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A 6‐year‐old male neutered Australian Shepherd dog was presented for evaluation of a subcutaneous mass on the plantar aspect of the proximal left metatarsus. Fine‐needle aspirate smears contained numerous plump spindle cells and large multinucleated cells amongst a considerable amount of pink extracellular matrix. Histopathologic diagnosis of the tissue obtained during initial biopsy and eventual surgical cytoreduction of the mass was a benign giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath (GCTTS). Immunohistochemically, the synovioblastic neoplastic cells were diffusely strongly positive for vimentin and S‐100, were multifocally moderately positive for cytokeratin AE1/3, and were negative for CD18, muscle‐specific actin (MSA), and melanoma‐associated antigen (mutated) 1 (MUM‐1). The dog recovered from surgery and underwent definitive radiation therapy to treat the local residual disease. Eight months later, the mass had not recurred. The diagnosis of GCTTS in this case supports previously published reports describing GCTTS as a relevant disease entity in dogs, and provides the first documentation of cytologic findings with this tumor. Further investigation is needed to correlate pathologic features with clinical behavior and response to therapy in dogs.  相似文献   
Mammals developed an immune system able to functionally polarize into so-called type 1 or type 2 immune pathways, to resolve infections with intracellular and extracellular pathogens, respectively. In the well-studied avian immune system of the chicken, however, no evidence for polarized immunity could be found, as yet. To investigate whether these two major arms of mammalian immunity, regulated by a T helper (Th)1/Th2 cytokine balance, evolved similarly in birds, chickens were exposed to a prevalent intracellular (viral) or extracellular (helminth) infection. By using semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis we provide evidence that polarization of Th1/Th2 type immunity extends beyond mammalian species, and, therefore, has been evolutionary conserved for more than 300 million years, when the lineages of mammalian and avian vertebrates are assumed to have segregated.  相似文献   
Poultry-derived food is a common source of infection of human with the non-host-adapted salmonellae while fowl typhoid and pullorum disease are serious diseases in poultry. Development of novel immune-based control strategies against Salmonella infection necessitates a better understanding of the host-pathogen interactions at the cellular level. Intestinal epithelial cells are the first line of defence against enteric infections and the role of macrophages is crucial in Salmonella infection and pathogenesis. While gene expression following Salmonella infection has been investigated, a comparison between different serovars has not been, as yet, extensively studied in poultry. In this study, chicken macrophage-like cells (HD11) and chick kidney epithelial cells (CKC) were used to study and compare the immune responses and mechanisms that develop after infection with different Salmonella serotypes. Salmonella serovars Typhimurium, Enteritidis, Hadar and Infantis showed a greater level of invasion and/or uptake characters when compared with S. Pullorum or S. Gallinarum. Nitrate and reactive oxygen species were greater in Salmonella-infected HD11 cells with the expression of iNOS and nuclear factor-κB by chicken macrophages infected with both systemic and broad host range serovars. HD11 cells revealed higher mRNA gene expression for CXCLi2, IL-6 and iNOS genes in response to S. Enteritidis infection when compared to S. Pullorum-infected cells. S. Typhimurium- and S. Hadar-infected HD11 showed higher gene expression for CXCLi2 versus S. Pullorum-infected cells. Higher mRNA gene expression levels of pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-6, chemokines CXCLi1 and CXCLi2 and iNOS genes were detected in S. Typhimurium- and S. Enteritidis-infected CKC followed by S. Hadar and S. Infantis while no significant changes were observed in S. Pullorum or S. Gallinarum-infected CKC.  相似文献   
A 22‐year‐old Tennessee Walking Horse mare was presented to the Auburn University Large Animal Teaching Hospital with a 3‐day history of lethargy, anorexia, and mild signs of colic. The mare had a several‐month history of weight loss and refractory cough. Physical examination revealed an increased respiratory rate, and crackles and wheezes were heard on thoracic auscultation. Thoracic ultrasonographic examination showed disseminated, minor, bilateral comet tail‐like lesions on the parietal pleural surfaces. Abdominal ultrasonographic examination was unremarkable. Trans‐rectal palpation revealed a firm small colon impaction with concomitant diarrhea. Laboratory data were characterized by a very pronounced acute inflammatory leukogram with severe neutropenia and significant left shift, evidence of hepatocellular damage/necrosis, cholestasis, and possibly mixed metabolic alkalosis and acidosis. On cytologic evaluation of a peritoneal fluid sample, there were many large granular lymphocytes (LGL). Large numbers of LGL were also observed on cytologic examination of a subsequent transtracheal wash. The final cytologic interpretation was disseminated lymphoma with LGL morphology. Due to worsening of the clinical signs and poor prognosis, the mare was euthanized. On necropsy and in histopathologic examination, disseminated lymphoma with LGL morphology was noted in a mesenteric lymph node, lungs, liver, spleen, kidneys, and right dorsal colon. Lymphoma with LGL morphology is rarely diagnosed in the horse. This report provides unique cytologic findings of a case of disseminated lymphoma with LGL morphology in a horse, confirmed with histopathologic evaluation.  相似文献   
