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This research investigates the impact of human activities on carbon (C) dynamics in a mountainous and semi‐arid environment. Despite the low C status of drylands, soil organic carbon (SOC) is the largest C pool in these systems and therefore may offer significant C sequestration potential in systems recovering from degradation. Nevertheless, quantification of this potential is limited by lack of knowledge concerning the magnitude of and controls on regional SOC stocks. Therefore, this study aimed to (i) investigate the variability of soil organic carbon in relation to recovery period and key soil and topographical variables, and (ii) quantify the effects of recovery period following abandonment on SOC stocks. Soil profiles were sampled in the Sierra de los Filabres (southeast Spain) in different land units along geomorphic and degradation gradients. SOC contents were modelled using recovery period and soil and topographical variables. Sample depth, topographic position, altitude, recovery period and stone content were identified as the main factors for predicting SOC concentrations. SOC stocks in 1 m depth of soil varied between 3.16 and 76.44 t/ha. Recovery period (years since abandonment), topographic position and altitude were used to predict and map SOC stocks in the top 0.2 m. The results show that C accumulates rapidly during the first 10–50 yr following abandonment; thereafter, the stocks evolve towards a steady‐state level. The erosion zones in the study area demonstrate greater potential to increase their SOC stocks when abandoned. Deposition zones have greater SOC values, although their C accumulation rate is lower compared with erosional landscapes in the first 10–50 yr following abandonment. Therefore, full understanding of the C sequestration potential of land use change in areas of complex topography requires knowledge of spatial variability in soil properties and in particular SOC.  相似文献   
Aerial photographs taken in 1976 and 1989 and a field survey in 1999 showed that land use in a 900-ha catchment in the southern part of the Ecuadorian Andes is highly dynamic. Over 23 years, ca. 83 ha of arable land was abandoned and ca. 70 ha was taken into agricultural production. Changes in land use were not spatially homogeneous. Parcels on unstable geologic formations and close to village centres were preferably set-aside. Land taken into cultivation was preferably located on gently sloping areas close to newly built sites and arterial roads. The area with bush vegetation increased by regeneration of natural vegetation on fields set-aside in the late 1970s and early 1980s. There was a complex interaction between water erosion and environmental change in the study area. Land taken into production was levelled for furrow irrigation: this led to a net reduction in the area susceptible to water erosion. However, one quarter of the area affected only by sheet and rill erosion 23 years ago has since become incised by deep gullies. This increase in gully density was related to inadequate construction and management of irrigation infrastructure, rather than to change in vegetation cover and/or soil erodibility caused by agricultural practices. This factor is often overlooked in studies of the effects of environmental change on geomorphologic processes.  相似文献   
Water infiltration is an important hydrological process that influences runoff and soil loss patterns in mountain ecosystems. In this paper, we present results on spatial variation in infiltration in croplands on the volcanic soils of Mt. Elgon, in Eastern Uganda. Twelve experimental sites with slope gradients ranging from 12 to 32% were established. Infiltration tests were carried out with a double ring infiltrometer and three measurements were taken at the upper, middle and lower sections of each experimental site to assess the local variability of infiltration. In addition soil information was collected on each experimental site. The soil infiltration data were then evaluated to fit to four commonly used water infiltration models: (1) Philip (1957), (2) Green–Ampt (1911), (3) Horton (1940) and (4) Kostiakov (1932). The twelve experimental sites cover two cropping systems: annual (6 sites) and perennial (6 sites) crops. Based on the results, we examine the spatial variability of infiltration, the relationship of infiltration to landscape position, and the influence of soil composition on infiltration rates on the slopes. The factors affecting spatial variability of soil infiltration were analysed using correlation and regression techniques. Steady state infiltration rates generally increased with the slope gradient and were crop type independent (P < 0.05). The performance of the four applied water infiltration models was generally good with mean R2 values ranging from 0.79 to 0.87, although all the models tended to over-predict the steady state infiltration rates at most sites. Overall, the Philip's and Kostiakov gave better results than the Horton and Green–Ampt models in reproducing the infiltration process on Mt. Elgon.  相似文献   
Introduction   Even at a similar energy concentration of the diet, energy source may affect animal performance. O wens et al. (1997) reported that daily dry matter (DM) intake tended to be lowest for wheat-based diets and highest for milo and oat-based diets. O'M ara et al. (1997) found a lower pH and less ammonia in the rumen of lactating cows, when unmolassed beet pulp was replaced with ground wheat. Contrary to the results of O'M ara et al. (1997), M alestein et al. (1984) found a greater risk for lactic acidosis for citrus and beet pulp than for maize meal and tapioca. For years it has been known that rapidly degradable carbohydrates may provoke acidosis (H untington and B ritton 1979; F iems et al. 1993). Furthermore, low ruminal pH may inhibit cellulose digestion (M ould et al. 1983) and decrease efficiency of microbial protein synthesis (R ussell et al. 1979).
