lipid matrix, and each pellet contained approximately 107 colony forming units (cfu) of BCG, while the vaccine injected subcutaneously contained 106 cfu of BCG. A sixth, non-vaccinated, group (n=7) served as a control. All possums were challenged by the aerosol route with a low dose of virulent M. bovis 7 weeks after vaccination, and killed 7–8 weeks after challenge. Protection against challenge with M. bovis was assessed from pathological and bacteriological findings.

In Study 2, lipid-formulated live Danish BCG was administered orally to three groups of possums (10–11 per group), and these possums were challenged with virulent M. bovis 8, 29 or 54 weeks later. The possums were killed 7 weeks after challenge, to assess protection in comparison to a non-vaccinated group.

RESULTS: The results from Study 1 showed that vaccine efficacy was not adversely affected by feeding dead BCG prior to live BCG. Feeding 10 vaccine pellets induced a level of protection similar to feeding a single pellet. Protection was similar when feeding possums a single pellet containing the Pasteur or Danish strains of BCG. All vaccinated groups had significantly reduced pathological changes or bacterial counts when compared to the non-vaccinated group. In Study 2, oral administration of Danish BCG induced protection against challenge with M. bovis, which persisted for at least 54 weeks after vaccination. Some protection was observed in possums challenged 54 weeks after vaccination, but this protection was significantly less than that observed in groups vaccinated 29 or 8 weeks prior to challenge. There was a strong relationship between the proportion of animals producing positive lymphocyte proliferation responses to M. bovis antigens and protection against challenge with M. bovis.

