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The effect of heat stress on the components of grain weight was analysed in wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) varieties differing in grain weight stability. The wheat varieties PBW154, Sonalika and Hindi62 were raised in the field (New Delhi, India; 77°12' E, 28°40' N, 228.6 m a.s.l.) at three dates of sowing: 19 November 1992 (DOS I), 14 December 1992 (DOS II) and 18 January 1993 (DOS III). The late-sown crop (DOS III) experienced 6–8 °C warmer temperatures during grain development than the crop sown at the normal time (DOS I). The heat susceptibility index (S) revealed that grain weight was less susceptible to heat in Sonalika and PBW154 than in Hindi62. Heat stress reduced both the grain growth duration (GGD) and the grain growth rate (GGR). The grain weight reduction in PBW154 and Sonalika was mainly due to a reduction in GGR, while that of Hindi62 was due to a reduction in GGD. In vivo studies on starch and protein synthesis in excised endosperm at 15, 25 and 35 °C revealed that both processes were more thermotolerant in Hindi62 than in PBW154. The grain starch content was stable in Hindi62 while that in PBW154 was significantly reduced under heat stress. The grain nitrogen content at maturity increased in both varieties under heat stress. It was concluded that the heat susceptibility of grain weight in Hindi62 was mainly due to a reduction in GGD, although GGR, starch and protein synthesis were more thermotolerant in developing grains of Hindi62 than in those of PBW154.  相似文献   
Legumes contain a range of non‐nutritional phytochemicals that may have health‐promoting effects in humans. In this study, we determined the concentrations of four phytoestrogens (coumestrol, apigenin, luteolin and quercetin) in field‐grown alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Differences between plants of different stages of maturity, between plant parts, and different canopy segments were assessed. The concentration of individual phytoestrogen in whole herbage varied between 15 and 225 μg g?1 dry matter (DM) and was strongly affected by stage of maturity. Coumestrol and apigenin concentrations were highest at early vegetative stages, luteolin and quercetin at early vegetative and late flowering stages. All phytoestrogens were found in lowest concentrations at the early flowering stage (average 68 μg g?1 DM); stage at which alfalfa is usually harvested when used as a forage source for animals. At vegetative stages, apigenin was the predominant phytoestrogen in herbage followed by coumestrol, the reverse being observed upon initiation of flowering; luteolin and quercetin were found at all stages in similarly lower concentrations. Concentrations of luteolin, quercetin and apigenin were 225, 410 and 690 % greater, respectively, in flowers than in leaves or stems; coumestrol concentration was similar between plant parts. In flowers and stems the predominant phytoestrogens were apigenin and quercetin, followed by coumestrol and luteolin. Similar concentrations (average 26 μg g?1 DM) of each of the four phytoestrogens were found in leaves. Concentrations through the herbage canopy varied and were greatest at >60 cm from the soil surface for apigenin and coumestrol, but greatest at >60 and 0–20 cm for quercetin and at 0–20 cm for luteolin. The results suggest that if alfalfa is to be used as a source of phytoestrogens and is harvested for the production of herbal supplements or nutraceuticals, management will need to be adapted.  相似文献   
Grain yield and yield components (grains per ear, grain weight, 1000-grain weight, ear weight, ear seed ratio and dry matter partitioning between ear and seed) were examined in a wheat genotype (PBW-343) with well-filled grains and a Triticale genotype (DT-46) with poorly filled grains (showing grain shrivelling) grown in pots. Six days after anthesis (DAA), benzyladenine (BA) @2 µg ear−1 and abscisic acid (ABA) @4 µg ear−1 were injected at the base of the mother shoot ear in both species. It was observed that, in both wheat and Triticale , BA increased the grain weight, grain number and partitioning of dry matter between ear and seed, whereas ABA decreased the grain weight, grain number and dry matter partitioning between ear and seed. However, these decreases were slower in Triticale than in wheat. BA treatment increased the grain dry matter accumulation, which in turn resulted in better filling of grains and increased the grain weight in both wheat and Triticale . The average grain weight of Triticale was lower than that of wheat. Thus, it appears that variation in grain weight between wheat and Triticale might be due to different availabilities of growth-promoting phytohormones such as cytokinins and assimilates.  相似文献   
Twelve (54.5%) of 22 free-roaming dogs in Ishigaki Island had tick infestation identified as Rhipicephalus sanguineus. There were 121 ticks recovered and consisted of 28 females, 58 males, 22 nymphs and 3 larvae. Infection of dogs possibly with canine ehrlichial pathogens was examined by both indirect immunofluorescence assay and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Two dogs of the 13 examined were sero-positive for the human granulocytic ehrlichia agent, and one of two dogs was PCR positive for Ehrlichia platys. This dog had platelet numbers slightly lower than normal value, however, no morulae were found within platelet on peripheral blood smear stained with Giemsa.  相似文献   
Abstract – The reproductive biology of three species of rainbowfish (Melanotaeniidae) in northeastern Australian rainforest streams was investigated. Two species, Melanotaenia eachamensis and Cairnsichthys rhombosomoides are endemic to the area, whereas the third, M. splendida splendida, is more widespread. The species were all highly fecund, producing many hundreds of eggs between 1.10 and 1.24 mm in diameter. Melanotaenia eachamensis was the most fecund, produced the largest eggs of the three species, and consequently exhibited the greatest maternal investment (as measured by gonadosomatic index). The majority of reproductive effort occurred during the dry season, although reproductively active fish were present year-round for each of the species, but particularly so for M. s. splendida and C. rhombosomoides. No evidence for a role by temperature or photoperiod as environmental cues for reproduction was found, and it was suggested that gonad development was strongly tied to somatic growth. The concentration of reproduction to the dry season ensures that larvae are produced during a period of relatively stable and benign physical conditions. Comparison of temporal changes in gonadosomatic index values suggest that the spawning season of M. eachamensis , which occurs in high-elevation streams, is more restricted and commences about 1 month earlier than either other species. A similar phenology was observed for the M. s. splendida population found at high elevation and highlights the potential for spatial differences in stream productivity to influence life history. Note  相似文献   
Since the International Society of Veterinary Acupuncture (IVAS) was founded in 1974, acupuncture (AP) has received greater acceptance by veterinary professionals throughout the world. This article introduces some important animal diseases that respond well to AP therapy. These include resuscitation of small animals, treatment of anoestrous gilts and sows, bovine reproductive disease, canine vertebral problems and equine backpain, etc. Conventional medicine considers these to be difficult cases to treat. Veterinarians have become more aware of the benefits of AP especially for those diseases, thanks to the efforts of experienced practitioners and scientists, and the many published reports on veterinary AP that have introduced some good indications for AP therapy in veterinary practice. Possible mechanisms behind the effectiveness of AP are discussed. This article aims to introduce veterinarians to good indications for AP to initiate their interest in the practice of AP. Although this is a rapidly expanding field, a long march must begin with one step. We wish this article to be the shoes for such a march. For more information on veterinary AP, contact IVAS , P.O. Box 1478, Longmont, CO.. 80502, USA (http://www.ivas.org), or your national veterinary acupuncture society (http://www.komvet.at/ ivadkom/vapsocs.htm).  相似文献   
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