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Rotaviruses (RV) have a high prevalence in piggeries worldwide and are one of the major pathogens causing severe diarrhoea in young pigs. RV species A, B, and C have been linked to piglet diarrhoea in Australian pig herds, but their genetic diversity has not been studied in detail. Based on sequencing of the structural viral protein 7 (VP7) RVA G genotypes G3, G4 and G5, and RVC types G1, G3, G5, and G6 have been identified in Australian piggeries in previous studies. Although occurrence of RVB was reported in Australia in 1988, no further genetic analysis has been conducted. To improve health management decisions in Australian pig herds, more information on RV prevalence and genetic diversity is needed. Here, 243 enteric samples collected from 20 pig farms within Eastern Australia were analysed for the presence of RV in different age groups using a novel PCR-based multiplex assay (Pork MultiPath™ enteric panel). RVA, RVB, and RVC were detected in 10, 14, and 14 farms, respectively. Further sequencing of VP7 in selected RV-positive samples revealed G genotypes G2, G5, G9 (RVA), G6, G8, G14, G16, G20 (RVB), and G1, G3, G5, G6 (RVC) present. RVA was only detected in young (<10 weeks old) pigs whereas RVB and RVC were also detected in older animals (>11 weeks old). Interestingly, RVB and RVC G-type occurrence differed between age groups. In conclusion, this study provides new insights on the prevalence and diversity of different RV species in pig herds of Eastern Australia whilst demonstrating the ability of the Pork MultiPath™ technology to accurately differentiate between these RV species.  相似文献   
Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) exerts a major impact on the beef cattle industry nationally and worldwide, with a range of aetiological factors impacting its pathogenesis. Previous research has focussed on an increasing number of bacteria and viruses that have been shown to play a role in eliciting disease. Recently, additional agents have been emerging as potential contributors to BRD, including the opportunistic pathogen Ureaplasma diversum. To determine if U. diversum was present in Australian feedlot cattle and if that presence was linked to BRD, nasal swabs were collected from a cohort of 34 hospital pen animals and compared to 216 apparently healthy animals sampled contemporaneously at feedlot induction and again after 14 days on feed at an Australian feedlot. All samples were subjected to a de novo polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay targeting U. diversum in combination with other BRD agents. U. diversum was detected at a low prevalence in cattle at induction (Day 0: 6.9%, Day 14: 9.7%), but in a significantly greater proportion of cattle sampled from the hospital pen (58.8%). When considering the presence of other BRD-associated agents, co-detection of U. diversum and Mycoplasma bovis was most common in hospital pen animals receiving treatment for BRD. These findings suggest that U. diversum may be an opportunistic pathogen involved in the aetiology of BRD in Australian feedlot cattle, in combination with other agents, with further studies are warranted to identify if a causal relationship exists.  相似文献   
The South African Dorper is an important terminal meat sire breed in Africa that was recently imported into the United States. The objective of this study was to evaluate the Dorper as a terminal meat sire breed for U.S. production. Semen from purebred Dorper sires was used to artificially inseminate Columbia ewes to produce F1 crossbred lambs. Growth and carcass characteristics of F1 Dorper-Columbia lambs (n = 165), F1 Suffolk-Columbia (n = 89), and purebred Columbia lambs (n = 207) were compared based on subsets of the total number of animals. The F1 Dorper lambs grew significantly slower (313 g x d(-1)) and weighed less (29.8 kg) than F1 Suffolk- (357 g x d(-1), 33.5 kg) and Columbia-sired lambs (328 g x d(-1), 31 kg) at 77 d of age. However, at a weaning age of 118 d weaning weight and ADG did not differ (P > 0.20) among sire breed groups. Postweaning growth of F1 Dorper(239 g xd(-1)) wether lambs did not differ from that of purebred Columbia wethers (230 g x d(-1)) but was less than that of F1 Suffolk lambs (259 g x d(-1); P= 0.09). Feed efficiency did not differ among breed types. Breed types had similar dressing percentages (53%), shoulder fat depth (2.8 mm), body wall thickness (3 cm), leg conformation score (Choice), Yield grade (2.4), and Quality grade (Choice). Weight of wholesale shoulders and racks made up approximately 38% of the carcass weight in the Columbia and F1 Suffolk-Columbia type but only 33% in the F1 Dorper-Columbia lambs. However, the more expensive wholesale loins from F1 Dorpers were heavier (P < 0.01) than the other breed types. Total weights of wholesale legs were similar among F1 Dorpers and F1 Suffolks but were heavier than those for the purebred Columbia (P < 0.05). Percentages of total wholesale primal cuts were similar among breed types (P > 0.10). Chemical composition of the carcass did not differ significantly between breed types with a mean composition of 52% moisture, 30% lipid (ether extract), 17% protein, and 0.76% ash. Warner-Bratzler shear force values were less (P < 0.05) and sensory panel ratings for tenderness were significantly more favorable for lamb chops from Dorper sired lambs. Dorper rams can be used as terminal meat sires to produce lambs whose growth rate to 118 d of weaning age, postweaning ADG and feed efficiency, and carcass characteristics are similar to that of Suffolk crossbred lambs and purebred Columbia lambs but with a slight improvement in tenderness.  相似文献   
