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The effects of different inocula of the mycoparasite Coniothyrium minitans on carpogenic germination of sclerotia of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum at different times of year were assessed. A series of three glasshouse box bioassays was used to compare the effect of five spore-suspension inocula of C. minitans , including three different isolates (Conio, IVT1 and Contans), with a standard maizemeal–perlite inoculum. Apothecial production, as well as viability and C. minitans infection of S. sclerotiorum sclerotia buried in treated soil, were assessed. Maizemeal–perlite inoculum at 107 CFU per cm3 soil reduced sclerotial germination and apothecial production in all three box bioassays, decreasing sclerotial recovery and viability in the second bioassay and increasing C. minitans infection of sclerotia in the first bioassay. Spore-suspension inocula applied at a lower concentration (104 CFU per cm3 soil) were inconsistent in their effects on sclerotial germination in the three box bioassays. Temperature was an important factor influencing apothecial production. Sclerotial germination was delayed or inhibited when bioassays were made in the summer. High temperatures also inhibited infection of sclerotia by C. minitans . Coniothyrium minitans survived these high temperatures, however, and infected the sclerotia once the temperature decreased to a lower level. Inoculum level of C. minitans was an important factor in reducing apothecial production by sclerotia. The effects of temperature on both carpogenic germination of sclerotia and parasitism of sclerotia by C. minitans are discussed.  相似文献   
At present, our understanding of the dynamics of microbial biomass and soil N in silvopastoral systems is very limited. In this paper, the effects of understorey management on soil microbial C and N, net N mineralization, and net nitrification were studied in two seven-year-old radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) – pasture systems, consisting of plots with and without ryegrass (Lolium perenne) as an understorey. Mini-plots (1 × 1 m) with animals excluded and herbage repeatedly clipped and removed were used for soil sampling. Three mini-plots formed a transect at each of two positions: 0.9 and 3.5 m north of the tree rows. Measurements were taken from July 1997 to June 1998 about once every 40 days. One composite sample was collected from each of two sampling depths (0–10 and 10–20 cm) at each transect position on each sampling date. Temporal and spatial variability of N mineralization rates and microbial biomass C and N was large. Net mineralization and nitrification rates were higher in the bare ground than in the ryegrass plots for a major part of the year, particularly from late spring to early fall. Net N mineralization and nitrification rates were higher in the 0–10 than in the 10–20 cm soil layers in both the ryegrass and bare ground treatments; however, the depth effect on microbial biomass C and N was only significant in the ryegrass treatment. In the surface soil layer, microbial biomass C and N were substantially greater in the ryegrass than in the bare ground plots. Soil microbial properties and activities were closely linked to pasture root activities, soil depth, and site biophysical conditions. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
In this study we determined soil moisture storage, evapotranspiration (ET) and light interception in an agroforestry trial consisting of pine trees grown over (1) control (bare ground), (2) ryegrass/clovers (Lolium perene/Trifolium spp.), (3) lucerne (Medicago sativa), and (4) ryegrass only during the third growing season between 1992 and 1993. The results show that:
1.  In the period when rainfall was frequent and exceeded the evaporative demand (Epot), ET and depletion of soil moisture were not affected by the ground cover treatments. During summer when rainfall was less frequent, but with moisture readily available in the soil profile, ET was associated with plant canopy, and was significantly higher for the pasture ground covers than for the control. Therefore, the more rapid growth by lucerne caused higher ET in this ground cover than in the ryegrass/clovers ground cover in which the pasture was slow growing. At the end of the study period, total ET was in the following order: lucerne (757 mm) > ryegrass/clovers (729 mm) > Control (618 mm).
2.  ET was dominated by pasture transpiration (Ep) during most of the growing season, but by tree transpiration (Et) in winter when large parts of the pasture canopy was shaded. Ep was always at least 16% higher for lucerne than for ryegrass/clovers species as a result of a greater radiation intercepted by the former.
3.  Fraction of incoming radiation intercepted by the tree crowns was in the following order: control > ryegrass > ryegrass/clovers > lucerne. At the end of the one-year period, fraction of intercepted radiation was 140% greater for control than for lucerne ground cover.
4.  The control produced the largest tree crowns, which were almost twice the tree crowns in the lucerne ground cover which produced the smallest trees. Accordingly, the trees in the control intercepted more radiation and rainfall, with the former being lost to evaporation, than the trees in the pasture.
5.  The fractions of radiation intercepted and ET accounted for by the trees and pastures were associated with the proportion of the plot area they occupied.
