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本文应用动力学研究方法比较了具有不同耐盐性的3组共6个水稻基因型对NaCl吸收和运转的差异,结果表明,在外部低NaCl浓度(0.1mmolL~(-1)时,水稻对Na~+的吸收为被动吸收,耐盐基因型对Na~+的吸收速率显著低于盐敏感基因型;对Cl~-的吸收为主动吸收,不同耐盐性基因型吸收Cl~-的动力学参数(V_(?)、K_(?))差异不显著,在外部高NaCl浓度(50mmolL~(-1))时,耐盐基因型对Na~+和cl~-的吸收速率均低于对应的盐敏感基因型。耐盐基因型水稻的Na~+、cl-从根部向地上部的运转率低于对应的盐敏感基因型,这种差异在高盐浓度时更为明显。表明了耐盐基因型水稻地上部对NaCl的排斥作用是吸收控制和运转控制共同作用的结果,使地上部Na~+、Cl-含量相对降低而显出较高的耐盐性。  相似文献   
Foliage of Afzelia africana, Pterocarpus erinaceus and Khaya senegalensis, from 10 trees per species, was collected every two weeks during the late dry, rainy and cool season to determine the seasonal effects on chemical composition. Fifteen rams of the Djallonké breed, weighing on average 20.0 kg, were used to evaluate the voluntary intake and digestibility of hay of A. gayanus, foliage of A. africana (as a sole feed), and A. africana, P. erinaceus and K. senegalensis offered with 30% of the diet as A. gayanus hay. The crude protein (CP) content of A. africana, and P. erinaceus decreased significantly from the late dry season to the cool season when that of K. senegalensis tended to increase. The mean CP of A. africana, P. erinaceus and K. senegalensis differed significantly (173 g, 139 g and 114 g/kg DM, respectively). The DM intake of A. africana offered with hay (571 g/d) or as a sole feed (598 g/d) were not significantly different, but was higher than that of P. erinaceus (428 g/d) and K. senegalensis (298 g/d). The digestibility calculated by difference of DM and CP of A. africana (582 g/kg DM and 795 g/kg CP, respectively) did not differ significantly from A. africana as a sole feed, but were higher than for the other species. The nutritive value of A. africana seems to justify the high preference of herders for this species.  相似文献   
学校发展以教师为本,教师素质以师德为先。要在高校加强师德师风建设,一方面教师要提高自身的师德水平,树立良好的为人师表和教书育人的形象,另一方面学校要坚持以人为本的管理理念,全面关心和爱护教师的切身利益,建立科学的管理体系和灵活的运行机制,为师德师风建设提供保障,努力探索加强师德师风建设、培养优秀人才的新途径、新方法。  相似文献   
Cyanobacteria are important components of the lowland rice ecosystem. Therefore, it is important to examine the effect of herbicides (commonly used against weeds of rice crop) on the performance of cyanobacteria. We studied the toxic effects of three herbicides often used in rice field, viz. propanil, pretilachlor and glyphosate, on the performance traits of Anabaena fertilissima C.B. Rao. Pretilachlor [0–40 active ingredient (ai) mg/L] and glyphosate (0–80 ai mg/L) exhibited toxicity to A. fertilissima at higher doses than propanil (0–1.5 mg/L). Propanil had severe damaging effects on cellular characteristics of A. fertilissima when compared to pretilachlor or glyphosate. Propanil treatment of A. fertilissima resulted in the leakage of protoplast from the heterocyst due to the breakage of the plasma membrane and surrounding wall. Our study shows that photosystem II herbicides such as propanil could have deleterious effects on phototrophic (cyanobacterial) communities, which are an integral part of the rice ecosystem.  相似文献   
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) were developed to measure IgE antibodies specific for Dermatophagoides farinae in dogs and cats. Although higher levels were detected in atopic dogs and cats than in normal animals without skin disease, the differences were not statistically significant. On the other hand, levels in dogs and cats that were reared under laboratory conditions, and thus presumably not exposed to house dust mites, were either very low or undetectable. IgE antibodies were induced in 10 laboratory-reared cats using low-dose antigenic stimulation in aluminium hydroxide. All cats developed detectable IgE, but not all developed positive skin tests. However, serum from those cats with positive skin tests were able to give positive Prausnitz–Küstner (PK) tests. The canine data, together with previous work on basophil histamine release, suggests that the distinction between atopic and normal dogs may result from a heterogeneity of either IgE or of the high-affinity mast cell receptor. The feline data can only be explained by the existence of a heterogeneity of IgE.  相似文献   
Several disease indices (DI) have been proposed to assess the severity of phoma stem canker at late growth stages. The DI commonly used in France (called G2 DI) consists of integrating the distribution of the proportions of plants observed within six canker severity classes into a single index. This index uses arbitrarily chosen coefficients associated to each class of canker severity. A given value of this DI can therefore be obtained with different distributions among the canker severity classes. Consequently, it is important to assess to what extent the G2 DI is representative of the distribution of plants in canker severity classes. We show in this study that the G2 DI is a good indicator of the distribution of the observed canker severities, using a dataset from different years, sites and cultivars; this illustrates the robustness of the G2 DI.  相似文献   