● Virtual joint centers on N agronomy were established between UK and China. ● Key themes were improving NUE for fertilizers, utilizing livestock manures, and soil health. ● Improved management practices and technologies were identified and assessed. ● Fertilizer emissions and improved manure management are key targets for mitigation. Two virtual joint centers for nitrogen agronomy were established between the UK and China to facilitate collaborative research aimed at improving nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) in agricultural production systems and reducing losses of reactive N to the environment. Major focus areas were improving fertilizer NUE, use of livestock manures, soil health, and policy development and knowledge exchange. Improvements to fertilizer NUE included attention to application rate in the context of yield potential and economic considerations and the potential of improved practices including enhanced efficiency fertilizers, plastic film mulching and cropping design. Improved utilization of livestock manures requires knowledge of the available nutrient content, appropriate manure processing technologies and integrated nutrient management practices. Soil carbon, acidification and biodiversity were considered as important aspects of soil health. Both centers identified a range of potential actions that could be taken to improve N management, and the research conducted has highlighted the importance of developing a systems-level approach to assessing improvement in the overall efficiency of N management and avoiding unintended secondary effects from individual interventions. Within this context, the management of fertilizer emissions and livestock manure at the farm and regional scales appear to be particularly important targets for mitigation.  相似文献   
Recently developed, high-efficiency, light-emitting diodes use two-dimensional photonic crystals to enhance the extraction of otherwise internally trapped light and multilayer reflectors to control the direction of light emission. This work describes the characterization of a naturally evolved light-extraction system on the wing scales of a small group of Papilio butterflies. The efficient extraction of fluorescence from these scales is facilitated by a two-dimensional photonic crystal slab that uses a multilayer to help control emission direction. Its light-extraction function is analogous to that of the light-emitting diode.  相似文献   
In the Arctic, seasonal ozone depletion is resulting in periods of enhanced UV-B radiation at ground level while regional climate change is associated with increasing temperatures. These changes are likely to alter plant distribution, biodiversity and morphology, which may have knock-on effects for microbially driven biogeochemical cycling and other soil processes. Our study examined the transmission of solar UV radiation through arctic tundra plants using a portable UV radiometer and the DLR-biofilm biological UV dosimeter. A strong negative correlation was found between vegetation cover and UV transmission to the soil surface. Penetration of UV to the soil beneath tundra plants varied depending upon plant morphology, being greater through low creeping plants than cushion plants, grasses or mosses. UV transmission to the soil surface beyond the foliage edge also varied with plant morphology and the presence of flowers.  相似文献   
Crop disease not only threatens global food security by reducing crop production at a time of growing demand, but also contributes to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by reducing efficiency of N fertiliser use and farm operations and by driving land use change. GHG emissions associated with adoption of reduced tillage, organic and integrated systems of field crop production across the UK and selected regions are compared with emissions from conventional arable farming to assess their potential for climate change mitigation. The reduced tillage system demonstrated a modest (<20%) reduction in emissions in all cases, although in practice it may not be suitable for all soils and it is likely to cause problems with control of diseases spread on crop debris. There were substantial increases in GHG emissions associated with the organic and integrated systems at national level, principally due to soil organic carbon losses from land use change. At a regional level the integrated system shows the potential to deliver significant emission reductions. These results indicate that the conventional crop production system, coupled to reduced tillage cultivation where appropriate, is generally the best for producing high yields to minimise greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to global food security, although there may be scope for use of the integrated system on a regional basis. The control of crop disease will continue to have an essential role in both maintaining productivity and decreasing GHG emissions.  相似文献   
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