Agroforestry in Australia and New Zealand is dominated by silvopastoralism. Farmers may employ combinations of shelterbelts, shade trees, widely spaced trees over pasture, or more densely planted woodlots. In addition to wood production and shelter, erosion control, amenity and landscape planting, and conservation of natural forest are often important. Many farm forestry people show considerable innovation.In temperate wetter areas of Australia, eucalyptus and, to a lesser extent,Pinus radiata (radiata pine) dominate agroforestry tree plantings for wood, shade, shelter, and salinisation and erosion prevention. The One Billion Tree Program, initiated by the Australian Federal Government, provides limited funding for tree planting. Joint farmer ventures with the State or local industry are also common. Most State governments also provide advice, and planting is tax deductible. Local landcare groups, formed to encourage sustainable agriculture, often promote tree planting, particularly where soil degradation is a problem. Melbourne University and other Techncial Institutes offer training in agroforestry.In New Zealand, a third of the farms require trees for soil conservation. This, together with the growing recognition of the financial benefits of planting trees, has resulted in small landowners doing most of the current planting of 80,000 to 100,000 ha yr–1. Most farmers plant radiata pine, but eucalyptus and other hardwoods, including willows and poplars, are also widely used. There are almost no government incentives for tree planting in New Zealand. The Farm Forestry Association is the major extension organization. Lincoln University has an important teaching and research commitment, and the New Zealand Forest Research Institute Limited has developed very useful management models.  相似文献   
Book review     
Poultry Meat Hygiene and Inspection, by A. S. Bremner. 1977. Baillière Tindall, London. £2.95. ISBN 0 7020 0654 8.  相似文献   
1. A readily identifiable strain of Escherichia coli K12 was used as a 'marker' organism to determine the sources, routes and patterns of microbial cross-contamination during mechanical defeathering of broiler chicken carcases. 2. Inoculation of scald water with the marker organism led to a relatively even pattern of carcase contamination during subsequent defeathering. Microbial cross-contamination was greater by this route of inoculation than by either surface inoculation of a 'seeder' carcase or oral inoculation of a live bird one day before slaughter. 3. Dispersal of the marker organism was strongly influenced by the mechanical action of the defeathering machines. Forward transmission of the marker occurred by aerosol or large airborne droplets and particulates such as feathers. Moving carcases through the defeathering machines when these were non-operational clearly reduced backward transmission of the marker. 4. Although microbial dispersal was unaffected by increasing the spacing between individual carcases or installing a water curtain at the entry and exit of the defeathering machines, shielding of carcases with aluminium baffles reduced counts of the marker organism from contaminated carcases by > 90%. 5. The results imply that microbial cross-contamination of broiler chicken carcases during defeathering occurs mainly via the airborne route, which could be contained by physical means.  相似文献   
1. An experimental rig, designed and built to simulate conditions found in commercial poultry chilling systems, was used to investigate the effects of varying air temperature and chilling duration, and the effect of chlorinated water sprays, on the microbial load present on the skin and in the body cavity of freshly eviscerated poultry carcases; deep muscle and skin temperatures were monitored during chilling at three different temperatures. 2. During dry chilling for 2 h, total viable microbe counts (TVC) and counts of coliforms and pseudomonads from the body cavity fell by between half and one log unit; smaller reductions were observed in samples from the breast skin. 3. The situation changed when chlorinated water sprays (50, 100 or 250 ppm available chlorine) were applied for the first hour of chilling; spraying carcases enhanced the reduction in numbers on the skin; the effect was most pronounced with 250 ppm chlorine; conversely in the body cavity, the general effects of sprays was to increase contamination by up to one log unit. 4. There was no evidence that sprays increased the rate of chilling. 5. When carcases were held overnight in the rig at 11 degrees C after chilling, microbe counts on dry-chilled carcases remained stable, but increased on carcases that had been sprayed with chlorinated water.  相似文献   
AIMS: To record the prevalence of gross abnormalities of the reproductive tract in culled New Zealand dairy cows, to determine how accurately farmers classify the pregnancy status of their animals and to establish if this was influenced by method of pregnancy diagnosis. METHODS: The reproductive tracts from 1134 cull dairy cows were examined after slaughter and evisceration for the presence of gross abnormalities, ovarian activity and pregnancy at a commercial abattoir. The farmers that had submitted these animals for slaughter were surveyed for information about the farm and herd from which each cow was derived and to establish whether the farmer believed each cow to be pregnant or not. The method that had been used to determine pregnancy status was recorded for each animal. RESULTS: Gross abnormalities were evident in 5.7% of reproductive tracts. Ovarian activity (presence of follicles 5 mm diameter and/or a corpus luteum) was apparent in 88% of non-pregnant cows. Pregnancy was detected in 39% of cows, of which 2.3% carried twins. The pregnancy status evident at slaughter varied from that reported by farmers in 7.0% of the 954 cows for which farmers were able to provide information. Of the cows that had been examined by palpation or ultrasound per rectum prior to slaughter, 10.3% that were recorded as non-pregnant by farmers were pregnant, and 3.2% of those recorded as pregnant were not. Of the cows that had not been examined, 3.8% of those recorded as nonpregnant by farmers were pregnant while 10.4% of those recorded as pregnant were not. There was no apparent association between gross genital tract abnormalities or ovarian activity and the misclassification of pregnancy status. Amongst cows that were pregnant at slaughter the foetus was significantly smaller in cows that had been recorded as 'not pregnant' after palpation or ultrasound examination than in cows that had been recorded as 'not pregnant' on the basis of farmer observation only. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of gross abnormalities of the reproductive tract was comparable to that reported in similar studies overseas. Farmer observation as a method of pregnancy detection overestimates pregnancy rate. Pregnancy status may be misclassified or misrecorded following palpation or ultrasound examination of cattle per rectum. Accurate classification of pregnancy status is dependent on the method and timing of pregnancy diagnosis and on minimising errors of diagnosis, cow identification and recording.  相似文献   
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