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White-clawed crayfish, Austropotamobius pallipes, were endemic to the Nant watershed, Ardéche, France, until they were extirpated by epizootic mortality at the beginning of the twentieth century. A. pallipes were successfully reintroduced to the Nant watershed in the middle of the twentieth century. However, epizootic mortality was observed in the Nant watershed in the summer of 2000 during which time A. pallipes was extirpated from downstream regions. Dead and moribund crayfish were again detected in several episodes in summer 2001 and by October the range of A. pallipes was reduced to the headwaters of just one of the three streams in the watershed. Water quality for the watershed in summer 2001 was appropriate for crayfish habitation. Bacteriology and mycology on A. pallipes collected during several of the mortality episodes in 2001 failed to reveal a cause. However, histopathology revealed a high occurrence of intranuclear eosinophilic inclusions in hepatopancreatocytes of A. pallipes . The nuclei were hypertrophic and contained bacilliform virions consisting of a cylindrical nucleocapsid surrounded by a trilaminar envelope. Virions in section were approximately 63 × 258 nm and nucleocapsids were approximately 52 × 225 nm. It is unclear whether the intranuclear bacilliform virus was the cause of the mortality episodes or was a contributor to a disease complex involving one or several other undetected pathogens.  相似文献   
Responses of photosynthesis (A) to intercellular CO(2) concentration (C(i)) were measured in a fast- and a slow-growing clone of Pinus radiata D. Don cultivated in a greenhouse with a factorial combination of nitrogen and phosphorus supply. Stomatal limitations scaled with nitrogen and phosphorus supply as a fixed proportion of the light-saturated photosynthetic rate (18.5%) independent of clone. Photosynthetic rates at ambient CO(2) concentration were mainly in the V(cmax)-limited portion of the CO(2) response curve at low-nitrogen supply and at the transition between V(cmax) and J(max) at high-nitrogen supply. Nutrient limitations to photosynthesis were partitioned based on the ratio of foliage nitrogen to phosphorus expressed on a leaf area basis (N(a)/P(a)), by minimizing the mean square error of segmented linear models relating photosynthetic parameters (V(cmax), J(max), T(p)) to foliar nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations. A value of N(a)/P(a) equal to 23 (mole basis) was identified as the threshold separating nitrogen (N(a)/P(a) < or = 23) from phosphorus (N(a)/P(a) > 23) limitations independent of clones. On an area basis, there were significant positive linear relationships between the parameters, V(cmax), J(max), T(p) and N(a) and P(a), but only the relationships between T(p) and N(a) and P(a) differed significantly between clones. These findings suggest that, in genotypes with contrasting growth, the responses of V(cmax) and J(max) to nutrient limitation are equivalent. The relationships between the parameters V(cmax), J(max), T(p) and foliage nutrient concentration on a mass basis were unaffected by clone, because the slow-growing clone had a significantly greater leaf area to mass ratio than the fast-growing clone. These results may be useful in discriminating nitrogen-limited photosynthesis from phosphorus-limited photosynthesis.  相似文献   
With their widespread utilization, cut-to-length harvesters have become a major source of ‘‘big data' for forest management as they constantly capture, and provide a daily flow of, information on log production and assortment over large operational areas. Harvester data afford the calculation of the total log length between the stump and the last cut but not the total height of trees. They also contain the length and end diameters of individual logs but not always the diameter at breast height overbark(DBHOB) of harvested stems largely because of time lapse, operating and processing issues and other system deficiencies. Even when DBHOB is extracted from harvester data, errors and/or bias of the machine measurements due to the variation in the stump height of harvested stems from that specified for the harvester head prior to harvesting and diameter measurement errors may need to be corrected. This study developed(1) a system of equations for estimating DBHOB of trees from diameter overbark(DOB) measured by a harvester head at any height up to 3 m above ground level and(2) an equation to predict the total height of harvested stems in P. radiata plantations from harvester data. To generate the data required for this purpose, cut-to-length simulations of more than 3000 trees with detailed taper measurements were carried out in the computer using the cutting patterns extracted from the harvester data and stump height survey data from clearfall operations. The equation predicted total tree height from DBHOB, total log length and the small end diameter of the top log. Prediction accuracy for total tree height was evaluated both globally over the entire data space and locally within partitioned subspaces through benchmarking statistics. These statistics were better than that of the conventional height-diameter equations for P. radiata found in the literature, even when they incorporated stand age and the average height and diameter of dominant trees in the stand as predictors. So this equation when used with harvester data would outperform the conventional equations in tree height prediction. Tree and stand reconstructions of the harvested forest is the necessary first step to provide the essential link of harvester data to conventional inventory, remote sensing imagery and Li DAR data. The equations developed in this study will provide such a linkage for the most effective combined use of harvester data in predicting the attributes of individual trees, stands and forests, and product recovery for the management and planning of P. radiata plantations in New South Wales, Australia.  相似文献   