As energy concentration of the diet is important for finishing cattle (B oucqu & eacute ; et al. 1980), the amount of roughage is rather limited. This may result in sub-clinical acidosis with a negative impact on animal performance (O wens et al. 1998), especially when the diet is rich in rapidly fermentable carbohydrates. Therefore an experiment was conducted to investigate the impact of energy source in the finishing diet on voluntary daily feed intake, daily liveweight gain, feed efficiency, blood metabolites and carcass quality.
Energy source may also affect meat quality. C asteels et al. (1969) found differences in meat colour when concentrates were based on cereals or sugarbeet pulp. W ood (1984) reported that the concentrate : forage ratio in the diet affects the fatty acid composition of body fat through an increase in propionate production in the rumen. Therefore the effect on meat quality was also studied.  相似文献   
Paddy and Water Environment - In the Northern Vietnamese Mountains, paddy fields are the main source of foods and an important indicator to define wealth in ethnic communities. This paper deals...  相似文献   
The critical roughage part (CRP) of 2 diet types was determined in a cross-over design with 6 double-muscled and 6 normally conformed Belgian Blue bulls fitted with rumen cannulae. The roughage:concentrate ratio was lowered weekly until signs of a lack of physical structure were observed. For diet 1, consisting of maize silage and concentrates, the initial proportion of maize silage was 25% of DM but it decreased weekly with 5% units of DM. For the second diet, consisting of wheat straw and concentrate, 12% straw (DM basis) was provided during the first week and thereafter the proportion of straw decreased weekly with 3% units of DM. Several directly observable parameters (rumen pH, feed intake, bloat, faecal consistency) were evaluated weekly for each bull. Apart from these direct indicators of acidosis, also other parameters, whose results were only available after the end of the trial, were determined (volatile fatty acid profile, lactic acid concentration, chewing time). The roughage part between the part fed when signs of a lack of physical structure was first observed and the part that was fed the week before, was considered as the CRP. Most animals showed no acute signs of clinical acidosis (directly observable parameters) and finished the trial on a 100% concentrate diet. However, in sacco rumen DM-degradabilities of maize silage, grass silage and wheat grain was depressed considerably when low roughage diets were fed. Based on all observed parameters, the mean CRP was calculated to be 14.7% for diet 1 and 8.1% for diet 2. The beef type (double-muscled or not) had no influence on the CRP.  相似文献   
Three experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of virginiamycin. Digestibility was determined with wethers, fed a diet of 0.65 maize silage and 0.35 concentrate on a dry matter basis (Experiment I) or a complete dry feed (Experiment II) at maintenance, and with growing bulls fed a maize silage diet ad libitum supplemented with 7.5 g concentrate per kg live weight (Experiment III). Virginiamycin was incorporated at 0 or 65 ppm in the concentrate and 0 or 25 ppm in the complete dry feed. No significant effect on dry or organic matter digestibility was observed, although digestibilities of protein and ether extract were reduced by virginiamycin in experiments I and II, respectively. Rumen fermentation was studied in experiments I and II. Virginiamycin increased acetic acid concentration and reduced butyric acid concentration in experiment I, but exerted no significant effect in experiment II. An interaction between diet type and virginiamycin was found for the C2/C3 ratio. Nitrogen balance, measured in experiment III, was not affected by virginiamycin.  相似文献   
Four groups of five non-lactating and non-pregnant Belgian Blue double-muscled (BBDM) cows were used to investigate the effect of energy level (E) on digestion, and blood and urine metabolites. The energy levels of the groups, applied indoors during a 140-day restriction period, were 100%, 90%, 80% or 70% of their energy requirements (E100, E90, E80, E70) respectively. Afterwards, animals grazed on the same swards for 203 days (re-alimentation period). Balance trials were conducted at the end of the restriction period (BT1) and at the end of the re-alimentation period (BT2). Blood was sampled at the end of these trials. Diets consisted of maize silage and straw (80/20 on a dry matter basis) and a mineral-vitamin premix, fed at the appropriate E during BT1, or maize silage and a mineral-vitamin premix, fed