In this study salt-free dyeing cotton fabric was achieved by grafting thiourea to cotton fibers, where the thiourea grafted cotton fabric (TUGCF) was prepared by epoxidizing cotton fibers with epichlorohydrin in water and subsequently grafting in aqueous solution of thiourea. Fourier transform infrared spectra (FTIR) and XPS of the TUGCF indicated that a great amount of epoxy groups from the epoxidized cotton fibers reacted with amino groups from thiourea. The TUGCF fabric prepared at the optimum condition and subsequently dyed with reactive dyes in the absence of salt displayed significantly enhanced color strength, showing better dyeing properties when compared with the untreated cotton fabric dyed with conventional methods, in terms of washing fastness, rubbing fastness, and levelness. It was found that the dyeing performance of Reactive Red B-3BF followed a Langmuir-type adsorption curve when used to salt-free dye the TUGCF.  相似文献   
对20个杉木不同家系的苗木进行磷素营养要求试验,1年生苗木盆栽试验结果表明:杉木不同家系苗木对磷素营养反应敏感,2g磷处理使苗高、地径分别增益3.7%—96.5%、7.4%—61.1%,4g磷处理使苗高、地径分别增益2.1%—83.1%、3.7%—57.9%,杉木苗期需要磷素营养。三明38、三明67、三明48、三明58四个家系生长比较理想,在0g磷处理下,1年生平均苗高13.0—15.99cm,平均地径0.23—0.27cm,这4个家系具有更大的生长潜力,20个家系间对磷素营养要求方面不存在显著的差异。  相似文献   
Epidemics of Peronospora parasitica are strongly affected by temperature and air moisture, and the interaction of these factors. Because a significant percentage of radish plants are grown in greenhouses, it may be possible to influence epidemics by altering the greenhouse climate. The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that epidemics of P. parasitica can be modelled by the effects of air temperature and moisture in the greenhouse. Such a model could then be used to analyse greenhouse climate control strategies with regard to managing downy mildew. Five radish crops were grown under greenhouse conditions with set-points for heating and ventilation intended to obtain favourable conditions for disease development during the first part of the growing cycle. Subsequent to this first phase, unfavourable conditions were set until harvest. Disease incidence was measured once a week until the radishes reached marketable size. In addition, experiments were carried out in growth chambers in which inoculated plants were subjected to air temperatures between 8 and 27°C, and disease incidence and sporulation intensity were measured. Data from these two experiments were then used to estimate model parameters. In this model, the interactions of air temperature (T) and water vapour saturation deficit (SD) were adequately described by a multiplicative relationship. The simulated epidemics by the fitted model were highly correlated with the observed epidemics (r = 0.91, R 2 = 0.83, n = 29). Parameter estimates indicated that T of ca. 20°C and SD < 0.03 hPa resulted in the highest rates of disease development and that the rate was zero when SD > 2.0 hPa. Both experimental data and simulations showed that epidemics of P. parasitica can be effectively controlled by managing the greenhouse climate.  相似文献   
A study was conducted to assess the role and effectiveness of community organisers in supporting the development of people’s organisations in achieving community-based forest management objectives in Leyte Province Philippines. Community organisers were found to be effective in forming people’s organisations (POs), motivating people to participate in voluntary activities organised by POs and encouraging cohesiveness among PO members. Community organisers manage to raise the level of environmental awareness and knowledge of members of people’s organisations, develop leadership interest and skills, create various livelihood opportunities and provide direction and facilitate the establishment of large tree plantations. However, the short duration of community organisers’ contracts (typically two years) is insufficient to establish mature and cohesive POs prepared to assume management on their own, including the management of tree plantations. Further, lack of training and funding support, low wages, delayed payment of salaries and limited time to work with people’s organisations, as well as the pressure to produce tangible outputs such the establishment of large tree plantations, prevents them from placing greater emphasis on the development and empowerment of the people.  相似文献   
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