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The aim of this study was to elucidate the introduction history of P. mugo in the unique landscape of the Lithuanian seaside spit of Kursiu Nerija by assessing its genetic structure and the genetic diversity. The individuals were sampled in 12 populations within an area of 3 km × 50 km along the Lithuanian part of Kursiu Nerija. P. mugo was introduced over 200 years ago to prevent sand erosion by establishing a forest cover. Chloroplast DNA polymorphism of 220 individuals of P. mugo together with 18 P. sylvestris and 11 putative P. sylvestris × P. mugo hybrids was assessed by the aid of five microsatellite markers. The standard intra-population diversity indexes were calculated. The intra-specific variation between distinct morphotypes as well as the population differentiation within the most spread P. mugo ssp. rotundata morphotype was assessed based on the haplotype frequencies by hierarchical AMOVA, GST/RST test, UPGMA clustering and PCA methods. The genetic diversity of P. mugo in Kursiu Nerija was high (He = 0.95; 83 different haplotypes). All except one of the P. mugo populations sampled contained a notable share of private haplotypes. AMOVA revealed high intra-specific diversity but low differentiation between the P. mugo populations. Most of the haplotypic variance was within populations. The UPGMA clustering produced groups more corresponding to the sub-species morphotypes than the geography of the populations. There was no geographical pattern of reduction in genetic diversity towards the younger plantations. A strong candidate for a species-specific DNA marker was found. After several events of introduction, the genetic diversity of P. mugo in Kursiu Nerija is very high and is structured based on the sub-species morphotypes rather than geography. The high frequency of shared and notable frequency of private haplotypes in most of the populations indicate that the major part of the P. mugo material originates from a number of geographically and genetically related sources, which more likely are introductions from abroad that the local collections. The high frequency of private haplotypes in the northernmost populations leaves a possibility for minor introductions from other genetically distinct sources. The absence of private haplotypes in one of the sampled populations indicates the use of local seed collections. The large number of shared haplotypes provides a strong evidence for a geneflow among the P. mugo taxa.  相似文献   
We analyse the relationships between the main Cervidae [moose (Alces alces), red deer (Cervus elaphus) and roe deer (Capreolus capreolus)] species and a complex of environmental factors in an extensive fragmented landscape of Central Lithuania. The highest determining positive influence on moose density was the proportions of wet forest sites. In forest complexes with fewer proportions of wet sites, the most important factor was the total forest area. The proportion of shrub cover, upland and dense undergrowth area, and road density also has significant effect on moose density. The total area of forest complexes has the highest determining positive influence on red deer density. The highest density of red deer was calculated in large forest complexes (>2,745 ha) with a <17.6 % proportion of pine and <36.5 % of deciduous forests. Other significant factors were core area, road density and urbanization level. Forest edge density has the highest influence on the roe deer populations. The highest density of roe deer was recorded on forest areas with >51 m ha?1 of edges in wet forest (>25.4 %) dominating areas. The proportion of deciduous, coniferous mixed and pine forest, also shrub and density of edges also had significant effect.  相似文献   
The study investigated the cultivars of non‐obligatorily requiring vernalization plant Festulolium braunii and assessed the influence of non‐hardy reproductive and hardy vegetative structures on overwintering effect. The study was conducted taking into account systemic relations between these types of structures. The results show the cultivars differ according to the percentage of headed and overwintered plants, when the cultivars with the most abundant heading – ‘Felopa’ and ‘Sulino’ – are also better at overwintering. The positive correlation between heading and overwintering characteristics was also observed, what seemed to be a rather new finding. It can be explained by systemic effect: non‐hardy later reproductive structures induce the post‐generative regrowth of vegetative shoots, which during shorter days halt development and become potentially hardy. More detailed interpretation is also provided including discussion of causal mechanisms of the detected phenomenon. The authors suppose that these mechanisms constitute a survival strategy for such perennial plants. The observed late heading which represents reproductive structures could be applied in plant breeding as a marker of winter‐hardiness among perennial grass plants which non‐obligatorily demand vernalization.  相似文献   
Benzoic acid, total anthocyanins, soluble solids, titratable acidity, and colour properties in juice of the American cranberry Vaccinium macrocarpon and the European cranberry Vaccinium oxycoccos were investigated. Berry juices of V. macrocarpon cultivars were distinguished by their higher total anthocyanin and benzoic acid amounts. These cultivars accumulated on average 43.11 mg/l of benzoic acid and 92.45 mg/l of total anthocyanins. The levels of benzoic acid and total anthocyanins in V. oxycoccos cultivars were 17.52 mg/l and 42.54 mg/l, respectively. The V. macrocarpon cultivars ‘Franklin’, ‘Le Munyon’, ‘Searles’, and ‘Early Richard’ were selected as the best according to the enhanced total anthocyanins and benzoic acid amounts. The separation of anthocyanins by HPLC-UV-VIS revealed the presence of six anthocyanins, with peonidin-3-galactoside being the most prevalent. Galactoside together with glucoside conjugates comprised the largest percentage of total anthocyanins in the juices of V. macrocarpon and V. oxycoccos cultivars.  相似文献   