CONCLUSIONS: Factors considered potentially capable of interfering with vaccination, including feeding dead BCG to possums prior to feeding live BCG, feeding multiple doses of BCG at one time, and changing strains of BCG, were shown not to interfere with the acquisition of protective immune responses in possums. Protection against tuberculosis was undiminished up to 29 weeks after vaccination with BCG administered orally. It is concluded that vaccination of possums by feeding pellets containing BCG is a robust and efficient approach to enhance the resistance of these animals to tuberculosis.  相似文献   
Mycobacterium bovis bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) delivered to calves by the oral route in a formulated lipid matrix has been previously shown to induce protection against bovine tuberculosis. A study was conducted in cattle to determine if a combination of a low dose of oral BCG and a protein vaccine could induce protective immunity to tuberculosis while not sensitising animals to tuberculin. Groups of calves (10 per group) were vaccinated by administering 2 × 10(7)colony forming units (CFU) of BCG orally or a combination of 2 × 10(7)CFU oral BCG and a protein vaccine comprised of M. bovis culture filtrate proteins (CFP) formulated with the adjuvants Chitin and Gel 01 and delivered by the intranasal route, or CFP formulated with Emulsigen and the TLR2 agonist Pam(3)CSK(4) and administered by the subcutaneous (s.c.) route. Two further groups were vaccinated with the CFP/Chitin/Gel 01 or CFP/Emulsigen/Pam(3)CSK(4) vaccines alone. Positive control groups were given 10(8)CFU oral BCG or 10(6)CFU s.c. BCG while a negative control group was non-vaccinated. All animals were challenged with M. bovis 15 weeks after vaccination and euthanized and necropsied at 16 weeks following challenge. Groups of cattle vaccinated with s.c. BCG, 10(8)CFU or 2 × 10(7)CFU oral BCG showed significant reductions in seven, three and four pathological or microbiological disease parameters, respectively, compared to the results for the non-vaccinated group. There was no evidence of protection in calves vaccinated with the combination of oral BCG and CFP/Emulsigen/Pam(3)CSK(4) or oral BCG and CFP/Chitin/Gel 01 or vaccinated with the protein vaccines alone. Positive responses in the comparative cervical skin test at 12 weeks after vaccination were only observed in animals vaccinated with s.c. BCG, 10(8)CFU oral BCG or a combination of 2 × 10(7)CFU oral BCG and CFP/Chitin/Gel 01. In conclusion, co-administration of a protein vaccine, administered by either systemic or mucosal routes with oral BCG did not enhance the protection conferred by administration of oral BCG alone.  相似文献   
铬在增强畜禽抗应激与免疫机能中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
铬是动物所必需的一种微量元素,在动物体内碳水化合物,蛋白质,脂肪的代谢起重要作用。近年来研究发现铬的抗应激和提高免疫机能上有特殊的作用。本文就这一热点问题进行综述。  相似文献   
AIMS: To determine factors that may influence the efficacy of an oral pelleted vaccine containing Mycobacterium bovis bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) to induce protection of brushtail possums against tuberculosis. To determine the duration of protective immunity following oral administration of BCG. METHODS: In Study 1, a group of possums (n=7) was immunised by feeding 10 pellets containing dead Pasteur BCG, followed 15 weeks later with a single pellet of live Pasteur BCG. At that time, four other groups of possums (n=7 per group) were given a single pellet of live Pasteur BCG orally, a single pellet of live Danish BCG orally, 10 pellets of live Pasteur BCG orally, or a subcutaneous injection of live Pasteur BCG. For the oral pelleted vaccines, BCG was formulated into a lipid matrix, and each pellet contained approximately 107 colony forming units (cfu) of BCG, while the vaccine injected subcutaneously contained 106 cfu of BCG. A sixth, non-vaccinated, group (n=7) served as a control. All possums were challenged by the aerosol route with a low dose of virulent M. bovis 7 weeks after vaccination, and killed 7-8 weeks after challenge. Protection against challenge with M. bovis was assessed from pathological and bacteriological findings. In Study 2, lipid-formulated live Danish BCG was administered orally to three groups of possums (10-11 per group), and these possums were challenged with virulent M. bovis 8, 29 or 54 weeks later. The possums were killed 7 weeks after challenge, to assess protection in comparison to a non-vaccinated group. RESULTS: The results from Study 1 showed that vaccine efficacy was not adversely affected by feeding dead BCG prior to live BCG. Feeding 10 vaccine pellets induced a level of protection similar to feeding a single pellet. Protection was similar when feeding possums a single pellet containing the Pasteur or Danish strains of BCG. All vaccinated groups had significantly reduced pathological changes or bacterial counts when compared to the non-vaccinated group. In Study 2, oral administration of Danish BCG induced protection against challenge with M. bovis, which persisted for at least 54 weeks after vaccination. Some protection was observed in possums challenged 54 weeks after vaccination, but this protection was significantly less than that observed in groups vaccinated 29 or 8 weeks prior to challenge. There was a strong relationship between the proportion of animals producing positive lymphocyte proliferation responses to M. bovis antigens and protection against challenge with M. bovis. CONCLUSIONS: Factors considered potentially capable of interfering with vaccination, including feeding dead BCG to possums prior to feeding live BCG, feeding multiple doses of BCG at one time, and changing strains of BCG, were shown not to interfere with the acquisition of protective immune responses in possums. Protection against tuberculosis was undiminished up to 29 weeks after vaccination with BCG administered orally. It is concluded that vaccination of possums by feeding pellets containing BCG is a robust and efficient approach to enhance the resistance of these animals to tuberculosis.  相似文献   
