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Goats from 28 states were tested for antibodies to caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus. Of 3,790 goats, 1,175 (31%) tested positive, and of 196 herds tested, 143 (73%) had 1 or more seropositive members. This prevalence, based on serum samples from all goats in the participating herds, was lower than most rates reported in other studies. Such studies were based on fewer samples, incomplete sampling of herds, or smaller geographic base. Prevalence was highest in western Pacific and northern plains regions, increased with age to 3 years, was highest among goats on family-owned farms, and was lowest in the Angora breed. Differences in prevalence was not related to gender or size of herd.  相似文献   
Lesions induced in each of 9 young colostrum-deprived calves closely resembled lesions seen in naturally occurring "weak calf syndrome" of eastern Idaho and southwestern Montana. The disease was experimentally induced by intravenous injection of bovine adenovirus type 5 that had been isolated from a calf with weak calf syndrome...  相似文献   
The pathogenicity of hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus isolated from the brain of each of 5 pigs with clinical signs and microscopic lesions of encephalomyelitis (1 pig from each of 5 naturally infected herbs) was tested under experimental conditions. Each isolant was administered intranasally to 5 neonatal pigs. Clinically affected pigs developed either an acute or chronic form of illness, commencing 4 to 8 days after exposure. Listless, inappetence, and vomiting were clinical signs common to both forms. Additional signs of the acute form were paddling, muscle tremors, and hyperesthesia. Additional signs of the chronic form were loss of condition and either loss of weight or failure to gain weight at a rate similar to nonaffected littermates.  相似文献   
Monensin, a polyether ionophore antibiotic, is potentially an important agent for bloat relief in dairy cows grazing temperate legume-based pasture. A series of studies was undertaken to determine the effect of monensin, when delivered continuously in the rumen of lactating dairy cows by means of controlled-release capsules (monensin CRC). Such devices release approximately 300 mg/head/day for 100 d. A short-term pilot study made at Ruakura, New Zealand, tested monensin CRC in cows selected for high susceptibility to bloat and grazing lucerne (Medicago sativa) or red clover (Trifolium pratense). Treatment significantly reduced the incidence of bloat, while milk yield and protein yield were increased. There was no effect on fat yield. Following the pilot study, 6 large-scale field experiments involving a total of 368 lactating dairy cows, were made in Australia and New Zealand to confirm the effectiveness of monensin CRC for bloat control and to measure the effect of such treatment on milk production and composition. A severe bloat problem occurred in 2 experiments, mild bloat occurred in 2 others, while no visual signs of bloat were observed in the remaining 2 experiments. Bloat was significantly (P less than 0.05) reduced by monensin CRC treatment when data was pooled over the 4 experiments in which bloat occurred. Daily milk yield was increased in all experiments from a mean of 17.7 in untreated groups to 18.8 kg/head/day (P less than 0.05) in monensin CRC-treated cows. Protein percentage was not affected by treatment, while there was a decrease from 4.29 to 4.10% fat, although total fat yield was not affected.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
San Carlos olivine crystals under laboratory conditions of 26 gigapascals and 973 to 1473 kelvin (conditions typical of subducted slabs at a depth of 720 kilometers) for periods of a few minutes to 19 hours transformed to the phase assemblage of perovskite and magnesiowustite in two stages: (i) the oxygen sublattice transformed into a cubic close-packed lattice, forming a metastable spinelloid, and (ii) at higher temperatures or longer run durations, this spinelloid broke down to perovskite and magnesiowustite by redistributing silicon and magnesium while maintaining the general oxygen framework. The breakdown was characterized by a blocking temperature of 1000 kelvin, below which olivine remained metastable, and by rapid kinetics once the reaction was activated.  相似文献   
Young lambs, inoculated with ovine adenovirus isolate RTS-151, were killed sequentially (to postinoculation day 21), and their morphologic lesions were studied. Lesions were found only in the respiratory tract and were most severe in the terminal airways. Many cells of the respiratory epithelium had severe cytomegaly and karyomegaly with intranuclear inclusions. Desquamation of affected cells was accompanied by hyperplasia of airway and alveolar epithelium and by accumulation of necrotic cellular debris and neutrophils in terminal airways and alveoli. Virus replicated in the nucleus of enlarged epithelial cells in the airways, but not in alveolar epithelium. Intranuclear inclusions representing viral replication progressed from clumps of finely granular material without virions to a granular material with virions and finally to a dense inclusion with numerous virions.  相似文献   
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