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羔羊全营养代乳粉对羔羊增重影响的试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究羔羊出生后采取人工饲喂代乳粉溶液的效果,对10日龄羔羊称重,以平均日增重与母乳组比较,用t检验方法检验差异显著性。研究结果显示羔羊平均日增重试验组为0.097-0.126kg,母乳组为0.071-0.113kg,二者没有显著差异。在生产中,代乳粉能替代绵羊母乳饲喂羔羊,对多胎品系羊的推广应用以及解决绵羊缺乳、少乳或无乳问题具有重要意义。  相似文献   
当今社会科技日新月异,推动着社会文明进程和经济的快速发展,全球犬业呈现出蓬勃生机。纵观国内外犬业发展史,大多以优良品种、训用技术技能、器具研发为犬业的三大支柱,三方面强则犬业兴。笔者现就发展我国犬业的思考抛砖引玉,愿与犬业界有识之士共商。  相似文献   
Abstract. The repeated application of pig slurry to agricultural soils may result in an accumulation of salts and a risk of aquifer pollution due to nitrate leaching and salinization. Under Mediterranean conditions, a field experiment on a sandy loam soil (Typic Xerofluvent) was performed with maize (Zea mays) in 1998, 1999 and 2001 to study the effects of applying optimal (P1) and excessive rates (P3) of pig slurry on soil salinization, nitrate leaching and groundwater pollution. The rate of pig slurry was established considering the optimal N rate for maize in this soil (170, 162 and 176 kg N ha?1 for 1998, 1999 and 2001, respectively). Pig slurry treatments were compared to an optimal N rate supplied as urea (U) and a control treatment without N fertilizer (P0). The composition of the slurries showed great variability between years. Mean NO3? leaching losses from 1998 to 2001 were 329, 215, 173 and 78 kg N ha?1 for P3, P1, U and P0 treatments, respectively. The amount of total dissolved salts (TDS) added to the soil in slurry application between 1998 and 2001 was 2019 kg TDS ha?1 for the P1 treatment and 6058 kg TDS ha?1 for the P3 treatment. As a consequence, the electrical conductivity (EC) of the slurry‐treated soils was greater than that of the control soil. The EC correlated significantly with the sodium concentration of the soil solution. Over the entire experimental period, 2653, 2202 and 2110 kg Na ha?1 entered the aquifer from the P3, P1 and P0 treatments, respectively. The P3 treatment did not significantly increase grain production in 1999 and 2001 compared with that achieved with the optimal N rate treatment (P1). This behaviour shows the importance of establishing application guidelines for pig slurry that will reduce the risk of soil and groundwater pollution.  相似文献   
采用样线与样方相结合的调查方法,根据点相关系数及X^2值连续性较正公式,测定了小兴安岭凉水自然保护区具有环境梯度的7个森林类型内主要蕨类植物的种间联结。结果表明:各林型均有其适生的蕨类类群,与该类群呈正联结的蕨类种其数量分布也多,反之刚少;具有环境梯度的不同林型序列,反映出蕨类植物适生生境的不同,据此,将本区主要蕨类植物分为4种生态类型。  相似文献   
不同生态型大白菜抽薹时内源激素含量比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
大白菜〔Brassicacampestrissubspeciespekinesis(Lour. )Olsson〕先期抽薹一直困扰着春大白菜和高纬度、高海拔地区的大白菜生产。为育成冬性较强不易抽薹的品种,大白菜晚抽薹特性及利用的研究逐渐成为新的热点。不同生态型的大白菜品种,在相同的环境条件下冬性越强越不易抽薹。国外对控制或减轻未熟抽薹的环境条件有较多报道〔1~3〕,本研究主要探讨了低温处理后不同生态型的大白菜品种抽薹时内源生长素类 (IAA、IPA)、赤霉素类(GA3、GA4 )、细胞分裂素类 (ZR、DHZR)和脱落酸(ABA)含量差异,以期为选育具有较强冬性的大白菜品…  相似文献   
金梅枣为河南省南时大枣研究所培育的特晚熟鲜食极品。金梅枣果实特别大,近圆形,成熟期为金红色,形似李梅。平均单果重30克左右,最大过重65克,色泽光洁美丽,皮薄肉脆,细嫩多汁,甜似蜂蜜,枣味香浓郁,品质顶级。可食率93.8%,含水率65.4%,含糖量32.2%,维生素C含量352mg,蛋白质1.65%,含人体所需的氨基酸19种。金梅枣药用价值也特别高,每百克果肉中含环磷酸腺苷50mg,这种物质对人体癌细胞具有极强的破坏和抑制作  相似文献   
袋鼠花的组织培养   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
刘春  穆鼎 《园艺学报》2003,30(1):113-115
 对袋鼠花( Anigozanthos) 组织培养研究表明: 外植体消毒以0. 1 %升汞溶液浸泡, 7~8 min 为宜; 不同浓度激素对其愈伤组织形成、分化以及根的形成有不同的影响, 随着62BA 浓度的增加, 愈伤组织的诱导率有增加的趋势; 生长素与分裂素的比例决定着愈伤组织的分化; 小苗在1/ 2 MS 培养基上生根最好, 6-BA 对其生根有抑制作用。各培养阶段最适培养基: (1) 愈伤, MS + 6-BA 1 mg/L + NAA 0. 1 mg/L +3 %活性炭; (2) 芽诱导, MS + 6-BA 0. 5 mg/L + NAA 0. 5 mg/L ; (3) 生根, 1/ 2 MS + IBA 0. 2 mg/L。  相似文献   
A 29-yr-old chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) presented after an acute onset of right facial and forearm paresis that progressed to paralysis within 24 hr, with subsequent development of right leg paresis. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the head revealed an abnormal region of increased signal intensity in the left frontal, parietal, and temporal cerebral hemispheres, corresponding to the vascular territory of the middle cerebral artery, with resultant compression of the left lateral ventricle. The findings were consistent with a cerebral infarct (stroke). MRI is the most sensitive test for early detection of cerebral changes due to ischemia and was essential in obtaining a diagnosis in this case. The chimpanzee responded well to treatment with long-term anticoagulant aspirin and a short, tapered course of prednisone and regained full gross motor function.  相似文献   
The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of quebracho tannins extract (QTE) on feed intake, dry matter (DM) digestibility, and methane (CH4) emissions in cattle fed low-quality Pennisetum purpureum grass. Five heifers (Bos taurus × Bos indicus) with an average live weight (LW) of 295 ± 19 kg were allotted to five treatments (0, 1, 2, 3, and 4% QTE/kg DM) in a 5 × 5 Latin square design. Intake, digestibility, and total methane emissions (L/day) were recorded for periods of 23 h when cattle were housed in open-circuit respiration chambers. Dry matter intake (DMI), organic matter intake (OMI), dry matter digestibility (DMD), and organic matter digestibility (OMD) were different between treatments with 0 and 4% of QTE/kg DM (P < 0.05). Total volatile fatty acid and the molar proportion of acetate in the rumen was not affected (P < 0.05); however, the molar proportion of propionate increased linearly (P < 0.01) for treatments with 3 and 4% QTE. Total CH4 production decreased linearly (P < 0.01) as QTE increased in the diet, particularly with 3 and 4% concentration. When expressed as DMI and OMI by CH4, production (L/kg) was different between treatments with 0 vs 3 and 4% QTE (P < 0.05). It is concluded that the addition of QTE at 2 or 3% of dry matter ration can decrease methane production up to 29 and 41%, respectively, without significantly compromising feed intake and nutrients digestibility.  相似文献   
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