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布鲁氏菌检测技术的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
布鲁氏菌病是一种人畜共患的传染病.目前,在世界范围内流行较广的是:羊布鲁氏菌(B.melitensis),主要引起绵羊、羊及人的布鲁氏菌病;牛布氏杆菌(B.abortus),主要引起牛的布鲁氏菌病;猪布鲁氏菌(B.suis),主要引起猪的布鲁氏菌病.被感染的动物主要表现流产和不孕不育症状,此病已经使世界各国遭受了巨大的经济损失,更重要的是布鲁氏菌能引起人的感染发病,威胁着公众健康,被一些西方国家列为生物战剂之一.所以对布鲁氏菌的检测一直受到世界各国科学家的关注.  相似文献   
秦芋32号(原代号:康0102-5)是2000年以秦芋30号作母本,89-1优系作父本,有性杂交获得实生种子,经育种圃、鉴定圃选育而成。2011年3月申报国家农作物品种审定委员会待审,2011年10月通过审定。2007~2009年参加国家级马铃薯品种中晚熟西南组繁种及区域试验;2010年国家西南组生产试验平均产量1 443 kg/667 m2,比对照米拉增产12.5%。块茎干物质含量18.5%、淀粉含量11.8%,Vc含量14.2 mg/100 g,还原糖含量0.29%,粗蛋白含量2.1%。抗病性接种鉴定:中抗PVX和PVY,抗晚疫病。  相似文献   
Rice appearance trait is mainly mean grain length (GL), grain width (GW), ratio of length and width (L/W), chalkiness (CH) and transparence (TR). Appearance is the first impression, and rice appearance traits effect significantly the value of commodity. Hybrid rice is relatively low quality, especially on rice appearance quality,which restricts partially its extend and badly export of hybrid seed and rice in China.Shanyou 63, the most famous hybrid rice combination of China, could not be also sustainable application because of its poor qualities. In this studies, We attempt to improve appearance quality of the elite rice maintainer of Zhenshan 97B by using molecular approach of genomic interval targeted introgression. Three F2 populations were constructed to study the classical and molecular genetic of rice appearance traits, at the same time, molecular marker-asisted toimprove the main maintainer line, Zhenshan 97B were performed. There some following results:Three F2 populations were constructed based on crosses of Guangluai 4×Jiafuzhan (GJ popu.), Minghui 86×Jiafuzhan (MJ popu.) and Zhenshan 97B×Jiafuzhan (ZJ popu.). ZJ popu and GJ popu were produced to reconstruct the linkage maps related with rice appearance traits based on BSA, and detect QTL of target traits based on IM.In ZJ popu, 9 QTLs of target traits were detected. The interval, RM169~RM516 on Chromosome 5, was genetic locus of GW, L/W, CH and BW, and the explained variances were 10.9%, 14.9%, 12.0% and 14.2%, respectively.RM214 on chromosome 7, RM339 on chromosome 8 were genetic loci if CH and BW, and the explained variances were 9.4%, 10.0%, 11.0% and 12.1%. besides there is a genetic locus, RM347, of G/W on chromosome 3, and the explained varance was 10.3%. In GJ popu, 5 QTLs of rice appearance traits were detected. The interval, RM169-RM516 on Chromosome 5, were also the genetic loci of GW, CH and BW, and the explained variances were 9.0%, 12.5%, and 13.6%, respectively. RM264~RM80 on chromosome 8 was the genetic loci of GW amd L/W,and the explained variances were 14.7% and 13.4%. The genotypes of all QTLs, except RM214, from Jiafuzhan contributed to improving riee appearance traits.The research was to improve the rice appearance quality of Zhenshan 97B by introgressing QTLs of rice appearance traits