Despite being a damaging foliar disease of Pinus species little research has characterised spatial variation in disease severity of Dothistroma needle blight at a macroscale. Using an extensive dataset describing Dothistroma needle blight severity (Ssev) on plantation grown Pinus radiata stands distributed widely across New Zealand the objectives of this research were to (i) develop a regression model describing Ssev, (ii) use this model to identify key drivers of Ssev, their functional form and relative importance, and (iii) develop spatial predictions of Ssev for New Zealand P. radiata under current climate. Using an independent validation dataset, the final model accounted for 72% of the variance in Ssev using four significant (P < 0.001) explanatory variables and an isotrophic exponential model to account for the spatial covariance in the data. Ssev was most sensitive to mean air temperature from November to April (TNov-Apr), followed by mean relative humidity from October to April (RHOct-Apr), mean total November rainfall (PNov), and then stand age (A). There was a quadratic correlation between A and Ssev with Ssev increasing to a maxima at 12 years before declining. Ssev exponentially increased to a threshold with increases in both PNov and RHOct-Apr. The relationship between Ssev and TNov-Apr was quadratic with Ssev increasing to a maximum at TNov-Apr of 15.5 °C before declining at higher values of TNov-Apr. Spatial predictions of Ssev varied widely throughout New Zealand. Values of Ssev were highest in moderately warm wet environments in the North Island, and on the west coast of the South Island. In contrast, relatively low values of Ssev were predicted in drier eastern and southern regions of New Zealand.  相似文献   
The process-based model CenW was used to model the growth of Pinus radiata in New Zealand. The model was parameterised by comparison with data from 101 permanent sample plots, consisting of 1309 individual observations of stands at different ages of up to 32 years. The data covered the range of conditions under which P. radiata is grown in New Zealand. Observations consisted of stand density, and height and/or basal area. Input parameters consisted of site water-holding capacity, soil texture and soil nitrogen concentration, and daily records of minimum and maximum air temperatures, precipitation, solar radiation and atmospheric humidity. Using the same plant parameters for the full data set from all locations, we obtained excellent correspondence between predictions and observed data. Model efficiencies ranged from 0.828 to 0.892 for four growth indices that were either directly observed (height, basal area) or derived from the data (stand volume, mean stem diameter).Within New Zealand, stand productivity was found to be particularly sensitive to mean annual air temperature and mean total annual precipitation, with optima reached from 12-15 °C and 1500-2000 mm, respectively. Productivity exhibited little sensitivity to site fertility as soil nutrition was generally adequate for most sites. Spatial projections showed highest productivity in the moderately wet, warm northern and western regions of the North Island and lowest for cold sites at higher elevation, dry eastern areas of the South Island and the extremely wet sites on the West Coast of the South Island. The model runs provided robust estimates of productivity across the diverse environmental conditions in New Zealand.  相似文献   
Dothistroma needle blight, one of the most important foliar diseases of Pinus spp., is caused primarily by the fungus Dothistroma septosporum (Dorog.) Morelet, and to a lesser extent by Dothistroma pini Hulbary. The potential distribution and abundance of Dothistroma spp. was determined by (i) developing a process-oriented model of potential distribution of Dothistroma spp. from known locations, (ii) compiling a comprehensive list of susceptible host species from existing scientific literature and (iii) determining the distribution of susceptible hosts in areas predicted to be suitable for range expansion of Dothistroma spp. Using these three sources of information regions at risk were identified as those that were predicted to be suitable for range expansion by Dothistroma spp. and included significant areas of susceptible host species.  相似文献   
Within the present North American range of Atlantic salmon, severe acid rain effects are limited to the Southern Upland area of Nova Scotia. In the Southern Upland, long range transport of H2SO4 has caused many rivers to decline in pH to the point where their Atlantic salmon stocks have been destroyed or much diminished. Chemical records show a declining pH trend in N.S. rivers since the early 1950s. Eighty % of the annual variation in H+ concentration can be accounted for by a multiple linear regression model on excess sulphate, total Al and organic anions. It is technically feasible to restore the acidified salmon habitat by the addition of limestone; the total cost of mounting a liming program to restore the lost habitat has been estimated at $4.75 × 106 yr?1. The pre-acidification Atlantic salmon production capacity of the Southern Upland was estimated from physical habitat surveys and tag return data to be about 45 000 fish yr?1. Acidification has caused a 50% decline to the current production level of about 23 000 fish yr?1. The costs of the liming program, when compared to the economic benefits of the anticipated salmon enhancement, are economically unjustifiable. The eradication of salmon from such large regions will hinder future programs to reestablish the species in their former range when pollution of the atmosphere is eventually brought under control. Present plans are for a small liming program to establish a series of refuges for the preservation of nuclei of native salmon stocks.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of caseous lymphadenitis (CLA), determine the current usage of vaccines against CLA and to measure the effectiveness of these vaccines on sheep farms. DESIGN AND POPULATION: A survey was undertaken on 223 sheep flocks in New South Wales, Victoria and Western Australia. METHOD: The prevalence of CLA was measured by conventional inspection techniques at abattoirs in lines of sheep that could be traced back to a farm. Managers of the flocks were sent a questionnaire about their vaccine practices, management practices and knowledge of CLA. RESULTS: The average prevalence of CLA in adult sheep in these flocks was 26% and varied from 20% in Western Australia to 29% in New South Wales. About 43% of sheep producers used CLA vaccines; only 12% used them as recommended. Awareness of CLA was highest in Western Australia. More producers would use CLA vaccine if they knew the prevalence of CLA in their flock and producers obtained most information about CLA from vaccine resellers. CONCLUSIONS: Only 10 to 15% of producers are currently achieving effective CLA control through the use of recommended CLA vaccination programs. In Western Australian flocks more than 25% of effectively vaccinated ewes will be sent to abattoirs in the 2 to 3 years after this study. However, large decreases in the prevalence of CLA can be achieved by about 70% of producers by either making adjustments to their vaccination programs or buying a vaccine with a CLA component. Two or three key facts on effective CLA vaccination could be made available at the point of sale of vaccines and from abattoirs that reported the prevalence of CLA to farmers.  相似文献   
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