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Wild olive (Olea europaea subsp. europaea var. sylvestris) is an important component of Mediterranean forests and a key genetic source for olive improvement programmes. Since 2009, a severe decline caused by Phytophthora cryptogea and P. megasperma has been detected in a protected wild olive forest of high ecological value (Dehesa de Abajo, Seville, Spain). In this natural forest, sampling of roots and soil was carried out on 25 wild olives with symptoms in 2014 and 2015. Apart from the already known P. cryptogea A1 and P. megasperma, a third Phytophthora species was consistently isolated from wild olive rootlets with symptoms. These isolates conformed morphologically with the newly described species P. oleae and were confirmed by analysis of their ITS regions and cox1 sequences. Temperature–growth relationships showed a maximum growth at 19.9 °C on carrot agar medium, making it the lowest temperature Phytophthora species infecting wild olive roots. Pathogenicity was confirmed on 1-year-old healthy wild olive seedlings and was similar to the previously known pathogenic phytophthoras. As temperature requirements are quite different, the three Phytophthora species may be active against wild olive roots in different seasons. However, the prevalence of P. oleae infecting wild olives in recent years could be due to its introduction as a new invasive pathogen. The probable invasive nature of P. oleae, together with increasing rain episodes concentrated in short periods frequent in southern Spain, would allow the outbreak of infections in wild olive forests, and also put cultivated olive orchards at risk.  相似文献   
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Salinity and Orobanche or Phelipanche spp. infection are important crop stress factors in agricultural areas. In this study, we investigated the effect of salt stress on Phelipanche ramosa seed germination and its attachment onto Arabidopsis thaliana roots. We also evaluated the effect of both stresses on the expression of genes regulated by abiotic and biotic stresses. According to our results, high concentration of NaCl delayed P. ramosa seed germination in the presence of a strigolactone analogue (GR24). A similar pattern was observed in the presence of A. thaliana plants. Furthermore, we found that salt‐treated A. thaliana seedlings were more sensitive to P. ramosa attachment compared with the untreated plants, indicating that there was a positive correlation between salt sensitivity and the ability of P. ramosa to infect A. thaliana plants. At the molecular level, a synergystic effect of both salt and P. ramosa stresses was observed on the cold‐regulated (COR) gene expression profile of treated A. thaliana seedlings. Our data clarify the interaction between parasitic plants and their hosts under abiotic stress conditions.  相似文献   
Investigations on the efficacy of various methods of managing root-knot nematodes in microplots and under field conditions revealed that soil solarization, Furadan 5G and Tagetes erecta applied separately or in combination with other control methods, were the most effective in reducing the numbers of three root-knot nematodes, and root gall and egg mass indices. These management methods also resulted in significant increases (P0.05) in number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod and 100-seed weight, and increased seed yield by up to 96.7 percent. Farmyard manure and Crotalaria ochroleuca were the least effective treatments. The use of T. erecta was the most economical root-knot nematode control method.  相似文献   
Induced (traumatic) resin in white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) leaders resistant or susceptible to the white pine weevil (Pissodes strobi Peck) was analyzed for volatile terpenes and diterpene resin acids after simulated white pine weevil damage. Leaders from 331 trees were wounded just below the apical bud with a 1-mm diameter drill, coinciding with the natural time of weevil oviposition in the spring. Leaders were removed in the fall, and the bark and xylem from the upper and lower regions of the leader extracted and analyzed by gas chromatography. Unwounded trees had low amounts of resin in xylem compared with bark. In response to wounding, volatile terpenes and diterpene resin acids increased in the upper xylem (area of wounding), with resistant trees showing a greater increase than susceptible trees. Wounding caused monoterpenes in particular to decrease in the lower region of the leader (away from the drilled area) in greater amounts in susceptible trees than in resistant trees. In response to wounding, the proportion of monoterpene to resin acid increased in the upper and lower xylem of resistant trees, and slightly increased in the upper xylem of susceptible trees. Monoterpene-enriched resin is more fluid than constitutive resin, and probably flows more readily into oviposition cavities and larval mines, where it may kill immature weevils. Loss of resin components in the lower xylem suggested catabolism and transport of these materials to the site of wounding; however, energetic and regulatory data are necessary to confirm this hypothesis. This study provides a basis for measuring the ability of a tree to undergo traumatic resinosis that could be used to screen for resistance to white pine weevil.  相似文献   
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