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Swordfish are highly specialized top‐level predators that have been challenging to study. In this paper, data from 31 pop‐up satellite archival tags attached to swordfish from (i) the eastern Pacific, (ii) central Pacific, and (iii) western North Atlantic‐Caribbean were analyzed. Common across locations was a pronounced diel vertical pattern with daytime hours spent primarily below the thermocline and nighttime hours spent in warmer waters, close to the surface. One exception to this pattern was periodic daytime basking events which were most common in cooler waters off California. Maximum daytime depths were significantly correlated with light penetration as measured by the diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490 nm. Temperature did not appear to influence daytime depths, and swordfish tolerated both extremely low temperatures (4°C) and rapid and dramatic temperature changes (>20°C). Temperature did appear to influence the nighttime depths in the Pacific where fish typically remained in the surface mixed layer. In contrast, in the warm tropical Atlantic this was not the case, and nighttime depths were much deeper. In all areas, nighttime depth increased around the full moon. Given the parallels between the vertical movement patterns of swordfish and those of the deep sound scattering layer we suggest that swordfish vertical distribution patterns, especially during daytime, are influenced largely by resource availability. At night, when swordfish are typically targeted by fisheries, both ambient light and temperature influence movements. Understanding vertical movement patterns of swordfish can help evaluate gear vulnerability, improve population assessments, and potentially reduce fisheries bycatch.  相似文献   
Objective— To (1) report a technique for repair of feline ilial fractures using a dorsally applied bone plate and (2) compare outcome with cats treated by a lateral plate.
Study Design— Prospective study.
Animals— Cats (n=10) with iliac fractures.
Methods— Cats with ilial fractures (January 2005–December 2006) were treated by application of a dorsally applied bone plate. Immediate postoperative radiographs were compared with those taken 4–6 weeks later to assess screw loosening, screw purchase, and pelvic canal narrowing. Owners were contacted for medium-term (>3 month) follow-up. Data were compared with a report of outcome after lateral plating (LP) in 21 cats.
Results— Mean (± SD) screw purchase (89 ± 11 mm) was significantly greater ( P <.01) with a dorsal plate compared with a lateral plate (33 ± 8 mm). Significantly more screws ( P <.01) were used with a dorsal plate (median, 7) compared with a lateral plate (median, 6). Significantly less postoperative pelvic canal narrowing developed in the dorsal plating group between postoperative and 4–6-week follow-up radiography compared with the LP group (2% versus 15%, P <.01).
Conclusion— Dorsal plating of feline ilial fractures results in significantly less screw loosening and pelvic canal narrowing at 4–6 weeks after surgery compared with LP.
Clinical Relevance— Dorsal plating of feline iliac fractures may reduce complications associated with pelvic canal narrowing such as constipation and megacolon.  相似文献   
The medical records of 65 dogs that underwent complete or partial ligation of a single congenital portosystemic shunt (CPSS) were reviewed to determine the long-term clinical results. Information retrieved from the records included age at surgery, preligation (baseline) portal pressure, postligation portal pressure, change in portal pressure from baseline, complete or partial occlusion of the shunting vessel and fasting, and 2-hour postprandial bile acids from the preoperative, early postoperative (PO), and greater than 1 year PO time periods. A clinical rating score derived from a follow-up examination greater than 1 year PO was assigned to each dog. Of the 56 dogs that survived the perioperative period, 29 (52%) had complete and 27 (48%) had partial ligations. Age at surgery, pre- and postligation portal pressure, change in portal pressure from baseline and serum bile acid concentrations were not related to long-term clinical outcome. Clinical rating scores were significantly greater for dogs with partial CPSS ligations compared with dogs with complete ligations, indicating a less favorable clinical outcome for partial ligations. Fasting and 2-hour postprandial bile acid values at both PO time intervals were significantly greater in partial versus complete ligation groups. Follow-up information for more than 1 year was available on 18 of 29 dogs (62%) with complete ligations. All were clinically normal. Of 27 dogs with partial ligations, 11 dogs (41%) developed recurrence of clinical signs resulting in presentation to the university or referring veterinarian for additional surgery, medical management, or euthanasia. Only three dogs with partial CPSS ligation (11%) were clinically normal. Another nine dogs (33%) were operated on again before the possible development of clinical signs and four dogs (15%) were unavailable for follow-up. It was concluded that partial ligation of CPSS is associated with a greater recurrance of clinical signs and patient morbidity than complete ligation.  相似文献   