Predictions of future climate change include shifts in patterns of precipitation, evapotranspiration and water run‐off, resulting in increased periods of drought as well as variability and intensity of rainfall events. In the United Kingdom, the non‐native North American sunfish, pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus (L.), is expected to benefit from these changes. We examine how hydrological variability induced by predicted changes in climate will affect the dispersal and spread of pumpkinseed in England by: (i) determining the relationship between discharge regime and pumpkinseed propagule pressure; (ii) examining a newly‐established pumpkinseed population following a flood event in 2007; and (iii) comparing the growth and life‐history traits of this new population with fish collected from the source population to demonstrate how the pumpkinseed's life‐history plasticity contributes to its success as a coloniser. Using Bayesian modelling, we determined that the number of pumpkinseed escapees is likely to increase with increasing discharge. The newly‐established pumpkinseed population showed fast juvenile growth, early age at maturity and small size at maturity. These traits differed significantly from the source population, specifically total length (TL) means at ages 1 and 2 were significantly greater in the new population, whereas TL at age 4 was significantly greater in the source population, and a significantly higher proportion of mature females were found at smaller size classes in the newly established pumpkinseed population. This study demonstrates the potential link between hydrological variability (current and future) and the dispersal of non‐native pumpkinseed, leading to the establishment of new populations.  相似文献   
Dissolved concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the influents and effluents of two municipal sewage treatment plants (STPs) were monitored over 16- (Umeå, Sweden) and 22- (?iauliai, Lithuania) day sampling periods. Sampling was performed using a passive sampling technique (semipermeable membrane devices; SPMDs) for sequestration of the dissolved (readily bioavailable) fraction of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Removal efficiencies for individual low molecular weight (LMW) PAH compounds varied from 84% to levels at which the compounds were not detected in effluents from Umeå. The corresponding efficiencies of the ?iauliai plant were 33–95%. Measurements revealed that dissolved concentrations of most of the PCBs and some of the high molecular weight (HMW) PAHs increased during the conventional wastewater treatment at both plants. The release of dissolved PAHs and PCBs in the effluents from municipal wastewater treatment plants might increase the environmental contamination by readily bioavailable pollutants in the recipient waters; the rivers Umeälven and Kulpè. SPMDs were found to be suitable sampling tools for long-term (weeks-month) integrative monitoring of trace concentrations of the dissolved fraction of hydrophobic pollutants in the wastewater process, since the sampling and clean-up steps were easy to perform.  相似文献   

Mineralization is the main organic matter conversion process, which leads not only to preservation of organic matter in the soil but also to its sequestration. Soil organic matter has equal value as mineral part if we want to improve soil quality or increase the yield. Because of intensive farming, irresponsible use of mineral fertilizers and natural factors, soil organic matter is decreasing. To counteract this process, different soil-friendly management practices and techniques, such as shallow tillage, no-tillage or direct drilling and application of additional organic matter are used. The objective of the present study was to assess the changes in the intensity of soil organic matter mineralization as influenced by primary soil tillage of different intensity in combination with organic matter incorporation. Long-term studies showed that land management practices differentiated the soil into two layers: upper (0–10?cm) layer containing more moisture and nutrients and lower (10–20?cm) layer comprising less moisture and nutrients. The conditions of aeration in the arable soil layer did not change under the effect of ploughing. In this soil, the rate of mineralization was lower than that in the ploughless tillage treatment. The most active mineralization of soil organic matter in the ploughless tillage treatment occurred in the autumn period, when high level of rainfall promoted the loss of nutrients from the topsoil layer.  相似文献   