at 125% of the maintenance requirements, during BT2. Significant increases of the digestibility coefficients were found during BT1 when E decreased, resulting in a better net energy capture of 7% for E70 compared with E100 (p < 0.05). Slightly, but non-significantly higher digestibility coefficients were observed for decreasing E during BT2. Plasma concentrations of glucose and creatinine did not differ between treatments during BT1, while differences were found for triacylglycerols and alpha-amino nitrogen. A tendency for a linear increase was observed for non-esterified fatty acids with decreasing E. Differences in blood metabolite concentrations disappeared in BT2. Urinary creatinine excretion was not affected by E, while body nitrogen loss increased linearly with energy restriction in BT1. No differences were found during BT2, suggesting that non-lactating and non-pregnant BBDM cows are able to adapt to a cyclic change of body weight and body reserves. These data show that restricted cows mobilized body fat as well as body protein. It is concluded that the qualitative aspects of metabolism during energy restriction are comparable in double-muscled cows with those in non-double-muscled animals, although the magnitude of the effects may be different.  相似文献   
Traditional rainfed agriculture in semi-arid regions heavily relies on soil and water conservation (SWC) structures to supplement the sparse rainfall. As referring to the ecosystem functions of these constructions, when extensive such systems prevent any runoff into the fluvial system. The extent to which these dams and terraces resist major events is variable, and earthen dams can be major sediment sources. Extensification and increasing mechanization of rainfed agriculture in marginal areas have led to a change in cropping systems. Large-scale almond and olive plantations with widely spaced trees do not rely on runoff water, but draw the soil water from a large soil volume of bare soil maintained by regular shallow tillage. The high density of terraces has now become a nuisance to the farmers. The aim of this paper is to i) demonstrate the degradation of SWC structures and the relative importance of the driving forces, ii) assess the limits of the protection that earthen dams can provide by surveying their resistance during a heavy storm (return period 8.2 years) and iii) demonstrate the implications of the abandonment of SWC structures over the period 1956–2005 for the hydrological connectivity between croplands and the ephemeral rivers system. The headwaters of a marl catchment with a continuous area treated with SWC structures in Murcia region (Spain) already had a very high density of step terraces and check dams (182 m ha− 1) in 1956. This density decreased by 27% in the period 1956–2005. Furthermore, many terraces have not been maintained and flow traces indicate that they no longer retain water. This is particularly true for the check dams in abandoned lands. The distance between the step terraces has increased over time, making them vulnerable to erosion. The mean drainage area of the dams that failed during the heavy storm was significantly (3.16 ha) higher than that of the ones that remained intact (1.11 ha). The probability of failure increases with drainage area from P = 0.16 for an area of 1.8 ha to P = 0.8 for an area of 20 ha. The percentage of cropland draining directly on the river system without interference of a check dam has increased from just 9% in 1956 to 31% in 2005 and 40% after the storm in November 2006.  相似文献   
A survey is given of different methods used for the estimation of the net energy lactation and the digestible crude protein content of forages (grass hay, grass silage, maize silage) as well as tuber crops (fodder beet, turnips, raw potatoes), by-products (dried sugarbeet pulp, pressed sugarbeet pulp), compound feeds and raw ingredients for dairy cattle. The following methods are discussed: --methods only based on chemical parameters: crude fibre and cell walls. --methods using rumen fluid from fistulated animals: the two step in vitro digestibility technique, the Hohenheim Futterwert test. --methods using enzyme (cellulase) preparations. --the near infrared reflection spectroscopy. The estimation of the energy value of raw ingredients is discussed more in detail. Formulas for the rapid calculation of the energy value of pulp and tubers are reported. The results obtained at the National Institute for Animal Nutrition in Melle-Gontrode with the two step in vitro digestion technique and a developed cellulase method are illustrated more in detail.  相似文献   
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