It is estimated that British peatlands, excluding lowland fens,contain about 3000 million tonnes of carbon, 76 per cent ofwhich is in deep peats (> 45 cm deep) and 9 per cent of whichhas been drained and planted with trees. Undisturbed peatlands emit CH4 but accumulate CO2-derived carbon.The net greenhouse effect may be near zero. Peatland drainagevirtually stops methane emission and increases CO2-carbon lossthrough aerobic decomposition, but can also increase CO2-carbonfixation by the peatland vegetation partly through microbialmineralization of nitrogen, resulting in either a net loss orgain in CO2-carbon. Planting conifer forests leads to an accumulation of CO2-derivedcarbon in the trees, wood products, litter and forest soil upto equilibrium values, totalling about 16.7 kg C m–2 forPicea sitchensis, Yield Class 12. Deep and shallow peats inthe British uplands contain about 0.47 and 0.80 kg C m–2per centimetre depth, respectively. Thus, the 16.7 kg C m–2that is stored by P. sitchensis (Yield Class 12) is equivalentto the carbon stored in about 35.5 cm of deep peat or 20.9 cmof shallow peat. If forests are planted on peats substantiallydeeper than this, there could be a net loss of CO2-carbon inthe long term. Scenarios are presented for the time course of CO2-carbon gainand loss when peatlands are drained and planted with conifers.If CO2 loss rates from drained peats are 50–100 g C m–2a–1 there is likely to be increased carbon storage inthe whole system for at least three rotations; but if CO2 lossrates are 200–300 g C m –2 a–1 increased storagemay be restricted to the first rotation, after which there isa net loss of carbon.  相似文献   
A 5-year-old neutered male Beagle mix dog had a 5-day history of generalized tonic-clonic seizures. Before the seizures, the dog had a 1-2-month history of progressive right hemiparesis. In computed tomography images, a presumed extraaxial mass with hyperostosis and destruction of the skull covering the mass were identified. Surgical excision was performed and the histopathologic diagnosis was meningioma. Hyperostosis is frequently associated with feline meningioma, but this report documents that hyperostosis may also occur secondary to meningioma in the dog.  相似文献   
The rate of accumulation of carbon in forest plantations inBritain is estimated using the record of forest planting since1925 and a model that calculates the flow of carbon from theatmosphere to trees, litter, soil, wood products and back tothe atmosphere. It is assumed that all trees planted so farhave the carbon accumulation characteristics of P. sitchensis,Yield Class 14 m3 ha-1 a-1, but that future planting could includeF. sylvatica Yield Class 6 and Populus Yield Class 12. It isfurther assumed that conifer plantings increase surface litter,but not soil organic matter, whereas broadleaved tree plantings(on mineral soils) increase both. Because the current forest estate is relatively young, it isestimated to be accumulating about 2.5 million tonnes of carbonper year (1990), and to be still increasing in carbon density(tonnes C ha-1). In order to maintain this rate of carbon removalfrom the atmosphere, planting would need to continue at a rateof 25–30 thousand ha of conifers or (theoretically) 10thousand ha of poplars per year (on good mineral soils). Itis noted that 2.5 million tonnes C is about 1.5 percent of theUK carbon emission, and may be similar to the natural carbonsink in Britain represented by wetlands and rivers.  相似文献   
DEWAR  J. 《Forestry》1978,51(1):3-19
The mutagenicities of 2-aminodipyrido [1,2-a:3', 2'-d] imidazole(Glu-P-2, a mutagen obtained from pyrolysate of glutamic acid)and six methyl substituted derivatives of Glu-P-2 were testedwith Salmonella typhimurium TA98 and TA100 with S-9 mix. Glu-P-1(6-Me-Glu-P-2) was the strongest mutagen to TA98 and TA100.3-Me-Glu-P-2 was weakest. The presence of a methyl group, andits position were shown to affect the mutagenicity significantly  相似文献   
Abstract The efficacy of a topical antimicrobial-corticosteroid combination for the treatment of pyotraumatic dermatitis in dogs, was investigated. An open-ended, double-blind, randomized trial design was used. Forty dogs were divided into two vehicle-treated control groups and three treatment groups. The dogs in the respective treatment groups were treated with emulsions of either neomycin, prednisolone or a neomycin-prednisolone combination. Lesions were shaved and cleaned before treatment commenced, whereafter the allocated emulsion was applied twice daily for 7 days. Lesions were evaluated for surface area and degree of pruritus and inflammation. Skin biopsy specimens for bacterial culture and histopathological examination were taken. Staphylococcus aureus was