Three Angus steers (410 kg) cannulated in the proximal duodenum were used in a replicated 3 x 3 Latin square to evaluate the effects of dietary lipid level and oil source on ruminal biohydrogenation and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) outflow. Dietary treatments included: 1) typical corn (TC; 79.2% typical corn), 2) high-oil corn (HOC; 79.2% high-oil corn), and 3) the TC diet with corn oil added to supply an amount of lipid equal to the HOC diet (OIL; 76.9% TC + 2.4% corn oil). Duodenal samples were collected for 4 d following 10-d diet adaptation periods. Data were analyzed with animal, square, period, and treatment in the model and planned, nonorthogonal contrasts were used to test the effects of dietary lipid content (TC vs HOC and OIL) and oil source (HOC vs OIL) on ruminal biohydrogenation. Intake and duodenal flow of total long-chain fatty acids were increased (P < 0.05) by over 63% for diets containing more lipid regardless of oil source. Apparent ruminal dry matter and long chain fatty acid digestibilities were not altered (P > 0.05) by dietary lipid level or oil source. Ruminal biohydrogenation of total and individual 18-carbon unsaturated fatty acids was greater (P < 0.05) for diets with higher lipid content. Biohydrogenation of oleic acid was greater (P < 0.05) for HOC than OIL, but biohydrogenation of linoleic acid was lower (P < 0.05) for HOC than OIL. Duodenal flows of palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, and arachidic acids were more than 30% greater (P < 0.05) for diets containing more lipid. Flow of all trans-octadecenoic acids was greater (P < 0.05) for diets containing more lipid. Corn oil addition increased (P < 0.05) the flow of trans-10 octadecenoic acid and the trans-10, cis-12 isomer of CLA by threefold compared to feeding high-oil corn. Feeding high-oil corn or adding corn oil to typical corn rations increased intake, biohydrogenation, and duodenal flow of unsaturated long-chain fatty acids. Compared with high-oil corn diets, addition of corn oil increased duodenal flow of trans-10, trans-12 and cis-12 isomers of octadecenoic acid and the trans-10, cis-12 isomer of CLA. The amount of cis-9, trans-11 isomer of conjugated linoleic acid flowing to the duodenum was less than 260 mg/d, a value over 20 times lower than flow of trans-11 vaccenic acid indicating the importance of tissue desaturation for enhanced conjugated linoleic acid content of beef.  相似文献   
Summary Various cardiorespiratory and metabolic indices were assessed during treadmill exercise in Thoroughbred and Standardbred racehorses with T wave changes in 4 or more leads on the electrocardiogram or second-degree atrio-ventricular (AV) block, and in horses that had no abnormalities on clinical examination, resting electrocardiography or upper respiratory tract endoscopy. No significant differences in heart rate, plasma lactate concentration, arterial blood gases, oxygen uptake, run time, peak velocity, or blood and red cell volumes were found between normal horses and horses with T wave changes or second-degree AV block. These results indicate that some electrocardiographic findings that are considered by some clinicians to indicate cardiac dysfunction, may have little effect on exercise capacity.  相似文献   
The application of polymer matrix ear tags impregnated with 8.5% w/w cypermethrin to 6 wethers following shearing reduced lice to non-detectable levels on 4 of them at 29 weeks after tagging. At the conclusion of the study at 45 weeks the mean count of lice on tagged wethers was 3 per sheep compared to 158 on untreated wethers. In a second experiment, 6 non-infected sheep were treated at shearing with cypermethrin tags, 6 with 25 g/l cypermethrin backline formulation, 6 with tags plus backline and 6 were left untreated. Each group was exposed to 6 sheep with moderate to heavy infestations of lice. Compared to controls, all treatments delayed infestation, but cypermethrin tags gave no longer protection than backline treatment. All sheep were infested by 17 weeks after commencement of the study. At 45 weeks mean counts of lice were 38, 27, 20 and 74 respectively for sheep treated with tags, backline formulation, backline plus tags and untreated. Possible reasons for the better effect observed from applying tags to infested sheep than to sheep which were not infected at application but which were subsequently exposed to infested sheep are discussed.  相似文献   
To assess the effects of feeding high-oil corn on carcass characteristics and meat quality, 60 yearling steers were fed high concentrate diets containing either control corn (82% of diet), high-oil corn (82% of diet), or high-oil corn at a concentration that was isocaloric with the control diet (74% of diet). After being fed for 84 d, steers were slaughtered. At 72 h postmortem, carcass data were collected and rib sections from five steers grading U.S. Choice and five steers grading U.S. Select from each treatment were collected, vacuum packaged, and aged for 14 d. Three steaks (2.54 cm thick) were removed from each rib for Warner-Bratzler shear force measurement, sensory appraisal, and fatty acid composition analyses. Data were analyzed with treatment as the main effect for the carcass data and treatment, quality grade, and two-way interaction in the model for the longissimus data. The two-way interaction was nonsignificant (P > 0.05) for all variables tested. No differences were detected (P > 0.05) in carcass measurements except for marbling scores and quality grades, both of which were greater (P < 0.05) for carcasses from steers fed the high-oil corn. Overall, 78% of steers fed the high-oil corn graded U.S. Choice compared with 47% for the control and 67% for isocaloric group. Shear force and sensory properties of the longissimus were not different (P > 0.05) among treatments. Steaks from U.S. Choice carcasses rated higher (P < 0.05) for tenderness and tended to rate higher (P < 0.10) for juiciness. Feeding the isocaloric and high-oil diets increased (P < 0.05) linoleic acid, arachidonic acid, and the total PUFA content of lipid extracted from the longissimus. Saturated fatty acid percentage was lowest (P < 0.05) for high-oil corn and highest (P < 0.05) for control, with isocaloric being intermediate. Feeding high-oil corn increased (P < 0.05) pentadecyclic acid, margaric acid, and total odd-chain fatty acid content. Feeding high-oil corn in finishing beef cattle diets enhanced intramuscular lipid deposition and increased unsaturation of fatty acids of the longissimus.  相似文献   
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