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Redclaw aquaculture has developed at a rapid pace during the past few years, yet no specialized diet for the species has been developed. The present study was designed to evaluate whether soybean‐based diets containing either fishmeal (FM), poultry by‐product meal (PBM), ground peameal (GPM) or distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) meal as a protein source are suitable for redclaw aquaculture. Juvenile redclaw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus (0.125±0.025 g) were stocked into 20 rectangular tanks at a stocking density of 12.5 m?2 for 8 weeks. Crayfish in four replicate tanks were maintained on one of five diets formulated to contain 35% crude protein and 7.1% lipids. Each 100 g of diet contained 25 g of protein from soybean meal (SBM) and 10 g of protein from the alternative protein sources mentioned above. A fifth treatment that did not receive feed was included to account for growth from natural productivity. There were no significant differences in survival (86–90%), growth (3.84–4.98 g animal?1) or feed conversion ratio (2.10–2.79) of crayfish among the four treatments (P>0.05). Survival and growth of crayfish in the treatment that received no supplementary feed were significantly less than those in treatments offered experimental diets. Results of the present experiment suggest that SBM‐based diets with PBM, FM, DDGS or GPM have similar effects on growth performance and survival of juvenile redclaw, C. quadricarinatus.  相似文献   
Techniques for head starting or nursing postlarvae (PL) has received considerable attention with regards to nursery protocols, yet there is little data pertaining to the effects of nursery period on the final growout of shrimp to marketable size. This study was performed to investigate the influence of nursery duration on survival and growth of Litopenaeus vannamei during subsequent pond culture. For this research, a single population of high health PL were received from a commercial hatchery and held in a tank for acclimation, quantification, and distribution to nursery tanks or ponds. Treatments included direct stocking of 10-d-old postlarvae (PL10) into production ponds as well as the nursing of PL in a covered greenhouse nursery system for an additional 10 or 20 d. After nursing, the PL were harvested, quantified, and transferred to growout ponds. All ponds were stocked at a density of 35 PL/m2 and maintained under standardized conditions. Shrimp were fed with a 35% protein shrimp feed, twice daily during the 112-d growth trial. Ponds were aerated as needed using a maximum of 19 hp/ha to maintain adequate dissolved oxygen (DO > 3.0). No statistical differences (P >0.05) were found in survival, yield, or growth between treatments. At harvest, survivals during growout were generally higher in ponds with nursed shrimp (77% for PL20 and 79% for PL30) than in ponds receiving PL10 shrimp (67%). Yields were similar between treatments, ranging from 3,525 for direct stocked shrimp to 3,747 kg/ha for those that were nursed for 10 d. Although growth rates of PL under pond conditions will be faster than that of a nursery system, results suggest that a nursery period of at least 10 d helps improve survival during pond production and promotes better size uniformity. Shrimp nursed for 20 d showed little improvement in survival over shrimp nursed for 10 d but did result in a more uniform size of shrimp at harvest.  相似文献   
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