The intracellular survival of virulent Mycobacterium bovis and avirulent M. bovis BCG in ferret alveolar macrophages was investigated. In addition, the effects of endogenous and exogenous modulators of macrophage oxidative function on bacterial survival and growth in vitro were determined. Ferret macrophages limited the initial growth of BCG, while virulent M. bovis replicated within macrophages. Intracellular bacterial survival was unaffected by the addition of specific inhibitors of macrophage oxidative function. A T-cell supernatant (TCS), derived from mitogen-stimulated lymphocyte cultures, activated ferret macrophages for heightened oxidative burst performance. However, macrophages activated by TCS, bacterial LPS or a combination of both, failed to control infection, and actually enhanced the intracellular survival of M. bovis. These results are discussed in relation to the role of macrophages in mediating tuberculosis-related pathogenesis, with respect to the fact that ferrets are important wildlife vectors of bovine tuberculosis in New Zealand.  相似文献   
AIMS: To determine immune responses, and the localisation and persistence of Mycobacterium bovis bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) in gut-associated lymphoid tissues (GALT) and other organs in possums vaccinated orally with lipid-formulated BCG vaccine. To determine the duration of excretion and longevity of survival of BCG in the faeces of vaccinated animals. METHODS: Possums (n=28) were vaccinated with lipid-formulated BCG (1 x 10(8) colony forming units (cfu) of formulated BCG) by the oral route. Control possums (n=17) were fed oral bait pellets containing formulation medium only. Possums were sacrificed at 3 days and at 1, 3, 6 and 8 weeks after vaccination or ingestion of bait. Proliferation responses to bovine purified protein derivative (PPD) were measured in lymphocytes from blood and mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) and samples of lung, spleen, liver, MLN and Peyer's patches (PP) were cultured for the presence of BCG. The number of BCG organisms excreted in faeces and the duration of excretion were determined in eight vaccinated possums and eight control possums over a 3-week period. In a separate experiment, a further six possums were vaccinated with oral BCG vaccine (5-10 x 10(8) cfu BCG/possum) and their faeces collected over 48-72 h, for culture of BCG. The longevity of survival of BCG in these faeces was determined by storing faecal samples (n=12) under three different conditions: in an incubator (22.5 degrees C), and conditions which simulated the forest floor and open pasture. A proportion (1-2 g) of these faecal samples was collected after storage for 1, 3, 5, 8 or 20 weeks, and cultured for BCG. RESULTS: Possums vaccinated orally with BCG vaccine showed strong proliferation responses to bovine PPD in peripheral blood lymphocytes at 6-8 weeks post-vaccination (p.v.). Positive lymphocyte proliferation assay (LPA) responses to bovine PPD were first evident in MLN at 3 weeks p.v. BCG was cultured from MLN and PP in a proportion of animals at 3-8 weeks p.v. BCG was not cultured from sections of spleen, lung or liver at any time p.v. BCG was recovered in low to moderate numbers from the faeces of vaccinated possums for up to 7 days, and maximal numbers were cultured in faeces collected 48-72 h p.v. After storage for 1 week, BCG was cultured from all faecal samples placed in the incubator and from a proportion of faeces exposed to conditions similar to those on the forest floor and pasture. With the exception of one faecal sample stored under forest floor conditions which was culture-positive for BCG at 3 and 5 weeks, BCG was not cultured from any other faecal sample stored for more than 1 week. CONCLUSIONS: Ingestion of oral BCG vaccine by possums was associated with the development of strong cell-mediated immunity in both blood and MLN. Following oral vaccination with BCG, the organisms were localised and persisted in GALT but did not spread to the spleen, liver or lungs. BCG was shed in low to moderate numbers in the faeces for up to 7 days p.v. The viability of BCG excreted in faeces decreased rapidly, particularly when faeces were exposed to an open pasture environment. Oral vaccination of possums with formulated BCG is unlikely to result in undue contamination of the environment with BCG.  相似文献   
Aim. To study the nature and development of experimentally induced respiratory tuberculosis in possums and compare the lesions observed with those seen in the natural disease.

Methods. Thirty-three adult possums were inoculated via the endo-bronchial route with 20–100 colony forming units of Mycobacterium bovis. The possums were killed at 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks after inoculation and the nature and distribution of the lesions studied in detail histopatbologically. Alveolar macrophages recovered from the infected possums were also studied ultrastructurally.

Results. Macroscopic lesions were largely confined to the respiratory tract, increasing in size and number with time. Histology greatly increased the detection of the total number of lesions. The most common sites affected outside the respiratory tract were the liver and hepatic lymph nodes, but lesions were less common in peripheral lymph nodes than is observed in the natural disease. Intra-pulmonary lesions were centred on blood vessels and their associated lymphatics. Peripheral blood lymphocyte blastogenic responses to M. bovis antigens were first detected at 3 weeks after inoculation, which was 1 week after lymphocyte infiltrations were detected in the lungs, but 1 week before the majority of infections became generalised.

Conclusions. Differences in the nature of pulmonary lesions and the distribution of lesions were observed between experimentally induced and the natural disease. Rapid haematogenous and lymphatic spread occurs early in the experimentally induced disease.  相似文献   
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