the predominant organism isolated. The antimicrobial-corticosteroid combination emulsion resulted in the quickest recovery, followed by the antimicrobial drug alone. Prednisolone alone gave significantly poorer results. Dogs in all groups, including the control groups, recovered completely within 7 days. Résumé L'efficacité d'un topique associant antimicrobien et corticoide dans le traitement de la dematite pyotraumatique du chien a étéétudiée. Une étude randomisée, ouverte, en double aveugle, a été réalisée. Quarante chiens ont été divisés en deux groupes controles traités seulement à l'aide du véhicule et trois groupes traités respectivement soit par l'émulsion de néomycine seule, de prednisolone seule ou par l'association néomycine-prednisolone. Les lésions ont été tondues et nettoyées avant la mise en place du traitement, après quoi l'émulsion a été appliquée deux fois par jour pour sept jours. Les lésions ont étéévaluées quant à leur extension et le degré de prurit et d'inflammation. Des biopsies cutanées ont été réalisées pour culture bactériologique et examen histopathologique. Le principal agent isolé est le staphyloccoque doré. L'émulsion associant antimicrobien et corticoide a entrainé la guérison la plus rapide, suivi par l'antimicrobien utilisé seul. La prednisolone utilisée seule a donné les plus mauvais résultats. Les chiens de tous les groupes, y compris les groupes controles, ont été complètement guéris en sept jours. [Schroeder, H., Swan, G. E., Berry, W. L., Pearson, J. Efficacy of a topical antimicrobial-anti-inflammatory combination in the treatment of pyotraumatic dermatitis in dogs (Efficatité d'un topique associant antimicrobien et antiinflammatoire dans le traitement de la dermatite pyotraumatique du chien). Veterinary Dermatology 1966; 7 : 163–170.] Résumén Se investigó la eficacia de un preparado tópico combinado antimicrobiano-corticoesteroideo en el tratamiento de la dermatitis piotraumática canina. Se utilizó un ensayo de final abierto, doble-ciego y al azar. Cuarenta perros se dividieron en dos grupos control tratados con un vehiculador y tres grupos a los que se aplicó el tratamiento. Los perros en los respectivos grupos de tratamiento fueron tratados con emulsiónes de en neomicina o prednisolona o con una combinación de neomicina-prednisolona. Se afeitaron y lavaron las lesiones antes del inicio del tratamiento, y después se aplicó la emulsión asignada dos veces al día durante 7 días. Se evaluaron las lesiones según el área afectada y el grado de prurito e inflamación. Se tomaron biopsias cutáneas para cultivo bacteriano y examen histopatológico. Staphylococcus aureus fue el organismo que predominó en los aislamiento. La emulsión con combinación de antibiótico-corticoesteroide fue la que cursó con una recuperación más rápida, seguido del antimicrobiano solo. El tratamiento unicamente con prednisolona dio resultados significativamente peores. Los perros de todos los grupos, incluyendo los de los grupos control, se recuperaron dentro de los 7 días de tratamiento. [Schroeder, H., Swan, G. E., Berry, W. L., Pearson, J. Efficacy of a topical antimicrobial-anti-inflammatory combination in the treatment of pyotraumatic dermatitis in dogs (Eficacia de un tratamiento antimicrobiano-antiinflamatorio topico combinado en la dermatitis piotraumatica canina). Veterinary Dermatology 1966; 7 : 163–170.] Zusammenfassung Die Wirksamkeit einer lokalen Antibiotikum-Kortikoid-Kombination für die Behandlung der pyotraumatischen Dermatitis des Hundes wurde untersucht. Es wurde das Modell einer offenen, randomisierten Doppelblindstudie verwendet. 40 Hunde wurden in zwei Vehikel-behandelte Kontroll-und drei Behandlungsgruppen eingeteilt. Die Hunde der drei Behandlungsgruppen wurden mit Emulsionen von Neomycin, Prednisolon oder einer Neomycin-Prednisolon-Kombination behandelt. Die Hautveränderungen wurden geschoren und gereinigt bevor die Behandlung begann. Dann wurde die entsprechende Emulsion zweimal täglich sieben Tage lang aufgetragen. Die Hautveränderungen wurden nach Größe der Oberfläche und Grad des Juckreizes und der Entzündung beurteilt. Es wurden Hautbioptate für bakteriologische Kulturen und histopathologische Untersuchungen entnommen. Als vorherrschender Keim wurde Staphylococcus aureus isoliert. Die Antibiotikum-Kortikoid-Kombination brachte die schnellste Abheilung, gefolgt von der ausschließlich antibiotischen Therapie. Prednisolon als Monotherapie ergab signifikant schlechtere Resultate. Die Hunde in alien Gruppen, einschließlich der Kontrollgruppen, gesundeten innerhalb von 7 Tagen vollständig. [Schroeder, H., Swan, G.E., Berry, W.L., Pearson, J. Efficacy of a topical antimicrobial-antiinflammatory combination in the treatment of pyotraumatic dermatitis in dogs (Wirksamkeit einer lokalen antimikrobiellen-entzündungshemmenden Kombination bei der Behandlung der pyotraumatischen Dermatitis des Hundes). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 163–170.]  相似文献   
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