A popular species for food and sport, the European catfish (Silurus glanis) is well‐studied in its native range, but little studied in its introduced range. Silurus glanis is the largest‐bodied freshwater fish of Europe and is historically known to take a wide range of food items including human remains. As a result of its piscivorous diet, S. glanis is assumed to be an invasive fish species presenting a risk to native species and ecosystems. To assess the potential risks of S. glanis introductions, published and ‘grey’ literature on the species’ environmental biology (but not aquaculture) was extensively reviewed. Silurus glanis appears well adapted to, and sufficiently robust for, translocation and introduction outside its native range. A nest‐guarding species, S. glanis is long‐lived, rather sedentary and produces relatively fewer eggs per body mass than many fish species. It appears to establish relatively easily, although more so in warmer (i.e. Mediterranean) than in northern countries (e.g. Belgium, UK). Telemetry data suggest that dispersal is linked to flooding/spates and human translation of the species. Potential impacts in its introduced European range include disease transmission, hybridization (in Greece with native endemic Aristotle’s catfish [Silurus aristotelis]), predation on native species and possibly the modification of food web structure in some regions. However, S. glanis has also been reported (France, Spain, Turkmenistan) to prey intensively on other non‐native species and in its native Germany to be a poor biomanipulation tool for top‐down predation of zooplanktivorous fishes. As such, S. glanis is unlikely to exert trophic pressure on native fishes except in circumstances where other human impacts are already in force. In summary, virtually all aspects of the environmental biology of introduced S. glanis require further study to determine the potential risks of its introduction to novel environments.  相似文献   
The impact of storm water runoff on a small urban stream   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Background, aim, and scope  In urban areas, storm water runoff often transports various pollutants, some of which settle and form sediments. In order to have the comprehensive view of the ecological state of storm water runoff recipients, both water and sediments of the stream must be assessed. In the Baltic Sea Area, the Water Framework Directive & HELCOM Recommendations aim to prevent or minimise pollution caused by harmful substances arising from storm water runoff, in order to promote the ecological restoration of the Baltic Sea—one of the most vulnerable seas. The aim of the study was to investigate the toxicity of bottom sediments of a small storm water runoff recipient focusing on the potential impact of successive discharges of urban storm water. Some storm water runoff quality parameters and the toxicity of bottom sediments of recipients was studied in this research. Materials and methods  During 9 years, at four discharge points, minimum four grab samples per year at each discharge point were taken for chemical characterisation. General parameters (pH, SS, BOD7, CODCr and TPH) in liquid phase samples were analysed according to standard methods. Annual limit values were taken from the Lithuanian EPA requirements for the management of storm water runoff with a focus on prevention and control of contamination. Eleven composite samples of stream bottom sediments, each consisting of ten sub-samples, were collected in 2006. Toxicity screening from sediments was performed using the plant Lepidium sativum according to modified I. Magone’s methodology (Magone I, Bioindication of phytotoxicity of transport emission. In: Kachalova O-L, Zinatne (eds) Bioindication of toxicity of transport emissions in the impact of highway emissions on natural environment. Riga, pp 108–116, 1989). The level of toxic impact of Lepidium sativum (compared to control) was assessed according to the modified method of Wang (Rev Environ Contam Toxicol 126:88–127, 1992). Results  The mean pH of urban storm water runoff does not vary much from neutral, but range values are quite different, from 4.0 up to 8.7. The highest concentration of SS reached 800 mg L−1, TPH—2.4 mg L−1, BOD7—300 mg O2 L−1 and CODCr—1,400 mg L−1. The SS was above the limit in 64% of total amount of grab samples, TPH—37%, BOD7—41% and CODCr—55%. The toxicity analysis of the bottom sediments showed varying toxicity of bottom sediments along the stream. From nine analysed samples of bottom sediments, 30% had weak toxicity, 30% medium and 30% strong toxicity on the test organism plant L. sativum. There was one single sample with no toxic effects, so that the results showed that urban storm water has an unacceptable environmental impact on recipients. It was also indicated that storm water runoff discharge alone is not the potential source of toxicity of bottom sediments. The litter demonstrated a weak toxicity of bottom sediments as well. Discussion  Most local authorities do not consider storm water runoff discharges to be a matter of great concern because they believe that surface runoff arising from rainfall is still relatively clean. The study showed that the current method of monitoring storm water runoff quality by chemical analyses is not the best tool for environmental impact assessment and must be combined with toxicity tests of bottom sediments of recipients. Recommendations and perspectives  To avoid the environmental impact of storm water runoff more attention should be paid to the development and implementation of storm water runoff pollution prevention measures. The study implies that future research concerning the relationships between storm water runoff deposit characteristics and biological activities must be developed to evaluate the contamination potential of stream sediment deposits for local aquatic ecosystems. Further studies should be developed to characterise the activities of the microbial community of storm water runoff sediments, and to monitor bioremediation in situ.  相似文献   
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