from Jiafuzhan, a donor parent, by means of MAS in the process of recurrent backcrossing, 4 SSR markers were used to detect the target genotypes from donor parent, and 70 SSR primers to identify the genetic background of recurrent parent. Consequently, there were 19 target individuals in BC3, in which the mean value of GL, GW, L/W, CH and BW were 6.06±0.04mm, 2.50±0.02mm, 2.43±0.02, 29.5±2.7 and 29.4±2.7%, respectively,and the mean homologous degree (HD) to recurrent parent is up to 98.22%. Compared to Zhenshan 97B, GL, CH and BW decreased 0.17 mm, 34.9% and 34.5% respectively and however L/W increased 0.19. which accounted separately for 25.37%, 54.79%, 54.57% and 10.50% of thedifference of every trait between two parents. It is very luckly to find a individual, 13BC2-3BC3 line, whose GL, GW, G/W, CH and BW were 6.04 mm, 2.43 mm, 2.49,2.5% and 2.5% separately, There is very important signification for it to be used in hybrid rice breeding improving appearance traits. In the research, MAS efficiency of 3 loci (with 4 markers ) was 5.68% and coincident degree was 73.08%.  相似文献   
昆虫属变温动物,为度过不良环境条件,许多昆虫利用滞育特性适应环境的变化,通过对昆虫滞育及感应光周期的敏感阶段进行描述,拟让人们更清楚地了解昆虫滞育期及感应光周期敏感阶段昆虫生物学特性。  相似文献   
稻田轮作对水稻病、虫、草害的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前南方大部分稻田采用连作耕作制度,并且滥用农药现象严重,这对农田生态环境造成极其不利的影响。为探讨稻田轮作对减轻稻田病、虫、草害的生态作用,本试验以长期水稻连作为对照,根据14年田间定位试验,详细研究了稻田轮作对水稻病、虫、草害的影响。结果表明,稻田轮作在一定程度上能减轻稻田水稻的病虫草害。稻田轮作处理的早稻纹枯病发病率平均比连作处理低10%,病情指数低0.4%;晚稻纹枯病的病株率平均比连作处理低17.7%,病情指数低13.3%。轮作处理的早晚稻稻曲病的病株率和病情指数也都低于连作处理。轮作处理所受虫害比连作处理要轻,轮作稻纵卷叶螟造成的白叶率和二化螟造成的白叶率明显低于连作。轮作处理的杂草生长情况比连作处理弱。  相似文献   
概述了吴茱萸主要病虫害种类,介绍其了预测预报、农业防治、物理防治、化学防治等防治方法,并提出了生物防治技术和基因工程技术在其病虫害研究中的应用前景.  相似文献   
PTD-Cry3Aa原核融合表达产物对甘薯小象甲的活性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨TAT PTD对苏云金杆菌鞘翅目特效基因CryAa是否具有协同作用,本试验在实现了融合基因TAT PTD-Cry3Aa大肠杆菌原核表达的基础上,以甘薯小象甲为生测对象测定了原核表达产物PTD-Cry3Aa与Cry3Aa的毒力。结果表明,用大肠杆菌表达的Cry3A和PTD-Cry3Aa包涵体初提物均对甘薯小象甲成虫和幼虫有杀虫活性,且表现出一定毒力增效作用,对成虫的增效倍数为2.01倍,对幼虫的增效作用更加明显,达到3.19倍。这一研究结果对于甘薯小象甲的生物防治研究以及转基因抗虫甘薯的研究具有重要的指导作用。  相似文献   
茶园滴灌施肥的增产提质及土壤养分效应研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以常规施肥作为对照,设计3个不同氮素用量(450、300、150 kg/hm2),研究了茶园滴灌施肥对茶叶产量、品质及土壤养分性状的影响。结果表明,滴灌施肥处理比对照增产3.4%~9.3%,施氮量与产量间呈明显正相关,以年施氮量300~450 kg/hm2产量较高,滴灌施肥对茶叶品质影响不显著。滴灌施肥处理成熟叶含氮量显著高于对照,且季节性差异明显,秋茶﹥夏茶﹥春茶,滴灌施肥可促进茶树对氮素的吸收利用。施肥方式对土壤pH值影响显著,滴灌施肥处理土壤pH值明显高于对照,可能因其氮素利用率较高而有助于减弱无机氮对土壤的酸化作用。  相似文献   
环境条件对重阳木生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对重阳木以通径分析方法分析其生长状况与环境条件的关系。结果表明:多行的重阳木与其生长状况呈较强的正相关关系,除直接作用外,根系半深埋,根系损害以及地面硬化等均可通过其对生长状况产生影响;根系正常与冠幅生长相关性较强,除直接作用外,多行,根系伤害以及地面硬化程度均可通过其对冠幅生长产生影响;单行的重阳木与树干生长关系密切,除直接作用外,根系深埋、根系伤害程度以及地面硬化程度均可通过其对树干生长产生影响;根系深埋推迟发芽时间,除直接作用外,单行以及地面硬化均可通过其对发芽时间产生影响。  相似文献   
以南高丛越橘品种奥尼尔(O'Neal)和兔眼越橘品种杰兔(Premier)为试材,研究透湿性反光膜、秸秆覆盖处理对越橘果实生长发育期间品质变化的影响.结果表明,越橘园覆盖反光膜和秸秆处理,其单果重大于对照,可溶性固形物、还原糖含量也高于对照.反光膜覆盖处理的果实可滴定酸、有机酸含量显著降低,秸秆覆盖处理的果实可滴定酸、有机酸含量亦略有降低.对于果实花色苷含量,反光膜覆盖处理最高,秸秆覆盖处理居其次,而对照最低.  相似文献   
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